I wonder if there's a throughline involving the release of agency. It's not your fault you found yourself down a rabbithole of catgirl porn: they're the new nymphs, and nobody can resist the nymphs. Your choices aren't relevant. You were bewitched. It's not your fault. None of it's your fault. Powers beyond you just do stuff to you, and you don't have any control over your life, so pretending you do is a waste of time. That's pretty Greek-mythy, too.
Makes sense... Once you live in a world where indivdual agency isn't the metaphisical center of everything, its a very short trip back to the three fates weaving your inevitable demise into the stars of your birth
You are a very interesing thinker and writer. This is excellent and thought-provoking.
In response I offer a quote from psychologist James Hillman (from his excellent book 'The Soul's Code'). Hillman writes of how a permeability between material and spiritual realms existed long ago in “another kingdom of consciousnes”, of society´s choice of setting up either a bridge or a chasm between those realms, and of the consequences of society having withdrawn from serious interest in such matters:
"The invisible becomes ´alien´. The alienation of the invisible makes it more eerie and distant, and more represented by werewolves, time-warps and abductions in the Stephen King-dom of our culture. Our modern passages are so narrow and so with such low ceilings, the invisibles must twist themselves into freakish shapes in order to come through. Maybe what comes from elsewhere will make me do crazy things; maybe that invisible world is demonic and should be excluded. What I can´t see, I can´t know; what I don´t know, I fear, what I fear, I hate; what I hate, I want destroyed. So the rationalized mind prefers the chasm to the bridge; it likes the cut that separates the realms. From inside its concrete de-bunker, all invisibles appear the same, and bad."
He is still in the process of becoming. The drama is not over. A plunge into the nether depths could be followed by an even mightier, purified resurgence. Or if he is struck down permanently, a black legend could arise to inspire one or more successors. Such strange and grand events would fit in with the epic mold of the entire tale. It is all very far from "politics as usual" and there are mythic elements which seem inexplicable.
I will try to stay out of the way during the conflicts accompanying any American Titanomachy.
Incidentally, I just noticed for the first time that the painter used the same model for each of the Nymphs.
Makes me think of Neal Stephenson’s novel ‘Fall, or Dodge in Hell’. In the near future, rich folks close to death find a way to upload their consciousness to a digital space where they set themselves up as gods reminiscent of the Greek pantheon, but strongly inflected by their personalities in life. They are then usurped by a more clever rich guy who assembles a host of angels to serve his God of Abraham-esque avatar. Epic conflict in the digital afterlife ensues. Quite entertaining.
Interesting that you've made similar connections, on our civilization's collapse and the return of pagan thinking, as did Jonathan Cahn in his book "The Return of the Gods' (although, you seem to have reached different conclusions).
I recommend you give it a read. If nothing else, it should serve you well on developing your theory here!
Hmmm, The cat ears weren't what hooked me. It was the "I'm staying how about you?" pic from 1980's Rhodesia with any Anarchist A. It was later I noticed the cat ears and thought "cute". Sorry, I'm not much of an intellectual.
Your writing is great, although as you have been told many times you need better proof reading/editing.
I don't do social media in general so don't follow you on X. I'd like to see more posts here. Even when I disagree you give me a bit to think about.
Possible, probable and certain are three choices we have when evaluating new information. Jumping into the certainty camp without proof is basis of mythology and I'm going to say, it's also a human propensity, a propensity that has probably killed more people than any other attribute our species shares.
There are few people that can resist a charismatic leader's plea to 'follow me to utopia'. It's when the they finally realize the path they are on leads deeper into the swamp rather than out that allegiances are questioned. Regrettably, some never look.
I wonder if there's a throughline involving the release of agency. It's not your fault you found yourself down a rabbithole of catgirl porn: they're the new nymphs, and nobody can resist the nymphs. Your choices aren't relevant. You were bewitched. It's not your fault. None of it's your fault. Powers beyond you just do stuff to you, and you don't have any control over your life, so pretending you do is a waste of time. That's pretty Greek-mythy, too.
