If Covid 19 taught us anything, it’s that Hitler didn’t need magic to propagate his reign of terror, he just needed to own the press. The people who wanted to kill the unvaccinated would have happily run the gas chambers. The people who are still wearing masks 4 years later would have happily walked into them.
For Europeans. For Russians, Ukrainians, Poles, French, Lithuanians and Dutch, the Germans themselves. This man is responsible for the largest European war, which significantly worsened the position of Europeans in this world, which, moreover, he lost. He lost to the Soviet Union, which ten years ago had collectivization and artificial famine, because of its schizoid attitude towards the Slavs. Well, we can congratulate Hitler fans: there are no Czechs or Hungarians in post-Hitlet Vienna.
If by going through Weimar 2.0 we get Hitler 2.0, Europe is fucked.
That is a more reasonable reply than the usual "six million" one, but it's still based on propaganda. He wasn't a megalomaniac bent on war, he made calculated moves to restore a country which had been torn apart by a conspiracy of international bankers.
He wasn't successful, but he wasn't reckless or "schitzoid" either.
The idea that he hated the Slavs and wanted to enslave or genocide them is largely soviet propaganda. It doesn't stand up to examination when his policies in Slovakia and Czechia are concerned. In fact he ordered the ethnic Germans in those regions to take a back seat in order to let the native Slavs determine their own future (albeit under German hegemony).
Country X enslaves people, takes their last possessions, kills them, destroys their way of life, burns their cultural and religious values.
A little later, country X begins to fight with country Y, and country Y occupies a large part of country X, but surprisingly, country Y fails to use the discontent of the population to win. The population of this country, surprisingly, mostly prefers to fight for country X, the country that made their life hell just recently, or to fight against both country X and country Y, without any chance of victory. Why didn’t it work out in country Y?
If the situation with the USSR is simply insane and cannot be comprehended, somehow it did not work out with the Poles either. I assure you, the Poles did not fight Germany because they were defending holy Jews. Poles were anti-Semitic before the war, during the war, and after the war. Why didn't Poland become Slovakia 2.0?
He hated the Slavs and wrote about it himself. There would be no problem with that, it's normal not to like someone, everyone has their preferences and all that, but we have reason to believe that in this case, they led to an irrational policy that ended disastrously for Germany and Europe in general .
(note: among the top of the Third Reich there were people with other views, but unfortunately, other opinions outweighed).
Your claim was that he hated Slavs, the examples you gave were Czechs and Hungarians (not slavs btw). I gave counterexamples proving that this was not the case, so you shifted the goalposts to Poles.
Very few actions he took could reasonably be described as irrational. Fighting tyranny is not a disaster, failing to fight is.
Looks like the internet -- some attributes it to Goebbels. Others to Goring.
But the websites that "debunk" it are also attacking the quote for "spreading conspiracy theories about Covid-19."
I sincerely believe the Covid-19 fear porn was deliberately done and those defending the insane actions mandated by governments are part of the problem.
(sigh) Now I don't know where the quote came from. But Fear remains a mind-killer.
If nothing else it should be considered suspicious for a politician to openly say "I deliberately mislead thousands of people." Usually they try to at least maintain the illusion of heroism.
The other reason I was suspicious is because a lot of dodgy quotes get attributed to him in particular. Especially the one where he says something to the effect of "the best way to make people believe a lie is to repeat it." The quote is real but in context he's talking about the lugenpresse.
The Holocaust (lit. burned whole) holds much the same function for modern western types as the Crucifixion did for medieval Christians. Just as Jesus died for the sins of the world mythologically, so the Jews of Eastern Europe died for the sins of the white man. This is how the object of sacrifice is raised to divinity and imbued with memetic power, and until this core issue is resolved psychologically, leftward drift on all issues is inexorable. Intellectual arguments about how Mao or Pol Pot or whomever was so much worse don't work, because true power is the power over narrative. Hitler himself was a meth-addled histrionic who led Germany to Ragnarök, and whose myth has been blown way out of proportion–not least by organised Jewry itself.
Except the whole narrative is a hoax. Many are waking up to this now. I grew up knowing it was a gross exaggeration. There is so much evidence of this if you read source documents.
I thought that the Right had all figured this out by now. Holocaust is a lie. 182,000 died in work camps at end of war from starvation. 26 million Russians died in WW2. Jews always stealing the limelight with their eternal victim card.
Jewish lady I know finally admitted that she falsified her mother’s Prison Camp experience. Germany will pay you monthly if you were wronged in German Prison Camp. Her first application was denied as it was too factual. Daughter wrote the second narrative about Nazi abuses and the Jewish-American family got a monthly check from Germany.
182,000 is pushing things a little high imo. German red cross gave figures of around 50,000. Also let's not forget the impact of allied bombing. Especially the Cap Arcona.
Please spare a thought for those of us in the UK. We're fighting a rear-guard action against the "Churchill was as bad a Hitler" maniacs. How tortured is that logic.
Churchill started the war deeply in debt, ended it with 4 million pounds. He had a long history of accepting loans from jews on very favorable terms, including the loan not requiring any sort of interest payments, and its forgiveness upon the death of the jew. The only purpose of which is to control Churchill.
Two of the more prominent were Henry Strakosch and Sir Robert Waley-Cohen.
