Since we are coming down on the side of rank incompetence -- could it be that the would-be assassin did indeed aim at the "center of mass" ... and missed by a large margin? It was mere chance that one of his several misses clipped President Trump on the ear. (Not so good for the people in the crowd who were killed/seriously injured by his misses). That kind of (in)accuracy would be consistent with the shooter's lack of training and low-level equipment -- and with the general air of incompetence which wafts around the US these days.
The outstanding issue is whether the incompetence was deliberate? And one of the many unknowns is -- How many previous Trump appearances were similarly surrounded by Secret Service incompetence?
The other consideration for the "center of mass" miss is that Trump was shoulder on to the shooter, which is why turning his head meant he didn't get hit dead on by the one that clipped him. Admittedly, shooting for the torso would *still* be the appropriate target...
Hard to say. The level of incompetence is so extreme all around it's difficult to know which piece of it mattered the most.
Psyops control the narrative like a magician. The narrative and counter narrative both assume he was shot, even those arguing it was staged are arguing he was shot at. What idiocy. If it was staged it was all fake. No one fired at him, he just acted it out. Not of his own accord but at the behest of the real power behind the scenes.
If there were a competency vacuum at the top of the greatest power structure in the history of the world it would be filled. There are shockingly large numbers of extremely ruthless and insanely competent people in the world today, more so than at any other time in human history. Today’s game of thrones is the greatest that’s ever been played. Whatever you can imagine and more is going on behind the scenes.
The competency crisis itself is probably real, but also it was engineered with DEI BS keeping competent people out, and it’s being used in situations like this as a cover.
What this means is that real power is in hiding and everyone you see in the US and perhaps world political stage is controlled or controllable (who isn’t?).
The aim of our political theater is to sow division to maintain control, they probably don’t really care who wins, but it’s possible they’re purposely moving the populace to the right.
Why would the real power hide? No fear of pitchforks and guillotines. Let the buffoons play to the masses. They saw what happened to Marie Antoinette and ditched the old playbook. No more Publicity. Pull all the strings from the shadows.
If there’s an idiot in power, they’re not in power and you’re the idiot for thinking they are.
Everyone believes this about Biden, yet no one extends the logic to the rest of the power structure. Would any non-idiot allow such incompetence in an op they actually wanted to succeed?
Sure, it could have all been staged, hypothetically, but why? and more importantly, why right then? Trump was already ascendant, Biden was already fading and hadn't yet dropped out, so Trump didn't need this to gain support. And if the stagers knew Biden was about to drop out, that's even less reason to do it right then. If staged to bolster support for Trump, seems like something you would do in early October. If staged to sow division, ha ha, as if that was necessary. The electoral division was already well sown.
And if it’s still not clear: the deep state has bombs and drones and missiles, if not heart attack guns and targetable bioweapons and directed energy weapons and who knows what else, not just rifles.
Yes, okay, maybe this was just a major screw up with a “kid” as the shooter. But to me the more stunning thing has been the intelligence agencies’ failure to date to find out much about him. IF he didn’t have training in marksmanship, he certainly DID have some kinda training in avoiding smearing his ideological DNA all over social media. And what about those 3 “encrypted” foreign accounts? Shee-uh, the agencies worked faster and did better with Oswald, and that was long before we all surrendered any semblance of privacy for the joys of “surfing” the Internet ( I think “world-wide web” is actually the more apt term). The FBI tentatively tried floating the idea that Trump wasn’t really shot, after all, in spite of the fact that, um, we all SAW it. A friend sent me a poster of Trump’s fist-pump of defiance. I think it’ll be very valuable some day. Try finding that still online now.
No matter how you look at it, the Secret Service was not even trying to protect Trump. It could be that the kid just choked. After all, it's different firing at a live person, no matter how much you train.
Anyone who isn't taking into account the psychology of this guy as primary is missing a great deal. Grossman wrote about this extensively, its very hard to get someone to aim accurately at a human, especially up close. Deer season "yips" are nothing compared to this.
This video game he apparently played is very interesting if true. Remember the US Army actually put out a first person shooter game to try to get recruits up?
Accepting at face value that "Crooks" was the guy on the roof, and that he was what they claim him to have been, is a flaw in any analysis of this event. They lie about everything under the sun, thus there is no expectation that they are being truthful about that.
