I recall George Carlin saying something like the rich people use the poor people to scare the shit out of middle class people to keep them working their jobs and paying taxes. Section 8 is a very large component of that strategy.
That is funny, coming from him. He was very openly anti-White. I don't think he would object much to confiscatory taxes taken from Whites as reparations.
He was contrarian and edgy for his time, and the world was different then. I suspect he would have gotten red pilled hard in the 2010s and certainly by the 2020s. Too much of an independent thinker and too disagreeable to just go along with the herd of sheeple once leftism went mainstream. I could be wrong, but I really doubt he would have been cucked by the globohomo troon cult the way Stephen Colbert and Jon Stewart were. I can't see him shilling for Big Pharma and the Ukraine War Profiteers either.
Travel anywhere on this planet and tell me where there’s an easier place to be poor than America. We make it too easy to do nothing and have plenty. And we then reward them for having lots of children who wind up just like them. What a brilliant move by the democrats.
One key to understanding these very bad neighborhoods next to very expensive neighborhoods is that the rich need someplace for their servants to live.
If the neighborhood were not so bad, then the rich would have to do without their servants, or would have to pay much more for those services. Both are unacceptable to the rich.
And so the rich actually _want_ very bad neighborhoods nearby, and have a motive to encourage all kinds of violence and crime there, so that they can pay low wages to their servants.
The illegals work. They drive down wages for US citizens, which is the whole point of letting them in by the millions, but they do work. Businesses love love love the low wages they can pay illegals at the expense of American workers.
But you're right, black people in bad urban areas generally do not look like they are working.
I don’t even blame them for not working. They don’t have to. The bullshit part that’s bad for them IS that the govt makes it so they don’t have to on the backs of people that choose to live a better life. Then that same govt makes them feel like they have a shitty life because of the people that work and pay for their shit. They’re easily fooled into this because of a culture that puts no emphasis on education or values that’s created by that same government. The Architects of the Great Society LBJ and his ilk, should be dug up and pissed on for what they’ve done.
I'm making a point about illegals. They are paid substandard wages at the expense of US citizens, who see their own wage driven down by competition from illegals. Illegals need cheap housing because they are paid substandard wages. There is thus a large financial motive to encourage violent crime in certain areas to keep wages down for illegals.
You might be reading too many Charles Dickens novels. Or living in the wrong century.
NYC, Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore, DC, Philly, St Louis--the wastelands in those cities are NOT home to "servants" of "the rich."
Ain't no Jeeves living in the projects and walking to work in a mansion nearby.
You've got Ta'shawnesia rolling by about 2:30pm, just got up and dropping off her 7th kid, at 23, with 4 different men, at her mama's apartment before she runs down to the corner to buy crack, trade her EBIT card for cash (20 cents on the dollar), then to the liquor store for a pack of Newports, a pack of rolling paper, and a 1/2 pint of Wild Irish Rose.
Multiply that times 10,000 and you have the scene in all of those cities. Forget Dickens.
They live in communal crash houses/apartments. Likely in less desirable neighborhoods. But they do not live in section 8--which is Anarcho's subject under consideration here.
So, yes, illegal immigrant maids likely live in less desirable neighborhoods. But no, rich people's servants are NOT living in section 8. Unless you count crack ho's as "servants."
"Your citizenship status. The applicant must meet the documentation requirements of citizenship or eligible immigration status. Undocumented immigrants are not eligible for voucher assistance."
Exactly. I have had a crash house of likely illegal Oaxacan peasants temporarily living in the same apartment building as me, and the apartment complex is middling in terms of cost and quality, not awful. There were probably 8 or 9 males living in a 1 or 2 bedroom apartment. They weren't awful to live around. They were basically never around and were fairly quiet and unobtrusive when they were.
That quote is from the federal guidelines for federal Section 8 vouchers--which is what this discussion is about.
In NYC and other cities, the cities and/or their states are providing the housing to the illegal aliens:
"The New York City Department of Homeless Services has an agreement with the Hotel Association to pay as much as $55,000 per migrant for hotel rooms1. The city has offered to secure 1,025 hotel rooms for migrants on a daily basis for 36 months at the rate of $200, which amounts to an estimated total of $225 million over three years2. The city is paying premium daily rates to house the migrants, such as $311 a night at the two-star Holiday Inn Express on Kings Highway in Brooklyn3"
Not that the funding source matters, but it really does. We, Americans, are helpless if cities and states fund illegals. But we have a bit more ability, via our representatives, to effect federal policy. Even if the border was sealed, cities/states could fund illegals.
Interesting point. It would require that a substantial majority of the residents were generally decent people willing to do an honest job for a low wage. That would mean those productive ones were the prey of the thugs and hoodlums making up maybe 20-30% of the mix. Could make for an interesting study, but it is incontrovertible true that those properties are unlivable by any decent standard.
Retired people spending their own money is not the problem. The Boomers were convinced of the silly notion that all problems could be fixed with money rather than character and integrity, especially other people's money. They were also convinced that government issued debt didn't behave like personal or corporate debt and that it could repaid by printing more colored paper. They were naive and wilfully blind. The "Greatest Generation" did a rather poor job raising children and the Boomers did worse. And so it continues.
