Every day I see nothing but the hatred educated English proficient internationally UPPER CLASS browns have for the white people who welcomed them.
Every day I see them gloating at the idea of whites being reduced to a minority in their own country, GLOATING at mass rapes like Rotherham or others they allude to occuring in dozens of countries, gloating at the idea of whites suffering even worse disenfranchisement and being a despised minority in their own country, with hinted unspeakable abuses awaiting them.
Indeed I am quite glad I took a hyper feminine persona, because I get to see how they treat white women they find at all attractive. The DMs, Innuendos, threatened rapes, and obscene requests... The putrid allusions to sexual encounters with white women that they insist happened but are only (I pray) in their heads yet even in their depraved fantasies can only be described as the worst form of rapes. It is disgusting, it is worse than revolting.
The fact I can link "India: The Worst Country on Earth" (direct Rumble Link) and the vast majority of you would not be able to bear to watch it for 5 minutes... Yet I am to accept infinite numbers of these into my country?
I am to accept their sexual degenerate sons into the same classrooms as my future daughters and young female relatives? WHY!?
Because some childless mystic called Christ once said we were our brothers keeper? Because boomers want to "Imagine"? Because "Love is love"? Because unlike every other group of people in human history from Trojans to Kurds, from Mongols to Chechens... White people alone are not allowed to fight for the lands of their ancestors and the independence of their people? White people alone cannot have an ethnic homeland, or merely the lands and communities that already exist?
None of this is a hypothetical for me.
My part of Ontario is already Majority non-white, The lands my ancestors cleared and surveyed from swamp in the 1840s, the lands they fought over in 1837 and garnered wisdom from old Officer's who defended it in 1812... that will never belong to their descendants again, and the entire province will be majority non-white by 2041.
My Ethnicity, the Upper-Canada pioneers, had it's replacement and genocide locked in by the time I was 18.
In Every bookstore, every antique store, every public building, every apartment or house over a certain age, every Legion hall, every road sign! I see the ruins of a once Great civilization. That I might turn on the news and hear of a elderly man killed at the corner of Wellington and Trafalgar, on the border of Kitchener and Cambridge, near New Prussia. That I might learn of a sex abuse scandal against pre-teen Girls at the Duke of Edinburgh Collegiate Academy, or another decayed and failing public school you would never send your child to, quietly covered up for the racial overtones.
I wander the ruins of a Narnia or Rivendell, finding century old lovingly illustrated and bound volumes on Gordon’s Campaign against the genocidal Mahdi to liberate the Sudan, General Napier’s Memoirs of the Campaigns against Napoleon in Portugal and Spain, dedicated to those veterans of 19 battles who yet survive. A 97 volume complete (as of 1950) print of Punch the humour magazine that lasted from 1842 to 2002 and originated such icons as Charles Dickens, William Magpiece Thackery, John McRae, and P.G. Woodhouse. An original limited printing of Stephen Leacock’s Canada: The Foundation of its Future, next to originals of His much celebrated humor and correspondence with Rudyard Kipling… Tigre Dunlop’s Recollections on the War of 1812 and Statistical sketches of Upper Canada for the use of Emigrants “by a Backwoodsman”. An 1891 reprint of the Thomas Hobbes’ 1679 translation of Thucydides’ History of the Peloponnesian War.
A full sized 5 foot wide 1910 reproduction, of the Defense of Rorke’s Drift bound in a hand carved wooden frame 6 inches thick… For $20 (Canadian)… Next to memoirs by Canadian veterans who fought against the Boer in the Tranvall.
I find these books with their perfectly preserved, almost glowing, 19th century illustration, and Gilded titles, for $1-2 (Canadian) on clearance shelves in thrift stores and University Library book sales… bound for dumpsters.
The rare curious white shoppers, invariably students and eccentrics, unable to buy a tenth of what they’d like due to the insane cost of living and limited space available to anyone in Trudeau’s Canada…or well, limited space for anyone not old enough to be permabrain-fried in front of the TV in decaying houses no grandchildren will ever walk, with 1970s boomer dreams in the Liberal Party’s “Post-National Nation” with “no culture of its own”.
Of course the insults are not merely online… The most honest is online, but take one venture into the job market and you will quickly encounter the insults, hyper-lowballs, and utter despisal for anyone of the original Canadian ethnicity… The worthlessness of the Degrees the universities offer, the explicit statements by hiring officials, sometimes to your face, sometimes Right in the Job Placement that they aren’t hiring whites due to diversity goals…
The obscene propositions.
Do not let these people into your country. Do not trust your crooked treasonous elite. Do not go gently. Do not suffer your traitorous elderly to tell you to calm down and be tolerant. They won’t suffer the consequences. They’re socially and economically insulated… I’ve heard my own Grandparents and their friends say: Well, it’s not our problem. “I’m glad I’m on my way out” (Exact quote) then they say they’re voting for the Liberals because they don’t want to be racist.