But what bolsters the case that it really was him, that he was more or less what they claim him to have been, and that there was no second shooter, is the fact that Trump lived.
My working hypothesis is that it was a "deep state" orchestrated hit, but that they were too incompetent to pull it off. The alternative explanation is that they were too incompetent to protect the president. Either way, incompetence is the reality. But obviously there was some way for "Crooks" to know that was the roof he could get onto. I suspect "Crooks" was probably more trained and more capable than we are being told he was. The incompetence was in believing that he alone would be able to pull it off, and not seeing the need for a second shooter.
The 3rd choice, this all being staged, lacks a good motive, so I'm dismissing it.
I think it's likely that there was "malicious advice." Say somebody told Jill to go to pennsylvania. Was that person trying to strengthen the plot, or strengthen Jill's hand, or strengthen Trump's? Jill would never ask, that's 'plausible deniability.'
By the same token, a hypothetical handler has incentives to clear the way for crooks, but to personally train him would be incriminating.
Why does it look like there was no plan? Because everyone left everyone else to their own devices. They had no other choice. There was no trust, or reliance, but each intriguer dictated his own terms.
1. "Biden" (and/or people around him) in an effort to fend off the coup against him and stay on the ticket
2. Indians (dot not feather) trying to set up a Haley v Harris race, so an Indian would be president either way
3. Same "deep state" that has been trying to sabotage Trump for 8 years. You'd expect more competence in this case
Some data points in support of "Biden." One, the fact that he withdrew only one week later (falling on his sword for his failure). Two, Physician Jill's competing event nearby drawing resources away. The incompetence of the assassination attempt speaks to the rush job it was, the coup against Biden beginning only 2 weeks prior and the assassination plot being no older than that. He never expected to be forced out, the fool thought they actually loved him. It's even possible that he was told by the same people who forced him out that if he could solve the Trump problem, he could stay in.
Good analysis. Curiously though, there's that video of the alleged second shooter. On the water tower. As far as second shots, a slight problem with that. Forensic audio analysis counts 8 to 11 shots, which means that second and third shots had already been taken. After possibly 11, it's time to get out of there. If I recall correctly, there were some shots mostly in front of or at Trump with the majority appearing to be across Trump. There seems to have been a sniper with some skill in there somewhere, which explains whoever got close to the head. Trump did happen to randomly turn his head at the right time. Suggestions that Trump staged this fail to take into consideration that Trump would have had to have precision timing at tenth of seconds or less than tenths of a second. So we have a cluster of 8 to 11 shots, meaning that anyone professional would be getting out of there, chance blown. My own theory is that a lot of the better assassins in the CIA and funding for the CIA has been restricted greatly. It looks as if they threw something together and hoped for the best. Great question though, about the centre mass. That seems to say that whoever was on the water tower, or whatever so called professional that was out there may not have had the best training. Maybe just a good shot they found? Really, why didn't the second shooter just say fuck it and go for the chest?
>We asked Maximum Life Expectancy’s Chief Instructor, Grant LaVelle, about his past as a Marine and SWAT sniper. In the Marine Corps, they would shoot .308 to 1,000 yards; however, in SWAT it was much closer. What was preached to SWAT snipers was that in a law enforcement capacity there were no second shots. In certain military situations, that might be acceptable. But in law enforcement, snipers need immediate incapacitation to save lives.
.308 in an offensive capability is useable up to 1000 yards if you don't mind making follow on shots, and about a 600-800 if you want a better than 50% of hitting the target.
Deer hunting and most hunting applications you wouldn't because you REALLY don't want to merely wound the animal, you want it to drop instantly. Humans you generally don't care about this outside of police applications.
If you hit a deer in the leg and practically rip it off, and it dies 5 minutes later of blood-loss after pathetically running for almost a kilometer, then that is the worst most horrifying hunt of your life, you might not find the body, you've ruined the meat, and you'll be haunted by the torture you inflicted on the poor deer.
if you do that to a person, that's a successful assassination.
> An M14 used by trained hands can be effective up to a distance of 800 meters. Special Operations forces have adopted the M14 sniper variants, notably the M21 and M25, as designated marksman weapons.
