Most likely scenario: Lee Harvey Oswald, an actual communist, killed JFK, with possibly some support from Cuba. The cover-up, such as it was, resulted from LBJ not wanting to have to go to war.
JFK wanted the American zionist groups to register as foreign agents. The idea was scuttled immediately after his death. Probably just a coincidence. Israel has had their tentacles all over the US ever since, most significantly with the USS Liberty attack, not long after his death.
Sadly, neither are you, but I cant help myself: there are lots of places to look besides the "self-hating jew" website. and Ron Unz has himself written several well-researched, with footnotes and bibliography etc, nearly book-length essays which explode the myth of 'the lone gunman, Oswald'. As for LBJ 'wanting to keep us out of war'..... I can only surmise this is sarcasm at its' worst.
The CIA are Trotskyites and obliging to zion, which JFK was as sick of as the Dulles bois.
The CIA review board of the coup was a travesty -- too many autopsies, too many bullets from the wrong angles -- and the cherry on top, "conspiracy theories!", oh my
it's a pattern they get away with often, c.f. the Liberty review board, the 911 review board, the J6 hearings
There was a house on Main, by the Plaza in KC, MO, that was unmistakenly haunted in 1977. says that address is just a bare lot now. I don't know what relation that petulant spirit has to Rod Dreher since I never heard that name before. Why are you talking to me about him?
Oswald glowed brighter than the sun. He was almost certainly CIA.
According to witnesses immediately after the assassination LBJ was in very good spirits. He was delighted to be sworn in as president. That doesn't sound like a man caught off guard and fearful of an emerging war.
Good analysis. In my experience there are two kinds of conspiracy theorists: schizo and skeptic. Schizos imagine that the world is even worse than it seems at first glance, with unimaginable horrors lurking below the surface. Examples: Pizzagate/Frazzledrip, DUMBs, 5g death rays, COVID vax will kill everyone, etc. Skeptics believe more or less the opposite: that the media and government are promoting unnecessary hysteria, and that the world is actually more rational and orderly than they want you to believe. Examples: Holocaust didnβt happen, nobody died at Sandy Hook, global warming is a hoax, COVID was just the flu. I would also include most JFK theories in this camp, since the idea that a lone crazy guy could singlehandedly kill the president is more concerning than it being the work of a sophisticated intelligence agency.
You seem like more of a skeptic. But youβre right that the kooks/schizos have more fun.
I'd say the covid vax theories were more like spoiler alerts, though obviously not *everybody* died. Don't get me started about pizzagate and sandy hook crisis actors though - those kinds of theories are meant to make all skeptics sound like schizos.
And the Holocaust *as taught to us* is an example of history being written by the winners. Now that most of the veterans are dead, the victors assume they can step on the myth making gas even harder, but the facts are still leaking out.
The substantive of pizzagate has largely been proven true. Our ruling class were attending private parties where child escorts were being passed around.
Whether or not it happened in comet ping pong is open to debate, but that's a minor detrail.
As for sandy hook... I thought it was crazy at first but the more I look into it the more I think they have a point.
Interestingly, this one hinges on the same sort of delusion that gets normies to buy into AGW: they really believe they have a solid memory of exactly what the weather was like this time a year ago, or even 40 years ago.
Yeahβ¦when thereβs temperature inversions any moisture in the ground hits the warm air = fog in the evenings; or if in populated areas, temp inversions keeps pollution trapped just above town β¦ pollution smells bad.
I am convinced that "geological engineering" (aka 'chemtrails) is a very real thing. The dotgov itself has published the research, etc. Millions of our aware citizens are finally taking notice of the blotted out blue skies with a maze of the damnable things spreading out and over.... your entire state, for just one as an example.
Inducing water droplet condensation with the particulates sprayed from those aircraft is quite simple' as in creating rain with this idea was born long ago. Perhaps some new experiment' ( or the ongoing spraying ) has in fact created this fog in exactly the right humidity/ temperature conditions...?
I agree with you - I donβt even know anything about chemical warfare but it seems
logical that the number of aerial flights needed to disperse an assault over even one city, with enough product to cause definitive effect would be noticeable not just bc of the number of planes but the noise would be ..well, remarkable to say the least.