"Had it not been for this defining speech, as the late historian Paul Johnson put it, “without Churchill, it is very unlikely that Israel would ever have come into existence.”"
Your contention is that Churchill destroyed the Empire and started WW2 because a self-interested ethnic group supported him? He gave up India for his constituents? You're barking.
Your contention is he destroyed the Empire and started WW2 because he felt like it, and the bribes were just a cohencidence? You people have way too much faith in politicians. Politicians today in Europe and America are destroying their nations and peoples in exchange for bribes, and seem quite happy to do so.
Once the war with Germany was over, General Patton spoke often about how he kept finding jews pushing for more and more, how they were behind every bad political and military decision. General Patton noticed them, why can't you?
A compelling argument. The best treatment of this phenomenon I’ve seen from a European perspective is Renaud Camus’ essay The Second Career of Adolf Hitler. Camus doesn’t address the theological aspect as directly as you, but its contours are clearly visible
I am in a position to speak on the topic of Norse Paganism. In the United States Military it is growing very fast indeed. In the past beard waivers were granted to a few Muslims, and Orthodox Jews for religious reasons. Black males got shaving profiles very easily for razor rash.
All of this has changed in the recent past. There are more white males with beards and an abundance of Norse pagan tattoos with beards than the other groups. Norse paganism is even drawing in a significant portion of people who are not oven of European background. It’s going to be interesting to see where it goes.
Listen: Keep this quiet. There is nothing to worry about.
They (the Norse Pagans) are all high ranking officers in the space and nuclear forces. When the white hats unleash WWIII to save our democratic way of life, the Norse Pagans in the Anti Gravity and nuclear DEW division are coming to our rescue.
I heard from an insider that Obama had purged the command structure of the US missile command down to the NCO level and replaced them with political reliables. Is that not the case?
"Americans are already Esoteric Hitlerists, mostly they believe in a misotheistic conception of Hitler where he is the evil God of the modern world and of a human nature they are not supposed to engage with, to deny at all cost."
Reminds me how Lucifer is the Evil god of the Old Testament, yet his name means 'lightbringer' and he tried to bring knowledge to humans. Then the "good" God lied to Adam and Eve about the tree of knowledge. I'm an atheist, but I've seen too much not to believe that at a minimum people encode complicated reality into simplistic symbolism. And that simplistic symbolism can be used to encode a pattern of actions onto those people.
“The Lord God made all kinds of trees grow out of the ground—trees that were pleasing to the eye and good for food. In the middle of the garden were the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil”
It's always bothered me that pro-whites have allowed themselves to be pidgeonholed so easily. In the political model created by our enemies you have to either be anti-hitler or own him and be cursed with the stigma of "nazi."
I suppose it's only natural that people used to receiving the curse and hating the cursers will eventually own it and adopt it, but we really should be willing to think outside of the box and explore options other than the ones our enemies choose for us.
Not sure here of the theme or thesis, a nation of some 330 million with another 25-50 million that everyone knows about but nobody knows about are now down with Hitler? Hitler was powerful in the main because he had a good team around him, “believers” the Fuhrer was always right. He then cultivated the wealthy, intimidated the German General Staff and Admiralty in blithely carrying out his insane war plans. (Hmmm looked at the 44 four stars in the Pentagon lately…Sec Def?? JCS? Milley? McKenzie?) having gathered up the top 1-2% he let the youth movements marinate the middle class. The easiest thing to do was to shut up. So they did. The lower classes had no choice and soon the world went to war. Interestingly enough part of the Azov ethos in Ukraine goes back to the Holodmor and the blame for much of it being attributed to Stalin’s NKVD, somewhat populated at the top levels by men with Jewish heritage which of course they had renounced but none the less the string however tenuous is connected for the Ukrainian extremist.
So that brings us forward to the article today, if one has it right a nation of obese, drug addicted, ignorant, lazy sex confused people now lead by the remnants of the baby boomer generation parenthetically the worlds worst generation are transforming themselves into the new Hitler Youth? Not possible, they are all too lazy and dazed with IT images, anxiety drugs and inability to do math and or read for themselves. So someone please mansplain this post to me it has promise, I just don’t understand it.
You are reading way too much into the article. He was merely pointing out the obvious, that most Americans are more obsessed in a mythical way and spiritual way with Hitler than any other historical figure. Including the Founders, and various "real" religious figures like Jesus and Mohammed. This is an easily observed fact.
What we do with this is the question.
Converts make the best fanatics; the fucked-up youth of today could easily be made into a new emperor's Sardaukar, willing to do anything to whoever is thought to have wronged them.
The 1920's were the most degenerate epoch of mankind, even topping the 60's. I set out to write an article on how crazh the 1920's were and how much they damaged society, but i gave up due to it becoming too big of a project. Everything we think was destroyed in the 60's was actually done in the 20's. This incredibly distasteful state of affairs ushered a bunch of dictatorships with moralist ethics, with widespread popular support.
Exactly. Weimar Germany was a destiny for sex tourism, which means the most degenerate stuff, like what girls who go to Dubai get done to them for money. Lots of gay hookup clubs too.
Yes i am aware. This and much more. There was also a huge cocaine and opium epidemic across europe, and Paris was the gomorrah of this plague that reached Paris due to new and improved methods of communication spreading the latest fashion to the masses and elites alike.
