Apr 8Liked by Kulak

Excellent essay yet again, Kulak.

I'm old and used to be one of those "progressive" types. I semi-retired early once the kids were grown and moved "home" to Albuquerque, NM.

While ABQ is no India, I soon understood why my father called the population "those people" and moved us to a tiny town 1,000 miles away.

A few years of living in my lovely house next door to full-on cartel-linked "immigrants" I understood that my father hadn't been merely "racist". Instead, I learned, mentally grew, and eventually fled knowing otherwise I'd go to prison or be killed.

You may get much hate from white people who live in NE hamlet's and still listen to the soothing voices of NPR. So be it. The truth of the world is far dirtier than they can understand until they experience it.

You are doing great work!

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Cheers from Albuquerque, and brother, you ain't wrong.

In fact, how long ago did you leave? Before Biden took office? Because things have gone completely ham since then.

It sucks. I really love this town. I don't want to just abandon it. But I don't think there's anything I can actually do to save it either, so I don't know what I'm going to do in the future. :-/

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I left during c19 when the governor's lockdowns killed the business I was building.

I have lived all over this country and seen nothing as bad as ABQ. I spent 45 years trying to get back and when I arrived I learned that it had become unlivable. Came into town with a top MBA and excellent experience and couldn't even get a basic job for years. Wanted to work for the city/state/UMM for peanuts just to make the place better. In the end I just very sadly resigned the place to it's fate of poverty, blight, and crime and haven't been back.

Take care up there

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Ah, yeah, that's about when it started to get really rough.

Lemme tell you, having four times as many people as live in the state cross the southern border illegally has not improved anything. Combined with folks in expensive places deciding they don't want to pay rent there anymore when they're telecommuting anyway driving up housing prices, and the big investors following those trends and buying up all the apartment complexes they can get their hands on, and homelessness has simply *exploded* here. I don't think I had ever seen an actual *tent* here in Albuquerque before C19 -- maybe in that no man's land near southbound Eubank and the I-40 onramp, on the west side of Eubank -- but now they're *everywhere*. I live in the "War Zone" starting in 1990 through 2015, with a few excursions to the Student Ghetto, and it's never been anything like it is now. Tons of closed businesses, particularly along Central and Zuni, starting at San Mateo and going east to at least Eubank, and even along Gibson. And the same crap you see in the big shitties, like LA or New York. Bums smoking fentanyl just right out in the open. It's a mess.


Thanks for the well wishes. :) Hopefully I'll pick a direction and go.

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Apr 8Liked by Kulak

Many have remarked on the incredibly arrogant attitude of (relatively) wealthy Indians, how they tend to treat everyone else as being subhuman. Makes sense when you understand the visceral experience of human squalor and filth they've lived through. The evidence for the value of their caste system stares them in the face every time they walk down the street.

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A caste system is very much in line with the philosophy of eugenics. A pseudoscience that the gene pool can and should be controlled by an elite group, blue bloods, employing useful scientists and managers to genetically alter the human race by means of selective breeding and culling of the human herd.

Breeding out the "generations of imbeciles" as Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes wrote for the 8-1 majority Buck v Bell decision about government sterilization policies over a century ago. Never overturned. Though Skinner v Oklahoma in the mid-1940's introduced a previously lacking consent criteria. Not absolute. And easily bypassed by sophisticated Madison Avenue Madmen-inspired ad campaigns to make sterilization of imbeciles cool and desirable to imbeciles and acceptable for others to encourage or look away from. "Gender-affirming surgery" is the Madison Avenue makeover of "Sterilization of imbeciles."

On the culling the herd side we have euthanasia. As embraced in Canada's MAiD life-terminating services. Also known as "murder." The mRNA jabs are a dual purpose method of applied eugenics. Sterilizing imbeciles for selective breeding, and euthanizing (murdering) them, culling the human herd.

The thing about the film and this Substack piece is it is useful to rationalize and justify the practice of eugenics. It makes the subject one that can be discussed openly instead of avoided as a shameful taboo. What can be done to control the explosion of "pajeets?" Are some genes more worthy than others? Are there so many "useless eaters" that society must resort to a cleansing of some kind? If not through war then how?

Germany under the National Socialists took it upon themselves to try to solve this problem. They took their lead from leading American eugenicists like John Rockefeller and the wealthy, powerful elite who prevailed in Buck v. Bell in the 1910's. And manifested their "Final Solution" to the problem. Attempting to design a "master race" to be served by other inferior races to run the place as managers, a race of laborers, and races, people with defective genes deemed useless eaters and culled from the human herd. A scientific caste system. And their Final Solution wasn't just solving the Jewish "problem." It solved the problem of disabled and mentally retarded, culled by the herd. Those "low IQ" types, subhumans as the movie and this Substack presents:

Nazi Germany: Useless Eaters: Disability as Genocidal Marker in Nazi Germany

Catholic Culture, 2003


But before anyone reading this decides that perhaps the Nazi's were on to something and the practice of eugenics would be a good thing given the information in the movie about India and the concepts it and this Stack put forward it would be wise to read the entirety of the Catholic Culture story I link to in order to learn who else was deemed "undesirable" and needed to be eliminated from the eugenics-based gene pool.