The fact crappy variants are for sale does not limit the platform itself. Remember I'm positting 6 months and $30,000 to get ready... which is very cheap, and a short time investment for CHANGING WORLD HISTORY
I don't think 223/556 is gonna get blown very far off by wind at 130 yards. Mayne an inch, the bullet is just moving too fast, it doesn't have enough "hang time" to get blown far off track. That should not have been a difficult shot especially if you go center mass, especially since Trump is about as wide as a city block.
"Incompetent, but extremely disciplined" is pretty much my model of the federal government. Still, this might be an intrigue, but there's no way it was an op. If anything was happening behind the scenes, it was a bunch of different people deceiving each other, each with a very light touch. Nobody could have planned anything like this, which is how you know there was no plan, and indeed no certainty about who was saying what to whom for what reason.
We know the FBI isn’t slick enough to, for example, not ultimately get caught planning the Whitmer kidnapping, or with the Clinesmith falsified FISA email, as two examples. Or Lord knows the Hillary server or Flynn set-up couldn’t have been more obvious.
If you consider the odds of some half-competent kid finding the one roof that was left open VERY intentionally, you’re left with a single shooter whom they knew would be erased immediately and who probably did aim for center of mass (or at least was told to) but made wild shots. The idea he acted alone and just happened to find the welcome mat may not be impossible but are they really that patient and dependent on luck? And would the FBI be hiding all the ballistics and slow-rolling and stonewalling to this level?
Institutional skills atrophy when they're not used and the Secret Service hasn't had to deal with an assassination attempt this serious in over forty years.
It's not hard to get the impression that somebody in charge was failing to coordinate, and as a result most everyone on site thought that roof/that guy was somebody else's job. But that still doesn't explain how "Crooks" knew where the weakness in the perimeter was. Just dumb luck that he happened to pick the one nearby roof that through incompetence was unsecured? Seems like a winning lottery ticket in terms of odds.
On a lighter note, here's a fun routine by my late friend, Ron Shock...if you search "Bryan Texas bolt action rifle suicide", you should find some interesting info about the decedent in this case...
Very good analysis of the various calipers of potential rounds that can be used to kill a human or animal. In the Marine Corps being as good a marksman as ever possible is part of our creed and ethos. Every Marine a rifleman and the Marines prayer begins with “this is my rifle.” There is a reason basic recruit training spends two full weeks on the rifle range and why the harassment package is dialed down while at the range. The M-14 was a very good rifle, the M-16 marginal until major changes where made to the barrel to improve accuracy out to 500m or more. But the M40 (7.62 bolt action, essentially a Remington 700 modified to the precise levels of the Quanitco Marksmanship Training Unit) would as the author points out be one of the kinds of rifles that a skilled, highly trained and likely combat experienced sniper would employ. As Gunnery Sargent Carlos Hathcock believed and taught, one round one kill. “There is nothing more dangerous on the modern battlefield than one well aimed round down range.” And you can be sure that with 103 confirmed kills in Viet Nam he knew of what he spoke. So to say some 20 year male nut bag with even more than basic marksmanship skills was able to get 5-11 rounds off within 130 yards with apparently iron sights really begs incredulity. If there was a second shooter we likely will never know. Conspiracies work that way…
Whether some deep state bizarroo set up, gross incompetence on the part of just about everyone detailed to protect the 45th POTUS or some other act of wild caprice, the fact is, Mr. Trump survived and now the question is, they who wished him dead, what are you going to do…??? Well we sort of have answer, mug the old white dude in the oval and toss in the next court jester or in this case jesterette to take his place…you can’t make this stuff up…now where did I leave my tin foil, my hat needs refurbishment, the signals in the kitchen are getting fuzzy…
Since we are coming down on the side of rank incompetence -- could it be that the would-be assassin did indeed aim at the "center of mass" ... and missed by a large margin? It was mere chance that one of his several misses clipped President Trump on the ear. (Not so good for the people in the crowd who were killed/seriously injured by his misses). That kind of (in)accuracy would be consistent with the shooter's lack of training and low-level equipment -- and with the general air of incompetence which wafts around the US these days.
The outstanding issue is whether the incompetence was deliberate? And one of the many unknowns is -- How many previous Trump appearances were similarly surrounded by Secret Service incompetence?