Most people are afraid to be called racist. Also, section 8 is job security for government and ngo, who are going to scream racist when people start objecting to gov confiscating apartments and hotels to house the 50+ million they want to let illegally into the country by 2028.
I don't think it's a coincidence that the two groups with the poorest outcomes in this country are the Native and African American ones.
they are also the ones most dependent on the federal/state governments for food, education, housing, health care and money/welfare. I can't really say if this was intentional or not, but it seems to me that the best way to destroy a community, writ large, is to make them totally dependent on the government.
this has the savage effect of deracination and cultural destruction.
Thomas Sowell has astutely pointed out that black slaves had their culture stolen from them and upon thier eventual liberation, adopted the culture of the poor rednecks around them (mostly Scots Irish and Highlanders). as for the Indians, it goes without saying that the genocide, broken treaties and eventual reservation life was a culture killer.
this is why Malcom X was so opposed to the welfare state being pushed by racist democrats. he knew the end goal. after the passage of the Civil Rights bill, LBJ was quoted as saying, "we might have lost the South forever..." but "we'll have these n***ers voting for us for the next 200 years"
anyways, if destruction and permanent poverty were the goal...I would say it's been a success...
I have a friend on sec. 8. He is seriously disabled, cannot work, and if not for sec. 8 would be long dead. If it was not for Him, I would have no floor to crash on. So if We strip Him of what allows Him to live at all, We strip Me of having a place to crash, too.
So... There are plenty More, who would die without help, that are getting it. I know it's rough, determining who qualifies really and who does not. But tossing all the Ones who need it on the streets to die seems a poor choice.
While I agree that your friend should not be left to die in the streets because he is disabled, the point made by Kulak is still valid. If we stop the governmentally mandated "social service" programs, prosperous, moral members of society would have more money to give to charities who would better serve your friend. The current programs are funded by American taxpayer money; coerced by threat of jail time and enforced by the barrel of a gun.
When people donate to charity willingly, they are able to selectively put their hard earned money towards causes that they believe are just and in institutions that they believe are trustworthy and would manage their donations with thought and compassion. If a charity is found to have an exorbitant pay scale for their staff, mishandles or steals the money with which they have been entrusted, or otherwise betrays those who donate to them, there is immediate accountability. The funds stop and criminal investigation begins. The same can not be said for the current system.
LOL! Charities. I worked as a temp for the Muscular Dystrophy Association and did Their deposits and answered phones. They were depositing $50,000 to $75,000 a WEEK.
One day I got a call from a man who was newly diagnosed. He wanted a pair of crutches. I sent His call to the One person there who handled all the clients. Shortly after, He called in again, very angry because He was told We could not help Him. I had nothing I could do for Him but forward Him back to the client services manager.
Later that day She (the client services manager) and I were taking a break together and I asked about the man. She explained to Me that Their budget for the YEAR was $1,000 and They had already gone through it!
"The poor will always be with you." When we allow government to intrude in a sphere which is our responsibility we do violence to ourselves, to government and to the poor. The result can only be catastrophic.
I doubt that the poor have to be. In places where abundance was to be had - where everything needed was there for the taking - there was no money used. There was no poverty. And the caring Ones took care of things, not the psychopaths controlling everything, like We see in Our moneyed society.
And I am all for no controlmind ("government") at all.
What "dystopia?" A world where We all can live as richly as We choose without worry about affording it? A world where We do what We LOVE to do? A world where the caring Ones take care of things, not the psychopaths controlling things like We see today (who plan demics, wag dogs, lie about the climate, and on and on)?
Yeah, would much rather live here in poverty being force-jabbed by psychopaths.
Your welfare is funded by money taken out of my paycheck every week, money I could use for my family. I have an obligation to provide for my family, an obligation made willingly. I have no obligation to sacrifice for you. Me and my family outweigh you in the moral equation.
I have no welfare. I have a pittance of social "security" - not even 1/2 a studio apartment's rent, though I was promised I would have enough to live on. That money is MY money, not Yours or anyOne else's. If I was taken care of with the interest on all the money I added in, I would have a place of My own.
I crash on My friend's floor so I don't have to live in a shelter again (VERY dangerous), don't have to hitch rides with truckers to have a roof over My head, don't have to sleep on park benches.
Every government social program has been a scam and a failure, SS included. This will continue because the tactic has been successful in securing votes from those who expected to benefit. Unfortunately, I do not see a path out.
I see a way out. The problem of psychopaths in control is a radical problem, and rasical problems require radical solutions. And I offer a radical - yet peaceful - solution.
I will say, though, They don't need to secure "votes." They "count" them and tell Us who "won" (who They appointed). Some copypasta of Mine:
In 1871 the civil war debts came due, and to pay them off (and then some), a for-profit corporation was set up for DC that looked very much like the constitution but with a few words changed, and no Bill of Rights. The People in the original controlmind quietly moved over into similar positions in the corporation and the public was none the wiser.
