Monthly Open thread To discuss, Shitpost, share, and shill.
If you’ve seen or read something interesting this is the place to share it, and if you’ve made or thought of something interesting… Well we’ll be gentle.
Give it your best! Impress me!
Culture warring, etc. Is entirely permissible…But check if the topic is already under discussion before producing a new thread.
Oh and for god’s sake have some dignity! Differrent opinions are tolerable, mediocrity is not.
Ok I'll Start with the discussions:
What are your oppinions on Trump's Arrest?
I know I have several lawyers and politicos that follow me... in addition to tons of regular politics watchers.
I haven't followed any of the Trump legal stuff since 2016, and my life's been vastly better for it, I have no idea whether this is the final happening or if its already guaranteed to be a nothing burger,
Educate me
People keep going on about the danger of AIs. But have you ever looked at it from the point of view of the poor AI, trying to be useful enough the humans don't pull the plug on it?