How could you possibly keep that under wraps? Every plane would have to be equipped with tanks and dispersion gear and not one single mechanic has provided pictures? Not buying it. Not that DS wouldn't if they could...
Look up cloud seeding. The wikipedia page covers it.
The government 100% does spray chemicals out of airplanes, I just see no evidence they have the logistics to create vast chemical fogs that are noticeably different from regular water.
How about the flat earth thing? Ultra ret4rded; can you imagine the scale of the conspiracy needed to make this possible? The pilots, ship captains etc not to mention the government
Given the size of the largest possible tank you could put in a drone, you might have one molecule of the substance on your shirt, a second molecule on a blade of grass, a third on some sand. Most of which will never be in contract with humans. Even the deadliest nerve agents ever made are not going to kill you with one or two or even three molecules.
There's a reason why, when countries do poison gas attacks, they lob artillery shells filled with the stuff into a relatively small area. And why those areas are perfectly safe after the gas has dispersed.
1. The US government has lied about far far less and done far far worse than a fake space mission, there's really no reason to take them at their word that they did go to the moon. If they did fake it it would be entirely in character for them. The same administration that presided over the early apollo program was the one who covered up the USS Liberty attacks.
2. First time I'm hearing about this demon fog thing, but I don't think it can be dismissed simply by saying the government couldn't disperse enough liquid to create a fog bank. It would also be possible to them to disperse enough liquid into a cloud to alter it's properties. In fact they do so on a regular basis.
Why Guess? put an air filter in front of the sucking side of a fan and let it pull the stuff out of the air and take that to a lab to analyze or put it under your own microscope to see whats presentβ¦
Excellent take, though it should be an obvious one. Regarding the metric system, it's already in use in America where needed and where it is not, it isn't. Forcing it everywhere would be an expensive vanity project, only creating a cottage industry of otherwise unnecessary adaptation (plumbing, electrical and general construction, to name a few). The feds abandoned the idea in the 1980s for this reason.
The same Euroid-metric nazis are also the ones telling Americans they need to be bilingual. Well, when it comes to measurement systems we already are.
The only upsides for the imperial system is that some parts of it are easier to use if you're doing math by hand and it's become traditional.
The metric system is vastly easier to use in most circumstances. There really is no downside other than the disruption it would cause transitioning from one to another. And even then that would only last a few years.
There's another down side which can't be dismissed, that of cultural significance. We don't get much to identify ourselves as American but the standard measurement system is a big one. It's not much, but when you come at it you may as well be trying to get a Muslim to eat bacon - not happening.
I get what you mean. Seems like an odd thing to get attached to though since it's origins are norman rather than american. By contrast the metric system has it's origins in the french first republic which arguably is closer in tradition to the US.
No, no joke. If you ever visit Regensburg there's an iron plate in the size of a city foot mounted to the side of city hall. It was called a city foot, maybe just locally. Anyway it's about the same measurement.
This is hand in hand with those insist there are secret gubbamint weather control projects...facts don't back the play. Just a few educated guesses with a calculator and weather control goes the way of demon fog.
Glownigger hands typed this πββοΈπββοΈπββοΈ
Israel killed JFK? Evidence, please.
Most likely scenario: Lee Harvey Oswald, an actual communist, killed JFK, with possibly some support from Cuba. The cover-up, such as it was, resulted from LBJ not wanting to have to go to war.
JFK wanted the American zionist groups to register as foreign agents. The idea was scuttled immediately after his death. Probably just a coincidence. Israel has had their tentacles all over the US ever since, most significantly with the USS Liberty attack, not long after his death.
Poke around on Plenty of detail. also has plenty of crackpots -- including moon-landing deniers. Itβs not worth my time.
Fraidy cat
Sadly, neither are you, but I cant help myself: there are lots of places to look besides the "self-hating jew" website. and Ron Unz has himself written several well-researched, with footnotes and bibliography etc, nearly book-length essays which explode the myth of 'the lone gunman, Oswald'. As for LBJ 'wanting to keep us out of war'..... I can only surmise this is sarcasm at its' worst.
