A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.

-Robert A. Heinlein

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Some people don’t have physical aptitude, but you don’t need to lean into it, and one can compensate for weak points. There’s no reason everyone has to bench press 300 pounds, but every healthy non-infirm male between 15 and 70 should, absent a serious medical issue, be able to bench press over 100 pounds.

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This is part of why Yukio Mishima is such an Icon of the Vitalist right... He went from a sickly Asthmatic denied conscription during WW2 to becoming a bodybuilder, leading a paramilitary unit, then dying gloriously attempting a military coup.

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Still not good enough. Vitalism is just bullshittery speak for BAPism. And we both know Costin Is Jewish.

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not quite the same, but Teddy Roosevelt is also a role model in this regard

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Correct, not everyone will become an Elite Powerlifter or Bodybuilder, but being able to bench your own body weight is a reasonable standard.

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I’d say it depends on the person, their aptitude, and their overall health. As it happens, I do meet your standard, but in my sixties the days of setting personal bests are gone. I want to stay as strong as I can as long as possible to avoid falls and other injuries.

The point to me is to make the effort.

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A coalition of the resentful has put out propaganda against normal men for a long time now. Feminists, gays, ethnic and religious minorities all feel bad about themselves by comparison and enjoy tearing down and disparaging normal men. This has been the basis of the Democratic Party ever since they abandoned their commitment to the working class.

Normal men, on the other hand, don't usually feel any particular need to complain, because complaining in itself is rather unmanly.

All that's really necessary is to understand and dismiss the resentments of the incompetent, and to live the life of a normal man regardless of the propaganda.

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Where can I find a population of normal men?

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The last large concentrations of normal men seem to be in trades like plumbing and HVAC. You can also see them doing road work.

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Gene: (looks up plumbing & HVAC on the BLS site)

Hmm. Maybe normality ain't all it's cracked up to be.

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Trades and military/police/security jobs.

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Great generalists exist only in myth. All men in history with spectacular accomplishments were rather one-sided specialists. Charles Darwin was more of a nerd than not.

Napoleon ruined France forever. Compared to the Cardinal Richelieu, who had made France into a great power, Napoleon was a mediocrity with zero political foresight.

You also misunderstand Zelazny. First of all, his protagonist is not human, just like Superman. No intelligent person expects a human being to be Superman. Add to that that neither of the princes is a genius, especially not Corwin who makes a few rather dumb mistakes.

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Eh, kind of.

Geniuses tend to produce breakthroughs by specializing in one field and then hopping over to another where their previous knowledge had yet to be applied. Their discoveries tend to reside within the overlap of the two.

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Don´t really agree that breakthroughs are typically interdisciplinary.

Though it is often true that geniuses are "amateurs" in their field in the sense that they lack credentials. Darwin had studied Theology, which probably didn´t help him much with his real work. I doubt there was any theological knowledge that he could apply to natural science. In as far as there was an overlap, Darwin destroyed Theology I´d say.

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Darwin’s theological studies included within them a Hegelian understanding of history. This model portrays history as a something which emerges from the interaction between challenges and responses.

It was a necessary prerequisite for Darwin’s evolutionary theory, because it uses an identical model. The challenge is the environment. The response is a beneficial mutation brought about by random variation.

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This sounds exceptionally far-fetched tbh.

Hegel was not generally well received by Theologians nor by the English.

I find it extremely hard to believe that British Theologians taught Hegel.

As far as I know, Darwin never read Hegel.

Add to this that according to Hegel nature has a purpose, while Evolution in the Darwinian understanding definitely DOES NOT have a purpose. Darwin is the very opposite of a Hegelian in the decisive respect.

In addition, you totally misunderstand Hegel. The idea produces the facts, not the other way round. And there is absoutely no randomness involved. History is the dialogue of God with himself. Reading Hegel as if he were a materialist is modern American stupidity to the square.

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One of the more grueling tests of human endeavor is the United States Marine Corps enlisted recruit training and the USMC Officers Candidate School. (OCS) many speak of joining few actually do. But those that do and prevail are an odd mix and those that one might suppose won’t make it do, and as they do, they realize how much of life lives in the brain, the “will” to finish, to persevere and to prosper under very difficult and stressful conditions. It is said Americans are soft, currently they are, but iron sharpens iron and when push comes to shove and it surely it shall at some point, enough Americans will be able to step up and then whether they have a pocket protector or can max the Combat Fitness Test prevail so that the less able are preserved and the country can flourish. Never give up and never give in..

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Lol, those aren’t nerds. Those are Jews. The whole “muh revenge of the nerds” bullshittery is BAPism and we both know that Costin Is Jewish.

You can’t be good at everything, you can’t even be good at one thing. Stop acting like anything good has ever happened because Nothing Good Has Ever Happened. You’re not getting the renaissance man back. You’re not even getting multi-talented back. You’re getting Infinity Voodoo Chopping Haitians, TechBro Traitors and Infinity Pajeets.

Ashes and Echoes, E-Celeb! Ashes and Echoes.

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The Distributist had a really good video series on nerds, nerd culture, and the problems with that particular identity that I highly recommend.

Basically, his thesis was that it’s a hollow identity built around consumerism, and is a poor substitute for actual substantive identities that have been denied to white men for the past several decades or so.

Really, it makes sense that our ruling class would want to push that identity on young white men as a means of pacification, as them taking on any of those more meaningful ones would be a threat to their grip on power.

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Jonathan Bowden said the New Right needs “cultured thugs” and he was correct about that.

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you mean gentlemen, kid?

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Too bad such a thing is impossible. Nothing Good Has Ever Happened.

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But did Alexander the Great spend all weekend doing Kumon drills? Now that is the good life!

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Dude, does everyone know you’re not a girl?

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not a history book in the lot. It's all fantasy sci-fi, swords and sorcery. Also, skeptical that your avatar pic is the real Kulak

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Powerful message there, I used to consider myself a nerd now I simply say I'm a 'Historian' and also a 'Mythologist' or 'Writer'. Weirdly I've not called myself a nerd in a decade, and have been throwing myself into hiking, bird-watching, sciences, mechanics, grammar, theology, linguistics, politics, legal-studies, finances and even wood-carving and other interests I never had since about 6 years ago, even as I pursue my older interests.

It's very interesting how these changes have taken place. Might be like you said; don't aspire to be a nerd but be great. Aspire to learn everything, learn all that you can and always improve even as you build something lasting for yourself.

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Surprised Doc Savage wasn't mentioned. He's pretty much the ur-example of this type.

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As BAP and Vox Day explained in detail, nerds are people of rotten character. Conniving, jealous, petty, full of excuses, self-centred, and not even that smart. Spend any time at all interacting with them and you'll see they all dream of the future where their body pillow will make them the cool kid. If you think I'm full of shit, refer to that pajeet nerdoid Vivek's latest speech.

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Now the white man is largely portrayed as an Homer Simpson. It seems that due to the much higher fertility rate of subhumans, they have taken over society, and filmmakers have simply tried to please this majority and make films for them, mocking the white man as they see him as a threat. As soon as normal whiten men become majority, the films will get better etc

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