Take note of the undesirables deemed "asocial." Asocial meaning the selfish, disobedient, rude, crude, offensive. Did you disobey mask mandates? Did you refuse to take the experimental bioweapon? Did you refuse to lock down? Do you refuse to use proper pronouns? Do you refuse to take a knee and repent for your privilege? Do you not support nuclear war with Russia over Ukraine? If you don't obey and follow instructions then you are "asocial." And not desirable in a scientific gene pool eugenics-based Build Back Better New World Order.

Attempts to eliminate the undesirables, the useless eaters, the low IQ,, the pajeet, the generations of imbeciles from future man can and will, in fact must eliminate the disobedient. For an "Order" to succeed it must be obeyed. Without question. And since disobedience is considered a genetic defect, asocial, if you disobeyed any part of the pandemic mandates, if you voice an opposition to values coming from those in positions of power and influence then YOU are undesirable and a useless eater. No different from the low IQ's, the pajeets and generations of imbeciles.

The Catholic Culture piece describes what awaits you along with the others you may think your intelligence and/or status separates you from. Eugenics is dangerous stuff. Once it's unleashed as a government practice nobody is safe. Except for the bluebloods, the Brahmin. As long as they're obedient.

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Go live in India.

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But you better be willing to obey. Or you'll be eliminated from the gene pool. Wear your mask! Up! Mask Up! Over your nose! Just take the damn jab! You think you'll be able to say no and be treated any different than pajeet in India or useless eaters in Nazi Germany? You've got a rude awakening coming. Unless you're a good little Nazi Gestapo obeying and making others obey for your masters. Open that can of worms and you won't like what comes with it. Or maybe you do because you're that evil?

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If I win, I will send you to India.

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Kind of goes with ‘being alive is better than being dead’, among other analogies.

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Ok, here’s the thing. You will always have problems in life. It goes with being alive. Once you recognize this (which is a matter of maturity), you realize the only choice you have is which problems you get. And having the maybe problem of government taking eugenics too far is vastly better than the entire first world decaying into a slum.

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Ah the classic ‘we can’t use government for anything because it will set a precedent for using government for things, and then our enemies will destroy our lives with the government!’

‘The only solution is to never let our government do anything! We must have limited government so the libs have less to use against us’.

The entire libertardian worldview in a nutshell, and the reason they will never solve anything.

Actually, I think doing nothing is pretty much what the Indian government does..

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Ah the classic ‘we can’t use government for anything because it will set a precedent for using government for things, and then our enemies will destroy our lives with the government!’

‘The only solution is to never let our government do anything! We must have limited government so the libs have less to use against us’.

The entire libertardian worldview in a nutshell, and the reason they will never solve anything.

Actually, I think doing nothing is pretty much what the Indian government does..

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Ah the classic ‘we can’t use government for anything because it will set a precedent for using government for things, and then our enemies will destroy our lives with the government!’

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If the government were secretly occupied by eugenicists, it would not be attempting to import the worst of the third world and subsidize their reproduction. The current ruling caste is not trying to improve society by any definition of the term - they have temporarily wormed their way into power, and are acutely aware that their betters will remove them unless completely destroyed (by means of drowning them in the worst mankind has to offer).

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And you fail to appreciate how many actual eugenicists are in our government, academia, industry, media, entertainment and political classes. Executive suite level. They never went away after the 1940's. They went underground. Epstein's circle was all eugenicists. His biggest interest. Even the pedophilia was eugenics-based, not just perversion.

Those who protected him and then off'd him were protecting eugenics, not just his (CIA) wealth.

While there are too many to name, many even more powerful, the Bush family has been at the center of the subterranean eugenics movement for over a century. Prescott Bush, Rockefeller's right hand guy, aka Hitler's Banker. Son George HW, CIA, paired with Dulles, eugenicists. First China Ambassador. New World Order. Cheney, Kissinger, George W, the surveillance state architect, 9-11 author. Everywhere those men in that family have been, their friends, associates, partners, investors, colleagues, every single person who's welcomed into the Bush Family circle, including his former ambassadors, generals, etc: all eugenicists. They are numerous. And hold great power and wealth. Don't kid yourself that it's a fringe.

