With the levels of unaccountability and mediocrity being promoted, it's a miracle the whole thing doesn't wear down on its own and get replaced by parallel systems.

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> But the thing not even Libertarians seem to grasp is how fragile and functionally impotent the Government’s security apparatus is to even secure itself.

I'm not so sure. Remember Maduro is still in charge of Venezuela, despite the hyperinflation and complete economic meltdown.

Also, I don't think the Trudeau regime wanted to find the perpetrators in the church burnings.

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Joker is right. "Look what I was able to do with some gasoline and a couple of bullets."

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No security apparatus? These days there are cameras EVERYWHERE.

Old churches are pre modern building code relics. School buildings have lots of flammables, but they also have sprinkler systems.

The way to resist the school these days is to homeschool. To resist the tax man the way to go is to deal in cash or crypto.

The government institution most liable to trigger violence is child protective services. At some point a parent who had his child transition without his permission is going to go berserk.

Our modern small family lifestyle leads to parents loathe to send kids to war, revolution, or dangerous occupations. But take away that small family and sunk cost berserk mode cuts in.

A renewed draft might trigger domestic violence for the same reason.

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Amazing how much damage can be done with a few simple and elegant tactics. The fragility and brittleness of our logistics networks and power grid are dangerously underestimated, as you suggest!.

This is difficult to write, but maybe the collapse of culture contributes has mitigated the frequency of such incidents as you describe, to date. Poor logic, general lack of ethics and lack of aesthetic refinement (all opposite of strong culture) does not produce the drive evinced by someone like Stack. God knows that could be more than compensated for by the right marketing or Mr. Beast-ish following.

Think of what could happen if the jump-the-counter-punch-the-clerk (or teacher) crowd lit matches instead.

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I think your missing an important element

inter specie violence is about male status; they dress up solders in uniforms and have gold stars as its the only currency that moves the needle

People would need to be convinced that burning down schools would bring them status, hopefully as much as joining a shoplifting gang; I just don't see it, isnt school the childrens status game?

The difference between a chruch and a school is that chruchs have been systemicly degraded by the schools and theres several people who feel athiem is very very high status and no one is actually seeing it.

The irs is more likely, more groundwork is laid, and adults with 2 decades of being sane, productive and very aware of taxes, may have more depth to make a plan for effectcy

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From my time serving in the US Army I can tell you if the American people had turned against DC en masse we couldn't have adequately secured the perimeter of a large domestic post, and that is on a post which actually had a substantial number of combat arms soldiers. Most military facilities have little or no substantive fighting capability. So you can forget about DC controlling a surrounding state or states if the American people decide they must sideline it. Our nation is vast and there are more than 330 million Americans, a great many already armed. Note, DC was recently not just defeated but humiliated by a relatively small number of tribesmen in Afghanistan armed with little more than small arms. Furthermore I think it fair to say the majority of the junior and many mid level military service members would walk away if ordered to attack people they know to be inherently peaceful freedom loving Americans, and many would then turn their capabilities on DC. I also served in the National Guard and think it fair to say not only would the soldiers walk away, perhaps including a significant cohort of more senior, but they'd take most of the equipment with them. And absent lower level service members senior military staff are nothing. DC better find some way to get a grip on reality.

Tragically at this point it looks like those cloistered sociopathic fools are intent on pushing much too far so my overarching goal is to exit this developing catastrophe. Just to be clear that means not just physically leaving but renouncing US citizenship which is what you must do to be free of DC, you can't simply expatriate unfortunately (note, you need a second citizenship before renouncing). Those who can might want to at least start looking into what they'd have to do to get out. If there is a domestic war hopefully it won't start for another 10 or 20 years so you may have some time...but who knows.

BTW, before someone calls me a coward in reply; I don't care what you think, you make your choices and I'll make mine. Given the current trend the consequences of staying in the US would be akin to those suffered by staying in Germany in 1930 or Russia in 1910, meaning absolutely horrific. I wish the best for every innocent soul, including many family members and friends in the US, but I'm getting out ASAP. Furthermore note, there are in fact good alternatives to the US for some but it is clearly also true that most Americans have no real prospect of getting out even if they want to.