They (the owners, the psychopaths in control who own **all** the "governments" on Our planet) used interstate commerce laws to reach into the states.
And since then have declared the People the enemy. All while keeping Us slaves taking Our money. To maintain the illusion We have a say, They hold "elections," "count the votes," and tell Us who "won" (who They appointed).
So everything since 1871 is what They have chosen for Us. We would best not consent to being ruled by a corporation that sees Us as dollar signs only.
I see a resistance movement but I do not see a path out. That is not defeatist, it is analytical based on history and Chriatian scripture. Until the end give to Ceasar what is Ceasar's and to God what is His.
You don't see, with all I have offered You to peruse, that the path is to Individually withdraw consent and co-create better, for which I offer a blueprint? I'm working towards having enough of Us just quit consenting to being ruled by the psychopathic legal/governmental system, stand sovereign on Ethical ground (MUCH higher than legal ground, which is in the sewer, thwarting Ethics far more than serving them), deal with the system under duress ONLY, be prepared to protect Self and Others from bullies (whether in costumes or not), and work to co-create vastly better.
You're the one who said you'd have nowhere to live if it wasn't for section 8 housing or government funded shelters. Sounds like you depend on welfare to me.
I said that My friend would have nothing, and that would end up with Me on the streets. I depend on My friend. He depends on the state. Sounds like You want to blame Me.
When public housing started there was a pride in the community and the rule of law was enforced with a billy club. Different times. You and your friend could be accommodated by a less destructive system; until it too degenerated into chaos.
I make claims nothing like what is given, I have studied history for 50+ years... I have studied psychology (with a focus on psychopathy) for nearly as long. So... Yeah. Whatever.
Being pro-police isn't what made our country great. Letting a bunch of psycho cops murder people as they wanted doesnt make societies good. They are the mercenaries now arresting people for defending themselves. What made our country great was that whites were unabashedly racist and took shit from no one. If anything we should be anti-police.
Again, I steal nothing. I rely on My friend. Whether I was here or not, He would still be given help in the same amount. That He relies on the state is irrelevant to Me.
I have no clue what You're on about with bridge-burning. (You must be known far and wide for Your compassion - it oozes everywhere.)
No, actually. I have a 10+ year old laptop I purchased way back when when I got a small bit of money. I use My friend's web. I actually have no phone, nor do I want one.
I have compassion for all of Humanity. It is not the downtrodden that create the problems; it is the Ones doing the trodding.
Given We are indoctrinated from birth by the psychopaths with money, propagandized and lied to, the groups of Us groomed to create divides, and Our medicine, land, food, water, air, electromagnetic environment, and information flow have been deliberately degraded, I think it's a miracle any of Us "wake up." I have a very great amount of compassion for Our beset race here on Our planet.
Add to that that We are chained in slavery to move OUR wealth up to the psychopaths in control, while They groom People like You to look down on the Ones They ensure struggle - because of the chains of money.
This is a vastly abundant planet, but because We must account for the energy We add into the system - a practice that is now archaic, and has always been dangerous, promoting psychopaths to power as it does - We compete for a finite number of tokens and then the Ones who manage to be the "successes" are prompted to claim the rest - for whom there is little, the bulk taken by the "successes" - "just didn't try hard enough," "are just lazy," "are thieves," and other holier-than-Thou attitudes.
And then One grasps that the planet belongs to ALL of Us, and We should not be slaves in this post-scarcity age (no political baggage with that) where scarcity is created for profit, in the moneyed arrangement. While They hold the wealth from Our interest in the planet's wealth in "trust."
Well I surely would not be shackling anyOne to anyOne as the system now does. And again, dear psychopath, *I* have no interest in You doing anything for Me. *I* am living off what little of *MY* money They allow Me to have.
And I bet You did not read the "Targeted Individual" piece. In fact, I will be You did not read anything I offered links to.
Be that as it may, I am done with this convo. Expect no further input from Me.
People should not write about subjects they don't understand.
Section 8 is not high-rise vertical ghettos or anything similar. It is a limited voucher program that partially subsidizes rent for lower income families. The vouchers are limited in the amount of the subsidy and the housing authority that issues them never has enough to provide one to every family that applies. IOW, the housing authority can be, and is, very selective about which families get vouchers.
No family can get a voucher if there is a felon in that family. There are lots of rules that must be followed or the voucher can be pulled. Families on section 8 vouchers pay roughly one-third of the family's income as rent and the housing authority pays two-thirds of the monthly rent.
Most importantly, the housing authority is not the landlord for families on section 8 vouchers. The picture at the start of this article shows high-rise apartments that were built in the 60s and mostly demolished in the early 80s. They were owned by housing authorities which rented them out.
Contrary to that situation, each section 8 family has to find a landlord willing to accept a voucher. Many will not because the program caps the amount of any subsidy at a level below market rental rates. The landlord has to maintain the property to housing authority standards. The landlord cannot evict a tenant without approval of the housing authority.