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There's many assumptions you make in that which aren't aafe to assume. When the society is filled with too many overeducated lazy, fat, entitled middle classes larded with mental illnesses and unproductive that's a lot of useless eater mouths to fill. And they have a high enough education level and expectation of being provided for and cared about by their government beyond their contribution back to the ruling class. Yuval Noah Harari's "worthless eaters" needing to be anesthesized with "drugs and video games."

That's a big population targeted with Madmen sterilization campaigns, "gender-affrirming surgeries." And who rushed headlong into getting vaxed for something they had literally zero risk of. And who still, to this day, wear masks. They may be obedient. But they're literally useless to eugenicists, they have no real skills besides showing up to rallies, chanting inane slogans and being little Antifa terrorists. They are entirely from the overeducated middle to upper middle classes. Possessing no skills and a high sense of entitlement. They aren't slated to make it into the next round of the eugenicist New World Order. Useful idiots for this round.

But...the third world laborers who come are appreciative of their step up opportunity. They aren't educated, don't pose a threat to power structures above them. They are laborers who will work, unlike American counterparts, and work for comparitive pennies. If they get out of line they have nobody who will speak up for them and can be instantly deported. And most of them aren't slated for the next round, either. Useful idiots. But who are productive. And the next round still needs its slave caste for menial things that machines can't do. Yet.

The costs associated with their reproduction are an investment in the New World Order for the blue bloods. Who believe the middle class is bloated and wasteful, filled with malcontents and troublemakers who could be organized by a countermovement and pose a bigger threat than imported labor just happy to be here.

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Wise questions brother. Although the eugenics argument is valid, even if only in strict logic, in practice, people like me would be elimininated, since i don´t obey authority.

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Libertarian logic never ceases to amuse. The lack of imagination that leads one to believe that the existence of poor previous eugenic policies ensures that all future ones must be equally flawed is mirrored in the ridiculous arguments passed around that community such as the refrain that all states must be bad in nature since the communists had a state and valued it. Just ignore the fact that all functional macroscopic human groups have required something approximating a state and that the very fact that you have the necessary biological requisites for the intelligence that allows you to even make this argument was the result of millennia of what can only be described as a rough and winding road of eugenics.

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The arrogance and hubris of eugenicists like you disgusts and repulses. Godless academics who believe themselves superior, made of finer clay, as Bastiat phrased it. Laughable. Tragic.

Fascists, oligarchs, monarchs, communists, all authoritarian governing models that elevates a genetics-based ruling class over a genetics-based ruled class of humanity are the shit stains on humanity. Who need to be wiped and powerwashed from humanity's rear-ends. Men with delusions of god grandeur are human excrement. With a toxic, noxious legacy.

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Oh? Everyone is the same clay? Does the Bible say that? Adam was the only one made in the image of God.

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Perhaps context and familiarity with the quote will help:

“If the natural tendencies of mankind are so bad that it is not safe to permit people to be free, how is it that the tendencies of these organizers are always good? Do not the legislators and their appointed agents also belong to the human race? Or do they believe that they themselves are made of a finer clay than the rest of mankind?”

― Frederic Bastiat, The Law


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Nimrata Kaur Randhawa (NK Haley) is from wealthy Brahmin caste lineage. Parents were university professors and lawyers before emigrating to Canada, then US.

She is a dictatorial War Pig. Who believes herself superior to most everyone else and has as little use for most Americans as she does pajeets. Our lives are disposable to her and only useful in serving her ambition and needs.

The fact that GOPe saw her as their last best hope at controlling the Make America Great Again masses tells us all we need to know about those who supported her. And their intentions for us. They equate us with pajeet. And won't be happy until we live as they do.

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She's a Sikh, I mean a moment of looking at her Wikipedia bio would've told you that.

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Yes, I work with a couple. They are pretty lazy & useless, but treat their conscientious colleagues with disdain. Luckily they don't usually last long as they simply can't cope with doing a normal day's work.

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Apr 17·edited Apr 19

Now I'm seeing how much of a compliment it is when someone from the Brahmin class sees you as their equal and respects what you do professionally.

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It’s.. really not

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One of the most thought-provoking essays I’ve read in months. I will upgrade to paid.

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Great post on India! The land I hang out in year after year, though Tanzania is now my main land. I don't have the bandwidth to watch the film, but this review sums it all up. Utterly disgusting. The place where the Progressive Arc of History idea ends with a thud. Two conclusions I have about all of this.

The Sikhs have a belief of opposites being the most extreme, but always in balance. If its this bad for the masses, its that good for the few, even better as they are so out-numbered and have to receive in equal. Its bliss along the Ganga today.

Second, end times. The stuff about the magnetic pole shift results in India freezing all over again, and Kali yuga style this is the manifestation of it all before it happens.