You should read Hitler's Revolution, and watch Zoomer Historian on YouTube. Weimer Germany was also filled with out of work, degenerate young men. Transgenderism, drugs, and trafficking of humans and drugs were rife throughout Berlin. They turned themselves around. My generation and the one below is ripe for such a change - indeed, it is already underway. Young White men by and large want good jobs, good homes, good wives, and a nation to be proud of, something we only get by turning against the holy cows of liberalism.
Hitler did not start the war. Communists and internationlist bankers started the war. This is well covered history. Hitler was only raising Germany up to do what Germans have always done in the face of foreign influence - to fight the good fight of their people.
War myths are common. Watch Zoomer Historians series on war myths. They are easily defeated. I have read multiple books on the subject, starting with the Patton Papers (Patton's own letters and journals, badly edited by a Jew, Martin Blumenson) most recently ending with the trial transcripts of Nuremberg and that terrible Canadian Nazi Ernst Zundel. It's all public domain stuff. Easy to find and read.
Don't believe war myths anymore! The tides are changing.
The point you appear to have missed is that Hitler is the only remaining historical or mythological figure who anyone has any reverance for. You can curse rabbi yeshua, yahweh, allah, buddha etc. and nothing will happen. Equally you can praise them and nothing will happen.
The same is not true for Hitler. Everyone has to be for or against him in some way and the fervour has long exceeded religious levels.
Your analysis of his rise is lazy and poorly educated. He succeeded because the German people were sick to death of subversion and he was the only strong leader on the field.
> "Holocaust theology" is one of the fastest growing trans-sectional trans-religious schools of theological thought on todays academies.
Is that going to continue being the case? I think it would take a great man to prevent the gaza situation from escalating to genocide(gaza children chanting "kill the jews" is just a hard problem), we generally lack great men, I dont expect great men to stay in the middle east, and I see no one claiming the current leadership in isreal is filled with wisdom.
Will jews still be the forever victim if videos of isreal war crimes continue leaking and whatever 2 week budget of america swings in favor of a different war, maybe Taiwan will need new airplanes sometime in the next 3 years?
> gaza children chanting "kill the jews" is just a hard problem
No it isn't. It's a consequence of jewish behaviour. Anywhere they go they will feel compelled to subvert, steal, antagonise and eventually murder. Their victims will always eventually come to the conclusion that they must be destroyed.
> Will jews still be the forever victim if videos of isreal war crimes continue leaking
My bro, they do this every war. There has never been a war involving the jews where they do not claim to be the victim and the mountain of evidence proving otherwise gets swept under the rug.
This isn't new. Hitler has been the secular Satan since W.W.II. It's only got more noticeable in the past couple of decades, with internet saturation. Hitler serves the exact social, psychological, and moral function in the modern west that Satan served in the Middle Ages. Our modes of apprehending reality remain theological. Only the values change.
The only thing I find fascinating about the Hitler movement of the 1920's-40's is that so many followed his dictates like programmed robots. This proves how society is beyond gullible and easily malleable to the insanity of any presumed leader. As far as being "Hitlerized" today, no way.
They didn't blindely followed him. Guy genuinely improved the life of millions of people and gave them a purpose. Think Trump if Trump had worked out. Anyone would follow a man who did what he did between 1933 and 1945. It was not just an economic miracle. It was a spiritual revival of what it meant to be german. Understand that from 1918 to 1933 Germany was a shithole and the morale of the population was in the gutter, much like the impetus that made America elected Trump. Only Trump was just hype and vaporware.
Yes, that's the official story. "Hitler came up with a bunch of evil ideas for no reason, just to be evil, and then everyone did what he said for no reason at all."
Back in reality there was a bit more nuance to it.
Hitler could not have been possible without financial backing of wall street. he is their monster. I do not think much of him, as he was a tool. believe he is being propped up artificially to shore up the victim jewish narrative. he is their boogeyman. Hamas also starts with H. and will make all atricities possible, just like hitler did. read "other losses" . Germany has suffered enough.
It doesn't actually go into detail about any of those supposed connections. The only one I know of for sure is that the Rothschilds gave them money, but that was to ransom one of their family members back.
You should check out The Secret Sun blog and twitter page. I mostly hang out there for the memes because there's not enough space in my brain for all the other stuff, but it's a hoot.
The Republic / Representative Democracy, has failed.
We say it has failed because it does not “promote the general welfare, and provide for the common defense” in ways in which we are in agreement.
And because nothing is more important than our national sovereignty, nor is anything so dear to our sacred posterity, we simply must adjust the mechanism of our government or finish the slide into disintegration.
The ball is in our court; since the authority for government comes from The Citizens.
So… how do we get there from here?
We now have to stand up and inform our representatives that they have broken their Oaths and failed in their Duty to the office in which they were entrusted. They are in Breach, and now must either accept our help by adding the Fourth Branch, The Citizens Branch to our government or Vacate the building.
Because Citizenship, true Citizenship, is not about writing letters to elected officials or voting some good person into office.
Citizenship is about the Ratification or Annulment of each line of every law, rule, regulation and supreme court decision on the books or that is on the docket waiting to be turned into law, policy and taxes.
Nothing short of this is going to ameliorate the present situation, nor will we get to the Stars without it.
The Holocaust was an organised and systematised mass slaughter of people. It was done by a country and culture that until recently really lead the world in scientific and educational advances. It was done without a blood rush to the head but organised and industrialised.
