Mar 21·edited Mar 21

I made a complete fool of myself four years ago, bragging to my Australian girlfriend who lives in Berlin that "Americans would never stand for travel restrictions".

Wow did I fuck **that** up. Red on my face.

I vastly overestimated both my countrymen, and frankly, myself.


Welcome to The Endarkenment.

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Sobering read, and, I suspect, quite accurate.

Really scratching my head, trying to envision what the world will look like in 10 years, and how to improve the odds of my family surviving and, perhaps, thriving.

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Alex Jones, as he himself would say, is no Cassandra; just someone who pays attention and follows the money. Being a Texan, he has a natural inclination to especially follow the money from big banks and Big Oil.

That said, great post! You hit so many nails on their heads I still hear the echoes.

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I am reminded of the Royal Navy of Britain...it took sooooo much to get the crews to mutiny, the Admiralty automatically assumed the captain of the ship must be at fault and put him on trial. We are the crews; we will take any amount of humiliation and abuse to avoid mutiny. We will go to our deaths before sending our tormentors to theirs. I do not understand human beans at all.

I need more prilled ammonium nitrate fertilizer...lots more...34-0-0....

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does anyone have any experience that points towards this claim that things will be worse? I had like 5 people accuse me of killing grandma, it was all anyone would talk about. While what two 80 year olds who wont even fight, who Ive seen people call trump hilter for a decade I have to imagine living 4 years under trump and watching all the people not move to canada will undermine that claim.

By all means the next election may be extremely exciting, when the walking corpses get replaced it will be important to know with who, will they be open to the idea of building a wall between silicon valley/new york and the rest of america?

But this time?, 2 ancient old men probably who wont have a debate people and made up their mind a decade ago? Nah they both will ruin the legal system either way unless trump gained a bunch of wisdom he will probably take revenge is a fairly ineffective way.

Eventually either boomers will be outnumbered and holding on to power with even more apparent effects of their gross mismanagement with 90 years olds in which case I would expect a violent revolution, cause at that point Id join in, we cant have 10 more years of even more senile people in power or someone young will be up at bat and thats a major roll of the dice.

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Well said

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Excellent writing. I’m saving this in the archives. You distilled the pst arch of events very well. I hope to be able to tell my children and grandchildren about these times, in the same way my grandparents told me about growing up during the Great Depression. I will probably reference this article (assuming we are all still around and I can access it). I am still hopeful, cautiously so. I am heartened by you and others who have seen things clearly, and for those who are also seeing and preparing as best as we can. Keep up the fire!

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> Even Zionism, usually the secret power behind “nothing ever happens” (because funds and arms need to keep going to the middle-east) is now up against the wall and according to commentators I follow looking at a hot war in Lebanon around April/May that probably won’t be decisive… but Netanyahu just needs to keep the crisis going so that elections can’t be held and he can’t be removed and charged (something the Israelis wanted to do before Oct 7th and what will inevitably turn out to be his malicious negligence).

Still bitter that your prediction about Gaza turning into a quagmire failed to happen?

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I doubt Trump will do anything if reelected. If he was going to do something he would have started doing it in 2016, or 2018 during the blatant mid-terms election fraud, or 2020.

The reason the anti-trumperism is more token this time around is because they know he won't do anything. He's still a bit of a wild card but the worst he'll do is fail to invade Iran. And seeing how pro-israel he is lately that's looking doubtful.

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Okinawa during WWII lives is another vivid example of women killing their children and themselves when they hurled themselves over a cliff to avoid shameful captivity, which they were convinced awaited them from the approaching Americans.

As for Napolean's retreat from the 1812 Moscow campaign, "Diary of a Napoleonic Foot Soldier", written by a German conscript pressed into the Grand Armee, is a grim classic and still in print.

Finally the docility of Americans (which persists and might just be chronic) I found truly shocking. "I tremble for my country ....".

Nice work.

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It's like that calm after dinner in the card room of the titanic. Perfect bright sky filled with stars, the sea calm as a mirror, the brandy hitting just right.

And then this awful tearing sound from the bow. The confused looks. The glass set aside.

And then the alarms.

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“Nothing ever happens” bros have always been guilty of goalpost-moving.

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