I was walking down a dock in Muskoka Ontario when I saw a woman I know sitting there reading Kjara of Gor, so I said to her, how would you like it if life was like it is in that book. She said, if men were like the men in this book, okay.

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So initially I wanted to disagree with you, but as I sat back and thought about it, there is something to the feminine spirit, particularly in the west that seeks submission and domination. It is the only thing that explains affluent, woke, “educated” women who simp for Islam. I personally know several who have converted. They hate western men, and the “patriarchy” yet they converted. It makes no sense, unless you consider it in light of what you wrote about. It also factors into why “nice guys finish last” and why so many women return to abusive relationships. Deep down, if they were really honest, at some level, they want it. 🤷‍♂️

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For decades I’ve been wondering why white women will happily be ordered around and told what to do by a swarthy husband, but not by a pale one. You see it every so often: the pale chick in a hijab following her husband around. The pale version of that guy would be “abusive”. It’s interesting

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Yes interesting. It speaks of how there is - inside the head of many (perhaps most) of the 'progressive' middle class Left - a great jumble of undigested notions picked up from 50+ years of Leftist 'education' and 'legacy' mass media.

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That may explain the current fad of bowing to Allah.

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May 5·edited May 5

Feminism is lesbianism. It's as simple as that. Lesbians HATE Gor-style sexual dynamics when the participants are male and female because they're forced to witness the effect men have on women.

Forcing a lesbian to live in a world in which she sees the women she desires for herself be captivated - in any sense of the word- by men is an outrage lesbians cannot endure.

Feminism is lesbianism and lesbianism is sexual competition for women with men. Destroying the sexual relations between men and women, the desirability of each to the other, is the prime goal of feminism/lesbianism.

They want the market for women all to themselves.

Every individual of a sexually reproducing species feels itself to be in competition for mates with every other individual of that species. Feminism is a group strategy on the part of lesbians to undermine that group's eternal curse- its more successful competitor.

Always go back to basics whenever you have to think about an issue involving sex. Sex is about genes reproducing themselves. The choke-point for such reproduction is the female of the species. Sex is, therefore, about winning the war for exclusive access to females- even if the competitor is itself female and even if that competitor could not actually reproduce if they won. The logic of sexual competition is pre-conscious and hardwired into each of us. In that sense, lesbians don't know they're lesbians, i.e. sterile.

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Do you have any links to pdfs of his books? And can you recommend an order or at the very least the best single book to get an idea of his writing

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Domain been seized by Uncle Joe

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Still accessible via TOR. Otherwise, https://annas-archive.org also scrapes it and other sources.

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Thanks a ton York

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I don't think the appeal of Islam for western women, or the appeal of a life cloistered and protected in general is the same thing as the appeal of a warrior slaver to his female captive. It is the 'arete' or virtue of her captor that awakens the womb-surrendering spark in a woman and brings her to the place where she can surrender her virtue. It is the female equivalent of his wild courage. The Islamic impulse in a woman is a desire to preserve her social position through submission to hierarchy. Real men will always want to tear down the harem, and real odalisques will always dream of escaping it in the strong arms of a Gorean slaver.

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Hahahahahahahaahha! Yeah, I got a very feminist girlfriend of mine a copy of the first Gor novel.

I don't think she read it though. How ungrateful!

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Making my way trough the first Gor book as i write. It's a lot of intellectual stuff at first, not really the power fantasy i was picturing. However, like Flashman, it's very masculine at hearth and that is very neeeded for today's youth. Is there any particular one in this Gor series that is more action/sex/offensive?

Also on female submission, i wrote a piece on how the politeness-zation of white society made girls crave the negro. I have unplished it for reasons i dont care to disclosure, but it was an interesting study. Woman don't really crave the bad boy, they crave real men, and white men used to be real men, much superior to the gangbanger negro, we conquered the entire world ffs.

The 19th century gentleman's conduct feminized us en masse. My moniker "the rake" is a play on "the gentleman" concept. In my first article i tried to argue the case for classy debauchery as a valid lifestyle.

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In what order should they be read?

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Not exactly banned when they're all available on Amazon, and the first 17 are on Kindle Unlimited

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The world's largest bookstore will happily overnight you a giant pile of these "banned" books, but other than that they're very obscure and nearly impossible to find:


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The Gorean Series was the first set of books I read that described war in its entirety, as well as how submissive women thought, at least in the series.

I've always wondered why women are so afraid of them, yet desire to read books like 50 shades of gray, a vastly inferior book.

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> I've always wondered why women are so afraid of them, yet desire to read books like 50 shades of gray, a vastly inferior book.

For most women, because they were told the Gor books were low status, and being naturally submissive ...

