There is a story of Old Faith Russian Escaping into the woods and living away from everyone. In like 2007 people found them, and realized that they did not know the war had ended. It is a very useful story to know.

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That is fascinating... Not sure if it'd work with modern aerial surveillance, but ya if you had a large enough group you might be able to build your rapture somewhere

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Fascinating indeed, but weren't they a dwindling shadow of their original community? Just a few people left?

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There are two separate stories: one family fled into the wilderness in the 1930s and basically all died. One is left. The other is a whole community fled into the wilderness in 1918 when the Bolshevik antichrist first rode into power. The community was discovered in the 1950s and put into the Gulag. Interesting stories, but both are prepper fails.

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I haven't been this excited about a series of anything in a long time, keep up the good work!

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If you need to escape from the United States, where do you go? Australia with their vaccine internment camps? Ireland with the most repressive speech laws in the West? England, where the criminals run the streets while the police monitor your social media for wrongthink? Anywhere in Asia where without the Pax Americana every country will succumb to the Chinese Empire's hegemony?

'fraid your historical context misses Reagan's Warning. The United States is the last best hope for Mankind. If it falls, there is nowhere else to go.

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The problem today is that globohomo is metastasized worldwide and there is nowhere to escape, other than maybe Iran and North Korea. Latam, Australia, NZ, and the BRIC countries are all as controlled by globohomo as America or Canada is.

You write, "This is the problem with so many preppers they imagine they can flee civilization, hide in the woods, then reemerge after their despised urban enemies have finished killing each other and wiping out their contradictory corrupt system… What happens when the killing continues for 30 years! What happens when your enemy’s political order lasts 70!"

Yes, the preppers and accelerationists usually possess magical thinking where they think (1) collapse happens (2) ???? (3) they magically come out the other side of it with drastically increased social status. In reality they will almost certainly be a cannibal rape gang victim, just like almost anyone else.

Re: the gradual collapse into neofeudal hell, you will likely appreciate this 2013 4chan post: https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F1ae79e40-6005-4ae0-8fcf-82b6add7c2e4_1140x634.png

Lastly, there is at least one possibility for total societal collapse, and that is if a repeat of the Carrington event happens. The Carrington event was a solar flare which was so large that it shut down the telegraph grid in the 1850s, and would wreck extreme havoc on the power grid if it happened today. "Experts" expect such an event to occur every hundred years or so, so we are long overdue...

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Spot on with your analysis of the founding of the state if Israel.

The difference between a terrorist and a freedom fighter is victory.

History is written by the victors

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Talking of vehicles, there is something to be said for ultralights. Has the carrying capacity of a bike (one person+gear or two people). Range is 300 miles. Similar refueling issues but takes normal car gas. Can land and take off from any strip, road or field. Might take longer than a bike to get really comfortable in but young people do this quick. The big up side is you're almost guaranteed no interference while in the air, can go high (10k feet) or skim the tree tops. No geography gets in the way. I did a coast to coast some years ago and a second run down the Pacific seaboard to Colorado. Skirted class 3 airspace (as required by law) and never saw another plane or anything in the sky. US is airstrip rich with onsite fuel. Cars for visiting pilots. I just camped in the lee of hangers. Keeping one around just requires a shed or container. Get a 4 stroke rather than a poxy 2-stroke. Worth it for the speed (55 knots) and range.

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Good read, and interesting series indeed.

Something you did touch upon, but that I think bears emphasis, is that all too often people don't actually know what they want. They try to reconcile narratives which can be mutually exclusive, such as Survive!, and Make A Difference/Be A Patriot! All too often it is one or the other, because the overlap in that Venn diagram can be vanishingly small, particularly if you have young children.

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Brilliant. Great job explaining why I’ve been going through the process of obtaining Italian citizenship for my sons and myself (thanks great grandpa!). Hope not to need it but will feel better having EU passports. Amusingly my wife will need to demonstrate fluency in Italian even after I am a recognized citizen.

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Italy is consumed with Third Worlders and like Poland of old, will be the crossing lanes for Europes problems, wars, invasions and appropriate of land and people. What are you possibly saving by going there?

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Yeah, perhaps just a chance to exchange one set of problems for another. But good to have options, I guess?

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There are quite a few places in the world where an European passport is far less likely to attract unwanted attraction to you, than an american one.

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Good stuff, eye opening, and you didn't even touch on the actual prepper stuff like potable water or arming yourself. Most people are absolutely screwed top to bottom front to back.

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God-tier article. You could easily assemble the final version into a book if these are 3 short chapters at around 30 pages total it could be well under 100 pages and sell like gangbusters because it’s so blunt and practical.

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The best prepping book I've read is Emergency By Neil Strauss, Ironically the central plot of the book is him trying to get a second passport lol

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I discuss this article on my podcast, and am looking forward to part three! https://rumble.com/v3jaspo-the-post-fourth-turning-future-is-firefly.html

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Good article and yes you raise 3 excellent recommendations.

However let me add some additional critical points to go with you Passport and Vehicle recos.

1. 2 Passports are MUCH better than 1. I realize the majority wont have the funds or ability to secure 2 national passports, but many in the US do have ability to easily hold 2 national passports due to birth or marriage. Having a USA Plus a UK, Mexican, Canadian, EU other, Indian etc passport is just common sense. My family have dual citizenship. Ideally a third passport for a non-signed smaller nation e.g. Cayman, Greece, UAE, or the "creme de la creme" Switzerland is perfection.

2. FUEL! In a pinch one can of course always keep your vehicle topped off with fuel but you must have Jerry cans to enable you to have some range. Gas stations just might not be easily available with fuel or way out in the country. I have 5 five gallon fuel containers that will give my SUV up to 400 miles of extra range.

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I believe the US actually WILL be invaded by a foreign power (China) who will farm out the actual management to Russians, because they are white, which will help soften and manage the majority of the population--who will feign resistance, for the most part, then ultimately go along with it.

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Awesome, thank you. Unfathomably based. I pretty much followed the same philosophy in my life, first got out of communist Romania then out of New Jersey’s blue state covid totalitarianism and gun control and fled to Florida. Kept a Romanian passport in case US gets off the rails

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Why not collapse now and avoid the rush, in the words of Greer? Find yourself a nice, affordable and peaceful country with a track record of staying out of violent crises and set up a new life with plenty of time to spare.

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Once world war starts, being a peaceful country won't necessarily stop it from being invaded.

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A track record of staying out of violent crises might be a helpful indicator though. Sometimes you're just so unimportant nobody bothers with you.

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This is cope.

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Switzerland is probably a good option if you decide to go this route.

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Didn't Switzerland just trash their vaunted neutrality in support of Ukraine?

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