"There is ZERO limit to what your elites will do to dispossess and fuck you."

True. This is why Luigi Mangione is a hero to a lot of people.

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I support Luigi Mangione. Thompson was exactly the type of managerial piece of shit who is responsible.for the downfall of the West. People like Thompson fuck over lower income chuds all in the name of squeezing more and more for themselves and their families, while our kids are stuck going to school/having to share public spaces with 3rd world animals.

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Thompson worked in an industry that profits off the pain and misfortune of so many people. Moreover, the company he worked for led the way in denying claims. Thompson won't be missed.

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Luigi was a midwit and Brian Thompson had less of an elite background than he did but I have to say I'm glad to see the counter elite starting to get violent.

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I know the area you describe well. Where I grew up in Southern Ontario, the changes were starting but were no cause for concern. Immigration was supplying Chinese food restaurants and corner store owners, that hand full of kids at your school or work... no big deal. But the spaces you lived in were still European: French, Italian, Anglo... the language you heard, was one of the above, the aesthetics were rustic or tough working class or even pleasing to the eye ... there was beauty, a lot of that and still is in the beautiful country homes or town architecture, but nothing that offended your soul and made you contemplate being a Stranger in a Strange land. The signs were in the character of the people: TV addicted, materialistic, morally relativistic, the churches empty, uninterested in finer things or history.... "That was the beginning..." as they say in Dr. Zhivago ... "of the revolution.... "... in this case the replacement revolution. Today, you can still end up in a quaint theatre in small town Canada, listening to a retro cover band... and everyone there is European.... but the grey hair!.... everywhere.... In 10 years, 20 they'll all be gone, or institutionalized. And this theatre will be showing Bollywood or worse. It's all deadly serious now and we all need to start thinking of those 7 generations who will follow us and their fate.

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Only a fucking moron can expect the people of one tradition to feel at ease when their country is flooded with hordes of foreigners who whether equal, superior, or inferior biologically are so antipodal in physical, emotional, and intellectual makeup that harmonious coalescence is virtually impossible.

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Or a liberal government hack

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"I am to accept their sexual degenerate sons into the same classrooms as my future daughters and young female relatives? WHY!?"

Because the hostile elite currently running and deliberately ruining the West is even more sadistic than the migrant proxies they are importing.

Anarcho-Tyranny has been replaced by a Sadomasochistic Police State.

It will stay that way until... Well, let's just put it this way: This insanity is not going to stop itself.

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This deliberate genocide doesn’t end until Whites stand up and collectively, flat-out, refuse to comply!

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True. But the problem there is that "White" is just a general racial descriptor. It doesn't define an actual culture group capable of acting in and defending its own interests as in other cases.

That's not saying it can't happen. It can. How? By Whites defending themselves in the same way they're being attacked - as Whites. But that might take more time than they seem to have at the moment. So it's a race against the clock.

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It is shocking to me to read articles like this. What has happened to Canada? We, here in the U.S., still have a fighting chance. If Trudeau gets what he has coming, maybe Canada will still have a chance.

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We have a chance. We are still about 68% of the total population and there is a lot of land. But the people.... clueless ... at least 10 years behind the US or Europe on the cutting issues of our time. They will still be telling you their pronouns and celebrating the broken public health system when they are nailing the coffin shut on us. .... Unless something wakes them up

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Even with 0 immigration and 100% enforcement of existing laws, Whites still become a minority around 2040. Due to birth rates and birth right citizenship this cannot be changed without deporting non-Whites who are citizens. No one is even talking about this in public, much less anyone in power.

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There have been more violent political upsets in less time.

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Very true.

Which is why I push for local resiliency and getting to know your neighbors. It's not likely to be top-down, except perhaps a speech by a true Leader calling people to do something (right before he gets marched off, never to be seen again). So we must be prepared for that. Or for nobody speaking up, and just doing what needs to be done.

No one is coming to save us, and there is no voting our way out of this.

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We are our own worse enemies, since most of us believe in the liberal fantasy. Those of us who don't will need to do the planning. An organized minority can defeat a disorganized majority.

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Not exactly true. I listened to pollievre talk about deporting the tens (likely hundreds) of thousands of student visa overstays, asylum no's, criminals etc if elected. He needs to be held to that.

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What isn't true?

