Also looking at online racial discussions through the lens of IQ is really fascinating. They can be summarized as:

Any race or ethnic group with a lower mean IQ than yours consists of barbaric savages who need to be kept away from civilized society.

Any race or ethnic group with a higher mean IQ than yours are evil conspirators secretly plotting to exile you from civilized society.

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Humans are rather predictable aren't they! 😂

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> Any race or ethnic group with a lower mean IQ than yours consists of barbaric savages who need to be kept away from civilized society.


> Any race or ethnic group with a higher mean IQ than yours are evil conspirators secretly plotting to exile you from civilized society.

This only applies to jews, I haven't seen any other high IQ group being accused of this. Also as covered in other comments, jewish claims of high IQ are fudged. Their success owes more to nepotism.

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> I haven't seen any other high IQ group being accused of this.

Blacks are constantly accusing Whites of this.

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Typically only under the direction of jews. Left to their own devices they don't tend to.

When was the last time you heard of the Japanese being accused of plotting against whites? Or Koreans?

Maybe complaints about jewish subversion are due to (wait for it) subversive behaviour.

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> Left to their own devices they don't tend to.

Yes they do, you just have never looked a Black social media.

> When was the last time you heard of the Japanese being accused of plotting against whites? Or Koreans?

For decades after WWII there were strict laws against depicting Japanese culture in South Korea. Some of them are still on the books.

Don't get me started on the attitudes towards the Chinese in South East Asia.

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> Yes they do, you just have never looked a Black social media.

Blacks are heavily coached in jewish narratives and have been since at least the 1960s. MLKs speeches were written by jews, all of the major marxist theoreticians their complaints are based on were jews, the NACCP was set up and run by jews, same with SPLC. Black dissidence is almost entirely jewish.

> For decades after WWII there were strict laws against depicting Japanese culture in South Korea. Some of them are still on the books.

Nice goalpost shift. We're talking about a high-iq population being accused of subverting a low-iq population. There are japanese and korean diasporas all over the west and even some third world countries. There is no significant outcry against japanese or korean subversion, simply because they largely aren't subversive.

> Don't get me started on the attitudes towards the Chinese in South East Asia.

Yes. PRC emigres are subversive in many countries so they are correctly accused of such, just like the jews are in the west.

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> Blacks are heavily coached in jewish narratives and have been since at least the 1960s. MLKs speeches

Most Blacks today probably know less about MLK then most Whites.

> Yes. PRC emigres are subversive in many countries so they are correctly accused of such, just like the jews are in the west.

I'm not talking about PRC emigres, I'm talking about overseas Chinese who've been there since before the PRC existed.

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Chris Langan, who has been argued by some to be the smartest man in the world, has two on-point Gab posts on this topic: https://gab.com/ChrisLangan/posts/110681095296234614 and https://gab.com/ChrisLangan/posts/109331048122959856

Basically, he believes the international financiers, the Rothschild central bank owners & co., use the Jewish masses as a shield against the gentile masses. By proclaiming that any investigation into the central bank owner behavior is anti-semitism, they can rile up the Jewish people to defend the central bank owner interests. This is why the 16th Amendment authorizing personal income taxes, the IRS, the Federal Reserve and the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) all came into existence in 1913. But the relationship is lopsided and the Rothschilds are more than happy to throw the Jewish masses to the wolves if it becomes expedient for them to do so. And there is some underlying hatred and antipathy there as well, because globohomo made the Jews in Israel the most force-COVID vaccinated and lockdowned country in the world during COVID (but the Muslims were exempt from the forced-vaccinations), along with Australia.

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Literal meat shields and figurative social shields. [They] have no compunction about sending their own people to die for their causes.

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No practicing Jew ever has to be honest or forthright. Every year on the day of atonement they say a prayer that absolves them of breaking any oath or agreement in the coming year.

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That’s false. The same jews that say that prayer also have rabbinic courts that uphold “oaths and agreements” between individuals, with noncompliance resulting in social ostracism. And if that’s not enough, they may be permitted to take their case to civil court. So it obviously doesn’t work like your slander would have us believe.