The CIA are Trotskyites and obliging to zion, which JFK was as sick of as the Dulles bois.
The CIA review board of the coup was a travesty -- too many autopsies, too many bullets from the wrong angles -- and the cherry on top, "conspiracy theories!", oh my
it's a pattern they get away with often, c.f. the Liberty review board, the 911 review board, the J6 hearings
Don't forget to renew your subscription.
Rod Dreher believes in demons and ghostly haunted chairs.
There was a house on Main, by the Plaza in KC, MO, that was unmistakenly haunted in 1977. says that address is just a bare lot now. I don't know what relation that petulant spirit has to Rod Dreher since I never heard that name before. Why are you talking to me about him?
and WTC 7 fell into it's own footprint at freefall speed.
Oswald glowed brighter than the sun. He was almost certainly CIA.
According to witnesses immediately after the assassination LBJ was in very good spirits. He was delighted to be sworn in as president. That doesn't sound like a man caught off guard and fearful of an emerging war.
I suspect that the FBI was/was trying to use Oswald as an informant, something they would be extremely embarrassed by, as well.
Be polite.
I like substantive discussion here not name calling.
Good analysis. In my experience there are two kinds of conspiracy theorists: schizo and skeptic. Schizos imagine that the world is even worse than it seems at first glance, with unimaginable horrors lurking below the surface. Examples: Pizzagate/Frazzledrip, DUMBs, 5g death rays, COVID vax will kill everyone, etc. Skeptics believe more or less the opposite: that the media and government are promoting unnecessary hysteria, and that the world is actually more rational and orderly than they want you to believe. Examples: Holocaust didnβt happen, nobody died at Sandy Hook, global warming is a hoax, COVID was just the flu. I would also include most JFK theories in this camp, since the idea that a lone crazy guy could singlehandedly kill the president is more concerning than it being the work of a sophisticated intelligence agency.
You seem like more of a skeptic. But youβre right that the kooks/schizos have more fun.
I'd say the covid vax theories were more like spoiler alerts, though obviously not *everybody* died. Don't get me started about pizzagate and sandy hook crisis actors though - those kinds of theories are meant to make all skeptics sound like schizos.
And the Holocaust *as taught to us* is an example of history being written by the winners. Now that most of the veterans are dead, the victors assume they can step on the myth making gas even harder, but the facts are still leaking out.
The substantive of pizzagate has largely been proven true. Our ruling class were attending private parties where child escorts were being passed around.
Whether or not it happened in comet ping pong is open to debate, but that's a minor detrail.
As for sandy hook... I thought it was crazy at first but the more I look into it the more I think they have a point.
Agreed about the holocaust.
He's a marine with a good shot, that would be enough
But was he a good enough shot to make a bullet change direction in midair?
Interestingly, this one hinges on the same sort of delusion that gets normies to buy into AGW: they really believe they have a solid memory of exactly what the weather was like this time a year ago, or even 40 years ago.
Yeahβ¦when thereβs temperature inversions any moisture in the ground hits the warm air = fog in the evenings; or if in populated areas, temp inversions keeps pollution trapped just above town β¦ pollution smells bad.
This is the explanation I've heard, but I know jack all about weather.
I just have an amatuer knowledge of the logistics of chemical warfare.
I am convinced that "geological engineering" (aka 'chemtrails) is a very real thing. The dotgov itself has published the research, etc. Millions of our aware citizens are finally taking notice of the blotted out blue skies with a maze of the damnable things spreading out and over.... your entire state, for just one as an example.
Inducing water droplet condensation with the particulates sprayed from those aircraft is quite simple' as in creating rain with this idea was born long ago. Perhaps some new experiment' ( or the ongoing spraying ) has in fact created this fog in exactly the right humidity/ temperature conditions...?
Look up cloud seeding. They don't even hide the fact they have programs to do exactly that.
What I'm saying is they can't create a chemical fog that consumes half the country at even 1 part per million.
I agree with you - I donβt even know anything about chemical warfare but it seems
logical that the number of aerial flights needed to disperse an assault over even one city, with enough product to cause definitive effect would be noticeable not just bc of the number of planes but the noise would be ..well, remarkable to say the least.
