Very impressive, especially your insights into Reagan and how his Administration contrasted with Trump’s.

You’re a young Canadian woman if I understand correctly--the continuing mystery is, how do you know so much?

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Sep 14, 2023
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I encourage the mystery! It helps with engagement.

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I was devastated when I first learned that you are not actually a blonde Rhodesian catgirl.

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Back in the oughts there was a user called "Zombie" who was a San Francisco resident. Zombie would attend left-wing politics, take pictures, and upload them to where we could see all the insane leftists up close in their native environment.

Zombie never disclosed his gender. No one knew if Zombie was a man or a woman.

He (And yes, I'm using it by default) did say that one reason he was "above suspicion" was that he was a "person of color."

If anyone suspected him of taking pictures of craziness to upload on conservative websites he would just say something like "You sound racist" and they would back down immediately.

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Thanks to zombietime, I know a lot more about the Folsolm Street Festival and Up Your Alley than I needed to know, among other things. Generally speaking, he did an outstanding job exposing the lunacy of the left at that time.

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He got the Republican Party into the populist quadrant. For this he belongs on Mount Rushmore.

But we now need someone competent to actually carry out the program. DeSantis looks promising.

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He has all the charisma of canker sore.

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Trump or DeSantis?

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DeSantis is rather plain vanilla.

Trump is both charismatic and loathsome -- depending on whom you ask. My liberal Democrat father was charmed by Trump back before Trump became a politician. There was a picture of my younger sisters posing with Trump on the wall in my father's house for years.

Conversely, I personally know moderates and conservatives who are to the right of Reagan who would not vote for Trump even if Trump was running against Joseph Stalin. His narcissism and naughtiness are that grating.

Once upon a time Republicans cared about personal character. Rush Limbaugh pontificated on the subject extensively when Bill Clinton got caught with his pants down. Well, Trump is a serial adulterer, and a purchaser of prostitution services from a porn star. Trump owned a casino. These used to be disqualifications for major Republican office a few decades ago.

There are is a significant number of Republicans who still adhere to the values of 30 years ago. Do we throw away their votes?

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Votes lol. You are naive beyond belief if you think we are voting our way out of the last death rattles of American empire. All you can do is get out of the way.

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You have to go upstream of the voting as well, most definitely.

For example, where we already have the votes, we need to crush those who would use our tax dollars to brainwash our children -- which is exactly what DeSantis did in Florida.

Similar action needs to be taken outside of government. Purge the churches of clergy that teach the Gospel According to NPR. Don't invest using mutual funds controlled by woke investment banks. Teach your children non-US history so they can see that our ancestors were doing some really cool things by the standards of the day. Get the estrogenics out of your diet and encourage friends to do likewise. Etc., etc.

But all these Long Game efforts do translate into votes eventually. In the meantime, vote strategically for defensive purposes in order to have time to catch up on the Long Game.

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"to the right of Reagan" doesn't say much, given how Reagan supported amnesty, gun control, and abortion.

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He does trigger the assholes. The question is do we want a civil war? IMO I prefer to simply walk away, grow a garden, buy Amish produce and work on my music and writing. Woke subhumans aren't worth dying for by provoking the dying empire to lash out. It's going to collapse in its own footprint like building 7 soon enough. If you want to discuss this further my last long post on my newlsetter here is basically on this subject.

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"Trump is a peanut butter sandwich I want to shove down their dorky allergic throats." LOL YEAH! Exactly my response to the over reaction to orange man from Sam Harris. A good example of a perfectly sane rational man who lost his marbles because Trump broke his brain. There was no way Trump could do any of the stuff his detractors were afraid of, he's just not that competent or even committed.

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McConnell, compromised by the CCP, had the veto on all Trump's important hiring. If there was just ignorance in the ruling elite, like Trump apparently thought, Trump would have restored the country. Unfortunately, there is a very well organized global ruling class / conspiracy which includes America's Elite.

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You have nailed it.

And now we have at least two instances where McConnell sits there frozen (whether it's a mini-stroke or MK Ultra conditioning matters not).

So here we sit, as America crumbles, because of these psychopaths.

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Why am I banned from liking comments?

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I'd prefer calling him chemotherapy when I explain it to my never-trump friends. But that breaks down because chemo is toxic to the entire body. Cancer cells are just more vulnerable.

Trump did the body good.

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Fantastic analogy!

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Great take! It's hard to get this point across to anyone. There are unknowns, for example, will the immune response just transfer to, say, a DeSantis, should he suddenly do better than he's been doing? Or not? And what phase of the response are we in? Is the system near a shut down? Or are we in some kind of long disintegration?

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No, it's Trump, DeSantis will be a pawn of the deep state once in power. It's written all over. him. Trump has spent his life pushing people around and expected to do the same as president. They couldn't have that since the regime, ever since 1963, is run by a shadowy committee, not a single man.

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You're probably right.

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Reagan closed mental hospitals which left many compromised individuals homeless

Reagan signed the legislation protecting BigpHARMa from litigation for damages.

The UNagenda has continues thru every President for decades back and forward thru Bushs, Clinton, Obama,

Trump + Biden.

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In the past, I likened Trump to an emetic or purgative. I like your description in this better.

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I like your ideas, guts, your fresh perspective. Your copy could use a bit of proofreading BTW

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I'm cracking up at the last line. So funny. And I'm allergic to peanuts to boot.

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Kulak seems unaware of the Global ruling class / conspiracy bent on ushering in the New World Order / World Government tyranny a la Davos over Trump dead or jailed body. Trump is and maybe was planned to be America's last gasp! America has to go: Constitution unsuited for tyranny.

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Trump was good. But, if he can't understand he was "taken" by Big Pharma into warpspeed depopulation and still can't admit it, he is just about worthless. He can't be that stupid.

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I couldn't agree more. I recall Trump campaigning and speaking negatively of Ron Paul around mid-2015 and I thought, you really should be learning from him all about DC. Though he's bad on lots of issues, I like Trump because of how much they hate him and he kept us out of new wars. Reagan was preempted by his VP, as Trump was by Pence, and like JFK by LBJ, except permanently.

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