The deliberate nature is why it sticks in the minds of people. It is not to say it is more or less important than genocides committed elsewhere. It is that the darkest nature of humanity was revealed during those years.
The reason it sticks in the minds of people is because the people who control the media and education institutions stick it there. Despite all their embellishments, as a persecution story it is not particularly special. Much more horrifying events have occurred and there is much more evidence to support them.
I think it’s notable that the Holocaust mythos didn’t really get started till around 2000.
Before then it was just part of World War 2 history. If you read a history book, there were a few pages devoted to it. A Polish writer wrote a book series on WW2, and devoted one book out of many to it.
But it’s only recently that it’s discussed in nauseating detail, every shtetl, every ghetto gets entire books and articles devoted to them, while some facts remain obscured and inconvenient. (Such as the fact that the dead of the Soviet Union totally dwarfs the Holocaust, or the very big part that non-Germans: Ukrainians, Poles and the Baltic country played.)
The Holocaust - that is, the systematized slaughter of Europe's Jews by the Nazis - was subsumed under "WWII" only in Soviet Russia , and perhaps its satellites such as Poland. It was very much discussed in other parts of the world way before the year 2000.
Nonsense. Some of us remember those days you know. The Holocaust didn’t receive even a fraction of the weird masturbatory coverage it did post 2000. Just look at the explosion of holocaust memory books, journal articles about the most obscure of shtetls, movies etc. An industry has sprung up around it.
I gather it was in the 1960s with the English publication of "Night" that the legend really took off. Which is funny considering how ludicrous the claims in that book are.
Most of the major players on the allied side didn't mention any holocaust in their memoirs.
Oh don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that there weren’t mass killings to some extent. But the myth making around it and importance of it has been vastly exaggerated the last couple of decades.
There were a lot of confirmable deaths, but nothing out of the ordinary for the circumstances. Their mortality rate seems to have been lower than the average german population and their total population increased during the war. Pretty much the only ethnic group to do that.
Eye witnesses have provided testimony ranging from the impossible, to the unproven to outright provably false. Accusations are not evidence.
"Perpetrators" did indeed confess, but only after months of torture. According to an american judge who visited the nuremberg trials the genitalia of many of the witnesses had been completely destroyed.
Funny you should mention liberators, because the western allies who liberated the camps made no mention of seeing evidence of gas chambers, let alone death rollercoasters or vaporisation rooms. Such crazy bullshit came mostly from the same people who claimed the Katyn massacre was done by the Germans.
There are none so blind as those who believe whatever they see on TV
I’ve never met a Holocaust denier before so this is fascinating. So… before and after the war Poland lost about 90% of it’s Jewish population. If you don’t believe they were systematically slaughtered then maybe you can tell me where they went?
America saw massive jewish immigration during WW2. They didn't materialise out of thin air. Many jews fled the USSR they helped create when they realised it was going to shit.
Overall the jewish population increased during WW2. One of the few groups to do so.
No. Read up on the Holocaust, and you’ll see that far from an organized plan, the death of 4-6 million, out of 50 million dead, proceeded in fits and spurts, always changing with the conditions on the war. If Britain hadn’t declared war on Germany, it likely wouldn’t have happened. If a peace had been reached in 1940, it likely wouldn’t have happened. If Europe hadn’t been embargoed and there wasn’t a deficit in food, it may not have happened. Even the gas chambers came as an ad hoc solution to the problem of Einsatz gruppen and gangs of Ukrainian and Lithuanian volunteers killing where they went.
War is cruel. And if the Allied had been less cruel, and hadn’t engaged in partisan warfare and mass bombings of civilians, we likely wouldn’t have seen the kind of intensification of barbarism from 1941 and onwards.
If Covid 19 taught us anything, it’s that Hitler didn’t need magic to propagate his reign of terror, he just needed to own the press. The people who wanted to kill the unvaccinated would have happily run the gas chambers. The people who are still wearing masks 4 years later would have happily walked into them.
Reign of terror for whom?
Mostly the only people who were terrified were the ones who had spent the '20s milking germans dry, starving them and prostituting their daughters.
For Europeans. For Russians, Ukrainians, Poles, French, Lithuanians and Dutch, the Germans themselves. This man is responsible for the largest European war, which significantly worsened the position of Europeans in this world, which, moreover, he lost. He lost to the Soviet Union, which ten years ago had collectivization and artificial famine, because of its schizoid attitude towards the Slavs. Well, we can congratulate Hitler fans: there are no Czechs or Hungarians in post-Hitlet Vienna.
If by going through Weimar 2.0 we get Hitler 2.0, Europe is fucked.
That is a more reasonable reply than the usual "six million" one, but it's still based on propaganda. He wasn't a megalomaniac bent on war, he made calculated moves to restore a country which had been torn apart by a conspiracy of international bankers.
He wasn't successful, but he wasn't reckless or "schitzoid" either.
The idea that he hated the Slavs and wanted to enslave or genocide them is largely soviet propaganda. It doesn't stand up to examination when his policies in Slovakia and Czechia are concerned. In fact he ordered the ethnic Germans in those regions to take a back seat in order to let the native Slavs determine their own future (albeit under German hegemony).
Country X enslaves people, takes their last possessions, kills them, destroys their way of life, burns their cultural and religious values.
