This may be one of the most interesting articles I have ever read on Substack. Its construction is mind-boggling, and it simultaneously educates and entertains. Kudos.
Tacitus notes how surprising and unusual it was that the women of defeated Germanic tribes, rather than submit to slavery, would kill themselves en masse. Roman slave markets were filled with comely young things from Carthage, from Gaul, from Syria… but not from Germany.
I don’t think you intended to slight it, you noted him, but this view of Christianity a suicide pact is largely Nietzsche’s from “Genealogy of Morals”. Although he had lots of interesting things to say, as a modern political matter, that’s probably his most salient work.
To me the fatal flaw with a return to paganism is that no one believes the metaphysics. Some people still believe Christian metaphysics, but even if they don’t, our culture has been steeped in Christianity so long that everyone has internalized the morality - which of course relied for most of its history on belief in the supernatural. Since no one is steeped in pagan culture, I don’t see how you can inculcate the morality without the metaphysics.
I’ve been saying and writing for years that Christianity programs us to accede to the plan of the World Economic Forum, wherein, well, “the first shall be last”, as scripture explicitly says. The cold little cell, purposely disgusting food, mortification of the flesh, self-sacrifice, divesting oneself of property and thus of comfort: yes, Christianity is the water we swim in, whether we believe in it or not. All the WEF has to do is press those buttons.
But do NOT blame the Jews! It isn’t that way in the Old Testament, where God rewards those He favors with wealth, power, long life and many descendants. That’s the best you can get. He didn’t promise Abraham life after death. When Job’s trial is over God doesn’t promise him Heaven; He restores everything Job losthere on Earth: progeny, houses, health. The Old and New Testaments are radically opposed. I kinda think it’s the same as Buddhism growing outta Hinduism.
Christians aren't jews. Just ask the jews. s for 'virulent anti-semitism', that's a complete distortion of reality. What we've got is *virulent semitism* such as that which you display. The jews have the power to stop anything they want to stop. Why can't they stop their behaviors that result in people not wanting them around? The Way of the Jew is to blame everyone else for their problems. They're the Original Dindu Nuffin.
I was reacting to Kulak’s last line. Old Testament society is in fact, the kind of society and culture she is exalting. As for you, you seem.ike a garden-variety Jew hater. Incredible.
I have always seen all the things / mistakes that the west is doing as a dogmatic replacement of their long-gone Christian religion, but holding to the same values. In Germany it's called Ersatzreligion. But this article is 1000% better than everything I could have ever thought. Thank you <3
I think the ersatzreligion concept is very useful and have thought a lot about that recently. Christians have long pointed out the "God sized hole" in people, but I didn't really comprehend that until seeing the madness that contemporary culture on the left has descended into. While the conclusions are all different, the human needs are similar.
"Church Ladies, Christian priests, and their feminist descendants are scandalized and attempt to shame men who upon finding out about their wives infidelity and the fact “their children” are via another man"
Christ explicitly calls for divorce in cases of infidelity.
And yet in a lot of ways, the entire concept of individual sovereignty is a Christian one, based on the idea that there is no sovereign but God. The first anarchists in America were Baptists, of all things. Certainly such an idea would not have come from Islam or any eastern religion.
I don't disagree that we could use more pagan influence, but we'd best be careful to not toss the baby out with the bathwater.
Cultural context, mostly. There was already a movement towards respecting people as equals going on. There's more to it, of course. I could see the Jews coming up with the idea of individual sovereignty. Islam, with the emphasis on raw submission towards Allah, and towards his chosen in the form of rulers, would have been significantly less fertile ground for such a concept.
That said, there are lots of people out there who have written about the topic far more eloquently than I can manage to explain it. So if I'm failing at doing it justice, that's probably more me than the concept in general.
Also, I realize I misstated the case somewhat. The idea of individual sovereignty (in the West, at least) has a path back to Christianity (specifically Thomas Aquinas, whose works of philosophy were beneficial to the concept of the moral limits of governance. It was those anarchist Baptists who were anarchists because they were of the position that there could be no sovereign but God. Which was fairly heady stuff for the time, given that they'd come to America to get away from kings who were supposed to rule by divine right. And for all I know, there may well *be* Orthodox Jewish anarchists who came to their reasoning through roughly the same path.