So why accept a voucher family?
Security. The housing authority always pays its share on time and even if a tenant loses a job, the family usually has sufficient resources to pay its share until a new job is found.
I really wish people would learn before pontificating.
not completely accurate. it varies by city/state. I live in a hi-rise with 450 units outside of DC and the Housing Authority owns a number of units in my building and oversees the residents in those units... there are also individual single family properties whose owners chose to have them section 8 certified. These two types exist in many cities so its a hybrid approach.
I live in an affluent, inside the beltway, northern VA town. Last year, a local church donated property for the development of a 200 plus unit, low income, city managed apartment complex. Since this project's inception, the following has taken place within a block of my home; 50 cars parked in my condo building lot were broken into in one night, a 15 year old was stabbed to death down the block, Three homeless people were found living in the stairwells of my condo building, a new visitor to America robbed thousands of dollars worth of items from the storage units in my condo building, a man was MURDERED (last week) in our parking lot by a stranger who had been sleeping in the nearby bus shelter (had his head crushed via boot stomping)... turns out a few bleeding hearts in my building had been bringing the man food and clothes (as tho he were a pet) which enticed him to stay... this is just the big stuff; I could go on and on if I detailed all the assaults, verbal attacks (like the verbal assault I experienced from a complete stranger while I walked down the block... this solid citizen attacked my "evil whiteness" and warned that "my days were numbered because white lives don't matter any more") but I'll skip the scores of examples in the "less offensive" category"...
None of this is by accident... this approach is intentionally destabilizing to any city/town that is forced to endure it.. it also quickly destroys trust between races that previously existed in peace in those same neighborhoods.... FIGHT AGAINST THIS or it will destroy your life and sense of safety. I just put my place on the market; Im done.
Government entitlements, especially section 8 have always been a multipurpose program; a bribe to pacify the black population and keep their behaviour contained and controlled, and a method to punish productive populations that are considered unworthy or insufficiently submissive to the state.
You're a cuck. Well race realists are right, but I believe in those classical liberal values that I bemoan in my same article! When America was great it was racist. Whites had a strong racial identity and didnt take shit but that was stripped away by the Jews who used to call it nepotism when whites were overrepresented in colleges, ye are strangely silent when they are VASTLY overrepresented. Jews are parasites and the source of the wests problems. Hitler wasn't some crazy guy that didn't like Jews for no reason. He wanted them gone because he was very smart and saw they were doing to Germany what they are now doing to the entire west. And the Holocaust was fake and gay. Look it up.
I can't decide whether welfare was a failed social experiment which carried on snowballing, or an intended event with clearly forseen consequences. There is a lecture by Milton Friedman held during the 70's in which he declares welfare an "ill-shaped" monster. They knew even back then, in its infancy. They knew and never stopped it. Why? I have no idea.
Idn who you are, I found your page looking for articles on the Arctic. I’m so thoroughly repulsed by your mentality and lack of empathy I don’t even know where to begin. People like you are the reason why America is the most morally corrupt, sociopathic country in the world. The audacity of you to posit poverty as a moral failing and not a systemic issue in a society that punches down because people like you are soulless narcissists who haven’t the first fucking clue what it means to be a good person. Not to mention the way you shit on people who you think are below you all because you work???? You think being a corporate wage slave cuck makes you better than poor people????? This racist, ableist garbage is nothing new, yet you write as though you’ve just dreamt up some revolutionary brilliant solution. All you’ve done is jerk yourself off and delusionally rant about how much you hate poor people because you see yourself as a billionaire. Your lack of self awareness is remarkable.
I recall George Carlin saying something like the rich people use the poor people to scare the shit out of middle class people to keep them working their jobs and paying taxes. Section 8 is a very large component of that strategy.
That is funny, coming from him. He was very openly anti-White. I don't think he would object much to confiscatory taxes taken from Whites as reparations.
He was contrarian and edgy for his time, and the world was different then. I suspect he would have gotten red pilled hard in the 2010s and certainly by the 2020s. Too much of an independent thinker and too disagreeable to just go along with the herd of sheeple once leftism went mainstream. I could be wrong, but I really doubt he would have been cucked by the globohomo troon cult the way Stephen Colbert and Jon Stewart were. I can't see him shilling for Big Pharma and the Ukraine War Profiteers either.
Colbert and Stewart were always leftist shills. That you think they "sold out" at some point merely means you were too naive back then.
I am a little more cynical than many but I think he would have bent the knee.
I guess we'll never know. Silents and Boomers were (by and large) especially terrified of COVID, so maybe you're right.
Exactly correct. Excellent comment.
Travel anywhere on this planet and tell me where there’s an easier place to be poor than America. We make it too easy to do nothing and have plenty. And we then reward them for having lots of children who wind up just like them. What a brilliant move by the democrats.
One key to understanding these very bad neighborhoods next to very expensive neighborhoods is that the rich need someplace for their servants to live.
If the neighborhood were not so bad, then the rich would have to do without their servants, or would have to pay much more for those services. Both are unacceptable to the rich.