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The first thing I would say is that shooting statistics in the United States are ridiculously warped and need to be taken with many grains of salt if you are seeking larger indicators.

The majority of so called mass shootings are inner city gang violence and not the Columbine style mass shooting one immediately conjures up in their mind upon hearing that term.

Even in a more refined search of say specifically school shootings the statistics are corrupted. They include things like the angry lover who goes and kills a school staff member over an affair, or a custodian shooting themselves in the parking lot.

It maybe technically correct to say someone shot someone or themselves on school grounds, but that's not the circumstance one conjures up when hearing there's been a school shooting.

I think one element that is missing here in the United States, (and it honestly amazes me that it is still missing at this point especially in so called right wing or conservative circles), is the sense of real disenfranchisement. Although it is a growing sentiment, its not near the level I would've expected after the last 5-6 years of punishment that's been doled out. This system has demonstrated it hates you, It wishes to replace you, and will do everything in its power to see to it you never have control of it. And yet the overwhelming sentiment is still "I have to much to lose."

Unfortunately, that will have to change before any of them would act, and that change means a calamity occurs.

The more unstable elements among us that are currently capable of such things aren't disenfranchised by a public school, or the IRS, or the other repressive institutions most of us live under. They don't pay taxes, the public school or university has become the church in their lives, and the repression of the institutions being done at our expense is on their behalf. For many of them there is no incentive to alter the system, only punish its detractors and opposition.

It may seem a flimsy authoritarianism, but it has massaged all the right places. It will take a far stronger current to sweep it away than anything we see on the horizon at the moment.

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Your core ideas are pretty interesting, but for the love of God, use a grammar/spell checker.

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Mar 2·edited Mar 2

I think the regime knows all this firstly. And they are intentionally working overtime to instigate some such revolt. Within the first few months of the Biden regime they simultaneously pushed the most radical leftist/neo-fascist agenda they could while flaunting it, and repeated over and over how white supremacy was the biggest security threat facing the country. Remember - Biden pointed out to freedom-loving people who want to retain the right to defend themselves that he/the government has F-16s (a euphemism for vast military power he is prepared to use against American citizens). Most medium-size towns in America likely have SWAT and "riot" vehicles and equipment that only cities like NYC had 25 yrs ago. Wonder why? That's one path they are prepared for. But that's the worst case. Their regime strategy is, like always, is to turn people against each other and they are justified in thinking its not that hard to do. In Canada people protested the government then what happened....lots of Christian churches and schools got burned.

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All motion in a society comes from tapping the religious impulses normal to humans. Stir in them a faith in a brighter future, while convincing them these kind of lone-wolf attacks are the only way to get there, and VOILA! you will have your wave of gubbamint office attacks.

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..."We live in a Security State that has no Security… Even for itself"...it is foolish to believe the state can protect us from much of anything in the longer run. If gates's demands are met, there will be only about 50 million people living in the US by 2028 and all of them will be from the top 20%.

Of course, what makes the top 20% the top 20% (it's foundation) will be entirely gone. Such is the lunacy of the globalists who share about one brain cell between them all.

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You won't mind if I quote after the paywall for this, Kulak?

"A 100% theater kid occupied government playing at statesman, beaurocrat, politician, tyrant, globalist, secret police . . . ."


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"If something cannot go on forever, it will stop"


My response to that is: Things which can't continue, continue until they can't continue anymore.

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Church burnings were basically encouraged, whereas right-wing school burnings would be instantly crushed. I'd take the other side of the bet.

The trucker protest only seems successful if you discount how far the government pushed things. If I advance 10 squares and your reaction makes it prudent to pull back a couple squares, I am 8 squares closer to where I was going. We swallowed all 8 of those squares without complaint.

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The problem is that in the USA, almost all the mass shooters are Democrats.

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