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One of the things I absolutely despise our culture for, something I'd demand revolution for on its own, is we shame young boys for playing with sticks.
You see young boys with a sticks or toy swords or fake guns, and it's like kittens play hunting or a cat with a laser pointer. It's instinctual, their hind-brain knows they're supposed to practice that violence and get good at that, they instinctively just want to do that for endless hours with their friends til they're fit and competent, and become the deadly apex predators that are encoded in their genetics...
And our culture cannot quash that hard or fast enough. Unless you're consenting to the most miserable structure and being yelled at by a middle-aged man obsessed with black teens and 20 somethings he's never met, while repeating exercises pretty much custom designed to screw up your joints and cause brain damage... you aren't allowed to participate in any physical competition.
No play fighting, no wrestling, no stick fights, no playing war with toy guns at recess... NO TAG and NO HIDE & GO SEEK. None of the things kids hindbrains are screaming at them to do, none of the play combat that any carnivorous animal must naturally participate in to fully develop its body and mind...
And if you ever so quietly rebel and do the one thing that no teacher or parent can complain "somebody's going to get hurt", and just swing a fucking stick on your own against a tree or the barest of AIR... You will be shamed endlessly like the Star Wars kid.
Endless "tips fedora" memes, and "while you were hanging out i was studying the blade" memes meant to shame any normal heterosexual boy out of having fun and being active on his own.
Here's a tip: Maybe if you didn't shame them the few times they tried to instinctively move their body for fun, they wouldn't be fat!
I don't know... Why do you think Gays, Communists, and Jews would like to create a culture in which white boys are denied basic developmental play fighting we'd think it cruel to deny kittens or puppies? Why do you think the most hateful women to have ever existed, public school teachers, might do this in their childless spite to the children of the women who succeeded on the dating market where they failed, and to the boys they see as younger echos of their own sexual failure ?
Why do you think a culture built on treating heteroseual white males, the only net taxpayers in America, as a conquered and enslaved people might just want to crush any momentary expressions of spontaneous martial instinct?
I think it's pretty obvious.
And while there are a million reasons I think revolution is obvious, necessary, and inevitable, for this alone I'd be willing to put DC to the sword.
BITCOIN: bc1qdhj7637sgcssxgxygjaa3ddljwy8tzg5mzw325
MONERO: 8AhA3g9hbtDcAJE5MPmeQsFwwGsf3H9fq9tC6giQ4a6vKnTXv4J4MivKXrPKDpXyEeNc9mfFejbq84kSWkC8pjuj18rAEij
Follow me on Twitter: @FromKulak
I already am training my 2 year old in sword fighting with sticks. He just walks around with one over the shoulder! The only rules are no swinging them inside, and you have to give your opponent a stick too. I love sticks too, even as a mom. How could anybody quash that joy?
I can't wait to find a mom who gives me looks when my son starts swinging around sticks in the park haha
Throwing rocks and other pieces of small artillery is also a grievous sin.