And obviously, none of this development of Western culture happened in a vacuum of pure theology. Christianity was founded during the days of Rome, who were enamored of the Greeks and their philosophy, which were (at least along the path that leads to us, as far as I understand it) some of the first meanderings towards the idea of democracy, in people coming together to decide as a polis what policy should be, rather than it simply being mandated by a ruler. There was a lot of ebb and flow over the years, as Christianity spread, and was embraced by different cultures, who then in turn influenced Christianity right back.
I'll admit that it all seems to have happened a lot slower than things happen now. I mean, Aquinas died 750 years ago, and these days it feels like we have a new worldwide thing happening every 50 years. :-/ Or heck, maybe *everybody* feels like that at the time it's occurring.
You've written some great essays. truly top notch work. Alas, this is not it.
If you want to keep the Old Ways, you truly should keep them. The most universal and laudable tradition of the Pagans was becoming Christian. The Pagans who conquered Christians became Christian. The Pagans who were conquered by Christians became Christian. The post-modern Pagan LARPers ought to reconsider their folly in light of true history. There are no "based" modern Pagans because they all became based Christians. There will be no more based Pagan polities in two millennia than there will be next week.
It makes little sense to blame Christianity without examining the divisions therein. Ignoring this no more enlightened than the talking bobbleheads on Fox blaming the Shiites for nuttiness of the Wahabis. Mind you, the Shiites have their problems. But it's a demonstration of profound ignorance to confound the errors of the one for the other. Similarly, it makes no sense to blame all Christianity for the errors of modern heretics.
Now, I know, some agnostic geneeus is just about to ejaculate some brilliant commentary on the No True Scotsman Fallacy. But come let's be reasonable. True Christianity can not be both the Ancient Way and the Modern Way at once. One is ancient. The other is a wholly modern imposter.
You've made the same categorical error as all the modern Christian heretics. The entire point of the story of Mary Magdalene and of the prostitute who washed Jesus' feet with her hair (Are you possibly confusing the two?) is that they repented and became chaste and holy! The modern heretic is just as foolish as his Pharisee forefathers when he concludes that the important part of the story is that Jesus hung out with sinners.
Christianity and the (so called) Enlightenment are altogether at odds. That neither most Christians nor their critics have realized this does not change the fact.
Modernity and all its follies will pass away. Christ and his Church will not.
I have to give it to the OP, it’s better than Reddit-tier anti-Christian drivel. Fair point that liberalism and pagan anti-universalist morality aren’t conceptually the same but the effects are effectively the same - a tense fragmented and relativistic world ruled by humans plagued by corruption and endless conflict.
Yes, Enlightenment presuppositions do not match Christian ones. Using the same words or an overlap here and there doesn’t mean that Christianity and liberals are identical. Basic law of identity logic. The nuance arguments and web of beliefs make metaphysic not the linguistics.
What makes you think that "Christians" are the globalist elite pushing immigration, gay agendas, and other causes of the decline of the West? I assure you they're not.
The churches have been captured, just like Western governments, by the global elitist cabal that seeks to control us all. Just because the leaders have been sucked into the Luciferian Fascism that controls corporations and governments certainly doesn't mean that Christians and other Western civilians have!
Jesus warned us of wolves in sheep's clothing. I'm looking at you, Pope Francis and WEF.
And yes, it is Satanism. You forgot to mention that option, which has certainly been around at least as long as any other religious or value difference. When you can toss your moral compass, and pursue any of your desires on earth, you lower yourself to an animal, without any concern for your soul.
Paganism will certainly satisfy earthly desires. Paganism easily morphs into Satanism when "magic" and other such things invite dark forces into your life, even when you aren't aware of what you're are doing.