Makes sense... Once you live in a world where indivdual agency isn't the metaphisical center of everything, its a very short trip back to the three fates weaving your inevitable demise into the stars of your birth
You are a very interesing thinker and writer. This is excellent and thought-provoking.
In response I offer a quote from psychologist James Hillman (from his excellent book 'The Soul's Code'). Hillman writes of how a permeability between material and spiritual realms existed long ago in “another kingdom of consciousnes”, of society´s choice of setting up either a bridge or a chasm between those realms, and of the consequences of society having withdrawn from serious interest in such matters:
"The invisible becomes ´alien´. The alienation of the invisible makes it more eerie and distant, and more represented by werewolves, time-warps and abductions in the Stephen King-dom of our culture. Our modern passages are so narrow and so with such low ceilings, the invisibles must twist themselves into freakish shapes in order to come through. Maybe what comes from elsewhere will make me do crazy things; maybe that invisible world is demonic and should be excluded. What I can´t see, I can´t know; what I don´t know, I fear, what I fear, I hate; what I hate, I want destroyed. So the rationalized mind prefers the chasm to the bridge; it likes the cut that separates the realms. From inside its concrete de-bunker, all invisibles appear the same, and bad."
He is still in the process of becoming. The drama is not over. A plunge into the nether depths could be followed by an even mightier, purified resurgence. Or if he is struck down permanently, a black legend could arise to inspire one or more successors. Such strange and grand events would fit in with the epic mold of the entire tale. It is all very far from "politics as usual" and there are mythic elements which seem inexplicable.
I will try to stay out of the way during the conflicts accompanying any American Titanomachy.
Incidentally, I just noticed for the first time that the painter used the same model for each of the Nymphs.
So atheist materialism requires sufficient surrounding Christianity in order to stave off the Old Gods...
Hmmmm. A good premise for a fantasy series if nothing else.
Makes me think of Neal Stephenson’s novel ‘Fall, or Dodge in Hell’. In the near future, rich folks close to death find a way to upload their consciousness to a digital space where they set themselves up as gods reminiscent of the Greek pantheon, but strongly inflected by their personalities in life. They are then usurped by a more clever rich guy who assembles a host of angels to serve his God of Abraham-esque avatar. Epic conflict in the digital afterlife ensues. Quite entertaining.
Excellent! But a post like this needs a soundtrack:
The album art is good too ;-)
I'm sorry I called you a fag in a YT comment. There's a deeper play, here. I appreciate this.
Love your interpretation of these classic Greek myths. Absolutely correct: Jupiter represents power, the nymphs represent feminine beauty, etc.
Interesting that you've made similar connections, on our civilization's collapse and the return of pagan thinking, as did Jonathan Cahn in his book "The Return of the Gods' (although, you seem to have reached different conclusions).
I recommend you give it a read. If nothing else, it should serve you well on developing your theory here!
Hmmm, The cat ears weren't what hooked me. It was the "I'm staying how about you?" pic from 1980's Rhodesia with any Anarchist A. It was later I noticed the cat ears and thought "cute". Sorry, I'm not much of an intellectual.
Your writing is great, although as you have been told many times you need better proof reading/editing.
I don't do social media in general so don't follow you on X. I'd like to see more posts here. Even when I disagree you give me a bit to think about.
Possible, probable and certain are three choices we have when evaluating new information. Jumping into the certainty camp without proof is basis of mythology and I'm going to say, it's also a human propensity, a propensity that has probably killed more people than any other attribute our species shares.
There are few people that can resist a charismatic leader's plea to 'follow me to utopia'. It's when the they finally realize the path they are on leads deeper into the swamp rather than out that allegiances are questioned. Regrettably, some never look.
What? I’ll have to do more reading and thinking.
Who the hell knows, man.