And so the rich actually _want_ very bad neighborhoods nearby, and have a motive to encourage all kinds of violence and crime there, so that they can pay low wages to their servants.
Except for no one in the shit neighborhoods work Pat.
The illegals work. They drive down wages for US citizens, which is the whole point of letting them in by the millions, but they do work. Businesses love love love the low wages they can pay illegals at the expense of American workers.
But you're right, black people in bad urban areas generally do not look like they are working.
I don’t even blame them for not working. They don’t have to. The bullshit part that’s bad for them IS that the govt makes it so they don’t have to on the backs of people that choose to live a better life. Then that same govt makes them feel like they have a shitty life because of the people that work and pay for their shit. They’re easily fooled into this because of a culture that puts no emphasis on education or values that’s created by that same government. The Architects of the Great Society LBJ and his ilk, should be dug up and pissed on for what they’ve done.
No one said anything about illegals.
I'm making a point about illegals. They are paid substandard wages at the expense of US citizens, who see their own wage driven down by competition from illegals. Illegals need cheap housing because they are paid substandard wages. There is thus a large financial motive to encourage violent crime in certain areas to keep wages down for illegals.
I agree 100%. I don’t think the section 8 housing thing had much to do with illegals.
You might be reading too many Charles Dickens novels. Or living in the wrong century.
NYC, Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore, DC, Philly, St Louis--the wastelands in those cities are NOT home to "servants" of "the rich."
Ain't no Jeeves living in the projects and walking to work in a mansion nearby.
You've got Ta'shawnesia rolling by about 2:30pm, just got up and dropping off her 7th kid, at 23, with 4 different men, at her mama's apartment before she runs down to the corner to buy crack, trade her EBIT card for cash (20 cents on the dollar), then to the liquor store for a pack of Newports, a pack of rolling paper, and a 1/2 pint of Wild Irish Rose.
Multiply that times 10,000 and you have the scene in all of those cities. Forget Dickens.
I live near Atherton, CA, which definitely gets its gardeners and maids from nearby impoverished Redwood City neighborhoods.
But I see your point. A lot of the inner city crowd doesn't look like they work at all.
Illegals are generally NOT in Section 8 housing.
They live in communal crash houses/apartments. Likely in less desirable neighborhoods. But they do not live in section 8--which is Anarcho's subject under consideration here.
So, yes, illegal immigrant maids likely live in less desirable neighborhoods. But no, rich people's servants are NOT living in section 8. Unless you count crack ho's as "servants."
"Your citizenship status. The applicant must meet the documentation requirements of citizenship or eligible immigration status. Undocumented immigrants are not eligible for voucher assistance."
Exactly. I have had a crash house of likely illegal Oaxacan peasants temporarily living in the same apartment building as me, and the apartment complex is middling in terms of cost and quality, not awful. There were probably 8 or 9 males living in a 1 or 2 bedroom apartment. They weren't awful to live around. They were basically never around and were fairly quiet and unobtrusive when they were.
This wasn't an endorsement, of course. They should be beaten and deported.
Relax, Clarence.
That quote is from the federal guidelines for federal Section 8 vouchers--which is what this discussion is about.
In NYC and other cities, the cities and/or their states are providing the housing to the illegal aliens:
"The New York City Department of Homeless Services has an agreement with the Hotel Association to pay as much as $55,000 per migrant for hotel rooms1. The city has offered to secure 1,025 hotel rooms for migrants on a daily basis for 36 months at the rate of $200, which amounts to an estimated total of $225 million over three years2. The city is paying premium daily rates to house the migrants, such as $311 a night at the two-star Holiday Inn Express on Kings Highway in Brooklyn3"
Not that the funding source matters, but it really does. We, Americans, are helpless if cities and states fund illegals. But we have a bit more ability, via our representatives, to effect federal policy. Even if the border was sealed, cities/states could fund illegals.
Interesting point. It would require that a substantial majority of the residents were generally decent people willing to do an honest job for a low wage. That would mean those productive ones were the prey of the thugs and hoodlums making up maybe 20-30% of the mix. Could make for an interesting study, but it is incontrovertible true that those properties are unlivable by any decent standard.
Retired people spending their own money is not the problem. The Boomers were convinced of the silly notion that all problems could be fixed with money rather than character and integrity, especially other people's money. They were also convinced that government issued debt didn't behave like personal or corporate debt and that it could repaid by printing more colored paper. They were naive and wilfully blind. The "Greatest Generation" did a rather poor job raising children and the Boomers did worse. And so it continues.
Most people are afraid to be called racist. Also, section 8 is job security for government and ngo, who are going to scream racist when people start objecting to gov confiscating apartments and hotels to house the 50+ million they want to let illegally into the country by 2028.
I don't think it's a coincidence that the two groups with the poorest outcomes in this country are the Native and African American ones.
they are also the ones most dependent on the federal/state governments for food, education, housing, health care and money/welfare. I can't really say if this was intentional or not, but it seems to me that the best way to destroy a community, writ large, is to make them totally dependent on the government.
this has the savage effect of deracination and cultural destruction.