I don't think it's Pope Francis and the WEF who uh exactly are promoting the gay agenda hahaha lets just take a look at the pioneers of gay activism and we can see where they come from...immigration as well (though this is going to be veery inconsistent as a personal vs proclaimed value)
"global elitist cabal that seeks to control us all. "
Christianity is spiritual syphilis. It spreads through people who are spiritually weak (just like how a physical disease comes when the body is weak). When a person is infected with Christianity, like a contagious disease, it is spread through contact.
Every offshoot religion of the main judaistic one (made by Jews), all is equally bad for any race of people who follow it, Islam being an ethnic arab religion is no exception... It wasn't Islam itself that propelled the Arabs into capturing Alexandria, Constantinople, Cyprus, etc... It was merely the Arab warrior culture exploiting a painfully easy opportunity when the Roman empire (Byzantium) collapsed (Which at its core, said collapse could loosely be defined by Christianity choking out the spiritual and warrior ethos of the ethno-aryan populations).. With aryan-ethnic interconflic that continued to persist even into the early and middle ages and so forth.. Christianity corrupted and muddled the Aryan mind into losing focus of higher ideals, and let the Arabs, continuing to the mongols, ottomans, etc, to basically have free rein and push up until Austria, until they faced a sufficient European push-back to cease, and then fall back into irrelevancy. The Arabs would easily be pushed back into their deserts with nothing to show for it, if Europeans worked together, instead they got egotistical and prefer the Arabs exist in historic Aryan land then to let another European power get it and tip the "balance of power".... Anyways. This same problem is also affecting the Islamists, sunni and shia, different sects of the same religion, and other such things, cause constant petty squabbles among the Arabs, if they simply worked together, their simple ethno-primary goals would be achieved in time, but like the europeans/Aryans, they suffer from spiritual rot and waste their vrill/energy fighting each-other for nothing at no gain for themselves. Whether judaistic religions themselves being thr cause for collapse, or if their spirits were already degenerated enough and such an animalistic level of religion would come about nomatter who the originator of the religion was. Is a chicken and the egg delema. It doesn't really matter at the end of the day. It's all food for greater thought perspectives
I myself favor Paganism to a degree. But really Christianity wasn't a problem for Europeans until very recently. You can probably chalk that up to Christianity being Europeanized with many holdovers from the Pagan world being passed off as compatible with Christianity. But that has since unraveled. I'm not super quick to go as far as saying Christianity is a leftist religion like some do, but I admit, I can't help but see a lot of similarities between Christian moralists and leftist moralists. Though they have different moral compasses of course. At least Christians generally have standards. The leftists basically think all is permitted except "intolerance" They have no standards, and if you have standards, you are evil to them. But I guess they are similar in the way you point out with the virtue signaling zealotry.
Well this is certainly interesting but the inability to recognise debate around Christian orthodoxy and orthopraxy makes the thesis lacking. The fragmentations can easily be interpreted away as heresy if you push any theologian.
The liberals may have flipped egalitarianism and universal principles from Christianity but I don’t see how liberal states of nature narratives match the garden of Eden.
I also don’t see how paganism’s fragmented metaphysics could solve the problem of the one and the many. The gods of the pagans are often immanent superman and primordial soup origins that don’t map well to transcendent arguments for all aspects of reality (material and immaterial).
While I dont doubt that theres a christen element of the morden insanity, I think the leftist decay may end up in the same place; suppose rome had to deal with modern std's in their bath houses and they worshiped the prostitutes who willingly subjected themselves to the illnesses for the industrial age?
Perhaps alt timeline rome with america starts with pedophilia then 50 years later women are cutting off their breasts to compete with young boys.
Maybe islum with america adopts communism faster then the west ever did, and you get the worse horror show then the soviets ever were.
And germans are one of the faster birth rate declines, and there is their ... thing abut poop jokes
My constructive feedback would be - why has Christianity won out against Aryan religions, and to what extent can China, Korea and Japan be considered Christian.
Because my answer so far has been - Christianity won out due to the préstige of Rome. It was logistically close to extinction in the 7-8th centuries, with the Saracens, Magyars and Vikings, but Charles Martell and Charlemagne salvaged it for all our doom.
