Follow me on Twitter: @FromKulak
I’m often asked what’s up with my CatGirl branding? Why I brand on a kitch Japanese Kawaii ideal of Childish Feminine beauty…
am I just engagement mining of easy simps? Am I an Internet weirdo? Has my mind been poisoned by memes and Anime?
Yes, Yes, Probably… But there’s something more to it than that, I’m making a statement about culture, or rather a bet on culture, You see….
CatGirls line up one to one with the Mythical Grecian Nymphs.
Supernatural avatars of Impossible feminine beauty, combined with the pre-rational emotional wildness of nature.
Their non-human ears the only confirmation of their supernatural otherness, and the danger that like so many promising young men you might be tragically spellbound and drawn in... never to surface.
That the Nymphs have so suddenly re-emerged in modern times, and that their beastly counterpart, the Satyrs, once again stalk the culture in guise of "Furies", depraving in their farcical orgiastic bacchanalia... speaks to a profound millennia long cultural shift occurring.
In the Chaos of Globalization, the rise of the internet, AI, and the Post-60s and Now Post-New Atheist deaths of mainline religion... the old primordial Gods and Myths are creeping back into the world... slowly at first,, through cultural and sexual subcultures... First At the intersections of 80s animation, Japanese idealism, and internet memes....
But slowly, as the primordial soup of mimetic chaos re-emerges, as the institutional guard rails and cultural authorities lose all their powers to enforce conformity.... as the sheer weight of ancient archetypal mimetic desires come crashing ever further down on the weakening priesthood of American life... whatever section of the American priesthood they claim to be, whether their tax exempt status is "Religious", "Charitable", "Non-Profit", or "Educational"
Their power is fading to hold back the tide. Now Nymphs and sprites sneak out into th wider culture... But they are merely the advance party of Gods.
Indeed, at least one mythical God may have already arrived... perhaps the most Dangerous one.
Tell me if this sounds familiar:
A Shining God who descends from his towering mountains, famed for his strength and equally for his lusts... who seeming just takes the prime of womanhood because "they let him do it", to the quiet consternation of his wife... A God of Prosperity and Justice, who establishes "peace through strength" and is famously final in his judgements, such that like a lightning bolt the fire of his rage may find you, so quickly you then need to be informed "You're fired
Is this why Trump so upset the guardians of the American civic religion? Not that he questioned their pieties or corruptions... but because he arrived as the Avatar of a very ancient and very different god of sovereignty and justice, from a type of faith and a type of world so very different and incompatible with them?
You scoff! But let us not forget the 2016 election saw the rise of "Meme Magic" and the "Cult of Kek" as a cartoon frog seemed to momentarily revive an Ancient Egyptian mystery cult... The Ancient ones, even in imperfect humorous guise seemed to hang in the air...
But now? 8 years later? As the fabric of cultural reality seems descended ever more towards the primordial chaos... as our established mainline priesthoods of church, state, "education", and ""philanthropy"" have grown ever more discredited and decrepit...
Might older Gods and stranger things be creeping towards the cultural surface, the hidden titans of the western imagination forcing themselves into reality.
Trump was a man, who became a symbol, who became a president... who's become? An outlaw? A fugitive? A Martyr? Or is he still in the process of becoming?
Of course Trump's biography lines up little with mythical Zeus. the rebel/usurper God who became a king, freed the other gods, and established Olympus.
Except out of office he's become more of a rebel, and the accusations of "treason/usurpation" have only grown around him, first for winning, then for losing (or "losing")
And now he faces off against his enemy: a ancient man out of time from ages long past, a man whose policy is most associated with the people of the Sickle in Ukraine, a man who seems to sniff at children with an unnerving hunger.
Could Biden be the Saturnine Cronus that a Jupiterian Trump must slay to truly ascend to cultural Godhood?
is this the Dawning of an American Titanomachy, to unleash the chaotic force of American culture, seemingly bottled so long?
This is why I've kept the CatGirl branding so long beyond my initial set of CatGirl memes... It is a bet dear reader, a wager on powerful things once again forcing themselves irresistibly into our hearts, and our world.
Follow me on Twitter: @FromKulak
BITCOIN: bc1qdhj7637sgcssxgxygjaa3ddljwy8tzg5mzw325
MONERO: 8AhA3g9hbtDcAJE5MPmeQsFwwGsf3H9fq9tC6giQ4a6vKnTXv4J4MivKXrPKDpXyEeNc9mfFejbq84kSWkC8pjuj18rAEij
Follow me on Twitter: @FromKulak
I wonder if there's a throughline involving the release of agency. It's not your fault you found yourself down a rabbithole of catgirl porn: they're the new nymphs, and nobody can resist the nymphs. Your choices aren't relevant. You were bewitched. It's not your fault. None of it's your fault. Powers beyond you just do stuff to you, and you don't have any control over your life, so pretending you do is a waste of time. That's pretty Greek-mythy, too.
You are a very interesing thinker and writer. This is excellent and thought-provoking.
In response I offer a quote from psychologist James Hillman (from his excellent book 'The Soul's Code'). Hillman writes of how a permeability between material and spiritual realms existed long ago in “another kingdom of consciousnes”, of society´s choice of setting up either a bridge or a chasm between those realms, and of the consequences of society having withdrawn from serious interest in such matters:
"The invisible becomes ´alien´. The alienation of the invisible makes it more eerie and distant, and more represented by werewolves, time-warps and abductions in the Stephen King-dom of our culture. Our modern passages are so narrow and so with such low ceilings, the invisibles must twist themselves into freakish shapes in order to come through. Maybe what comes from elsewhere will make me do crazy things; maybe that invisible world is demonic and should be excluded. What I can´t see, I can´t know; what I don´t know, I fear, what I fear, I hate; what I hate, I want destroyed. So the rationalized mind prefers the chasm to the bridge; it likes the cut that separates the realms. From inside its concrete de-bunker, all invisibles appear the same, and bad."