Short Take: Are Jews the American Cossacks?
How flailing Governments turn Class Conflicts into ethnic conflicts
Americans don't get ethnic conflict.
Decades of Kumbaya melting pot propaganda has blinded them to the reality of most of human history, and recent history at that...
This is making the sudden recent rise in online Anti-semitism and racism inexplicable to a lot of people.
The vast VAST majority of ethnic conflicts are not anything like what Americans think of as ethnic conflicts, they're largely class conflicts.
Think of the Cossacks in Imperial Russia, they were explicitly given privileges and more freedoms than other ethnicities in exchange for their unique form of military service... in which they'd invariably be weilded against other Russian ethnicities, so of course when the revolution happened, or the German invasion 20 years later the cossacks were subjected to persecution and warcrimes and committed warcrimes in their turn.
The Fall of Yugoslavia and subsequent wars don't make sense unless you realize Serbians were disproportionately the Gvernment official and employee class under the communist regime, and Slobedan Millosovic kept getting re-elected on the promise that he would honor the old Yugoslav government pesions... How do you pay for an entire pension regime when half the country has left? Well You do what he did, you wage vicious ethnic conflict to reforge a "Greater Serbia" that you could afford to keep all those communist pensioners getting cheques.
Likewise most American's have this vapid idea the Irish Catholics and Protestants in North Ireland were somehow fighting over religion... that they were just really passionate about whether the Pope was infallible or not....
NO, Irish Catholics were the underclass, but also the prolific fast breeding criminal class.
So even without the history you had a Group of overabundant, disproportionately younger and criminal who often Joy-ride as a way of life... Against a group of disproportionately middle-class nuclear families with a law and order mentality... And then the young criminal class started rioting because they were being discriminated against as criminals, even as catholic families disproportionately lived in public housing on benefits paid by the prots...
You see why the demographics shifting such that Catholics were increasingly looking like they'd be the majority would bring lots of political problems to the forefront.
Which brings us back to the rise of anti-semitism. Setting aside conspiracy theories and the eternal moral panic about secret nazis out there somewhere... Jews disproportionately have a massive class conflict with white Americans.
The Jewish upper-class (and middle-class) are disproportionately administrators, activists, government employees, Teachers, Proffessors... And generally what James Burnham would call the "Managerial Class " Ie. Bureaucrats in the Public sector and NGO sector... both of which are basically the government tax dollar sectors.
Whereas White Ameircans disproportionately live and work in the private sector, they have careers at all levels of business and disproportionately own and operate the small businesses that actually make up the base of the US economy, all the taxes that get paid, and suffer under the Aminstriative state's cloying corrupt regulations.
There are millions of exceptions, but once you notice the entry-requirement for the administrative class is university degrees, and the universities discriminate and exclude white (and Asian) Americans in their Affirmative Action schemes, but don't do likewise with over represented jews... It's very hard to argue it's not systemic.
So already, setting aside religion, politics, Isreal, conspiracy theories, memories of Antisemitism past... THERE IS A MASSIVE TENSION HERE.
Jews in many respect fulfill the same role in America and the administrative cathedral that the cossacks did in Russia and the imperial security state...
Mercifully the US state hasn't made it explicit the way russia did with the Cossacks, so a wide cross-section of ordinary Jews haven't all been implicated and politicized.
But in an era of mass public revolts against the administrative state from Canada (where the administrative class is French and explicitly hated) to Australia, to the Netherlands, to France and countless other places where jews aren't disproportionately represented in the same way... being in the position of being an administrative ethnicity for one of the most despised and corrupt regimes in the western world, with one of the rowdiest most populist populations...
That's a dangerous and undesirable position to be in.
It's actually sad because Jews are also disproportionately represented in critics of the Administrative state, you can go through Libertarian critics, the very hardcore ones, and they're disproportionately Jewish right down to the people calling for government officials to hang for warcrimes. Many of the greatest criticism of US (and Isreali) tyrrany and social control are Jewish, and it really speaks to their character that many of these people chose the uncertain and unsteady path of dissidents when there were lots of systemic factors that would have easily set them up if they just played ball...
Many of my personal ideological heroes such as Murray Rothbard, Ludwig Von Mises, Ayn Rand, and John Milius were Jewish, and many of the best voices on the Dissident Right today are Jewish, and of course fight like cats and dogs over Isreal and various ideological questions… like Jews… but also like the America dissident right in general.
In summary: America is not special. America's ethnic tensions are not special. America's ethnicities are not special.
Conspiracy theories about secret white or jewish animus and criminal networks, even the ones that turn out to be true, are generally not needed to explain the rising tensions between whites and jews, or between them and Blacks or Hispanics even... Declining empires: from the Rusisans, to the Ottomans, to the British, to the Yugoslavs have all seen similar things arise.
It is a class conflict overlapping with ethnic tensions, and largely by government design. States love an insecure minority they can depend on to be disproportionately loyal in exchange for sinecures. The Russian state especially went out of the way to structure the Cossacks’ privileges such that if the Russian empire ever fell the Cossacks would be damned near guaranteed to suffer genocide, it kept the Cossacks loyal... And one can see the analogy with how keen the American regime is to appropriate Jewish traumas and historic suffering (which the US government did nothing to Alleviate, actively turning fleeing jews back towards Germany), and then tie that Trauma into its own legitimacy myths and censorship of dissent.
Maybe at one point the ADL actually advanced Jewish interests, but at this point it's prettymuch entirely an organ for attacking American's historic free speech rights for the most corrupt aspects of the American regime, using appropriated jewish trauma to justify, empower, and enrich itself...
There is probably no organization on earth that is more actively dangerous to Jews living in America than the ADL going about trying to actively tie the Jewish diaspora to the mast of an increasingly despised and hated censorship/security/warfare state, that is already showing signs of taking on water. Jews who many of whom actively resent the censorship wars and wasted tax money themselves.
The challenge is that noticing the class and structural conflict reveals how difficult the problem actually is to solve, and how interests, not uniformly across ethnicities, but for countless people, genuinely do diverge.
TL; DR : There is a major Class conflict between Flyover Americans and the Administrative/ bureaucratic state, Jews are disproportionately represented in the Administrative State... most likely by regime design as countless states have done with vulnerable minorities... Risking that the class conflict will turn into an ethnic conflict.
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Also looking at online racial discussions through the lens of IQ is really fascinating. They can be summarized as:
Any race or ethnic group with a lower mean IQ than yours consists of barbaric savages who need to be kept away from civilized society.
Any race or ethnic group with a higher mean IQ than yours are evil conspirators secretly plotting to exile you from civilized society.
Chris Langan, who has been argued by some to be the smartest man in the world, has two on-point Gab posts on this topic: and
Basically, he believes the international financiers, the Rothschild central bank owners & co., use the Jewish masses as a shield against the gentile masses. By proclaiming that any investigation into the central bank owner behavior is anti-semitism, they can rile up the Jewish people to defend the central bank owner interests. This is why the 16th Amendment authorizing personal income taxes, the IRS, the Federal Reserve and the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) all came into existence in 1913. But the relationship is lopsided and the Rothschilds are more than happy to throw the Jewish masses to the wolves if it becomes expedient for them to do so. And there is some underlying hatred and antipathy there as well, because globohomo made the Jews in Israel the most force-COVID vaccinated and lockdowned country in the world during COVID (but the Muslims were exempt from the forced-vaccinations), along with Australia.