In effect, the world of antiquity was the Aryan man's greatest achievement - and its failure was a disaster sufficient to cause 1945 down the line, the extinction of intelligent life on the planet.
The modern French Revolution human rights for women and foreigners woke trend is also enabled and exacerbated by industrial technology - even though, as I contend, technology is not the primary cause, as trains can be used to ship foreigners to gas chambers.
And now, what about Asia? I feel like Al-Qaeda, ISIS, Turanism, all those rapes in India, and immolations in Bangladesh, and the ethnic traditions in Indonesia, and the wife markets in China, and the suicide forest in Japan, and the sacred Mangyongdae line in Pyongyang, they all are expressions of Asiatic paganism which will flower again in full bloom after the Judaeo-Aryan chimaera finally perishes.
...But what would be your take on a possible Brazil 2.0 American Empire with Trump as Maschiach? With it successfully invading Iran and nuking Russia? Would you greet such a course as an avenue for the last Aryans to survive under the boot of more masculine Jewry? Because in my view, the only way to regain their lands, all of American culture must be exterminated first. Hence I would welcome more degeneracy, not less, to invite failure and defeat for Christendom.
(That said, maybe it will be in the radioactive ruins of Russia and Poland where the Aryan race would rear its head again? I consider Christianity the anarchic creed par excellence, hateful of Beauty & Order, yet here, ironically enough, I would prefer total state decomposition.)
This may be one of the most interesting articles I have ever read on Substack. Its construction is mind-boggling, and it simultaneously educates and entertains. Kudos.
a few disconnected thoughts:
Tacitus notes how surprising and unusual it was that the women of defeated Germanic tribes, rather than submit to slavery, would kill themselves en masse. Roman slave markets were filled with comely young things from Carthage, from Gaul, from Syria… but not from Germany.
I don’t think you intended to slight it, you noted him, but this view of Christianity a suicide pact is largely Nietzsche’s from “Genealogy of Morals”. Although he had lots of interesting things to say, as a modern political matter, that’s probably his most salient work.
To me the fatal flaw with a return to paganism is that no one believes the metaphysics. Some people still believe Christian metaphysics, but even if they don’t, our culture has been steeped in Christianity so long that everyone has internalized the morality - which of course relied for most of its history on belief in the supernatural. Since no one is steeped in pagan culture, I don’t see how you can inculcate the morality without the metaphysics.
It's like trying to go back to the gold standard. People think in terms of little pieces of green paper these days.
people will just grab a woke flag and attend a Pride parade and make do
I’ve been saying and writing for years that Christianity programs us to accede to the plan of the World Economic Forum, wherein, well, “the first shall be last”, as scripture explicitly says. The cold little cell, purposely disgusting food, mortification of the flesh, self-sacrifice, divesting oneself of property and thus of comfort: yes, Christianity is the water we swim in, whether we believe in it or not. All the WEF has to do is press those buttons.
But do NOT blame the Jews! It isn’t that way in the Old Testament, where God rewards those He favors with wealth, power, long life and many descendants. That’s the best you can get. He didn’t promise Abraham life after death. When Job’s trial is over God doesn’t promise him Heaven; He restores everything Job losthere on Earth: progeny, houses, health. The Old and New Testaments are radically opposed. I kinda think it’s the same as Buddhism growing outta Hinduism.
Are you a jew?
Then why do give specific attention to jews?
Because the author refers to Christendom as “Jews in bondage”.
And because of the virulent anti-semitism which has become quite acceptable worldwide lately. I’m not havin’ it.
Christians aren't jews. Just ask the jews. s for 'virulent anti-semitism', that's a complete distortion of reality. What we've got is *virulent semitism* such as that which you display. The jews have the power to stop anything they want to stop. Why can't they stop their behaviors that result in people not wanting them around? The Way of the Jew is to blame everyone else for their problems. They're the Original Dindu Nuffin.
I was reacting to Kulak’s last line. Old Testament society is in fact, the kind of society and culture she is exalting. As for you, you seem.ike a garden-variety Jew hater. Incredible.
