Phenomenal article. Needed to be said and provides the kind of intellectual bridge necessary for people of mainstream opinion to grab on to.
So much research is held back by disgust. When these wise men are certainly seeing things.
Day 1 of lockdowns my father said "screw the masks" and rejected any jab and lockdown measure as a vile act, no science would convince him. I felt maybe it was extreme but not 5 mins later thinking it through, revising my own knowledge, i realized there is a real, and serious point that I had missed entirely due to fearmongering.
My own gut instinct screamed against the jabs and masks. But I have learned to treat my gut as information not fact. I also worked in a spice factory where masks were normal and preferred. So I was far slower than him.
Now he says all vaccines are vile but especially for children. He said never give it to an infant. Wait atleast till they are three, and never give more than one at a time with time between shots.
Every single bit of research I have done since confirms this as optimal. I'm talking research into the developmental schedule for proteins related to the blood brain barrier. To the immune system and the specific causes of immune related brain damage.
It's not just law. These people actually are privy to a perspective that is somehow touching reality.
My father has never read an article in his life. He knows almost nothing academic about the immune system. At most he has lectures from his father who was a fellow and brilliant PhD naturalist. But he never reveals it verbose. My father was never an academic and never once pretended to be. He faithfully watches alex jones.
Yet his assertion is as close to optimal as it is possible to get if you actually know your stuff.
Who on God's green earth can explain that? For me. I have just learned to trust and consider. Try to bridge. And only stop when it's actually impossible to continue.
Eg the no virus crowd or the flat earth crowd.
At the same time I haven't even thrown these in the gutter fully. Just shelved as extremely unlikely.
"Turtles All The Way Down" - vaccines have never been honestly tested. "Dissolving Illusions" - vaccines never worked as well as they claimed. I don't think there is an "optimal" for subjecting kids to vaccines except not giving them vaccines. Tetanus and rabies might be the exception.
I agree with much of your post, but the 'White consciousness raising' part is functionally antithetical to the 'appreciating the “different ways of knowing” marginalized white Americans'. Let's assume that literally everything they say is true.
It still requires people to give a shit about sacred documents that apparently weren't sacred enough to stop our descent into gay-race communism. It requires knowing about, caring about, reading and interpreting these documents. This is a distraction, from the 'white racial consciousness' raising part. That part is: 'Look at these fucking lefties! Look at Con-Inc. Look, at the retards they handed your country over too, retards who are unambiguous about how much they hate you! U need nothing else but the testimony of your eyes to know that this regime must fall. Do you give a shit about your kids? Do you want them to live in this world?'
This is an argument that is not bound by time, space or tradition, but basic primal instincts. These are what need to be unleashed. Nearly every lawyerly investigation of some arcane ancient law is a distraction from this. The exceptions are things like the 1790s immigration act proving Italians were considered white. And it's an exception precisely because it alleviates the primal instincts the left weaponizes, the fear that the new force of white identity might come for you because great grandpa was Italian. Cons get to pretend they are fighting a technical and bureaucratic battle against vague forces, so that they don't have to hate Shaniqua or their local trans the kids principal.
To give but one example, if you watched Alex Jones' Kanye interview, he was interrupting it with ads for Interhamwe today porn on depraved racist whites, featuring absolutely ghoulish scenes in which an evil white villain hurts a poor black kid --- This is the enemy.
Joe Rogan interviewing some 'systematic racism' freak and basically agreeing with him, before he ended up with a corpse in the freezer, all because Rogan hasn't gotten over his black fetish yet --- This is the enemy.
Tucker Carlson's three rounds of endorsing black maniacs, the latest a genocidal black nationalist --- This is the enemy.
And all of these, 'I'm not con-Inc, listen to me' traitors disguise their treason by being based on how Count Von Fuherstein was killed by deep-state-fascist X to cover up his violation of Article __ section ___ ...
Why do those guys insist that they don’t need licenses for driving, hunting, fishing and the like? Everyone paid for the roads (in sales taxes if nothing else). How else are we supposed to know who is semi competent enough to safely operate a motor vehicle?
If you have to get permission and pay a fee than it's no longer a "right".
"Our form of government is for a moral and righteous people" John Adams
A moral and righteous people wouldn't need to be told that's to many deer or fish etc.
I'm just as worried or more than about the incompetent people running things than someone un-licensed operating a vehicle, at least the un-licensed driver doesn't want to hit me (self preservation) the government has no such need.