Thomas Sowell has astutely pointed out that black slaves had their culture stolen from them and upon thier eventual liberation, adopted the culture of the poor rednecks around them (mostly Scots Irish and Highlanders). as for the Indians, it goes without saying that the genocide, broken treaties and eventual reservation life was a culture killer.
this is why Malcom X was so opposed to the welfare state being pushed by racist democrats. he knew the end goal. after the passage of the Civil Rights bill, LBJ was quoted as saying, "we might have lost the South forever..." but "we'll have these n***ers voting for us for the next 200 years"
anyways, if destruction and permanent poverty were the goal...I would say it's been a success...
I have a friend on sec. 8. He is seriously disabled, cannot work, and if not for sec. 8 would be long dead. If it was not for Him, I would have no floor to crash on. So if We strip Him of what allows Him to live at all, We strip Me of having a place to crash, too.
So... There are plenty More, who would die without help, that are getting it. I know it's rough, determining who qualifies really and who does not. But tossing all the Ones who need it on the streets to die seems a poor choice.
While I agree that your friend should not be left to die in the streets because he is disabled, the point made by Kulak is still valid. If we stop the governmentally mandated "social service" programs, prosperous, moral members of society would have more money to give to charities who would better serve your friend. The current programs are funded by American taxpayer money; coerced by threat of jail time and enforced by the barrel of a gun.
When people donate to charity willingly, they are able to selectively put their hard earned money towards causes that they believe are just and in institutions that they believe are trustworthy and would manage their donations with thought and compassion. If a charity is found to have an exorbitant pay scale for their staff, mishandles or steals the money with which they have been entrusted, or otherwise betrays those who donate to them, there is immediate accountability. The funds stop and criminal investigation begins. The same can not be said for the current system.
LOL! Charities. I worked as a temp for the Muscular Dystrophy Association and did Their deposits and answered phones. They were depositing $50,000 to $75,000 a WEEK.
One day I got a call from a man who was newly diagnosed. He wanted a pair of crutches. I sent His call to the One person there who handled all the clients. Shortly after, He called in again, very angry because He was told We could not help Him. I had nothing I could do for Him but forward Him back to the client services manager.
Later that day She (the client services manager) and I were taking a break together and I asked about the man. She explained to Me that Their budget for the YEAR was $1,000 and They had already gone through it!
So, yeah. Charities.
Would rather co-create something vastly better.
Society of Ethical Sovereigns (SOES) (article) https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/society-of-ethical-sovereigns-soes
Select your charities wisely. The big names are suspect.
Or create a world where charities are not needed... Which is My aim.
"The poor will always be with you." When we allow government to intrude in a sphere which is our responsibility we do violence to ourselves, to government and to the poor. The result can only be catastrophic.
I doubt that the poor have to be. In places where abundance was to be had - where everything needed was there for the taking - there was no money used. There was no poverty. And the caring Ones took care of things, not the psychopaths controlling everything, like We see in Our moneyed society.
And I am all for no controlmind ("government") at all.
Is Money Evil? (14 min): https://odysee.com/@amaterasusolar:8/is-money-evil:9?lid=eeff9e0c80138ce03e22d76bcd5f2f873ff46b72
Good Lord, I want no part of your dystopia.
What "dystopia?" A world where We all can live as richly as We choose without worry about affording it? A world where We do what We LOVE to do? A world where the caring Ones take care of things, not the psychopaths controlling things like We see today (who plan demics, wag dogs, lie about the climate, and on and on)?
Yeah, would much rather live here in poverty being force-jabbed by psychopaths.
You pay Me so well! I am truly humbled! [blush!] Love always!
Wish I had known Her! 💜
How retarded do you have to be to correlate wealth with morality?
Your welfare is funded by money taken out of my paycheck every week, money I could use for my family. I have an obligation to provide for my family, an obligation made willingly. I have no obligation to sacrifice for you. Me and my family outweigh you in the moral equation.
I have no welfare. I have a pittance of social "security" - not even 1/2 a studio apartment's rent, though I was promised I would have enough to live on. That money is MY money, not Yours or anyOne else's. If I was taken care of with the interest on all the money I added in, I would have a place of My own.
I crash on My friend's floor so I don't have to live in a shelter again (VERY dangerous), don't have to hitch rides with truckers to have a roof over My head, don't have to sleep on park benches.
So... Back off, if You please.
Every government social program has been a scam and a failure, SS included. This will continue because the tactic has been successful in securing votes from those who expected to benefit. Unfortunately, I do not see a path out.
I see a way out. The problem of psychopaths in control is a radical problem, and rasical problems require radical solutions. And I offer a radical - yet peaceful - solution.
You Have a Choice – Will You Choose Wisely? (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/you-have-a-choice-will-you-choose
I will say, though, They don't need to secure "votes." They "count" them and tell Us who "won" (who They appointed). Some copypasta of Mine:
In 1871 the civil war debts came due, and to pay them off (and then some), a for-profit corporation was set up for DC that looked very much like the constitution but with a few words changed, and no Bill of Rights. The People in the original controlmind quietly moved over into similar positions in the corporation and the public was none the wiser.