I have always seen all the things / mistakes that the west is doing as a dogmatic replacement of their long-gone Christian religion, but holding to the same values. In Germany it's called Ersatzreligion. But this article is 1000% better than everything I could have ever thought. Thank you <3
I think the ersatzreligion concept is very useful and have thought a lot about that recently. Christians have long pointed out the "God sized hole" in people, but I didn't really comprehend that until seeing the madness that contemporary culture on the left has descended into. While the conclusions are all different, the human needs are similar.
"Church Ladies, Christian priests, and their feminist descendants are scandalized and attempt to shame men who upon finding out about their wives infidelity and the fact “their children” are via another man"
Christ explicitly calls for divorce in cases of infidelity.
And yet in a lot of ways, the entire concept of individual sovereignty is a Christian one, based on the idea that there is no sovereign but God. The first anarchists in America were Baptists, of all things. Certainly such an idea would not have come from Islam or any eastern religion.
I don't disagree that we could use more pagan influence, but we'd best be careful to not toss the baby out with the bathwater.
excellent point
"no sovereign but God. " pretty sure the Muslims believe that. It appears orthodox Jews have the same view.
I'm not sure how individual sovereignty flows from this viewpoint in fact it sounds more like it wouldn't come from divine sovereignty.
Cultural context, mostly. There was already a movement towards respecting people as equals going on. There's more to it, of course. I could see the Jews coming up with the idea of individual sovereignty. Islam, with the emphasis on raw submission towards Allah, and towards his chosen in the form of rulers, would have been significantly less fertile ground for such a concept.
That said, there are lots of people out there who have written about the topic far more eloquently than I can manage to explain it. So if I'm failing at doing it justice, that's probably more me than the concept in general.
Also, I realize I misstated the case somewhat. The idea of individual sovereignty (in the West, at least) has a path back to Christianity (specifically Thomas Aquinas, whose works of philosophy were beneficial to the concept of the moral limits of governance. It was those anarchist Baptists who were anarchists because they were of the position that there could be no sovereign but God. Which was fairly heady stuff for the time, given that they'd come to America to get away from kings who were supposed to rule by divine right. And for all I know, there may well *be* Orthodox Jewish anarchists who came to their reasoning through roughly the same path.
And obviously, none of this development of Western culture happened in a vacuum of pure theology. Christianity was founded during the days of Rome, who were enamored of the Greeks and their philosophy, which were (at least along the path that leads to us, as far as I understand it) some of the first meanderings towards the idea of democracy, in people coming together to decide as a polis what policy should be, rather than it simply being mandated by a ruler. There was a lot of ebb and flow over the years, as Christianity spread, and was embraced by different cultures, who then in turn influenced Christianity right back.
I'll admit that it all seems to have happened a lot slower than things happen now. I mean, Aquinas died 750 years ago, and these days it feels like we have a new worldwide thing happening every 50 years. :-/ Or heck, maybe *everybody* feels like that at the time it's occurring.
Fuck, man, what a tragedy we were denied those Brunihildesque female boy-band fans.
lol. lmao even.
You've written some great essays. truly top notch work. Alas, this is not it.
If you want to keep the Old Ways, you truly should keep them. The most universal and laudable tradition of the Pagans was becoming Christian. The Pagans who conquered Christians became Christian. The Pagans who were conquered by Christians became Christian. The post-modern Pagan LARPers ought to reconsider their folly in light of true history. There are no "based" modern Pagans because they all became based Christians. There will be no more based Pagan polities in two millennia than there will be next week.
It makes little sense to blame Christianity without examining the divisions therein. Ignoring this no more enlightened than the talking bobbleheads on Fox blaming the Shiites for nuttiness of the Wahabis. Mind you, the Shiites have their problems. But it's a demonstration of profound ignorance to confound the errors of the one for the other. Similarly, it makes no sense to blame all Christianity for the errors of modern heretics.
Now, I know, some agnostic geneeus is just about to ejaculate some brilliant commentary on the No True Scotsman Fallacy. But come let's be reasonable. True Christianity can not be both the Ancient Way and the Modern Way at once. One is ancient. The other is a wholly modern imposter.