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I’m simply repeating what was written by Benjamin Freedman. So why have a prayer that absolves one of their oaths and agreements for the coming year if it is meaningless?

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I don’t know who Benjamin Freedman is, but as for the prayer, It’s not meaningless - it just doesn’t mean what you say it means. I’m no jewish legal expert, but as far as i understand it’s about absolving oaths that are taken privately regarding oneself, kind of akin to new-years resolutions. Biblical law takes oaths between a person and God extremely seriously, so the idea is that one should not enter the day of repentance afraid to take ambitious resolutions of self improvement for fear that he might not keep them.

It has literally nothing to do with promises or agreements made with another person. Those are always binding, regardless of any personal caveats made beforehand.

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Interesting. Thanks for sharing, I’ll do more research.

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Also slander does not apply to entire race. Oh but wait, there is no “Jewish” race. 90%+ Jews have no ancestors that ever set foot in the holy lands.

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Even if true (debatable) doesn't matter. A convert to Judaism is as Jewish as someone who stood at Sinai during the revelation.

Ruth is a convert to Judaism.

Kind David is her descendent.

The messiah is to be from the house of David.

Hence. the messiah is to be a decendant of a convert.

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> 90%+ Jews have no ancestors that ever set foot in the holy lands.

Genetic analysis says otherwise.

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I'm a practicing jew. That isn't true.

That prayer is a gesture of repentance just in case you mistakenly don't keep a promise.

By mistake.

There are tens of verses that are very harsh on liars and people that don't keep their promises.

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Thanks for sharing. I read this in a book by Benjamin Freedman, and while he had some interesting perspectives it was difficult to confirm what is true and false.

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Appreciate your openness to new info. Very rare online especially when it comes to discussing the jews.

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Agreed. What do you think about the theory that most Jews are not Semitic people? That they converted and are from eastern europe and asia?

Or that the elites use the Jewish people as a shield?

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Not true. That applies to the broken promises you made before yourself and G-d. I.E. "I swear, this year I'm going to join the gym and lose 20 pounds." And you fail to do so. This is a way to appeal to forgiveness for breaking this personal promise to G-d.

It does not invalidate your commitments to other people.

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That is credible, but it falls down in that crying anti-semitism is a behaviour that predates rothschild dominance. The jews have always been extremely sensitive to criticism, even Cicero complained about it.

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I'm a religious jew and I will say that 90% of the jews you talk about in this post are not practicing jews.

Actual religious jews are usually very right wing and mind their own business.

Don't confuse ethnicity with beliefs.

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And the ADL does not represent us at all.

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The Russian Empire never showed subservience to a Cossack state that continually abused it.

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Israel doesn't abuse America. All the examples people who talk about ZOG cite are always complaints about the Procedural Managerial Class as described in the OP.

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So in the mid to late 90s when the US Congress was talking about cutting Israeli aid and suddenly the Israelis were making deals with the Chinese to sell US technology, that is not abuse? Ask yourself why every politician bows to AIPAC.

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> So in the mid to late 90s when the US Congress was talking about cutting Israeli aid and suddenly the Israelis were making deals with the Chinese to sell US technology

In other words, Israel isn't a US colony.

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You talk in circles. "Israel does not abuse the US," I cite an example and you move the goalpost. I never said or implied they were a colony. It was an extortion tactic. No doubt your next statement will shift blame to the US. Best of luck in life, you'll need it.

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Technically, you don't actually have any way to know these things.

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Thanks for this post on the Jews. Here’s another article on the topic:


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Ulster Protestants and American Scots-Irish weren’t violent or criminal? You evidently aren’t familiar with their history and behavior both in Ulster and throughout Appalachia and The American South.

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I believe the point is that by the time in question they had gotten sufficiently prosperous to no longer be as violent. Also a lot more "respectable" types of Protestents than the Borderers had moved in.