RIP Johnny Hardwick. After these last few years, I had imagined the first episode of the upcoming Hulu series reboot as 43 minutes of everyone just apologizing to Dale Gribble and telling him he was right all along..
>But really America and every other English speaking nation is vastly more like the French system where the entire constitutional regime gets thrown out and retconned every 50-80 years and all your rights are up for grabs in whatever new numbered “Republic” they declare.
Pretty accurate, I happen to know a bit about the French bureaucracy and economy:
The French have a vast and always increasing bureaucracy, that will demand more and more documentation from you without ever answering "why."
Then some local or national politician comes along and promises to sweep it all away. REVOLUTION! And he does slash a lot of it. Then it comes creeping back, quietly re-introduced by the deep state. (The "deep state" is, by the way, a Turkish expression, meaning the permanent bureaucracy.)
As for the French economy, it is highly centralized. The movers and shakers are in Paris, period. And before the internet the French didn't know how centralized it was. The main businesses are in everything, and they are allied to the politicians because they go along with the media clique's narrative. So they get government contract and heads-up on law changes, allowing them to beat the competition.
The big players in business and media and politics all come from the Grande Ecoles. The big schools - their Ivy League. In the U.S. there is some meritocracy, you can get ahead even as a college dropout sometimes. In France, never. (Just like in Japan.) The people from the big écoles use the informal "tu" instead of the formal "vous" when they say "you" to each other, even when they don't know each other. Now, you'll even say the formal "vous" to the cashier or bus driver. But because they're graduates from the elite schools, they are immediately informal. And only a fellow student from the Grande Ecoles can be considered for the important positions. In business and in the political parties as well.
The one revolt against this was the Front National. The founder, Jean-Marie Le Pen, was a paratrooper serving in Algeria, who brought the textbooks in his backpack to study for his law degree in the field. He built the party in simple meeting halls and fought the communist attackers. A truly self-made man. So naturally the elite hated him.
His daughter, born with a silver spoon, didn't like her tough-talking father embarrassing her when she tried to be accepted by the elite, so she banned him from the party.
>By contrast it actually takes a great amount of bravery to point out that a Native Activist seemingly has an IQ of 75, cannot string a sentence together and nothing she said is pertinent to the discussion at hand, you’d almost certainly lose your job for it.
Yes, I can give an example of this. When I was still using Twitter there was an Indian woman who profited off being Indian, spouting anti-White propaganda and getting media attention for what she was selling.
Looking at her posts, only during Elizabeth Warren's candidacy in 2020 did she notice that Warren claims she is Indian, for her career. This Indian woman tweeted, "Being Native American is profitable now?"
This from someone who gets published and gets media attention ONLY because she's an Indian. And as an Indian Democrat she should have known long ago that Elizabeth Warren got into Harvard because she claimed to be Indian, and was presented as "our first Native American" employee, and that her talk about being "oppressed" benefitted her throughout her Democrat career.
Warren's sister even got a cookbook published because she was Indian: "Pow Wow Chow: A Collection of Recipes from Families of the Five Civilized Tribes," to which Warren contributed seafood recipes stolen from France. (I.e. "cultural appropriation.")
No one on the Left knows that Indians brought thousands of Black slaves on their "trail of tears," aside from the slaves they had already shipped ahead. Their understanding of history is extremely ignorant. But since the media are controlled by the Left, this stupidity is never shown.
I heard a leftist college girl spew hatred over her working-class parents for being Christian and for "listening to FAKE NEWS." Meanwhile her side believes that Trump is a Russian agent and Russia hacked the 2016 election.
Good work, but one quibble regarding not paying taxes - " it’d probably be the death of the income tax in the US and maybe the federal government." Tax revenue currently covers only about 2/3 of federal expenditures/year, the rest is deficit spending which is monetized by the Fed and thus turned into dollar depreciation, aka inflation. Withholding taxes might have a few market effects like raising interest rates at the long end, or the price of gold, but in no way would it slow down the federal government.
This is the part that most makes me roll my eyes at the Sovereign Citizens, whom I otherwise have a very strong "I just want to be left the fuck alone" affinity with.
> "Irwin Schiff [...] died in prison for his tax protest"
The laws may very well actually *be* non-existent or unconstitutional or in violation of Common Law but the point is that it *doesn't matter*. Nobody is going to manage to talk their way out of going to prison by citing that stuff, because the judges don't care.