The other consideration for the "center of mass" miss is that Trump was shoulder on to the shooter, which is why turning his head meant he didn't get hit dead on by the one that clipped him. Admittedly, shooting for the torso would *still* be the appropriate target...
Hard to say. The level of incompetence is so extreme all around it's difficult to know which piece of it mattered the most.
It’s more likely it was all staged.
Psyops control the narrative like a magician. The narrative and counter narrative both assume he was shot, even those arguing it was staged are arguing he was shot at. What idiocy. If it was staged it was all fake. No one fired at him, he just acted it out. Not of his own accord but at the behest of the real power behind the scenes.
If there were a competency vacuum at the top of the greatest power structure in the history of the world it would be filled. There are shockingly large numbers of extremely ruthless and insanely competent people in the world today, more so than at any other time in human history. Today’s game of thrones is the greatest that’s ever been played. Whatever you can imagine and more is going on behind the scenes.
The competency crisis itself is probably real, but also it was engineered with DEI BS keeping competent people out, and it’s being used in situations like this as a cover.
What this means is that real power is in hiding and everyone you see in the US and perhaps world political stage is controlled or controllable (who isn’t?).
The aim of our political theater is to sow division to maintain control, they probably don’t really care who wins, but it’s possible they’re purposely moving the populace to the right.
Why would the real power hide? No fear of pitchforks and guillotines. Let the buffoons play to the masses. They saw what happened to Marie Antoinette and ditched the old playbook. No more Publicity. Pull all the strings from the shadows.
If there’s an idiot in power, they’re not in power and you’re the idiot for thinking they are.
Everyone believes this about Biden, yet no one extends the logic to the rest of the power structure. Would any non-idiot allow such incompetence in an op they actually wanted to succeed?
There are so many inconsistencies in the event that it’s blatantly obvious it was staged. Bottom line: If “they” wanted him dead, he’d be dead.
Sure, it could have all been staged, hypothetically, but why? and more importantly, why right then? Trump was already ascendant, Biden was already fading and hadn't yet dropped out, so Trump didn't need this to gain support. And if the stagers knew Biden was about to drop out, that's even less reason to do it right then. If staged to bolster support for Trump, seems like something you would do in early October. If staged to sow division, ha ha, as if that was necessary. The electoral division was already well sown.
And they left a bunch of red herrings behind for the conspiracy theorists as usual.
And if it’s still not clear: the deep state has bombs and drones and missiles, if not heart attack guns and targetable bioweapons and directed energy weapons and who knows what else, not just rifles.
Yes, okay, maybe this was just a major screw up with a “kid” as the shooter. But to me the more stunning thing has been the intelligence agencies’ failure to date to find out much about him. IF he didn’t have training in marksmanship, he certainly DID have some kinda training in avoiding smearing his ideological DNA all over social media. And what about those 3 “encrypted” foreign accounts? Shee-uh, the agencies worked faster and did better with Oswald, and that was long before we all surrendered any semblance of privacy for the joys of “surfing” the Internet ( I think “world-wide web” is actually the more apt term). The FBI tentatively tried floating the idea that Trump wasn’t really shot, after all, in spite of the fact that, um, we all SAW it. A friend sent me a poster of Trump’s fist-pump of defiance. I think it’ll be very valuable some day. Try finding that still online now.
Intelligence "failure"
No matter how you look at it, the Secret Service was not even trying to protect Trump. It could be that the kid just choked. After all, it's different firing at a live person, no matter how much you train.
Anyone who isn't taking into account the psychology of this guy as primary is missing a great deal. Grossman wrote about this extensively, its very hard to get someone to aim accurately at a human, especially up close. Deer season "yips" are nothing compared to this.
This video game he apparently played is very interesting if true. Remember the US Army actually put out a first person shooter game to try to get recruits up?
Accepting at face value that "Crooks" was the guy on the roof, and that he was what they claim him to have been, is a flaw in any analysis of this event. They lie about everything under the sun, thus there is no expectation that they are being truthful about that.
But what bolsters the case that it really was him, that he was more or less what they claim him to have been, and that there was no second shooter, is the fact that Trump lived.