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Scots-Irish are still pretty violent. They were and are, ‘Born Fighting.’

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You evidently aren't familiar with discussion boards.

You see, how this works is that when you have a counter argument, it should be related to the topic. You have not demonstrated any such relation in your comment. No one knows wtf you are on about.

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Maybe you ought to read the article before commenting here, ‘Bacon Commander.’

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I fully agree that empires will seek to buy the loyalty of venal ethnic groups, but it's not enough to simply say "they picked that one and that's why they ended up powerful." The ethnic group in question will need racial traits that incline them in that direction to begin with.

In the case of the jews it's not a coincidence that they've ended up as the administrative class of multiple empires. It's a position they naturally gravitate towards and ultimately abuse.

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‘Irish Catholics were the underclass, but also the prolific fast breeding criminal class.’

- incorrect.

the police up north were british. they didn’t police or protect catholics up north. they incarcerated catholics disproportionately.

irish catholic children had rocks thrown at them on the way to school. (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holy_Cross_dispute#:~:text=Loyalists%20jeered%20and%20shouted%20sectarian,%3A%20%22It%20was%20absolutely%20terrifying.)

the protestant streets had pirate flags with black skulls and crosses lining the streets. during the troubles you couldn’t drive a southern register car down these streets and make it out unharmed.

many catholics were forced to protect their families and themselves just walking to work or the grocery store. catholics often had bricks thrown through their window and their property vandalized.

crimes against the catholics were not punished.

when defending themselves against attacks catholics were the ones arrested and charged.

not saying that catholics didn’t cause harm. but it is more nuanced than what you said. catholics lived in constant fear and the authorities were against them.

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Nope. Its not an "ethnic" problem. Its an ideological one. Honest, compassionate human beings have zero tolerance for a people practicing the following game theory:

You shall not charge interest to your brother—interest on money or food or anything that is lent out at interest. 20 To a foreigner you may charge interest, but to your brother you shall not charge interest, that the Lord your God may bless you in all to which you set your hand in the land which you are entering to possess.

Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy all that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.

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The greater the confusion, the more we pray to make it stop, no matter what the cost may be.

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You talk as if the modern American civil-rights regime wasn't to a great extent a Jewish creation.

The Cossacks were the pointy end of the stick; the Jews are the ones who wield the stick.

Just like in the USSR's Cheka, most of the higher-ups were Jews but many of the ones actually

doing the "wet work" were Lithuanians and other Gentile ethnicities. Of course this reflects

their propensity for intellectual work... but it also makes it a poor analogy.

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Largely I'd argue organized Jewish interests inherited the civil rights regime form the Protestant WASPs who used it to enforce their social beleifs on the evangelical south and the rest of America... It's not a coincidence that Irish catholics and Midwestern Germans had their communities destroyed by bussing, but the mainline new england prot upper-class did not.

Also not a coincidence that Kennedy a Catholic was Shot, Nixon a Quaker was destroyed by the types of deep state machinations they're using on trump... And LBJ, a Unitarian (Ie. Direct descendant of the Puritan church) pretty much got everything he wanted.

Wokeness as an ideology maps one to one onto regions that were staunch Calvinists...

Moldbug, though I disagree with him about alot, is basically right that Progressivism is just the latest form of Mainline Prot religious revivalism, right down to the direct descendant of the Puritan church being the unitarians where you can see witches doing black masses and Drag Queen story hour every sunday.

The Unifying theme of mainline Calvinist protestant culture going back to John Calvin's theocracy in Geneva being that the religion is entirely a political project, and basically any manuevers are acceptable to achieve socio-religious control over the masses... what the progressives realized is that they could have theocracy again, if they just got rid of god, called themselves secular, and then tried to enforce all their religious edicts as "morality" or "being a decent human being"

You can even see it in mainline prot churches... they're the fastest and keenest to adopt the newest versions of the rainbow flag

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Interestingly something I learned by reading Chesterton is that during the late 19th century there was a trend of Unitarian churches converting themselves into "ethical societies".

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Very incisive

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