Like, it would be marvelous if there was some magical incantation that would make the cops actually leave you alone. On the flip side, if you get shirty with them, you may well also get shot by them.
I dunno. Perhaps I'm just arguing in favor of despair again.
Yes this is why I emphasise, like a Greek philosopher visiting the oracle... You think about it seriously, but you don't take it too literally.
Themistocles was told he would defeat the Persians with his wooden wall. He interpreted this as his wooden fleet, the force he wanted to expand and build (He won).
Likewise some of the soveriegn citizen stuff are just legal tricks that actually work, some of them by right should work by some reading of the constitution or common law but don't because of the regime, and some of it sounds vaguely good but is complete bullshit.
The great political movements of the future will be able to manipulate and confuse all 3 categories in interesting ways to advance the cause of liberty once they have power.
Some of These kooks tricks don't work, but in the future we build they might...
Many of the right wing cranks are significantly more intelligent than average. More intelligent than the average public school teacher or college sociology professor. And I'd love to see the Buffalo Shaman in congress. He has more wisdom than Paul Krugman or many of the creatures in our Capitol.
But there are often serious issues of reading comprehension. If a tax resistor finds a law that says "income includes money from civil service jobs, criminal activities, and selling pumpkins on November 17th" they treat that as meaning "income IS money from civil service jobs, criminal activities, and selling pumpkins on November 17th."
I'm too lazy to check right now, but there IS an area on the IRS web site answering the questions that the tax resistors claim the government won't answer.
PA and one other state completely ignored voting on the amendment that led to the income tax. Ohio and a few others had some voting chicanery going on. It wasn’t even properly ratified .
>Somehow when rural and working class whites use a slang term “Chemtrails” to 100% perfectly describe a multibillion dollar government policy, then that is a conspiracy theory so divorced from reality it needs a seperate wikipedia page, and you should be embarrassed to be in their presence.
No. The picture you see in that Wikipedia article is what chemtrail nuts claim is an example of chemtrails, but it is simply vapor from a passenger plane.
You found an article on "cloud seeding," okay. That doesn't mean the vapor trails are cloud seeding. Yet you claim that chem trails have been verified by Wikipedia.
I don't live in the U.S. We have vapor trails after planes here too. Just like in every single country on Earth. The U.S. isn't the only country that exists. You should have first of all asked yourself if these vapor trails exist anywhere else - and if so, if they are "chemtrails," that means ALL governments are releasing chemicals for "cloud seeding" AND keeping it secret from the people.
That means the U.S., Canada, Latin America, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Africa, the Middle East, Central Asia, East Asia, South-East Asia, and let's not forget Australia and New Zealand, are all in on it.
Likewise, all the pilots, including one married to a woman in my own extended family.
Dude the "conspiracy theory" is that the chemicals released have adverse health effects. Which they do.
The fact people misidentify vapour trails as chemicals being sprayed... When there 100% are being chemicals sprayed, is irrelevant.
Stop spraying chemicals on people's land and keeping it a secret. The cloud seeding programs are 100% still funded, it's a matter of public record these policies are ongoing.
The idea that your country is somehow independent from the US and its grifts is laughable.
If you country has anti discrimination laws, then it will copy literally anything from the US no matter how detached from local reality it is. And every single country does
O have seen these chemtrails with my own eyes. It's very different from normal vapor trails, as it's the same plane flying in a grid pattern over a rural area where there are no other airplanes.
My research into the matter lead me to conclude it's probably way to make the stratosphere into a reflective surface to bounce radiowaves against it, probably for military communications.
This would correspond well with what military doctors have seen, with the best testimony in "the body electric " by Robert becker in the last chapters.
I wasn’t aware of the illegality of Income Tax. That will necessitate a deep dive. Fascinating concept on resisting this illegal taxation as a means to cripple the gov’t! If only we could get that off the ground en masse! That would fast track the Cabal to a crippled state. It’s a concept they’ve never seen coming! Of course until right now…since zero is private in the surveillance state and the internal machinations of A.I.
Conceptually, it is a fantastic idea. But it would be a Herculean task for most people to undertake simply because (imho) it is too scary a prospect today. So many people still unaware of truth of what has been transpiring…I believe what occurs with the W H O in May and from May - Election Day will be the catapult of rude awakenings many have been needing.
Yes the IRS has tons of Case law which have gone through tax courts upholding their enforcement...