My working hypothesis is that it was a "deep state" orchestrated hit, but that they were too incompetent to pull it off. The alternative explanation is that they were too incompetent to protect the president. Either way, incompetence is the reality. But obviously there was some way for "Crooks" to know that was the roof he could get onto. I suspect "Crooks" was probably more trained and more capable than we are being told he was. The incompetence was in believing that he alone would be able to pull it off, and not seeing the need for a second shooter.
The 3rd choice, this all being staged, lacks a good motive, so I'm dismissing it.
I think it's likely that there was "malicious advice." Say somebody told Jill to go to pennsylvania. Was that person trying to strengthen the plot, or strengthen Jill's hand, or strengthen Trump's? Jill would never ask, that's 'plausible deniability.'
By the same token, a hypothetical handler has incentives to clear the way for crooks, but to personally train him would be incriminating.
Why does it look like there was no plan? Because everyone left everyone else to their own devices. They had no other choice. There was no trust, or reliance, but each intriguer dictated his own terms.
Potential culprits, in order of likelihood:
1. "Biden" (and/or people around him) in an effort to fend off the coup against him and stay on the ticket
2. Indians (dot not feather) trying to set up a Haley v Harris race, so an Indian would be president either way
3. Same "deep state" that has been trying to sabotage Trump for 8 years. You'd expect more competence in this case
Some data points in support of "Biden." One, the fact that he withdrew only one week later (falling on his sword for his failure). Two, Physician Jill's competing event nearby drawing resources away. The incompetence of the assassination attempt speaks to the rush job it was, the coup against Biden beginning only 2 weeks prior and the assassination plot being no older than that. He never expected to be forced out, the fool thought they actually loved him. It's even possible that he was told by the same people who forced him out that if he could solve the Trump problem, he could stay in.
Good analysis. Curiously though, there's that video of the alleged second shooter. On the water tower. As far as second shots, a slight problem with that. Forensic audio analysis counts 8 to 11 shots, which means that second and third shots had already been taken. After possibly 11, it's time to get out of there. If I recall correctly, there were some shots mostly in front of or at Trump with the majority appearing to be across Trump. There seems to have been a sniper with some skill in there somewhere, which explains whoever got close to the head. Trump did happen to randomly turn his head at the right time. Suggestions that Trump staged this fail to take into consideration that Trump would have had to have precision timing at tenth of seconds or less than tenths of a second. So we have a cluster of 8 to 11 shots, meaning that anyone professional would be getting out of there, chance blown. My own theory is that a lot of the better assassins in the CIA and funding for the CIA has been restricted greatly. It looks as if they threw something together and hoped for the best. Great question though, about the centre mass. That seems to say that whoever was on the water tower, or whatever so called professional that was out there may not have had the best training. Maybe just a good shot they found? Really, why didn't the second shooter just say fuck it and go for the chest?
I'll just leave this here... :D
Imho, this is the best analysis of the Trump assassination attempt I have read yet.
>precision from 800m
Uhh so who’s going to tell him…?
>We asked Maximum Life Expectancy’s Chief Instructor, Grant LaVelle, about his past as a Marine and SWAT sniper. In the Marine Corps, they would shoot .308 to 1,000 yards; however, in SWAT it was much closer. What was preached to SWAT snipers was that in a law enforcement capacity there were no second shots. In certain military situations, that might be acceptable. But in law enforcement, snipers need immediate incapacitation to save lives.
.308 in an offensive capability is useable up to 1000 yards if you don't mind making follow on shots, and about a 600-800 if you want a better than 50% of hitting the target.
Deer hunting and most hunting applications you wouldn't because you REALLY don't want to merely wound the animal, you want it to drop instantly. Humans you generally don't care about this outside of police applications.
If you hit a deer in the leg and practically rip it off, and it dies 5 minutes later of blood-loss after pathetically running for almost a kilometer, then that is the worst most horrifying hunt of your life, you might not find the body, you've ruined the meat, and you'll be haunted by the torture you inflicted on the poor deer.
if you do that to a person, that's a successful assassination.
My guy the M14 is a notorious turd, .308’s ballistics don’t really play into it.
> An M14 used by trained hands can be effective up to a distance of 800 meters. Special Operations forces have adopted the M14 sniper variants, notably the M21 and M25, as designated marksman weapons.,M25%2C%20as%20designated%20marksman%20weapons.