I said that deporting illegals isn't enough, we'd have to deport non-White legal citizens. You seem to be saying this is incorrect because some guy wants to deport illegals. Which I said isn't enough to noticeably change demographics.

I was talking about the US; the date I see for Canada is around 2050. But the argument still holds; there are enough young non-Whites that Canada and the USA will become majority non-White in 15-30 years. Unless we deport legal citizens for no reason other than their ethnicity, which isn't going to happen.

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Deport the legal immigrants. It’s the only way to regain the lost ground.

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SHITCAN all of them!

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They will be fewer and farther between.

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You’re delusional if you think that the United States is any better than Canada. Have you looked into the border crisis lately? Not only that we have our own American blacks who view crime as their entitlement for 400 years of slavery! Wake tf up.

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America's relationship with blacks is horrifying... A mass human sacrifice of hundreds if not millions of white kids to violence and rape, all for useless christian religious madnesses.

(and no I will NEVER forgive christian conservatives for this. Leftists were willing to fight for what they believed in, Christian Conservatives all had the option to embrace the white nationalist churches or simply insist on non-egalitarian sects and readings and didn't)

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At least some parts of america have the courage to stand up for their race. That's virtually unheard of in the west these days.

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There are more protests that occur all over Europe over minority malfeasance.

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There are individuals who call out what's happening and try to stand up to it, but rarely entire communities.

In the US there's whole regions who can see what's happening and are willing to push back.

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I don't know. Politically, sure. It's a bit easier when you have two parties to vote for and one is a populist.

But right-wingers have protested in the thousands in Europe over various issues, from immigration to terrorism to COVID regulations.

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Very few. Most conservatives are terrified of being called a racist

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You have quite a mouth on you. And your own hardened opinions.

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Fully justified in this; many of my fellow citizens think that because Trump, the constitution or the Second Amendment we are better off than Europeans or Canadians. I say we are worse off because Trump puts conservatives to sleep, won’t fix the border and is Israel’s bitch. Blacks are infinitely better behaved in France; at least you don’t see them stealing carts of goods out of stores and harassing people in public transport.

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Their arabs are far worse than our blacks though. They are like our blacks, but with the ability to be somewhat organized and cohesive.


Those aren't opinions, those are observations repeated over decades. There is no argument for allowing non-Whites in our nation except, "awww, that gives me the bad feels." Which was a powerful enough argument for Christian conservatives (and atheist conservatives, tbf) to sell their birthright and allow their country and their supposed beliefs to be destroyed.

I know a lot of online people that are devout Christians and pro-White, but I often wonder at their priorities. How susceptible they'd be to a different interpretation of their beliefs if RL pressure was put on them. A fair number of those people also admit to taking the vax, which I as an agnostic still think of as the Mark of the Beast.



Maybe I'm being selfish but I'm still glad Trump won. Besides the entertainment of watching shitlibs melt down, including 400# women shaving their heads and claiming they won't have sex with men any more, it gives me time to prepare. I wasn't quite where I wanted to be in 2024, but certainly will be by 2028. All of us should be doing this, preparing in our own ways for the struggle that is coming.

I don't think Trump put conservatives to sleep; they've been asleep and nothing is going to wake them up short of watching their kids starve. Some are capable of being awakened, but for the most part the lines are drawn. With a lot of people standing bewildered in the middle of those lines, wondering who is going to win the super bowl next year and how much a bag of chips will cost.

This might seem counter-intuitive, but I think time is on our side. TPTB seem to be getting weaker and weaker, even more splintered and warring with each other than usual. While also taking the mask off to help win a few people to our side, and to make those in the middle to at least passively support us. Or ignore us, looking the other way when necessary.

Much of TPTB propaganda seems to be to make people somnolent and weak. Which paradoxically helps us, since those like us who have the opposite reaction will become more powerful, while those it works on will become less likely to do anything against us. Including many of the key Leftist demographics, who even normally tend to be inclined to sit on the side lines of life and smoke weed and eat cheap carbs.

People rage about how the normie won't do anything. They don't realize that works both ways, if we ever start doing something they object to, that is all they'll do: object.

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Like I said; join us! Trump is right. And fuck the fuck outta all the White haters.

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What country do you live in? I live in America 🇺🇸 and Trump ain’t gonna do anything about black crime or illegal immigration

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Fell free to leave.