You've made the same categorical error as all the modern Christian heretics. The entire point of the story of Mary Magdalene and of the prostitute who washed Jesus' feet with her hair (Are you possibly confusing the two?) is that they repented and became chaste and holy! The modern heretic is just as foolish as his Pharisee forefathers when he concludes that the important part of the story is that Jesus hung out with sinners.
Christianity and the (so called) Enlightenment are altogether at odds. That neither most Christians nor their critics have realized this does not change the fact.
Modernity and all its follies will pass away. Christ and his Church will not.
I agree on this.
I have to give it to the OP, it’s better than Reddit-tier anti-Christian drivel. Fair point that liberalism and pagan anti-universalist morality aren’t conceptually the same but the effects are effectively the same - a tense fragmented and relativistic world ruled by humans plagued by corruption and endless conflict.
Yes, Enlightenment presuppositions do not match Christian ones. Using the same words or an overlap here and there doesn’t mean that Christianity and liberals are identical. Basic law of identity logic. The nuance arguments and web of beliefs make metaphysic not the linguistics.
What a bizarre and wildly speculative premise and utter bullshit. The human condition is universal-pagans would fare no different.
The belief in 'universal' is a tribal belief.
What makes you think that "Christians" are the globalist elite pushing immigration, gay agendas, and other causes of the decline of the West? I assure you they're not.
The churches have been captured, just like Western governments, by the global elitist cabal that seeks to control us all. Just because the leaders have been sucked into the Luciferian Fascism that controls corporations and governments certainly doesn't mean that Christians and other Western civilians have!
Jesus warned us of wolves in sheep's clothing. I'm looking at you, Pope Francis and WEF.
And yes, it is Satanism. You forgot to mention that option, which has certainly been around at least as long as any other religious or value difference. When you can toss your moral compass, and pursue any of your desires on earth, you lower yourself to an animal, without any concern for your soul.
Paganism will certainly satisfy earthly desires. Paganism easily morphs into Satanism when "magic" and other such things invite dark forces into your life, even when you aren't aware of what you're are doing.
I don't think it's Pope Francis and the WEF who uh exactly are promoting the gay agenda hahaha lets just take a look at the pioneers of gay activism and we can see where they come from...immigration as well (though this is going to be veery inconsistent as a personal vs proclaimed value)
"global elitist cabal that seeks to control us all. "
I feel like I totally agree with this....:)
Read Evola - pagan imperialism. Have your mind blown
Christianity is spiritual syphilis. It spreads through people who are spiritually weak (just like how a physical disease comes when the body is weak). When a person is infected with Christianity, like a contagious disease, it is spread through contact.
Now do Islam. It would have gone nowhere without swords and conquest. At least Christians are free to choose it or leave it.
Every offshoot religion of the main judaistic one (made by Jews), all is equally bad for any race of people who follow it, Islam being an ethnic arab religion is no exception... It wasn't Islam itself that propelled the Arabs into capturing Alexandria, Constantinople, Cyprus, etc... It was merely the Arab warrior culture exploiting a painfully easy opportunity when the Roman empire (Byzantium) collapsed (Which at its core, said collapse could loosely be defined by Christianity choking out the spiritual and warrior ethos of the ethno-aryan populations).. With aryan-ethnic interconflic that continued to persist even into the early and middle ages and so forth.. Christianity corrupted and muddled the Aryan mind into losing focus of higher ideals, and let the Arabs, continuing to the mongols, ottomans, etc, to basically have free rein and push up until Austria, until they faced a sufficient European push-back to cease, and then fall back into irrelevancy. The Arabs would easily be pushed back into their deserts with nothing to show for it, if Europeans worked together, instead they got egotistical and prefer the Arabs exist in historic Aryan land then to let another European power get it and tip the "balance of power".... Anyways. This same problem is also affecting the Islamists, sunni and shia, different sects of the same religion, and other such things, cause constant petty squabbles among the Arabs, if they simply worked together, their simple ethno-primary goals would be achieved in time, but like the europeans/Aryans, they suffer from spiritual rot and waste their vrill/energy fighting each-other for nothing at no gain for themselves. Whether judaistic religions themselves being thr cause for collapse, or if their spirits were already degenerated enough and such an animalistic level of religion would come about nomatter who the originator of the religion was. Is a chicken and the egg delema. It doesn't really matter at the end of the day. It's all food for greater thought perspectives
I myself favor Paganism to a degree. But really Christianity wasn't a problem for Europeans until very recently. You can probably chalk that up to Christianity being Europeanized with many holdovers from the Pagan world being passed off as compatible with Christianity. But that has since unraveled. I'm not super quick to go as far as saying Christianity is a leftist religion like some do, but I admit, I can't help but see a lot of similarities between Christian moralists and leftist moralists. Though they have different moral compasses of course. At least Christians generally have standards. The leftists basically think all is permitted except "intolerance" They have no standards, and if you have standards, you are evil to them. But I guess they are similar in the way you point out with the virtue signaling zealotry.