A little later, country X begins to fight with country Y, and country Y occupies a large part of country X, but surprisingly, country Y fails to use the discontent of the population to win. The population of this country, surprisingly, mostly prefers to fight for country X, the country that made their life hell just recently, or to fight against both country X and country Y, without any chance of victory. Why didn’t it work out in country Y?
If the situation with the USSR is simply insane and cannot be comprehended, somehow it did not work out with the Poles either. I assure you, the Poles did not fight Germany because they were defending holy Jews. Poles were anti-Semitic before the war, during the war, and after the war. Why didn't Poland become Slovakia 2.0?
He hated the Slavs and wrote about it himself. There would be no problem with that, it's normal not to like someone, everyone has their preferences and all that, but we have reason to believe that in this case, they led to an irrational policy that ended disastrously for Germany and Europe in general .
(note: among the top of the Third Reich there were people with other views, but unfortunately, other opinions outweighed).
Your claim was that he hated Slavs, the examples you gave were Czechs and Hungarians (not slavs btw). I gave counterexamples proving that this was not the case, so you shifted the goalposts to Poles.
Very few actions he took could reasonably be described as irrational. Fighting tyranny is not a disaster, failing to fight is.
I can certainly agree with that.
I heard someone asked Goebbels at the Nuremberg Trial how he turned Germans into Nazis.
He answered: "I didn't. I didn't have to. All I did was make them afraid. Once they were afraid, they'd believe anything I told them."
I also heard someone ask Goebbels, “How the hell are you here if you killed yourself back in Berlin?”
Tbh that sounds like bullshit. I doubt he said any such thing.
All right, you got me to look it up.
Looks like the internet -- some attributes it to Goebbels. Others to Goring.
But the websites that "debunk" it are also attacking the quote for "spreading conspiracy theories about Covid-19."
I sincerely believe the Covid-19 fear porn was deliberately done and those defending the insane actions mandated by governments are part of the problem.
(sigh) Now I don't know where the quote came from. But Fear remains a mind-killer.
If nothing else it should be considered suspicious for a politician to openly say "I deliberately mislead thousands of people." Usually they try to at least maintain the illusion of heroism.
Well, might be different after you lose a war.
What difference would that make?
The other reason I was suspicious is because a lot of dodgy quotes get attributed to him in particular. Especially the one where he says something to the effect of "the best way to make people believe a lie is to repeat it." The quote is real but in context he's talking about the lugenpresse.
The Holocaust (lit. burned whole) holds much the same function for modern western types as the Crucifixion did for medieval Christians. Just as Jesus died for the sins of the world mythologically, so the Jews of Eastern Europe died for the sins of the white man. This is how the object of sacrifice is raised to divinity and imbued with memetic power, and until this core issue is resolved psychologically, leftward drift on all issues is inexorable. Intellectual arguments about how Mao or Pol Pot or whomever was so much worse don't work, because true power is the power over narrative. Hitler himself was a meth-addled histrionic who led Germany to Ragnarök, and whose myth has been blown way out of proportion–not least by organised Jewry itself.
Except the whole narrative is a hoax. Many are waking up to this now. I grew up knowing it was a gross exaggeration. There is so much evidence of this if you read source documents.
I thought that the Right had all figured this out by now. Holocaust is a lie. 182,000 died in work camps at end of war from starvation. 26 million Russians died in WW2. Jews always stealing the limelight with their eternal victim card.
Jewish lady I know finally admitted that she falsified her mother’s Prison Camp experience. Germany will pay you monthly if you were wronged in German Prison Camp. Her first application was denied as it was too factual. Daughter wrote the second narrative about Nazi abuses and the Jewish-American family got a monthly check from Germany.
182,000 is pushing things a little high imo. German red cross gave figures of around 50,000. Also let's not forget the impact of allied bombing. Especially the Cap Arcona.
Please spare a thought for those of us in the UK. We're fighting a rear-guard action against the "Churchill was as bad a Hitler" maniacs. How tortured is that logic.
Churchill was worse than Hitler.
Yep. Hitler loved His people, and did what He could for them. Churchill willingly betrayed his people for shekels.
This is a perfect example: "Churchill was controlled by the Jews". You people are contemptible
You people are willfully ignorant.
Churchill started the war deeply in debt, ended it with 4 million pounds. He had a long history of accepting loans from jews on very favorable terms, including the loan not requiring any sort of interest payments, and its forgiveness upon the death of the jew. The only purpose of which is to control Churchill.
Two of the more prominent were Henry Strakosch and Sir Robert Waley-Cohen.
"Had it not been for this defining speech, as the late historian Paul Johnson put it, “without Churchill, it is very unlikely that Israel would ever have come into existence.”"
Your contention is that Churchill destroyed the Empire and started WW2 because a self-interested ethnic group supported him? He gave up India for his constituents? You're barking.
Your contention is he destroyed the Empire and started WW2 because he felt like it, and the bribes were just a cohencidence? You people have way too much faith in politicians. Politicians today in Europe and America are destroying their nations and peoples in exchange for bribes, and seem quite happy to do so.
Once the war with Germany was over, General Patton spoke often about how he kept finding jews pushing for more and more, how they were behind every bad political and military decision. General Patton noticed them, why can't you?
You are simply on the wrong side of history.
That's great, we're talking about Churchill
You ought to look more in to the situation.
When did the war with Germany end?
He was, yes.