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Why should I? Trump, Elon Musk and Vivek should be the ones leaving since they don’t give a flying fig about ordinary citizens, it’s all about the money to them

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Trump? He puts israel first.

He had four years in power to drain the swamp and clean up elections and he did nothing but appoint establishment insiders.

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The biggest white haters are the Obamas and Oprah.

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Yeah and who could blame them? Poor bozos, Oprah and the Os haven’t been able to scratch out a decent living, gain any respect, in this apartheid, segregationist white supremacy nation…..

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No one respects them or their money.

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You must be kidding! BHO was elected Prez 2x and OW is one of the richest women in the world—and the best known. Even though—or is it because—they’re black.

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He is a fraud and was elected with a phony SSN and should be in jail and all his assets confiscated and Oprah is a cow who promised to help people in Lahaina after the fire and never donated a dime. She even owns a firetruck which did not help and 2,000 acres of land but would not let people put up temporary tents on her property. People in Hawaii can't stand any of them. And since Ops (as we call her) has no children, I hope she has found a way to take her $3 billion with her. Fuck you trying to make it about race.

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They are despicable people. He got elected using a stolen SSN and Oprah, the cow who owns 2,000 acres of land on Maui, would not let people set up temporary tents on her land or use her firetruck. She did not donate anything to the homeless and they can't stand any of them on Hawaii. I hope Ops (as I like to call her) finds a way to take her $3 billiion with her. And fuck you for trying to make it a race thing.

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Same is true in Ireland.

We went from a country with a steadfast belief that a particular ethnic group had the absolute right to rule it's ancestral home, to one where "anyone can be Irish" and foreigners are the future of the country.

There are a few groups correctly pointing out parallels to historic plantations, but as usual it all gets shouted down as a conspiracy theory. Then the same people will turn around and talk about how wonderfully diverse the country is becoming. We're not being replaced, but it's wonderful we're being replaced.

I genuinely hope for an economic crash. Right now the economy is fuelling nothing other than our own destruction. The sooner it burns the better.

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I just finished listening to Jean Raspail’s excellent book Camp of the Saints and the “educated English proficient internationally quite UPPER CLASS browns” will not have it any better than the white race if their inferiors come flooding into the west. It may be cold comfort but at least you don’t have our American blacks; we have what must be the most expensive commodity in the history of the world when we account for their existence (cotton). And crime is the new black entitlement, don’t you know it? We’re expected to be silent about all of the outrageous crimes they commit!

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My heart breaks for what has happened to Canada, and what is happening to the States; even in Texas.

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Yes, Austin and Houston have been lost.

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Since the ridiculous outlaw country bowel movement into the bloodstreams of stoned communist idiots.

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“I am to accept their sexual degenerate sons into the same classrooms as my future daughters and young female relatives? WHY!?”

Because AWFLs and their cuckolded husbands demand it. Because corporations care for nothing but profit. Because governments believe they can control brown people more easily.

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Caveat: just skimmed through your post.

As it turn out: not being discerning as to who one let's into the country is not a wise stand. Who is to blame? Is it the immigrants or is the local population who let them in?

I'd say it's the latter.

In a similar vein let's not blame Trudeau, a clown does what he does best - run a circus. Let 's blame the voters who voted for him, or voters who voted for his party member who support him as PM.

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Canada on paper had a more restrictive and stringent Immigration program than the US. Everything was tied to degrees from verified universities... Etc.

Didn't help. It's not quality its number. The best part of a turd ruins the worst part of a sandwich

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>It's not quality its number.

It's more complicated than that.

The best and the brightest go to US, not to Canada. ( salary being the main cause). So Canada can now pick the best among the rejects...

Also, for all you know these rejects are also rejects in their country of origin.

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Voters have stated from the beginning they didn't want non-White immigration. Politicians on both sides of the border ignored that and opened the flood gates so that their corporate sponsors would reward them.

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You think voting is the problem or solution?

If voting mattered, they wouldn't allow it.

Canada, America, UK & Europe are controlled by a jewish dominated cabal that includes European & European descended traitors like the Morgans & Bush family.

Trudeau is a puppet.

Trump is a puppet.

Macron is a puppet.

Starmer is a puppet.

Scholz is a puppet.

And everyone before each of them, going back 100+ years.

How do you think this happened to every western country at the same time?

