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A Long Time Ago, In a Country Far Far Away…
4 years ago, at this exact moment, we were in the “two weeks” that were supposed to flatten the Curve of Covid.
4 years ago you were still a “conspiracy theorist” if you thought it would be anything more than a minor inconvenience that would last less than a month.
Of course if you predicted that this would not last 2 weeks, but over 2 years; that within 2 months anit-lockdown protests would end in storming of state houses and false-flag FBI manufactured kidnapping attempts of Governors; that within 3 riots would burn a dozens of American cities; that the election would be inconclusive; that matters would go before the US Supreme Court, again; that a riot/mass entrapment would take place within the halls of congress… And then that this was just the Beginning…
That Big-Pharma would rush a vaccine which may well have been more dangerous that the virus; that Australia and various countries would build concentration camps for unvaccinated; that nearly all employers would be pressured or mandated to FORCE this vaccine on their employees; that vaccine passports would be implemented to track your biological status; that Canada and several other countries would implement travel restrictions on the unvaccinated and collude with their neighbors to prevent their population escaping; and then that, nearly 2 years from 2weeks to slow the spread, Canadians!? would mount one of the most logistically complex protests in human history, in the dead of winter, besieging Ottawa and blockading the US border to all trade in an apocalyptic showdown to break free of lockdowns…
Well… not even Alex Jones predicted all of that, though he got a remarkable amount of it.
Indeed the reverence with which Jones is now treated, a Cassandra-like oracle who predicts the future with seemingly (and memeably) 100% clairvoyance only to doomed to disbelief. That alone would have been unpredictable, or unbelievable in those waning days of the long 2019, those first 2-3 months when you could imagine 2020 would MERELY be an Trumpianly heated election cycle like 2016, and not a moment Fukuyama’s veil threatened to tear and History pour back into the world.
Oh, and also the bloodiest European war since the death of Stalin broke out.
And now here we are, 4 years later, inhaling once again before plunging into an apocalyptic US election. One of the last decisive battles of the end of empire.
Of course this time it is not a pandemic shaking the country, some other boomertasitic nuerotic-psychological version of the Antonine Plague. Instead this time America and the western world are facing barbarian invasion, by the tens of millions. Let in by a purposeful abandonment of the watchtowers and unbarring of the gates, apocalyptically larger and more terrible in scale than any in history. Occurrences as shockingly unprecedented and dwarfing any terrors suffered by historical empires, just as COVID was entirely precedented and a complete non-event by any historical metric or analogy.
Future historians will marvel that American and it’s vassals could somehow nearly destroy themselves one election cycle with a purely autoimmune pathology of governance responding to non-existent threats… only 4 years later to allow complete invasion with no response. One imagines even the greatest of them will struggle to accept the by now obvious truth, that both the lockdowns and the invasions were allowed purely as assaults on the people of the West. That the elite consciously chose both so as to stomp out the threatened accountability, self-governance, and political awakening first embodied by the proto-movements like the Tea-party, Occupy, and Gamergate and then by Brexit and the election of Trump.
But I’m sure it’s just two weeks to slow the spread.
We are now ever so gently tipping over into the chaos of the 2024 election.
Just as the 2008 financial, the Ron Paul movement, the Tea Party, Occupy, and Gamergate were the prelude, the 2016 “Great Meme War” the first of the trilogy, and 2020 the rising action second part. We now come to the climactic conclusion:
Trumpendamerung. The Twilight of a Twilight age. The final snooze of sleepy Joe.
The great Wall, the monument of the Americans’ last grasping chance at survival lies but half finished. Like Fortinbras outside the waning Danish dynasty, Putin’s armies are marching slowly through Ukraine…oh and there is talk of red heifer being brought to Israel for sacrifice (probably nothing significant)
But in seriousness… This looks like it.
We’re entering the same torrent as 2020, but whereas everything about 2020 had a LARP quality, a bullshit virus that wouldn’t have even been noticed by the general public in another age like the 60s when similar virus did spread and no one cared, nigh infinite money printing to ensure no one felt the consequences of lockdowns, eternal work-from-home and a double digit percent of people getting an effective multi-year vacation… race riots carefully contained so they never got too out of hand, but allowed to burn enough it embarrassed Trump…
Now we’re in the midst of inflation, untold cartel members, chinese, forget agents, brigades! are now in the country, and the entire criminal class of every south American and African nation have been emptied from their prisons into American cities… We will probably see some sort of market crash or sovereign debt crisis (indeed Canada and Japan seem to already be slipping), and oh ya, America’s probably going to lose in Ukraine making Biden a double war loser president, and probably tempting the Whitehouse to start a third before election day.
Then of course there will be the rioting, election shenanigans, armed protests… all the things we’ve come to expect from a US election year… But things actually matter this time.
There isn’t going to be a 4th Trump presidential run if he loses or dies. Likewise after the criminal investigations of Trump’s people and charges against Trump himself there is no expectation that Trump and his people will be conciliatory or will hesitate to use every constitutional tool to see their enemies stripped of power, criminally charged, and/or bankrupted in civil lawfare.
And this is before we get into Twitter file style revelations that would come out once Trump people start digging into what was done in 2020, not to mention the death knell to the regime it’d be if Trump and Co. actually slashed all the censorship jobs and we got 4 years of an open internet.
Both the Regime and the Trump faction are cornered and have all the restraints against escalation removed…
Even Zionism, usually the secret power behind “nothing ever happens” (because funds and arms need to keep going to the middle-east) is now up against the wall and according to commentators I follow looking at a hot war in Lebanon around April/May that probably won’t be decisive… but Netanyahu just needs to keep the crisis going so that elections can’t be held and he can’t be removed and charged (something the Israelis wanted to do before Oct 7th and what will inevitably turn out to be his malicious negligence). Europe is on a knife’s edge financially and Geopolitically, and China is a financial mess that largely needs a geopolitical victory to paper over it’s housing collapse, cost of living crisis, and COVID hangover…
Financial problems replicated in many parts of the world, vast regions that have effectively been destroyed over the past 4 years and rendered negative saving high cost wastelands, where no one can earn enough to actually afford to live there, but no one has the financial solvency or positive value home equity to sell and move)
In many areas people are well past breaking, as attested to by endless tiktok videos and econ posting
Far from the static self-stabilizing system we’ve known most of our lives, America, and the world right now are in major flux and mutually destabilizing.
Who knows which of our aging leaders will be around or even alive come 2025…
And yet we inhale.
The long dark end of history is about to break into the harsh light of reality… If 2020 felt ominously close to civil war, 2024 is the most like time for the dominos to start falling.
And yet at the moment one could almost think nothing is happening.
Like a hanged man neither dead nor alive, or a ball hesitating in the air between the moment of it’s going up and it’s fall…
It’s just 2 weeks to slow the spread.
Why would you make it more than it is?
The world inhales.
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Follow me on Twitter: @FromKulak
I made a complete fool of myself four years ago, bragging to my Australian girlfriend who lives in Berlin that "Americans would never stand for travel restrictions".
Wow did I fuck **that** up. Red on my face.
I vastly overestimated both my countrymen, and frankly, myself.
Welcome to The Endarkenment.
Sobering read, and, I suspect, quite accurate.
Really scratching my head, trying to envision what the world will look like in 10 years, and how to improve the odds of my family surviving and, perhaps, thriving.