But none of that actually addresses the core challenge of constitutionality which SCOTUS and other courts have been desperate to avoid lest they destroy the entire post-war order.
YOU as a individual defendant or plaintiff will never be able to assert those constitutional rights which have been taken from you be the corruption of the legal system, HOWEVER a mainline tax-revolt with the backing of state governors could force the constitutional crisis, and assert the plain reading of the 4th amendment, 5th amendment, and the division of powers.
Maybe. IF some of the tax resistor's arguments are technically correct (the best kind of correct). What I have personally seen is pure delusion.
And I personally know two people who have gone to jail for playing these games, and at least one other who has been put through hell.
One of those who went to jail kind of deserved it, as he was using similar arguments for getting out of credit card debt.
Suspicion of authority is a good thing. An epistemology that trusts anyone who challenges authority with the right sales pitch is dangerous as fuck. Conventional wisdom is not always right but it is often right. (More true a couple decades ago, admittedly.)
This gets outright dangerous when we get into the area of health. While the conventional wisdom on diet is indeed questionable, so are the fads. Many people have screwed up their health following health gurus whether we are talking vegan, keto, vitamin pill, alkalizing, raw, etc. Starch is not the same thing as table sugar. Fructose has significantly different properties than glucose. A potato is not a chocolate bar. (This doesn't mean the potato is better; it just means that it is different.) This is an area where racism is a Good Thing. That which is optimal for a Babylonian is not necessarily good for an Eskimo.
Phenomenal article. Needed to be said and provides the kind of intellectual bridge necessary for people of mainstream opinion to grab on to.
So much research is held back by disgust. When these wise men are certainly seeing things.
Day 1 of lockdowns my father said "screw the masks" and rejected any jab and lockdown measure as a vile act, no science would convince him. I felt maybe it was extreme but not 5 mins later thinking it through, revising my own knowledge, i realized there is a real, and serious point that I had missed entirely due to fearmongering.
My own gut instinct screamed against the jabs and masks. But I have learned to treat my gut as information not fact. I also worked in a spice factory where masks were normal and preferred. So I was far slower than him.
Now he says all vaccines are vile but especially for children. He said never give it to an infant. Wait atleast till they are three, and never give more than one at a time with time between shots.
Every single bit of research I have done since confirms this as optimal. I'm talking research into the developmental schedule for proteins related to the blood brain barrier. To the immune system and the specific causes of immune related brain damage.
It's not just law. These people actually are privy to a perspective that is somehow touching reality.
My father has never read an article in his life. He knows almost nothing academic about the immune system. At most he has lectures from his father who was a fellow and brilliant PhD naturalist. But he never reveals it verbose. My father was never an academic and never once pretended to be. He faithfully watches alex jones.
Yet his assertion is as close to optimal as it is possible to get if you actually know your stuff.
Who on God's green earth can explain that? For me. I have just learned to trust and consider. Try to bridge. And only stop when it's actually impossible to continue.
Eg the no virus crowd or the flat earth crowd.
At the same time I haven't even thrown these in the gutter fully. Just shelved as extremely unlikely.
"Turtles All The Way Down" - vaccines have never been honestly tested. "Dissolving Illusions" - vaccines never worked as well as they claimed. I don't think there is an "optimal" for subjecting kids to vaccines except not giving them vaccines. Tetanus and rabies might be the exception.
I agree with much of your post, but the 'White consciousness raising' part is functionally antithetical to the 'appreciating the “different ways of knowing” marginalized white Americans'. Let's assume that literally everything they say is true.
It still requires people to give a shit about sacred documents that apparently weren't sacred enough to stop our descent into gay-race communism. It requires knowing about, caring about, reading and interpreting these documents. This is a distraction, from the 'white racial consciousness' raising part. That part is: 'Look at these fucking lefties! Look at Con-Inc. Look, at the retards they handed your country over too, retards who are unambiguous about how much they hate you! U need nothing else but the testimony of your eyes to know that this regime must fall. Do you give a shit about your kids? Do you want them to live in this world?'
This is an argument that is not bound by time, space or tradition, but basic primal instincts. These are what need to be unleashed. Nearly every lawyerly investigation of some arcane ancient law is a distraction from this. The exceptions are things like the 1790s immigration act proving Italians were considered white. And it's an exception precisely because it alleviates the primal instincts the left weaponizes, the fear that the new force of white identity might come for you because great grandpa was Italian. Cons get to pretend they are fighting a technical and bureaucratic battle against vague forces, so that they don't have to hate Shaniqua or their local trans the kids principal.