Well this is certainly interesting but the inability to recognise debate around Christian orthodoxy and orthopraxy makes the thesis lacking. The fragmentations can easily be interpreted away as heresy if you push any theologian.
The liberals may have flipped egalitarianism and universal principles from Christianity but I don’t see how liberal states of nature narratives match the garden of Eden.
I also don’t see how paganism’s fragmented metaphysics could solve the problem of the one and the many. The gods of the pagans are often immanent superman and primordial soup origins that don’t map well to transcendent arguments for all aspects of reality (material and immaterial).
While I dont doubt that theres a christen element of the morden insanity, I think the leftist decay may end up in the same place; suppose rome had to deal with modern std's in their bath houses and they worshiped the prostitutes who willingly subjected themselves to the illnesses for the industrial age?
Perhaps alt timeline rome with america starts with pedophilia then 50 years later women are cutting off their breasts to compete with young boys.
Maybe islum with america adopts communism faster then the west ever did, and you get the worse horror show then the soviets ever were.
And germans are one of the faster birth rate declines, and there is their ... thing abut poop jokes
Anarchonomicon aka Kulal... Is this one of the best articles I've ever read? This could indeed be among the necessary reading for future NS - amongst:
The Red Giant by Conservative Swede
Commissary to the Gentiles by Marcus Eli Ravage (1928)
A real case against the Jews by Marcus Eli Ravage (1928)
My constructive feedback would be - why has Christianity won out against Aryan religions, and to what extent can China, Korea and Japan be considered Christian.
Because my answer so far has been - Christianity won out due to the préstige of Rome. It was logistically close to extinction in the 7-8th centuries, with the Saracens, Magyars and Vikings, but Charles Martell and Charlemagne salvaged it for all our doom.
In effect, the world of antiquity was the Aryan man's greatest achievement - and its failure was a disaster sufficient to cause 1945 down the line, the extinction of intelligent life on the planet.
The modern French Revolution human rights for women and foreigners woke trend is also enabled and exacerbated by industrial technology - even though, as I contend, technology is not the primary cause, as trains can be used to ship foreigners to gas chambers.
And now, what about Asia? I feel like Al-Qaeda, ISIS, Turanism, all those rapes in India, and immolations in Bangladesh, and the ethnic traditions in Indonesia, and the wife markets in China, and the suicide forest in Japan, and the sacred Mangyongdae line in Pyongyang, they all are expressions of Asiatic paganism which will flower again in full bloom after the Judaeo-Aryan chimaera finally perishes.
...But what would be your take on a possible Brazil 2.0 American Empire with Trump as Maschiach? With it successfully invading Iran and nuking Russia? Would you greet such a course as an avenue for the last Aryans to survive under the boot of more masculine Jewry? Because in my view, the only way to regain their lands, all of American culture must be exterminated first. Hence I would welcome more degeneracy, not less, to invite failure and defeat for Christendom.
(That said, maybe it will be in the radioactive ruins of Russia and Poland where the Aryan race would rear its head again? I consider Christianity the anarchic creed par excellence, hateful of Beauty & Order, yet here, ironically enough, I would prefer total state decomposition.)