A compelling argument. The best treatment of this phenomenon I’ve seen from a European perspective is Renaud Camus’ essay The Second Career of Adolf Hitler. Camus doesn’t address the theological aspect as directly as you, but its contours are clearly visible
I am in a position to speak on the topic of Norse Paganism. In the United States Military it is growing very fast indeed. In the past beard waivers were granted to a few Muslims, and Orthodox Jews for religious reasons. Black males got shaving profiles very easily for razor rash.
All of this has changed in the recent past. There are more white males with beards and an abundance of Norse pagan tattoos with beards than the other groups. Norse paganism is even drawing in a significant portion of people who are not oven of European background. It’s going to be interesting to see where it goes.
Very glad to hear it. I'm surprised they haven't cracked down on it as problematic.
Listen: Keep this quiet. There is nothing to worry about.
They (the Norse Pagans) are all high ranking officers in the space and nuclear forces. When the white hats unleash WWIII to save our democratic way of life, the Norse Pagans in the Anti Gravity and nuclear DEW division are coming to our rescue.
You will love it.
Don't worry. All is well.
Norse pagans?
I heard from an insider that Obama had purged the command structure of the US missile command down to the NCO level and replaced them with political reliables. Is that not the case?
"Americans are already Esoteric Hitlerists, mostly they believe in a misotheistic conception of Hitler where he is the evil God of the modern world and of a human nature they are not supposed to engage with, to deny at all cost."
Reminds me how Lucifer is the Evil god of the Old Testament, yet his name means 'lightbringer' and he tried to bring knowledge to humans. Then the "good" God lied to Adam and Eve about the tree of knowledge. I'm an atheist, but I've seen too much not to believe that at a minimum people encode complicated reality into simplistic symbolism. And that simplistic symbolism can be used to encode a pattern of actions onto those people.
And then the followers of Lucifer inevitably do things like try to transcend their biology starting with their biological gender.
Transgenderism is primarily a jewish illness. Almost all the proponents are jews and as far as I've seen it mostly afficts jews also.
It’s not The Tree of Knowledge in Genesis. That’s genuinely incorrect.
What are you babbling about, monkey?
“The Lord God made all kinds of trees grow out of the ground—trees that were pleasing to the eye and good for food. In the middle of the garden were the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil”
--Genesis 2:9
> Moa killed almost 10 times as many as the holocaust
Was this the emu wars?
It's always bothered me that pro-whites have allowed themselves to be pidgeonholed so easily. In the political model created by our enemies you have to either be anti-hitler or own him and be cursed with the stigma of "nazi."
I suppose it's only natural that people used to receiving the curse and hating the cursers will eventually own it and adopt it, but we really should be willing to think outside of the box and explore options other than the ones our enemies choose for us.
Not sure here of the theme or thesis, a nation of some 330 million with another 25-50 million that everyone knows about but nobody knows about are now down with Hitler? Hitler was powerful in the main because he had a good team around him, “believers” the Fuhrer was always right. He then cultivated the wealthy, intimidated the German General Staff and Admiralty in blithely carrying out his insane war plans. (Hmmm looked at the 44 four stars in the Pentagon lately…Sec Def?? JCS? Milley? McKenzie?) having gathered up the top 1-2% he let the youth movements marinate the middle class. The easiest thing to do was to shut up. So they did. The lower classes had no choice and soon the world went to war. Interestingly enough part of the Azov ethos in Ukraine goes back to the Holodmor and the blame for much of it being attributed to Stalin’s NKVD, somewhat populated at the top levels by men with Jewish heritage which of course they had renounced but none the less the string however tenuous is connected for the Ukrainian extremist.
So that brings us forward to the article today, if one has it right a nation of obese, drug addicted, ignorant, lazy sex confused people now lead by the remnants of the baby boomer generation parenthetically the worlds worst generation are transforming themselves into the new Hitler Youth? Not possible, they are all too lazy and dazed with IT images, anxiety drugs and inability to do math and or read for themselves. So someone please mansplain this post to me it has promise, I just don’t understand it.
You are reading way too much into the article. He was merely pointing out the obvious, that most Americans are more obsessed in a mythical way and spiritual way with Hitler than any other historical figure. Including the Founders, and various "real" religious figures like Jesus and Mohammed. This is an easily observed fact.
What we do with this is the question.
Converts make the best fanatics; the fucked-up youth of today could easily be made into a new emperor's Sardaukar, willing to do anything to whoever is thought to have wronged them.
The 1920's were the most degenerate epoch of mankind, even topping the 60's. I set out to write an article on how crazh the 1920's were and how much they damaged society, but i gave up due to it becoming too big of a project. Everything we think was destroyed in the 60's was actually done in the 20's. This incredibly distasteful state of affairs ushered a bunch of dictatorships with moralist ethics, with widespread popular support.
Exactly. Weimar Germany was a destiny for sex tourism, which means the most degenerate stuff, like what girls who go to Dubai get done to them for money. Lots of gay hookup clubs too.
Yes i am aware. This and much more. There was also a huge cocaine and opium epidemic across europe, and Paris was the gomorrah of this plague that reached Paris due to new and improved methods of communication spreading the latest fashion to the masses and elites alike.
