Follow me on Twitter: @FromKulak
Join the Anarchonomicon Discord
Hey Gang!
Anarchonomicon has added thousands of new free subscribers in the past few months, we’ve just passed the 13,000 free subscribers mark, and that is set to double in the next year according to my trendlines.
Think about that 13,000. Emails. from the perspective of actual engagement and reach that’s the equivalent of 100,000-1 million Twitter followers or Youtube subscribers.
This is extraordinary for a blog that was only started 2 years ago from an unknown who had single digit twitter followers (now at 60.5k on X).
However, this has not been matched on the paid subscriber front. That peaked sometime before May, and has been stagnant to declining since then.
Part of this is on me, I haven’t been putting out insane Mega-Articles like The Real Banned Book List or After The State, but a larger part is that I just haven't been incentivizing paid subscription.
I suck at putting out paid only pieces. Or rather I suck at hitting the option to make pieces paid only.
By rights I should flip a coin everytime I put out a piece and assign 25-50% to be Paid only… but I’m a narcissist who likes to be read by thousands of people… And somehow the enticement of a projected 10s of thousands of dollars isn’t enough to get me to cut the readership of a piece I was excited to write from 10-20 thousand down to a few hundred. Likewise I should probably go back and paywall my old pieces, but again I like that those get read…
Probably I’ll paywall my more controversial pieces like lots of my friends recommend… I don’t like doing this because it feels like cowardice, and I like screaming my most controversial, offensive, and even poorly thought-out ideas in people’s faces… Because, you know, fuck you and your ethnicity/victim category for trying to enforce self-censorship on people, The Laotians, Cambodians, and victims of pedophiles have suffered more than anyone and they don’t go after writers and commentators, or demand affirmative action in employment. Fuck you.
But realistically that’s the way to do it… Also because people jump to pay for anything they think is spicier or Verboten, and I’m nothing if not skilled at giving people that fix.
But that’s not what I’m here to Announce.
Anarchonomicon Clubs
Whether you’re a free or paid subscriber, join the Anarchonomicon Discord Server to access our existing community of hundreds and future free events.
If you are a paid substack Subscriber you have access to the VIP section of the discord and the VIP clubs and Events. (simply DM me once you’ve joined for free with the email you you used to subscribe to the substack)
We’re having a monthly Film Club, A Monthly Book Club, and Monthly VIP subscriber hangout and Q/A.
Film Club
First Up THIS THURSDAY there’s going to be a VIP viewing of Michael Mann’s 1995 Tactical-crime-5 act- Shakespearean epic Heat!
With Discussion starting at 9pm and the screening beginning at 10pm eastern Thursday Oct, 3rd. We’re going to watch the 3 hour film and spend maybe 1-2 more hours commentating on it’s narrative and tactical perfection.
You could teach a deepdive course on urban-unconventional warfare and espionage just on this one film… And many of the most dangerous criminals of the past 30 years treated the film as just such a lesson. And heaven help you, this thursday I intend to lecture on exactly this matter.

Book Club
No, sadly not like the recent short story, though if we have enough interest that we can get people meeting in person for it, hopefully things will escalate in their own course.
But we will be having a deep dive into classical texts!
To start off the book club this month we will be reading Suetonius’s 121 AD classic of the Hadrian Era: The Twelve Caesars. For this month the Lives of Julius and Augustus.
In this reading, we will cover everything from the Young Julius Caesar fleeing Sulla, to the 3rd Servile War against Spartacus, to the apocalyptic wars in Gaul, to Crossing the Rubicon, the fall of Pompey Magnus, the war in Egypt, the Assassination of Julius Caesar, the Rage, Romance, and Fall of Mark Antony, The Promiscuity of Augustus's Daughter Julia, and the disastrous Battle of Teutoburg forest against Arminius.
Then finally we’ll be having a VIP live Q/A, where paid subscribers can pick my brain, deep dive topics, etc.
It may get tons of interest, or it may be 2 people show up and get to dig into their most obscure interests for an hour+ Who knows.
TBA Free Event
There will also be October themed free event(s) for all subscribers on an Ad Hoc basis… Some I might just be in text not voice, or it might be more expansive. Who knows.
Events that are for free subscribers I feel no obligations around notice or making myself available, so the only way you’re going to know about them is if you JOIN THE DISCORD SERVER.
Follow me on Twitter: @FromKulak
BITCOIN: bc1qdhj7637sgcssxgxygjaa3ddljwy8tzg5mzw325
MONERO: 8AhA3g9hbtDcAJE5MPmeQsFwwGsf3H9fq9tC6giQ4a6vKnTXv4J4MivKXrPKDpXyEeNc9mfFejbq84kSWkC8pjuj18rAEij
Follow me on Twitter: @FromKulak
A few quotes from 200 Years Together that need to spread:
Immigration -
Communism -
Hell ya, this is one of my favorite substacks, been meaning to PayChad up for a while now