Do not let your community become Brampton Ontario where the White population has plummeted in a mere 25 years from 70% white to less than 19%, even as total population has tripled and all renters, students, and poor people stuck on fixed incomes now must pay 5 or even 10x the rent to live in communities where they can’t walk outside, every bus and public transit reaks, and disturbing crimes are reported daily in a place utterly without any of the communities or cultures that once defined it.
There is ZERO limit to what your elites will do to dispossess and fuck you.
Canada has been a “Per Capita Recession” for SIX quarters in a row. A year and half.
What is a "Per Capita Recession" you may ask? This is when the GDP of a country, the economy, shrinks on a Per Capita basis, everyone in the economy gets poorer just like a normal recession, people lose jobs, there are no opportunities, employee bargaining power collapses… But because enough immigrants are imported the Nominal GDP figure goes up sheerly from volume of bodies, even as market efficiency, and incomes collapse. Everything gets worse as in a recession, but because enough raw bodies are imported into the economy the Stock market, housing market, company valuations, and tax receipts still go up… So everyone who’s wealthy enough to own assets and usually suffers from a market crash gets richer… Even as everyone around them gets poorer, government services collapse, and suicides skyrocket.
For reference the Great Recession of 2008-2009 lasted only 3 quarters.
And every step of the way the insults… The hatred, the resentments at you for being white. Wokeness and “Social Justice” thrives of not blacks, and not even women, but off of brown and tan Identity slop. Lesbian Half-Indonesians, Indian Christian Converts, Gay Muslims, Obese Punjabis, Sikh Disabled ‘Veterans’ (the disability wasn’t gained in service, but in a kitchen accident, he never left Canada during his ‘service’).
These people clog every institution, every school, every hospital, every company, every NGO, every Theatre Troupe, demanding their pound of flesh in attention, cash, and petty bureaucratic power.
Canadians are noted for their outsized roll in US right wing politics… This is why.
We’ve seen this progress faster, harder, and sooner than anywhere else. Like the kid on the edge of an old playground roundabout… cast with dangerous centripetal speed at the extreme edge of the great turning wheel of US political culture.
And our culture, our nation, it’s dead.
its ruin was locked while I was still a child. At the same time the US had “Because it’s 2015” Social Justice culture wars, still well over a year before Trump’s inauguration… we were locked in… we just didn’t know it yet.
Maybe in fairytale land the broken periphery of Anglo-Canada can become something new, maybe if we are Annexed by Trump some of our regional and ethnic culture could revive without the poison of Ottawa bureaucrats running our lives… Texas has an admirable regional identity.
But I can’t imagine anything but economic ruin, hatred, and blood.
White Canadians are now some of the most overtly racist people on the planet if you just listen closely… A culture that had barely interacted with a black person before 1990 is now bubbling with virulent ethnic hatreds and spite, and the elite will not hit the breaks lest they destroy their nominal functional economy and crash all stock, housing, and pension values… Any global conflict or economic depression, Canada breaks, and if one doesn’t come, Canadians snap. And no the Conservatives and Poilievre have no plan to stop the Immigration nightmare any more that Elon or Vivek would voluntarily end H1Bs… They won’t crash the housing market or Stock Market to save Canadian culture or the Canadian people.
They’ll keep artificially raising cost of living and crushing birth-rates amongst normal Canadians with immigrants and despair as long as they can… And then, if external forces don’t do it before then, probably someone, or many someones, will snap (here or in the US or in Europe) commit some horrific violence that doesn’t cleanly end (see 9/11, JFK, 1968 riots, the Failed German Revolution of 1919), and that will force the cascading failures of every institution.
Its dead. My country is dead. It has no parachute.
We just don’t know when it will hit the ground.
Do make our mistake. Don’t be peaceful and orderly. Don’t be tolerant and “diverse”.
Follow me on Twitter: @FromKulak
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"There is ZERO limit to what your elites will do to dispossess and fuck you."
True. This is why Luigi Mangione is a hero to a lot of people.
I know the area you describe well. Where I grew up in Southern Ontario, the changes were starting but were no cause for concern. Immigration was supplying Chinese food restaurants and corner store owners, that hand full of kids at your school or work... no big deal. But the spaces you lived in were still European: French, Italian, Anglo... the language you heard, was one of the above, the aesthetics were rustic or tough working class or even pleasing to the eye ... there was beauty, a lot of that and still is in the beautiful country homes or town architecture, but nothing that offended your soul and made you contemplate being a Stranger in a Strange land. The signs were in the character of the people: TV addicted, materialistic, morally relativistic, the churches empty, uninterested in finer things or history.... "That was the beginning..." as they say in Dr. Zhivago ... "of the revolution.... "... in this case the replacement revolution. Today, you can still end up in a quaint theatre in small town Canada, listening to a retro cover band... and everyone there is European.... but the grey hair!.... everywhere.... In 10 years, 20 they'll all be gone, or institutionalized. And this theatre will be showing Bollywood or worse. It's all deadly serious now and we all need to start thinking of those 7 generations who will follow us and their fate.