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Haven't read 50 shades, it was basically born of twilight fan/fap, right? Pretty tawdry provenance, but it clearly turns a lot of girls on. I'd say that's a result of the perverted desire for containment that so often goes unanswered in modern female existence. Men don't understand the difference between containment and violence, most of the time, and opt for either simping or brutality - they can't provide the firm but gentle hand. Gor is fantasy, not an instruction manual. It accentuates one dynamic between the sexes. In every heterosexual relationship there's a bit of the slave girl, and a bit of the slaver and for the relationship to work neither can be neglected.

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I found like 12 of these novels at two of my local used book stores shortly after Kulak did a X thread on them.

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So after LARPing as a valkyrie you decided to go the other way and LARP as a kajira.

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Perhaps the myth of the Valkyrie are derived from stories of rejected women or the situation after most of the men had been killed in battle and go wild in response. Maenads may be a similar phenomenon.

I have no desire to own a harem to dom and abuse (well, maybe a little - don't we all have some violent sexual impulses?). I love my wife. She's beautiful, shrewd and strong-willed. That doesn't mean I don't look at other women and desire them. She knows this. She accepts it as human and natural, perhaps it even turns her on. I've always remained "faithful", which I put in quotes because sex with other women doesn't mean one has abandoned his wife or his responsibility to care for her, though I've remained faithful in the technical sense as well out of choice.

The OP is fascinating and explains a lot about the contradictions and tensions of current western society.

I personally love the now-destroyed Scottish Highland clan way of life which was Catholic but contained a very clear ordering of male/female subordination (which is not to say the women weren't intelligent and strong in their own right. A cunning leader would be ill-served by a foolish wife).

We don't have to look very far back to realize Christianity didn't teach us feminism.

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Jew are matriarchal (Isaac Simpson wrote a great piece about the fight between his father WASP patriarchy and his mother Jew matriarchy), European women are the daughter of the steatopygic whore the Yamnaya enslaved after killing the simps (literally: the WHG Y haplogroup is extinct).

The "strong and independent woman" archetip is the warrior virgin (Athen, Artemis, Camilla, Lucretia, Joan of Arch) that successfully refuse the rape: if i were a Yamnaya, i too would respect a woman that successfully survive my raid.

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I'm looking through his stack but can't find it. Substack search sucks. I actually grew up in a WASP/Jewish family. I'm fully Jewish ethnically (though you wouldn't know it from looking at me - I'm pure Austro-Hungarian) but my father lit out when I was a babe and mother remarried to a WASP. So this piece sounds right up my alley.

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He published it in another site (not even substack)...let my try to find it out.

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You may think it’s a good idea to date a Gorean girl, but trust me, it’s not worth it.

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Why not?

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You have to kill so many men to keep her

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Pun aside, needing to overplay base desires into overelaborate fetishes is a pathology. BDSM is the feminine equivalent of a man who can only finish from depraved sex acts. Putting up with that for years drains

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Has anyone read these and the “Flashman” series. I’m hearing good things about both

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Diehard fan of Flashman here. Learned so much history and english vocabulary from it (there are no translations into my native tongue). I've read them all in the spam of one year. One in particular, The Angel of the Lord, i finnished in a single day.

I never found anything remotely close to Flashman in sheer machismo and depravity, nor in historical exposure. I'll give these Gor series a go.

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I read a lot of the Gor books as a kid. Will have to see if they're still in my parents attic. Flashman too. A lot stuck with me. The Gor books are very precisely written, clearly explained violence and believable techniques - how to tie a captive woman's hands quickly and strap her to your tarn. Nothing was explained away with magic, you knew why it worked (why counter earth had no high tech for eg.) and Cabot was a great hero to identify with as a boy aspiring to masculinity and adventure. I remember finding a lot of the sexual philosophy rather tiresome, but it makes more sense today, looking back. Will have to re-read. Flashman is great fun - it combines a love of the period, it's arms and adventures - Flashman as the sole survivor of the retreat from Kabul - with a savage critique of its hypocrisy in the character of flashman himself, with some cracking adventures, Lord Jim, Kim and the Ballard of east and west all lovingly subverted! Great stuff.

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Flashman is great, especially if you know a lot about the 19th century colonial world

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Something tells me you might enjoy The Rosteval Saga, by yours truly: sword-and-sorcery fantasy, but in the author's opinion it could be described as sword-and-slave-girl fantasy. It's an action-packed fantasy adventure featuring a barbarian warrior-prince on a quest for glory and (of course) slave-girls, in a setting loosely based on the Aryan invasion of India.

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OMG. I had an 11th grade teacher that loaned me all the Conan series to read and then loaned me Tarnsman of Gor and several more in that series. They were fantastic.

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