The fact crappy variants are for sale does not limit the platform itself. Remember I'm positting 6 months and $30,000 to get ready... which is very cheap, and a short time investment for CHANGING WORLD HISTORY
I agree however, I wish the FN FAL had more support as a Semi-auto Marksman platform. M14 is not the best in its class.
But in the US that'd be a challenge and you'd have trouble finding replacement parts, thus i point to the more common US 308 rifle
AR-10, then. That's a lot more likely to be well tuned in the hands of someone who wants to make a serious effort.
Not that I don't love my FAL, but I do recognize the AR as being a more popular platform, for sure.
I don't, myself, know much about the M14, other than that they're supposedly heavy. :D
I don't think 223/556 is gonna get blown very far off by wind at 130 yards. Mayne an inch, the bullet is just moving too fast, it doesn't have enough "hang time" to get blown far off track. That should not have been a difficult shot especially if you go center mass, especially since Trump is about as wide as a city block.
"Incompetent, but extremely disciplined" is pretty much my model of the federal government. Still, this might be an intrigue, but there's no way it was an op. If anything was happening behind the scenes, it was a bunch of different people deceiving each other, each with a very light touch. Nobody could have planned anything like this, which is how you know there was no plan, and indeed no certainty about who was saying what to whom for what reason.
We know the FBI isn’t slick enough to, for example, not ultimately get caught planning the Whitmer kidnapping, or with the Clinesmith falsified FISA email, as two examples. Or Lord knows the Hillary server or Flynn set-up couldn’t have been more obvious.
If you consider the odds of some half-competent kid finding the one roof that was left open VERY intentionally, you’re left with a single shooter whom they knew would be erased immediately and who probably did aim for center of mass (or at least was told to) but made wild shots. The idea he acted alone and just happened to find the welcome mat may not be impossible but are they really that patient and dependent on luck? And would the FBI be hiding all the ballistics and slow-rolling and stonewalling to this level?
Institutional skills atrophy when they're not used and the Secret Service hasn't had to deal with an assassination attempt this serious in over forty years.
It's not hard to get the impression that somebody in charge was failing to coordinate, and as a result most everyone on site thought that roof/that guy was somebody else's job. But that still doesn't explain how "Crooks" knew where the weakness in the perimeter was. Just dumb luck that he happened to pick the one nearby roof that through incompetence was unsecured? Seems like a winning lottery ticket in terms of odds.
Fry the Brain is available for free download at Use a VPN just in case, but you don't have to register, join, etc.
On a lighter note, here's a fun routine by my late friend, Ron Shock...if you search "Bryan Texas bolt action rifle suicide", you should find some interesting info about the decedent in this case...
Very good analysis of the various calipers of potential rounds that can be used to kill a human or animal. In the Marine Corps being as good a marksman as ever possible is part of our creed and ethos. Every Marine a rifleman and the Marines prayer begins with “this is my rifle.” There is a reason basic recruit training spends two full weeks on the rifle range and why the harassment package is dialed down while at the range. The M-14 was a very good rifle, the M-16 marginal until major changes where made to the barrel to improve accuracy out to 500m or more. But the M40 (7.62 bolt action, essentially a Remington 700 modified to the precise levels of the Quanitco Marksmanship Training Unit) would as the author points out be one of the kinds of rifles that a skilled, highly trained and likely combat experienced sniper would employ. As Gunnery Sargent Carlos Hathcock believed and taught, one round one kill. “There is nothing more dangerous on the modern battlefield than one well aimed round down range.” And you can be sure that with 103 confirmed kills in Viet Nam he knew of what he spoke. So to say some 20 year male nut bag with even more than basic marksmanship skills was able to get 5-11 rounds off within 130 yards with apparently iron sights really begs incredulity. If there was a second shooter we likely will never know. Conspiracies work that way…
Whether some deep state bizarroo set up, gross incompetence on the part of just about everyone detailed to protect the 45th POTUS or some other act of wild caprice, the fact is, Mr. Trump survived and now the question is, they who wished him dead, what are you going to do…??? Well we sort of have answer, mug the old white dude in the oval and toss in the next court jester or in this case jesterette to take his place…you can’t make this stuff up…now where did I leave my tin foil, my hat needs refurbishment, the signals in the kitchen are getting fuzzy…