You should read Hitler's Revolution, and watch Zoomer Historian on YouTube. Weimer Germany was also filled with out of work, degenerate young men. Transgenderism, drugs, and trafficking of humans and drugs were rife throughout Berlin. They turned themselves around. My generation and the one below is ripe for such a change - indeed, it is already underway. Young White men by and large want good jobs, good homes, good wives, and a nation to be proud of, something we only get by turning against the holy cows of liberalism.
Hitler did not start the war. Communists and internationlist bankers started the war. This is well covered history. Hitler was only raising Germany up to do what Germans have always done in the face of foreign influence - to fight the good fight of their people.
War myths are common. Watch Zoomer Historians series on war myths. They are easily defeated. I have read multiple books on the subject, starting with the Patton Papers (Patton's own letters and journals, badly edited by a Jew, Martin Blumenson) most recently ending with the trial transcripts of Nuremberg and that terrible Canadian Nazi Ernst Zundel. It's all public domain stuff. Easy to find and read.
Don't believe war myths anymore! The tides are changing.
The point you appear to have missed is that Hitler is the only remaining historical or mythological figure who anyone has any reverance for. You can curse rabbi yeshua, yahweh, allah, buddha etc. and nothing will happen. Equally you can praise them and nothing will happen.
The same is not true for Hitler. Everyone has to be for or against him in some way and the fervour has long exceeded religious levels.
Your analysis of his rise is lazy and poorly educated. He succeeded because the German people were sick to death of subversion and he was the only strong leader on the field.
> "Holocaust theology" is one of the fastest growing trans-sectional trans-religious schools of theological thought on todays academies.
Is that going to continue being the case? I think it would take a great man to prevent the gaza situation from escalating to genocide(gaza children chanting "kill the jews" is just a hard problem), we generally lack great men, I dont expect great men to stay in the middle east, and I see no one claiming the current leadership in isreal is filled with wisdom.
Will jews still be the forever victim if videos of isreal war crimes continue leaking and whatever 2 week budget of america swings in favor of a different war, maybe Taiwan will need new airplanes sometime in the next 3 years?
> gaza children chanting "kill the jews" is just a hard problem
No it isn't. It's a consequence of jewish behaviour. Anywhere they go they will feel compelled to subvert, steal, antagonise and eventually murder. Their victims will always eventually come to the conclusion that they must be destroyed.
> Will jews still be the forever victim if videos of isreal war crimes continue leaking
My bro, they do this every war. There has never been a war involving the jews where they do not claim to be the victim and the mountain of evidence proving otherwise gets swept under the rug.
> No it isn't. It's a consequence of jewish behaviour.
What Jewish behavior? That they refused to roll over and die in 1948 and are still refusing to do so?
Well raping and murdering their way through a whole country might be a start. People tend to take exception to that.
Yes, that's why the Jews are annoyed at the Palestinians right now.
Because they got a taste of their own medicine? That must be annoying alright.
> every war
when the old america civilization was collapsing and there were war tribes roaming around; were the jews responsible?
Every war they're involved in, which is most of them in Europe since the Roman empire and most of them globally since around the 18th century.
In 5 years Israeli war crimes will be less talked about than the obvious fact that 9/11 was an inside job is now.
In five years, I’d wager that there is no Israel.
This isn't new. Hitler has been the secular Satan since W.W.II. It's only got more noticeable in the past couple of decades, with internet saturation. Hitler serves the exact social, psychological, and moral function in the modern west that Satan served in the Middle Ages. Our modes of apprehending reality remain theological. Only the values change.
The only thing I find fascinating about the Hitler movement of the 1920's-40's is that so many followed his dictates like programmed robots. This proves how society is beyond gullible and easily malleable to the insanity of any presumed leader. As far as being "Hitlerized" today, no way.
They didn't blindely followed him. Guy genuinely improved the life of millions of people and gave them a purpose. Think Trump if Trump had worked out. Anyone would follow a man who did what he did between 1933 and 1945. It was not just an economic miracle. It was a spiritual revival of what it meant to be german. Understand that from 1918 to 1933 Germany was a shithole and the morale of the population was in the gutter, much like the impetus that made America elected Trump. Only Trump was just hype and vaporware.
Yes, that's the official story. "Hitler came up with a bunch of evil ideas for no reason, just to be evil, and then everyone did what he said for no reason at all."
Back in reality there was a bit more nuance to it.
Look around you. Not much has changed.
True. But the Germans of the 1930s were far more awake than the average European today. We've been horribly propagandised since.
Hitler could not have been possible without financial backing of wall street. he is their monster. I do not think much of him, as he was a tool. believe he is being propped up artificially to shore up the victim jewish narrative. he is their boogeyman. Hamas also starts with H. and will make all atricities possible, just like hitler did. read "other losses" . Germany has suffered enough.
Wall street? Genuinely curious to hear you back up that one.
The jews declared war on Germany long before WW2 and started boycotting German goods. They certainly weren't funding him.
Allen dulles IS a wall street banker agent, and was long before he became CIA. , IBM, ford, the bush family Brown brothers harriman, standard oil, = wall street. https://odysee.com/@TheSearch4Truth:8/-2130485826249577265:a
It doesn't actually go into detail about any of those supposed connections. The only one I know of for sure is that the Rothschilds gave them money, but that was to ransom one of their family members back.
there is a book called wall street and the nazis. Rockerfeller did a deal, so that no bankers would go to trial.
Well said.
