I already am training my 2 year old in sword fighting with sticks. He just walks around with one over the shoulder! The only rules are no swinging them inside, and you have to give your opponent a stick too. I love sticks too, even as a mom. How could anybody quash that joy?

I can't wait to find a mom who gives me looks when my son starts swinging around sticks in the park haha

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I'm a HEMA mom. Meme that. Lol

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Likewise... well, except for the mom part. Important to teach your kids martial arts from a young age. A thing that beanpole leftie protestors learn the hard way in their 20s xD

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Throwing rocks and other pieces of small artillery is also a grievous sin.

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I have often been told that when colonizers invaded certain islands, the native weapons arts were outlawed and all their weapons confiscated. The martial practices continued underground, but branched into a public and private version. The public empty hand version contained all the forms of the private version but they were stylized, ornate, and unrecognized by ignorant bureauocrats who would've allowed it on X -- it became a staple of gatherings all across the island and old men in the back occassionally nodded approvingly to each other and whispered, "she knows".

We need more nodding at children in parks.

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That's pretty common for invaders of a conquered people. The english did it to the scotts, and the managerial class has continued attempting it against the American peoples. I'm glad that the US has put up with absolutely none of the managerial BS when it comes to staying strapped and trained.

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I don't recall any occupation force that didn't do everything it could to subdue opposition and collect taxes. The yankee occupation force, for instances, uses its NFA, FFLs, TSA, ATF, VA, purchase coding, gun free zones, registrations, license fees, carry permits, storage requirements, transport laws, red flag laws, asset forfeiture, "authorized" equipment rules, military surplus grants, cameras, network surveillance vans, machining and 3D printer regulations, and armies of hysterical karens and barny fife kieslings to control you. But you're right, american exceptionalism guarantees that high schools kids still carry deer rifles and goose guns to school every day in the rear window rifle racks of their half-ton pickups and grade schools issue NRA hunter safety course certificates every year.

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True. Also, there are examples where the conquerers encouraged flamboyant dressing of later generations of men so that they'd become effete

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Do you think those gay dancers would know or no? My money isn't on them but why should we care who would help us avoid sharing the regrets that Solzhenitsyn lamented in the camps?

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I believe the men who adopt feminine traits, whether vooting like their mommies or being backdoor, are in the way at best. Natural slaves that cannot be trusted

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Read my article on violence... https://alwaysthehorizon.substack.com/p/the-social-aversion-to-violence-who I basically came to the same conclusion; slaves cannot be trusted. Do me a favor and restack it

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Done. Good article, brother!

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What you puffed up tautologists fail to point out is, “trusted by whom?”

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..."And while there are a million reasons I think revolution is obvious, necessary, and inevitable, for this alone I'd be willing to put DC to the sword."...woah Nelly! I'm in! With all the crazy things we did as kids growing up in the 1950s-60s, few of us ever got hurt and nothing serious. Bleeding from a fall or a smack or a hit was part of growing up and it wasn't always kids hitting kids.

We built things, created games, played sports, explored and sometimes even the girls play with us boys. It was all innocent, entertaining and healthy.

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Putting DC to the sword is something I think nearly every one could get behind.

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Absolutely based. I absolutely despise the way that feminists try to destroy young boys and prevent them from growing into Men. It's hardly a wonder that there's such high rates of suicide and depression.

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Talk softly and carry a big stick

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I've been gifting my nieces and nephew toy guns since they could talk, and none of them has come out as non-binary.

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Well said, Kulak.

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and that is why toy swords and water guns are number one on the list for my son

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Yesterday, I changed the wiper blades in my car. They came in these long hard plastic cases, about two feet long, very thin. Sword shaped. I left the cases on the couch. Later that evening, I was sitting on the couch with my 14 month old son. He picks them up, one in each hand, and immediately begins smacking me in the face with them.

Later that evening as I'm recounting this to my wife, she says "I hope you put a stop to that!" to which I respond, "No, I took one from him and used it to parry his attacks."

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Great article!

As a boy growing up in the late 70s/early 80s the neighbor kids and I would run around with sticks from the woodpile, playing swords and guns. It was discouraged by our mommies who read Glamour magazine and then bitched at the dinner table about how they weren't payed for keeping the house clean and cooking dinner.

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Getting an eye poked was the main concern back when I was a kid.

Safety glasses are cheap. Think of them as armor. Indeed, a face shield that looks like medieval armor might be a good toy idea.

(Having been hit between the eyes by a ricocheted BB when I was a kid, I'm a wee bit safety conscious when it comes to eyes.)

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I should note that it’s not just teachers who do this. There are a lot of teacher who probably would live and let live.

Until one of their kids gets a bruise and she comes in to raise hell. Even if it’s just one, it’s all it takes to ruin it for everyone else.

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You are so right. When I took my kid back to my old elementary school, all the (admittedly dangerous) playground equipment was gone. The high sliding board, the whirligig, the jungle gym. All they had was a big piece of parachute cloth.

It also seems to me kids get hurt much more easily these days. That’s cuz they never got used to the rough ‘n’ tumble that was recess back in the old days.

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Nailed it!

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This is just bigoted, hateful nonsense.

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Source: my loose leftwing butthole.

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Limp wrists lead to enslavement, but you like it

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Well, he's a faggot, so the comment is expected.

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What?!? What is?

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