They (the owners, the psychopaths in control who own **all** the "governments" on Our planet) used interstate commerce laws to reach into the states.
And since then have declared the People the enemy. All while keeping Us slaves taking Our money. To maintain the illusion We have a say, They hold "elections," "count the votes," and tell Us who "won" (who They appointed).
So everything since 1871 is what They have chosen for Us. We would best not consent to being ruled by a corporation that sees Us as dollar signs only.
I see a resistance movement but I do not see a path out. That is not defeatist, it is analytical based on history and Chriatian scripture. Until the end give to Ceasar what is Ceasar's and to God what is His.
You don't see, with all I have offered You to peruse, that the path is to Individually withdraw consent and co-create better, for which I offer a blueprint? I'm working towards having enough of Us just quit consenting to being ruled by the psychopathic legal/governmental system, stand sovereign on Ethical ground (MUCH higher than legal ground, which is in the sewer, thwarting Ethics far more than serving them), deal with the system under duress ONLY, be prepared to protect Self and Others from bullies (whether in costumes or not), and work to co-create vastly better.
What more of a path do You need?
You're the one who said you'd have nowhere to live if it wasn't for section 8 housing or government funded shelters. Sounds like you depend on welfare to me.
I said that My friend would have nothing, and that would end up with Me on the streets. I depend on My friend. He depends on the state. Sounds like You want to blame Me.
Targeted Individual (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/targeted-individual
I don't blame you. I just don't want to pay for you.
You're not.
You Won’t Believe How Rich I Am!: https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/you-wont-believe-how-rich-i-am
When public housing started there was a pride in the community and the rule of law was enforced with a billy club. Different times. You and your friend could be accommodated by a less destructive system; until it too degenerated into chaos.
We have the system We have, and will continue until enough of Us co-create better.
Society of Ethical Sovereigns (SOES) (article) https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/society-of-ethical-sovereigns-soes
I make claims nothing like what is given, I have studied history for 50+ years... I have studied psychology (with a focus on psychopathy) for nearly as long. So... Yeah. Whatever.
It is possible to "study" a subject for arbitrarily long with and not understand anything. Evidently, that's what happened with you.
I see, We're resorting to insults. Well. You have earned this:
Yup. You're right. Off Y'go. Have a nice life.
Being pro-police isn't what made our country great. Letting a bunch of psycho cops murder people as they wanted doesnt make societies good. They are the mercenaries now arresting people for defending themselves. What made our country great was that whites were unabashedly racist and took shit from no one. If anything we should be anti-police.
Again, I steal nothing. I rely on My friend. Whether I was here or not, He would still be given help in the same amount. That He relies on the state is irrelevant to Me.
I have no clue what You're on about with bridge-burning. (You must be known far and wide for Your compassion - it oozes everywhere.)
you're posting this response from your state-subsidized obama phone?
No, actually. I have a 10+ year old laptop I purchased way back when when I got a small bit of money. I use My friend's web. I actually have no phone, nor do I want one.
Don't ASSume.
I have compassion for all of Humanity. It is not the downtrodden that create the problems; it is the Ones doing the trodding.
Given We are indoctrinated from birth by the psychopaths with money, propagandized and lied to, the groups of Us groomed to create divides, and Our medicine, land, food, water, air, electromagnetic environment, and information flow have been deliberately degraded, I think it's a miracle any of Us "wake up." I have a very great amount of compassion for Our beset race here on Our planet.
Why Does Money Promote Psychopaths? (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/why-does-money-promote-psychopaths
Add to that that We are chained in slavery to move OUR wealth up to the psychopaths in control, while They groom People like You to look down on the Ones They ensure struggle - because of the chains of money.
This is a vastly abundant planet, but because We must account for the energy We add into the system - a practice that is now archaic, and has always been dangerous, promoting psychopaths to power as it does - We compete for a finite number of tokens and then the Ones who manage to be the "successes" are prompted to claim the rest - for whom there is little, the bulk taken by the "successes" - "just didn't try hard enough," "are just lazy," "are thieves," and other holier-than-Thou attitudes.
And then One grasps that the planet belongs to ALL of Us, and We should not be slaves in this post-scarcity age (no political baggage with that) where scarcity is created for profit, in the moneyed arrangement. While They hold the wealth from Our interest in the planet's wealth in "trust."
Trusts (7 min): https://odysee.com/@amaterasusolar:8/trusts:0?lid=eeff9e0c80138ce03e22d76bcd5f2f873ff46b72
Add to that that Some are made to fail... Targeted.
Targeted Individual (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/targeted-individual
And add that You ASSume We all have families. My friend has no family. I have no family. You would walk over Our dead bodies in glee, I might presume.
Well I surely would not be shackling anyOne to anyOne as the system now does. And again, dear psychopath, *I* have no interest in You doing anything for Me. *I* am living off what little of *MY* money They allow Me to have.
