A group overrepresented in upper echelon political and corporate positions (particularly those with outsized influence like tech, banking, and the media), intel services, the mafia, and terrorist groups, with a siege mentality/persecution complex, experience in warfare, and a religious dimension with an exclusionary-hierarchical-separatist nature, that wields its own network of NGOs, think tanks, and lobbying firms that are sometimes ostensibly pursuing egalitarian motives but in reality are really used to further this group's own ethnic self interests?

Really gets the old noggin' joggin'...

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I don't know that there is a good factor in general. In any of these examples, it's a matter of thousandths, if that. Yes, the Italian, Mexican, Indian, and Albanian "Mafias" are well known, but it is certainly not the case that every member of those ethnicities are members. Given the number of Indians, it wouldn't take a very large percentage to still end up with a significant number of criminals.

So it's difficult to say what is accurate pattern matching, and what is pareidiolia.

"I see Catholics!"

"No, those are just clouds, Warmek."

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Yes and it's not the case that every member of high IQ ethnicities are themselves smart.

This is a general factor of Criminal conspiracy, and a method to guess at the averages, given human stereotyping combined with rational assessment of the evidence can allow one to "notice" the shape of the trend, just as you can notice most intergroup differences in trends.

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Here's something more simple:

Axiom: All endeavors are inherently warlike because war is the nature of humanity.

Therefore, all people conspire, as war requires conspiracy; Us vs them is ubiquitous.

What you're witnessing, in regard to white people, is simply a lack if conspiracy among ethic lines. Whites have very little honor, so they will stab each other in the back for personal gain. They are, in fact, conspiring, just against their own kind. Very simple.

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There might be some time dependence. Back in the 1800s WASPs had the Freemasons and the KKK. There were a fair number WASPs playing freelance power games in Latin America. And up north there were the Ivy League alumni associations...

And, of course, every college fraternity is a secret society. Perhaps some new fraternities with updated initiation rites are in order...

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In fact I believe many fraternities were technically against university rules when they first formed.

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Yes, they were. But since they were off campus, the universities didn't have jurisdiction.

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I pick question 3, the NGOs. There you have money, power, and ruthlessness. US spooks and the State Dept are the biggest conspirators on the planet, and use NGOs as a favorite tool in their kit.

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Let’s just address the elephant directly and evaluate whether or not all the “jews are running the world” conspiracy theories are correct or if the Free Masons have conspired to frame them. If the Jews have been set up as the conspiracy fall guy, the only group that has been around long enough to frame them are the Masons in their various iterations.

Every other group C ranking has to be minimal in comparison to that pair no matter what questions you ask.

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Do you view the Jesuits and Templars as proxies for the masons? The Swiss octagon theory with the Templars behind it is worthy of exploration, to a militia is the channel name on Rumble but I've seen convincing propaganda against the Jesuits, another subcategory is opus dei within the Catholic church and of which Bill Burr is a member and Robert Hansen the long-time Church going spy was also a member and he confessed to another member of the US government in opus de and his spying was known for 20 years

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The Masons are washed up geriatrics.

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Seems like you've covered most of the factors in an anthropological sense. One possible factor would be ability to manipulate environment. Depending on which direction one is manipulating the environment, in terms of altering actual environment and sociological environments.

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If one were to speculate at the type of ethnicity that would have a capital C conspiracy mindset, one would assume:

They historicaly must have been forced to drastic measures to retain group identity in light of prosecution from conquering groups.

As a starved animal overstuffs itself upon new meal, they would become a symbol of avarice in the eyes of others when presented resources.

They are more or less nomadic as a society, going where they are most tolerated and abandoning where they are most suspect.

On a totally unrelated note some Chinese colleges offer a course on Jewish control of Western culture and money. The Chinese highly praise them for every aspect that the ADL would sue defamation for in the U.S., and Israel has asked them to please stop repeatedly.

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By at least one metric ,the Japanese score higher on surveys of antisemitism than anybody

Makes sense the Chinese dress it up as fanboying,rather than " noticing "

Smart people

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The Shinto priests breast plates are evocative if not copies of those worn by the Jews in THE temple. There's a Japanese convert to orthodox Judaism who said that the elders are very popular there.

It's hysterical and baffling the supernatural nature of Jew obsession across cultures, almost like a pre-wiring that defines the irrational stupidity of man, look at Malaysia's policies, zero Jews within that shithole yet they obsess

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literal? [litteral criminal conspiracies]

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