It is called strategic planning.

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Nick, I fully agree with part of what your are stating. Voting (if it works as intended) or in fact anything resembling voting will not solve problems, given that those who vote are ignorant/stupid themselves. Voting is a charade to give the illusion of choice for the voting public.

But here is what I'm getting at: if someone is to be blamed it's the vast majority. Put a small bunch of ordinary people ( Canadians in this case), say about 10 or together in a group to achieve a task, and you will notice that the most incompetent/corrupt rise to the top. Canadians ( compared to Americans) especially are also a meek, subservient lot.

Before we point fingers at Bush/Morgans etc, Canadians must have a have a hard look at themselves.

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"I am to accept their sexual degenerate sons into the same classrooms as my future daughters and young female relatives? WHY!?"

Because the hostile elite currnetly running and deliberately ruining the West are even more sadistic than the proxy migrants they are importing.

The Anarcho-Tyranny Ship has sailed. We are now in a Sadomasochistic Police State will be until...

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Huge drug bust in BC about a month ago. Largest in CDN history. Only one guy arrested, yup a Sikh.

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Death penalty for selling fentanyl.

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This is what happens when you acquiesce to anti-national, anti-country policies of your so-called elites. What do you expect when you import a population that has precious little in common with your country's heritage? We have the same problem here in the states and ours is more insidious. At some point one can no longer be a passive observer. We all can start by expelling all of these non-citizens until such time they can demonstrate they are civilized and are willing to adopt a new culture...as opposed to bring down the culture to their standard.

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Here's my take. Almost everyone - including the author, won't use their real names. People will sit behind their computers and anonymously piss and moan the end is nigh.

Because those who dare stand up are legally crucified - either by the courts, the human rights commissions, or professionally. That people won't stand up tells me folks aren't quite worried enough about what's happening to the country. If they were, they'd be standing up in the real and fighting against it themselves in public forums.

I get it - I've been burned at the stake. Twice.

The reality of it is that this demographic shift has already won. The numbers now have momentum, and the people who support the wholesale alteration of Canada are too entrenched in their places of power.

To be clear, some immigration is fine but that's not what has happened in the past nine years. It's been something else, and it's broken the Canadian consensus on the immigration question. But now it's too late to do anything about it.

Is it hopeless? Most likely. Is there anything that could happen to set the conditions to address Kulak's concerns? A few things:

1) The Conservatives act like Paul Martin Liberals or Joe Clark Tories, piss off their base and you see a massive rebellion of their voters to an outfit like the People's Party. This is highly unlikely.

2) Some external event out of Canada's control rises up and forces the country's politicians to take action. What this might be: World III, a limited nuclear war, an extended, brutal US civil war. Whatever it is, it would have made old-stock Canadians so fucking scared they'd be willing to do just about anything to re-secure the country. I think this is more likely than #1, but only just.

Outside of these things happening, what is described in the article will come to pass. At this point, I think all that can be done is to slow it down. As John Carter and others have called for, there will be no re-immigration, at least not in the Great White North. Our fate is all but sealed.

But perhaps the Pierre and Conservatives will surprise us. Dropping immigration back down to 2015 levels (or even lower) for seven to ten years would be an unexpected, even radical, move. It's a move I'm not sure would reverse the problem the author is concerned about, but it would give the country time to better assume the glut of folks who've entered the country over the past five years or so.

In this scenario, Canada still changes, but perhaps we can hold onto most of those things that once made us an exceptional country.

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It's interesting to study the population graph of Brampton and notice that as the South Asians increased, not only did the European-origin population leave, so too did virtually every minority group. It's as though other minorities were fine living with the dominant Europeans but got out of there as soon as the South Asians took over. Hmmm, I wonder why that is?

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Well, I see the situation going from bad to hell on earth here soon. The global financial system is on its final legs and is going to implode, although we never recovered from 2008. So, all of these foreigners are going to be here as the next leg of the depression kicks off. All I see in the future is massive civil conflict, and it is going to be along racial lines. Imagine being one of these boomers who invested in stocks your whole life, and then it is all worth zero... There are going to be a massive amount of suicides. Check out the deagle predictions regarding 2025. The US, UK, and other western nations lose massive amounts of their populations. Now, whether or not the deagle prediction comes true, there is going to be a massive reckoning and it is not that far off.

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