And I bet You did not read the "Targeted Individual" piece. In fact, I will be You did not read anything I offered links to.
Be that as it may, I am done with this convo. Expect no further input from Me.
People should not write about subjects they don't understand.
Section 8 is not high-rise vertical ghettos or anything similar. It is a limited voucher program that partially subsidizes rent for lower income families. The vouchers are limited in the amount of the subsidy and the housing authority that issues them never has enough to provide one to every family that applies. IOW, the housing authority can be, and is, very selective about which families get vouchers.
No family can get a voucher if there is a felon in that family. There are lots of rules that must be followed or the voucher can be pulled. Families on section 8 vouchers pay roughly one-third of the family's income as rent and the housing authority pays two-thirds of the monthly rent.
Most importantly, the housing authority is not the landlord for families on section 8 vouchers. The picture at the start of this article shows high-rise apartments that were built in the 60s and mostly demolished in the early 80s. They were owned by housing authorities which rented them out.
Contrary to that situation, each section 8 family has to find a landlord willing to accept a voucher. Many will not because the program caps the amount of any subsidy at a level below market rental rates. The landlord has to maintain the property to housing authority standards. The landlord cannot evict a tenant without approval of the housing authority.
So why accept a voucher family?
Security. The housing authority always pays its share on time and even if a tenant loses a job, the family usually has sufficient resources to pay its share until a new job is found.
I really wish people would learn before pontificating.
not completely accurate. it varies by city/state. I live in a hi-rise with 450 units outside of DC and the Housing Authority owns a number of units in my building and oversees the residents in those units... there are also individual single family properties whose owners chose to have them section 8 certified. These two types exist in many cities so its a hybrid approach.
I live in an affluent, inside the beltway, northern VA town. Last year, a local church donated property for the development of a 200 plus unit, low income, city managed apartment complex. Since this project's inception, the following has taken place within a block of my home; 50 cars parked in my condo building lot were broken into in one night, a 15 year old was stabbed to death down the block, Three homeless people were found living in the stairwells of my condo building, a new visitor to America robbed thousands of dollars worth of items from the storage units in my condo building, a man was MURDERED (last week) in our parking lot by a stranger who had been sleeping in the nearby bus shelter (had his head crushed via boot stomping)... turns out a few bleeding hearts in my building had been bringing the man food and clothes (as tho he were a pet) which enticed him to stay... this is just the big stuff; I could go on and on if I detailed all the assaults, verbal attacks (like the verbal assault I experienced from a complete stranger while I walked down the block... this solid citizen attacked my "evil whiteness" and warned that "my days were numbered because white lives don't matter any more") but I'll skip the scores of examples in the "less offensive" category"...
None of this is by accident... this approach is intentionally destabilizing to any city/town that is forced to endure it.. it also quickly destroys trust between races that previously existed in peace in those same neighborhoods.... FIGHT AGAINST THIS or it will destroy your life and sense of safety. I just put my place on the market; Im done.
Government entitlements, especially section 8 have always been a multipurpose program; a bribe to pacify the black population and keep their behaviour contained and controlled, and a method to punish productive populations that are considered unworthy or insufficiently submissive to the state.
You're a cuck. Well race realists are right, but I believe in those classical liberal values that I bemoan in my same article! When America was great it was racist. Whites had a strong racial identity and didnt take shit but that was stripped away by the Jews who used to call it nepotism when whites were overrepresented in colleges, ye are strangely silent when they are VASTLY overrepresented. Jews are parasites and the source of the wests problems. Hitler wasn't some crazy guy that didn't like Jews for no reason. He wanted them gone because he was very smart and saw they were doing to Germany what they are now doing to the entire west. And the Holocaust was fake and gay. Look it up.
hmmm - ( ( ( 1% ) ) ) - interesting
I can't decide whether welfare was a failed social experiment which carried on snowballing, or an intended event with clearly forseen consequences. There is a lecture by Milton Friedman held during the 70's in which he declares welfare an "ill-shaped" monster. They knew even back then, in its infancy. They knew and never stopped it. Why? I have no idea.
> They knew and never stopped it. Why?
"Why do you hate poor people?"
That's why.
Idn who you are, I found your page looking for articles on the Arctic. I’m so thoroughly repulsed by your mentality and lack of empathy I don’t even know where to begin. People like you are the reason why America is the most morally corrupt, sociopathic country in the world. The audacity of you to posit poverty as a moral failing and not a systemic issue in a society that punches down because people like you are soulless narcissists who haven’t the first fucking clue what it means to be a good person. Not to mention the way you shit on people who you think are below you all because you work???? You think being a corporate wage slave cuck makes you better than poor people????? This racist, ableist garbage is nothing new, yet you write as though you’ve just dreamt up some revolutionary brilliant solution. All you’ve done is jerk yourself off and delusionally rant about how much you hate poor people because you see yourself as a billionaire. Your lack of self awareness is remarkable.
I couldn't agree more. Government housing and section 8 have produced a permanent underclass.