Follow me on Twitter: @FromKulak
The self identified “nerd” is a disgusting creature.
The self identified nerd identifies with their own unhealthy impotence and ugliness instead of seeking to better and heal themselves, and then hang onto whatever intelligence they have as a cope, unable to admit if they’re wrong lest their ego shatter.
the entire identity is an unhealthy artifice created by an unhealthy holywood ethnicity to teach their own resentments and neuroses into normal Americans.
Before the late 70s “nerd” was not a category, Science fiction worshiped the Competent or “Com-potent” man, such as appears in the works of Heinlein, Rodger Zelazny, George Lucas, or Gene Roddenberry.
The technical wizard and able scientist who is also a physical specimen and athlete, knowledgeable about history, art, and matters spiritual, able to summon aliens from another dimension with his advanced research, then defeat them in single combat, and sleep with their women.
Captain Kirk, The Father and Son Skywalker, Indiana Jones, James Bond, Johnny Rico in the Starship Troopers book… basically every other Heinlein protagonist… All of Ayn Rand’s heroes, and the original superheroes of Clark Kent, Bruce Wayne, and Peter Parker (a photographer, crime fighter, and student scientist).
Brad Majors from Rocky Horror Picture Show and Buckaroo Banzai are parodies of this archetype.
But this is much more ancient. this is the ideal of western man. From Ancient Greece to the Kaiserreich. from the Roman empire to the British empire.
From Xenophon to Shackleton, Achilles to T. E. Lawrence, Alexander to Napoleon, Caesar to Hitler. Odysseus to Nelson.
The ideal is an athletic man of action, who is also a scholar of history arts and letters, also fine looking and charismatic, also a technical genius, also a spiritual visionary, and ideally also a passionate lover.
And any framing that sets these traits at odds with one another that one must be either athletic or intelligent, either attractive or artistic, either great or of the common touch is subverting your potential.
Napoleon was the most prolific traveler of his time, a math wizard who maintained accounts intuitively, a brave hero who stepped first towards the fire, flag in hand, on many occasions, and never cowered from a fight or crisis, a policy genius who tracked the minutest details of his empire, a cunning political operator, a great patron of the arts, a passionate lover with something like 20 mistresses total over his reign with multiple bastards, and a family man who looked after his relations and friends before all, not least his Stepson and apprentice Eugene.
This is the unit you are being measured against.
Excellen in one area doesn’t excuse mediocrity in another. Don’t be a nerd. Be great.
Follow me on Twitter: @FromKulak
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Follow me on Twitter: @FromKulak
A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.
-Robert A. Heinlein
Some people don’t have physical aptitude, but you don’t need to lean into it, and one can compensate for weak points. There’s no reason everyone has to bench press 300 pounds, but every healthy non-infirm male between 15 and 70 should, absent a serious medical issue, be able to bench press over 100 pounds.