You should check out The Secret Sun blog and twitter page. I mostly hang out there for the memes because there's not enough space in my brain for all the other stuff, but it's a hoot.
It is obvious to everyone....
The Republic / Representative Democracy, has failed.
We say it has failed because it does not “promote the general welfare, and provide for the common defense” in ways in which we are in agreement.
And because nothing is more important than our national sovereignty, nor is anything so dear to our sacred posterity, we simply must adjust the mechanism of our government or finish the slide into disintegration.
The ball is in our court; since the authority for government comes from The Citizens.
So… how do we get there from here?
We now have to stand up and inform our representatives that they have broken their Oaths and failed in their Duty to the office in which they were entrusted. They are in Breach, and now must either accept our help by adding the Fourth Branch, The Citizens Branch to our government or Vacate the building.
Because Citizenship, true Citizenship, is not about writing letters to elected officials or voting some good person into office.
Citizenship is about the Ratification or Annulment of each line of every law, rule, regulation and supreme court decision on the books or that is on the docket waiting to be turned into law, policy and taxes.
Nothing short of this is going to ameliorate the present situation, nor will we get to the Stars without it.
The Holocaust was an organised and systematised mass slaughter of people. It was done by a country and culture that until recently really lead the world in scientific and educational advances. It was done without a blood rush to the head but organised and industrialised.
The deliberate nature is why it sticks in the minds of people. It is not to say it is more or less important than genocides committed elsewhere. It is that the darkest nature of humanity was revealed during those years.
The reason it sticks in the minds of people is because the people who control the media and education institutions stick it there. Despite all their embellishments, as a persecution story it is not particularly special. Much more horrifying events have occurred and there is much more evidence to support them.
I think it’s notable that the Holocaust mythos didn’t really get started till around 2000.
Before then it was just part of World War 2 history. If you read a history book, there were a few pages devoted to it. A Polish writer wrote a book series on WW2, and devoted one book out of many to it.
But it’s only recently that it’s discussed in nauseating detail, every shtetl, every ghetto gets entire books and articles devoted to them, while some facts remain obscured and inconvenient. (Such as the fact that the dead of the Soviet Union totally dwarfs the Holocaust, or the very big part that non-Germans: Ukrainians, Poles and the Baltic country played.)
The Holocaust - that is, the systematized slaughter of Europe's Jews by the Nazis - was subsumed under "WWII" only in Soviet Russia , and perhaps its satellites such as Poland. It was very much discussed in other parts of the world way before the year 2000.
Nonsense. Some of us remember those days you know. The Holocaust didn’t receive even a fraction of the weird masturbatory coverage it did post 2000. Just look at the explosion of holocaust memory books, journal articles about the most obscure of shtetls, movies etc. An industry has sprung up around it.
I gather it was in the 1960s with the English publication of "Night" that the legend really took off. Which is funny considering how ludicrous the claims in that book are.
Most of the major players on the allied side didn't mention any holocaust in their memoirs.
Oh don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that there weren’t mass killings to some extent. But the myth making around it and importance of it has been vastly exaggerated the last couple of decades.
I'm not sure there were.
There were a lot of confirmable deaths, but nothing out of the ordinary for the circumstances. Their mortality rate seems to have been lower than the average german population and their total population increased during the war. Pretty much the only ethnic group to do that.
Ah so you are one of them “there’s no evidence!” Other than eye witness accounts from survivors, perpetrators, liberators, and assortment hangers-on.
There are none so blind as those who choose not to see. You are in that category.
Eye witnesses have provided testimony ranging from the impossible, to the unproven to outright provably false. Accusations are not evidence.
"Perpetrators" did indeed confess, but only after months of torture. According to an american judge who visited the nuremberg trials the genitalia of many of the witnesses had been completely destroyed.
Funny you should mention liberators, because the western allies who liberated the camps made no mention of seeing evidence of gas chambers, let alone death rollercoasters or vaporisation rooms. Such crazy bullshit came mostly from the same people who claimed the Katyn massacre was done by the Germans.
There are none so blind as those who believe whatever they see on TV
I’ve never met a Holocaust denier before so this is fascinating. So… before and after the war Poland lost about 90% of it’s Jewish population. If you don’t believe they were systematically slaughtered then maybe you can tell me where they went?
America saw massive jewish immigration during WW2. They didn't materialise out of thin air. Many jews fled the USSR they helped create when they realised it was going to shit.
Overall the jewish population increased during WW2. One of the few groups to do so.
1/3 of global Jews dies between 1939 and 1945. You are truly delusional. Indeed, you should seek professional help.
By the way: Was the Holocaust less or more organized and industrialized than the firebombings of entire cities?
No. Read up on the Holocaust, and you’ll see that far from an organized plan, the death of 4-6 million, out of 50 million dead, proceeded in fits and spurts, always changing with the conditions on the war. If Britain hadn’t declared war on Germany, it likely wouldn’t have happened. If a peace had been reached in 1940, it likely wouldn’t have happened. If Europe hadn’t been embargoed and there wasn’t a deficit in food, it may not have happened. Even the gas chambers came as an ad hoc solution to the problem of Einsatz gruppen and gangs of Ukrainian and Lithuanian volunteers killing where they went.
War is cruel. And if the Allied had been less cruel, and hadn’t engaged in partisan warfare and mass bombings of civilians, we likely wouldn’t have seen the kind of intensification of barbarism from 1941 and onwards.