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This is one of the most important men in American history, or rather America's future.
This is Julius Streicher, publisher of the Nazi Newspaper"Der Sturmer".
For this he was executed at Nuremberg in 1946, with US backing, by a court that had US prosecutors and US judges.
He was executed for publishing a private newspaper. For Journalism-ing wrong.
Sure he was defacto state backed, and maybe even managed to get some state financing... But then so do the BBC and PBS. And let's not forget all the endless "Public Service Announcements" paid for by taxpayers and Ads paid for by Raytheon and Drug companies who receive the majority of their funding from the government.
What was his specific crime? "Spreading Antisemitism" whilst Jews were being murdered, what one might niavely asume in the US might be 1st Amendment protected speech.
Did you get that? Did you get the implication? DO YOU SEE!?
The US Government, and the US Regime ever since, has signed off and backed the notion that after a war you can execute enemy journalists, just so long as:
1. Said Journalists spread "Hate" of an ethnic group.
2. Said group is experiencing violence on the basis of their identity, and vaguely on the basis of the hatred spread.
3. (lest we get carried away) the journalist can be shown to officially or defacto state backed (in terms of financing or direction)...
Is there any legacy media institution in the US who's journalists could NOT be executed by this standard!?
Is their any legacy news-organization that does not regularly spread demonstrable hatred of white Americans and white Europeans even as they are being killed by migrants the news orgs go out of their way to praise? Is there any legacy media organization that does not demonstrably coverup or downplay crimes against the white population?
Could this not be considered "spreading hate".
Indeed a revolutionary government (A perfectly legitimate one, just as the current US government descends from a revolution, and they recognized the Revolutionary soviet government as legitimate at Nuremberg)... a revolutionary government would have nearly carte blanche to LEGALLY, with the aid of international law and AMERICAN precedent, execute damned near as many enemy journalists in current legacy media as it wished by such a standard.
Indeed one could argue that they'd be more justified in doing so!
Poor Julius Streicher it could be argued was a victim of Ex post facto law, it certainly was not a crime in Germany to publish anti-Semitic papers, and indeed not a single legal body had ever claimed international jurisdiction to criminalize such behaviour.
Under normal, non-Nuremberg legal logic, Streicher could not be punished for behaviour that was not a crime when he committed it (and still isn't criminal in the US according to most 1A interpretations)...
However, American journalists have had 80 years to learn the precedent of Nuremburg, enacted by their own government, and indeed to object or raise historical, legal, and social challenges on behalf of Streicher... That as a fellow journalist his martyrdom for a free press in which a journalist can defend his democracy must be acknowledged, the wrongs against him recognized, and that their government should apologize for executing him....
However absolutely none of them have, to a one every legacy journalist has defended such criminalization either in his specific case of defended the principle of the matter in the case of "Russian assets".... And have individually and as a class, CONSENTED to being held to the Julius Streicher standard should ever a revolutionary government or enemy occupation get ahold of them.
So remember the example of Julius Streicher... Modern legacy journalists may not recognize him as a martyr to their profession, but in their own way many of them might come to follow his example.
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MONERO: 8AhA3g9hbtDcAJE5MPmeQsFwwGsf3H9fq9tC6giQ4a6vKnTXv4J4MivKXrPKDpXyEeNc9mfFejbq84kSWkC8pjuj18rAEij
Follow me on Twitter: @FromKulak
And then came for me….”but, but I’m on your side! See my fellow traveler membership card!!?” “Yes and just head for that open patch of ground over there this won’t take long.” The guy in the Mao suit explained…The First Amendment was written for hard times and ugly speech that no one might want to hear. Without this protection the clamping down going on now will look like child’s play.
Just you wait - when they're defeated and at the stocks, they'll cry "but you're being hypocritical!!! if you execute us for this basis, you're being just as bad!!"
To you which you must respond; "As bad as who?"