To give but one example, if you watched Alex Jones' Kanye interview, he was interrupting it with ads for Interhamwe today porn on depraved racist whites, featuring absolutely ghoulish scenes in which an evil white villain hurts a poor black kid --- This is the enemy.
Joe Rogan interviewing some 'systematic racism' freak and basically agreeing with him, before he ended up with a corpse in the freezer, all because Rogan hasn't gotten over his black fetish yet --- This is the enemy.
Tucker Carlson's three rounds of endorsing black maniacs, the latest a genocidal black nationalist --- This is the enemy.
And all of these, 'I'm not con-Inc, listen to me' traitors disguise their treason by being based on how Count Von Fuherstein was killed by deep-state-fascist X to cover up his violation of Article __ section ___ ...
> Nearly every lawyerly investigation of some arcane ancient law is a distraction from this.
Hrm. I may have more in common with the Sovereign Citizens than I thought I did.
And no, I don't mean that in a good way for myself.
It's something I'll have to ponder. Because you're right, it didn't even slightly "stop our descent into gay-race communism". Which... sucks.
Why do those guys insist that they don’t need licenses for driving, hunting, fishing and the like? Everyone paid for the roads (in sales taxes if nothing else). How else are we supposed to know who is semi competent enough to safely operate a motor vehicle?
If you have to get permission and pay a fee than it's no longer a "right".
"Our form of government is for a moral and righteous people" John Adams
A moral and righteous people wouldn't need to be told that's to many deer or fish etc.
I'm just as worried or more than about the incompetent people running things than someone un-licensed operating a vehicle, at least the un-licensed driver doesn't want to hit me (self preservation) the government has no such need.
*looks at the state of the roads*
How's that working out, then? 🤣
Which isn't me defending the Sovereign Citizen folks on that, just saying that I'm not sure that task is being accomplished.
Even the sovereigns pay gas tax, which is supposed to pay for roads...
I meant more about the drivers on said roads, but understand how I completely failed to be specific enough.
RIP Johnny Hardwick. After these last few years, I had imagined the first episode of the upcoming Hulu series reboot as 43 minutes of everyone just apologizing to Dale Gribble and telling him he was right all along..
Let's say the right wing conspiracies are 65% true
The left wing ones though are just a bunch of poison haired vegans frothing at the mouth uttering undesiferable twaddle
It's amazing how so many look in reverence at the left. They psyop and touch on so many base and primal urges it's astounding
>But really America and every other English speaking nation is vastly more like the French system where the entire constitutional regime gets thrown out and retconned every 50-80 years and all your rights are up for grabs in whatever new numbered “Republic” they declare.
Pretty accurate, I happen to know a bit about the French bureaucracy and economy:
The French have a vast and always increasing bureaucracy, that will demand more and more documentation from you without ever answering "why."
Then some local or national politician comes along and promises to sweep it all away. REVOLUTION! And he does slash a lot of it. Then it comes creeping back, quietly re-introduced by the deep state. (The "deep state" is, by the way, a Turkish expression, meaning the permanent bureaucracy.)
As for the French economy, it is highly centralized. The movers and shakers are in Paris, period. And before the internet the French didn't know how centralized it was. The main businesses are in everything, and they are allied to the politicians because they go along with the media clique's narrative. So they get government contract and heads-up on law changes, allowing them to beat the competition.
The big players in business and media and politics all come from the Grande Ecoles. The big schools - their Ivy League. In the U.S. there is some meritocracy, you can get ahead even as a college dropout sometimes. In France, never. (Just like in Japan.) The people from the big écoles use the informal "tu" instead of the formal "vous" when they say "you" to each other, even when they don't know each other. Now, you'll even say the formal "vous" to the cashier or bus driver. But because they're graduates from the elite schools, they are immediately informal. And only a fellow student from the Grande Ecoles can be considered for the important positions. In business and in the political parties as well.
The one revolt against this was the Front National. The founder, Jean-Marie Le Pen, was a paratrooper serving in Algeria, who brought the textbooks in his backpack to study for his law degree in the field. He built the party in simple meeting halls and fought the communist attackers. A truly self-made man. So naturally the elite hated him.
His daughter, born with a silver spoon, didn't like her tough-talking father embarrassing her when she tried to be accepted by the elite, so she banned him from the party.
