bin Laden was(is?) a CIA creation. Any writings attributed to him passed through a CIA narrative control process. And a great many of his CIA handlers subscribe to ShitLib beliefs and values.

The Bush crime family dynasty is the most treasonist in US history, far surpassing Benedict Arnold. From patriarch Prescott Bush actions as "Hitler's Banker" until his bank was seized by feds in 1943 for trading with the enemy, to Prescott Bush's association with Dulles to recover his German war partner's blood-stained loot after the war as he established the CIA. Who brought son George HW Bush on as a young operative being groomed, who was Ft Worth CIA station asset on scene when JFK's head was blown away, who worked for Kissinger to ditch Taiwan in favor of the CCP as UN Ambassador. Who became the first US Ambassador in Beijing at the same time Kissinger helped Klaus Schwab establish the WEF, establishing a pact between the Fascists and Marxists (as Hitler and Stalin tried) to gradually eliminate selfish and dangerous western liberal capitalist freedom from the world. Who declared a New World Order was needed to save all humanity aligning Fascist and Marxist powers as he watched the CCP brutally crush the Tiananmen Square freedom movement, rewarding the CCP with MFN trade partner status, and accelerated the deindustrialization of the US to industrialize China. Who destabilized the Middle East, groomed bogey men like bin Laden. Who set a stable of ambitious sons into politics groomed to ascend as a permanent ruling dynasty. George W Bush selected to continue the destruction of the US, who used the CIA's groomed asset bin Laden as a scapegoat to attack the US and usher in the surveillance security police state targeting domestic political opposition, consolidated religious institutions under government surveillance and control, establishing a biosecurity state that were all necessary to produce the medical tyranny system we've experienced since 2020 that's easily repurposed for Climate/energy (health emergency), gun control (health emergency) propaganda and censorship, courts depriving citizens of constitutional rights, that have identified White Nationalists (whites who love their nation and constitution) as the biggest national security threat (not radicalized Islamists, actual Fascists or Marxists). Bush/Cheney crime family syndicates align with ShitLib Clinton/Obama/Biden crime family syndicates to this day against MAGA for that reason.

bin Laden was/is a ShitLib. And Fascist/Marxist. A CIA Bush/Dulles/Rockefeller/Carnegie/Morgan/Clinton/Windsor/Etc of horribles creation. A tool. To destroy western civilization as we know it. Used by much more power and evil people than him. Who hate individual liberty and freedom. Yet claim to be protectors of it.

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Maybe you've encountered the term before, but I don't think you understand how deep the concept of taqiyya goes in Islam. It's more than just Muslims feigning conversions to avoid being killed. Here in the west, we have a saying that the road to hell is paved with good intentions. In Islam, the secret intentions of one's heart justifies almost any action. Muslim clerics have no qualms about lying even to their own followers if they believe doing so will advance the cause of Islam. Take bin Laden's professions of belief in climate change and any other leftist causes with a massive grain of salt. The things he said to win the approval of western liberals do not align with what he taught jihadis. His only goal was to subject the entire world to Sharia whether by violence, honest persuasion, or deception.

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What caused the youth to take note of his writings is the lack of patriotism of today, as opposed to back in the 2010's. No doubt he makes some valid points, but to have the population divided again, now over an issue like this cannot be good for the U.S. in the long run, as a cohesive state and society

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An alternate take is Bin Laden cynically used Leftist talking points to capture the support of American Leftists.

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Shitlibs are their own worst enemy. Next they will rehabilitate Hitler, the poor oppressed starving artist.

These are the people regular liberals are so afraid of, that they have let shitlib wokesters take over our institutions?

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Since it was Bin Laden's plan to draw USMIL into the middle east to bleed America out, I think it is safe to say the woke USMIL falling in on the agenda of shitlibs is just a continuation of a long established trend.

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Interesting stuff, but it would be better if you gave more examples/quotations besides just climate change.

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I don't disagree with any of this. However, in his letter: Where's the lie?

Even a broken clock is right 2x a day.

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Tim Osman was a CIA operative for years...his real name was Osama Bin Laden. Think about that...and wet your panties...

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can someone explain to me whats going on with the far left?

like am I suppose to believe

a) their handlers decided it was time to suicide their public image and so, they called in "hey start chanting kill the jews"

b) the moderate left got annoyed with them and started baiting them with this palistain nonsense thinking they back down

c) china controls zoomer opinion so well, they got osama bin laden trending

like these all seem absurd but I don't understand how you could get people to read osama bin laden, he clearly cant be paying for his own marketing.

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>> Sure he was also a Islamist literalist who believed in Sharia <<

This is a Tautology. Every Muslim serious about practising his religion and who knows its tenets are "followers of Sharia". The word itself simply refers to the Sacred Law.

Also, it is a mistake to oversimplify the matter. The man studied Montgomery, de Gaulle & others. It was therefore speculated by many (including in the CIA task force whose sole purpose it was to try & "track him") that he was well versed in the thought of Mckinder & company.

It's easy to say "he got all his talking points from Chomsky & friends". The reality is that hailing from a Saudi billionaire family; he always had access to Top-Tier Western education. Therefore his depth of understanding is far greater (and the CIA blokes affirm this) than people assume.

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