How could you possibly keep that under wraps? Every plane would have to be equipped with tanks and dispersion gear and not one single mechanic has provided pictures? Not buying it. Not that DS wouldn't if they could...
So, contrails are merely water vapor showing up in the right atmospheric conditions? Like they were 50 years ago? Darn...
Look up cloud seeding. The wikipedia page covers it.
The government 100% does spray chemicals out of airplanes, I just see no evidence they have the logistics to create vast chemical fogs that are noticeably different from regular water.
How about the flat earth thing? Ultra ret4rded; can you imagine the scale of the conspiracy needed to make this possible? The pilots, ship captains etc not to mention the government
Plus everyone who's been to the arctic or subarctic and experienced midnight sun (myself included)... Is the sun in on it?
π it wouldnβt change their minds, maybe they would say it proves that the sun revolves around the earth in the summer
"And This is why Americans need the metric system..."
You are not fully there. Avoid million, billion , trillion and use mega, giga, tera instead
This is avoids the short form / large form problem for large numberes
Given the size of the largest possible tank you could put in a drone, you might have one molecule of the substance on your shirt, a second molecule on a blade of grass, a third on some sand. Most of which will never be in contract with humans. Even the deadliest nerve agents ever made are not going to kill you with one or two or even three molecules.
There's a reason why, when countries do poison gas attacks, they lob artillery shells filled with the stuff into a relatively small area. And why those areas are perfectly safe after the gas has dispersed.
1. The US government has lied about far far less and done far far worse than a fake space mission, there's really no reason to take them at their word that they did go to the moon. If they did fake it it would be entirely in character for them. The same administration that presided over the early apollo program was the one who covered up the USS Liberty attacks.
2. First time I'm hearing about this demon fog thing, but I don't think it can be dismissed simply by saying the government couldn't disperse enough liquid to create a fog bank. It would also be possible to them to disperse enough liquid into a cloud to alter it's properties. In fact they do so on a regular basis.
Proud to say my O- blood is still untainted by the dubious mRNA... Rarest of the rare!
Guy on X in Florida sent in a series of samples to test for specific things to a lab he works at.
Will be interesting to see what he finds out, but i nuked my account.
He could only test for disease i believe
Why Guess? put an air filter in front of the sucking side of a fan and let it pull the stuff out of the air and take that to a lab to analyze or put it under your own microscope to see whats presentβ¦
Good advice Kulak. Reverse Osmosis probably best for water filtration - not forgetting to replace those healthy minerals
Excellent take, though it should be an obvious one. Regarding the metric system, it's already in use in America where needed and where it is not, it isn't. Forcing it everywhere would be an expensive vanity project, only creating a cottage industry of otherwise unnecessary adaptation (plumbing, electrical and general construction, to name a few). The feds abandoned the idea in the 1980s for this reason.
The same Euroid-metric nazis are also the ones telling Americans they need to be bilingual. Well, when it comes to measurement systems we already are.
The only upsides for the imperial system is that some parts of it are easier to use if you're doing math by hand and it's become traditional.
The metric system is vastly easier to use in most circumstances. There really is no downside other than the disruption it would cause transitioning from one to another. And even then that would only last a few years.
There's another down side which can't be dismissed, that of cultural significance. We don't get much to identify ourselves as American but the standard measurement system is a big one. It's not much, but when you come at it you may as well be trying to get a Muslim to eat bacon - not happening.
I get what you mean. Seems like an odd thing to get attached to though since it's origins are norman rather than american. By contrast the metric system has it's origins in the french first republic which arguably is closer in tradition to the US.
The Germans also had something called a "city foot," which was about the length of a standard 12 inch ruler.
I tried looking it up but couldn't find anything. Did I miss a joke? That sounds the same as a regular foot.
No, no joke. If you ever visit Regensburg there's an iron plate in the size of a city foot mounted to the side of city hall. It was called a city foot, maybe just locally. Anyway it's about the same measurement.
This is hand in hand with those insist there are secret gubbamint weather control projects...facts don't back the play. Just a few educated guesses with a calculator and weather control goes the way of demon fog.