But I digress. Just a little info about France.
>By contrast it actually takes a great amount of bravery to point out that a Native Activist seemingly has an IQ of 75, cannot string a sentence together and nothing she said is pertinent to the discussion at hand, you’d almost certainly lose your job for it.
Yes, I can give an example of this. When I was still using Twitter there was an Indian woman who profited off being Indian, spouting anti-White propaganda and getting media attention for what she was selling.
Looking at her posts, only during Elizabeth Warren's candidacy in 2020 did she notice that Warren claims she is Indian, for her career. This Indian woman tweeted, "Being Native American is profitable now?"
This from someone who gets published and gets media attention ONLY because she's an Indian. And as an Indian Democrat she should have known long ago that Elizabeth Warren got into Harvard because she claimed to be Indian, and was presented as "our first Native American" employee, and that her talk about being "oppressed" benefitted her throughout her Democrat career.
Warren's sister even got a cookbook published because she was Indian: "Pow Wow Chow: A Collection of Recipes from Families of the Five Civilized Tribes," to which Warren contributed seafood recipes stolen from France. (I.e. "cultural appropriation.")
No one on the Left knows that Indians brought thousands of Black slaves on their "trail of tears," aside from the slaves they had already shipped ahead. Their understanding of history is extremely ignorant. But since the media are controlled by the Left, this stupidity is never shown.
I heard a leftist college girl spew hatred over her working-class parents for being Christian and for "listening to FAKE NEWS." Meanwhile her side believes that Trump is a Russian agent and Russia hacked the 2016 election.
Good work, but one quibble regarding not paying taxes - " it’d probably be the death of the income tax in the US and maybe the federal government." Tax revenue currently covers only about 2/3 of federal expenditures/year, the rest is deficit spending which is monetized by the Fed and thus turned into dollar depreciation, aka inflation. Withholding taxes might have a few market effects like raising interest rates at the long end, or the price of gold, but in no way would it slow down the federal government.
Yeah. They'd just print more money. :-/
This is the part that most makes me roll my eyes at the Sovereign Citizens, whom I otherwise have a very strong "I just want to be left the fuck alone" affinity with.
> "Irwin Schiff [...] died in prison for his tax protest"
The laws may very well actually *be* non-existent or unconstitutional or in violation of Common Law but the point is that it *doesn't matter*. Nobody is going to manage to talk their way out of going to prison by citing that stuff, because the judges don't care.
Like, it would be marvelous if there was some magical incantation that would make the cops actually leave you alone. On the flip side, if you get shirty with them, you may well also get shot by them.
I dunno. Perhaps I'm just arguing in favor of despair again.
Yes this is why I emphasise, like a Greek philosopher visiting the oracle... You think about it seriously, but you don't take it too literally.
Themistocles was told he would defeat the Persians with his wooden wall. He interpreted this as his wooden fleet, the force he wanted to expand and build (He won).
Likewise some of the soveriegn citizen stuff are just legal tricks that actually work, some of them by right should work by some reading of the constitution or common law but don't because of the regime, and some of it sounds vaguely good but is complete bullshit.
The great political movements of the future will be able to manipulate and confuse all 3 categories in interesting ways to advance the cause of liberty once they have power.
Some of These kooks tricks don't work, but in the future we build they might...
Many of the right wing cranks are significantly more intelligent than average. More intelligent than the average public school teacher or college sociology professor. And I'd love to see the Buffalo Shaman in congress. He has more wisdom than Paul Krugman or many of the creatures in our Capitol.
But there are often serious issues of reading comprehension. If a tax resistor finds a law that says "income includes money from civil service jobs, criminal activities, and selling pumpkins on November 17th" they treat that as meaning "income IS money from civil service jobs, criminal activities, and selling pumpkins on November 17th."
I'm too lazy to check right now, but there IS an area on the IRS web site answering the questions that the tax resistors claim the government won't answer.
All my most intelligent friends are right wing. In this society, in Canada at least, default…unthinking…is left. You have to think your way to right.
Is this extreme?
I believe ALL the rights I have come from God and are inalienably mine from birth.
PA and one other state completely ignored voting on the amendment that led to the income tax. Ohio and a few others had some voting chicanery going on. It wasn’t even properly ratified .
>Somehow when rural and working class whites use a slang term “Chemtrails” to 100% perfectly describe a multibillion dollar government policy, then that is a conspiracy theory so divorced from reality it needs a seperate wikipedia page, and you should be embarrassed to be in their presence.
No. The picture you see in that Wikipedia article is what chemtrail nuts claim is an example of chemtrails, but it is simply vapor from a passenger plane.
You found an article on "cloud seeding," okay. That doesn't mean the vapor trails are cloud seeding. Yet you claim that chem trails have been verified by Wikipedia.
I don't live in the U.S. We have vapor trails after planes here too. Just like in every single country on Earth. The U.S. isn't the only country that exists. You should have first of all asked yourself if these vapor trails exist anywhere else - and if so, if they are "chemtrails," that means ALL governments are releasing chemicals for "cloud seeding" AND keeping it secret from the people.
That means the U.S., Canada, Latin America, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Africa, the Middle East, Central Asia, East Asia, South-East Asia, and let's not forget Australia and New Zealand, are all in on it.
Likewise, all the pilots, including one married to a woman in my own extended family.
What a magnificent conspiracy theory.
Dude the "conspiracy theory" is that the chemicals released have adverse health effects. Which they do.
The fact people misidentify vapour trails as chemicals being sprayed... When there 100% are being chemicals sprayed, is irrelevant.
Stop spraying chemicals on people's land and keeping it a secret. The cloud seeding programs are 100% still funded, it's a matter of public record these policies are ongoing.
The idea that your country is somehow independent from the US and its grifts is laughable.
If you country has anti discrimination laws, then it will copy literally anything from the US no matter how detached from local reality it is. And every single country does
O have seen these chemtrails with my own eyes. It's very different from normal vapor trails, as it's the same plane flying in a grid pattern over a rural area where there are no other airplanes.
My research into the matter lead me to conclude it's probably way to make the stratosphere into a reflective surface to bounce radiowaves against it, probably for military communications.
This would correspond well with what military doctors have seen, with the best testimony in "the body electric " by Robert becker in the last chapters.
This is brilliant.
I wasn’t aware of the illegality of Income Tax. That will necessitate a deep dive. Fascinating concept on resisting this illegal taxation as a means to cripple the gov’t! If only we could get that off the ground en masse! That would fast track the Cabal to a crippled state. It’s a concept they’ve never seen coming! Of course until right now…since zero is private in the surveillance state and the internal machinations of A.I.
I haven't deep dived it, certainly not tax advice, and I'm not sure I stand by it philosophically....
But this is the big "Conspiracy theory I need to deep dive" that I've heard at multiple points is plausible from very respectable people
Conceptually, it is a fantastic idea. But it would be a Herculean task for most people to undertake simply because (imho) it is too scary a prospect today. So many people still unaware of truth of what has been transpiring…I believe what occurs with the W H O in May and from May - Election Day will be the catapult of rude awakenings many have been needing.
Start here:
Yes the IRS has tons of Case law which have gone through tax courts upholding their enforcement...
But none of that actually addresses the core challenge of constitutionality which SCOTUS and other courts have been desperate to avoid lest they destroy the entire post-war order.
YOU as a individual defendant or plaintiff will never be able to assert those constitutional rights which have been taken from you be the corruption of the legal system, HOWEVER a mainline tax-revolt with the backing of state governors could force the constitutional crisis, and assert the plain reading of the 4th amendment, 5th amendment, and the division of powers.
"You might beat the rap but you won't beat the ride."
Maybe. IF some of the tax resistor's arguments are technically correct (the best kind of correct). What I have personally seen is pure delusion.
And I personally know two people who have gone to jail for playing these games, and at least one other who has been put through hell.
One of those who went to jail kind of deserved it, as he was using similar arguments for getting out of credit card debt.
Suspicion of authority is a good thing. An epistemology that trusts anyone who challenges authority with the right sales pitch is dangerous as fuck. Conventional wisdom is not always right but it is often right. (More true a couple decades ago, admittedly.)
This gets outright dangerous when we get into the area of health. While the conventional wisdom on diet is indeed questionable, so are the fads. Many people have screwed up their health following health gurus whether we are talking vegan, keto, vitamin pill, alkalizing, raw, etc. Starch is not the same thing as table sugar. Fructose has significantly different properties than glucose. A potato is not a chocolate bar. (This doesn't mean the potato is better; it just means that it is different.) This is an area where racism is a Good Thing. That which is optimal for a Babylonian is not necessarily good for an Eskimo.