I remember during the police state lockdown, how fearful I realized Indians all are, and how small minded to not learn a thing, except the babas who dgaf, and the very few Westerners that can handle it all (American tourists are few and far between anymore in India-- even Rishikesh). I had and still have the time of my life in India months on end with a few among the masses, watching this flick play out every day.

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What transpired during lockdowns in India?

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Police State lockdown house arrest 4 hours a day from 7-11 to shop essentials one per household. I was free with the babas along the Ganges

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Would you say that Indians mimic Westerners in silly tyrannical policies like lockdowns, but fail to when it comes to more sensible policies?

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They operate in hive mind more than Westerners, so change can be quick, but they lack managerial vision and ethics.

But some places in India function normally. The NE and Sikkim, who have no plastic bags, Tamil Nadu and double decker buses with sleepers and you can drink the tap water there...

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So basically the regions of India with higher IQ?

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idk if that is a correlation or not, but it could help in some places. Bengali's are very intellectual and educated but look at Kolkata. I tend to see these things as systemic epigenetic leftovers from the colonial level, and those areas most occupied as the most f'd up still.

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I can't like this article in good conscience even if I agree with some of what is said.

They are human. What i see is squalor beyond anyone's wildest dreams. A place entirely ran by demons.

One thing I have learned that struck me was that demons both attempt to ape God and they thrive on humiliating man because God elevated man above the angels in creation.

The use of feces the 'blessing' with cow urine. The absolute putrid squalor and trash that violates any credible right of stewardship is so depraved. So lowly that only a system of demonic control, possession and influence could ever numb men to this sick reality.

Although I used to be frequent on 4ch. The disgusting parts were all sexual. As I have vows against porn of any kind, it violates more my personal religious commitments. Had I not had these I would stomach the movie. Barely.

I pay a lot of attention to the way demons try to destroy God's work. In India, baptism is reviled and hated with burning passion that could get you killed. The demons there know what it means more than what anyone in the west thinks. We see it as a sort of quaint antiquated but normal religious practice. The more religious of us see it as a beautiful blessing.

The demons in India see it as a mortal threat and oppose it as severely.

I cannot in good conscience condemn them all. Especially knowing Indians in different regions with different religions and different social values. Even some in India (catholic kerala for example).

But it is clear that demons grip the majority there. And it is terrifying what has been exerted over that portion of humanity for so long.

One thing I understand as a goal of demons is to make us lower than animals. It is why I hate the scientific rationalism of Darwin which directly equates us. It is an intellectual way of reducing our dignity to the absolute lows of animals. However this is an intellectual evil not a practical moral one as it is so clearly presented in this documentary.

When I see these people acting lower than animals I see only the acts of demons, dumbing the mind, ruining the morals and twisting everything into a kind of mocking comedy of all things holy.

Where our intellectual materialism kills from above. Targeting faith, beauty and higher purpose. This demonic lower class way of life clearly kills from below by transfiguring noble man into a kind of cattle.

This film, clear and refined in its racist presentation. Is also unbelievably and undeniably important. If only as a kind of wake up call for a certain kind of man to know that demons are real. And if they win, it will be unfathomably worse than what we have today.

Regarding IQ. I have a small bit of hope given how significantly things like clean water, less disease in childhood and better childhood nutrition play a role. Upper caste Indians have decent IQ, and their offspring in the usa often equal or outperform whites.

If India ever fixed this depravity and abandoned their false gods. There may yet be a chance. Either way it is a chance worth implementing with brute force given how utterly disgusting the state is currently if this video gives any honest reflection.

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Be blessed brother. I came here to say this

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Maybe the fact they have come in large numbers into the West and are in top positions in the UK might be a reason to consider what is up in India that they ENDLESSLY lie about? Why the hatred of YT people who let them in to a way more advanced, clean, and liveable civilization....I've been to India by the way, I couldn't believe it and had been all thru Central and South America - the poverty in India and whatever "civilization" it is was a mind blower....

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Apr 8·edited Apr 8

As an Indian and a Hindu, my faith teaches me:

- that I have the power to make similar full length feature films on most countries or faiths, (in Attenborough's voice - a person I truly respect and admire) But that equally, the choice to fill my mind with hatred is totally a choice I have control over. And I refuse to allow my mind to be used by the forces of darkness that exist in the world.

- that you only see what you want to see in the world. Generalizing over an entire race by cherry picking stories that evoke fear and hatred is simply how Thames chooses to see the world.

- that life doesn't end at your last breath, that your experiences are gathered in your soul and forms the basis of Karma. That what you hate most, is what you are also drawn to the most, which means Thames is highly likely going to be born in India in their next life ;-)

- that despite the vileness of intent and the ulterior motives behind this content, the choice to forgive is also equally mine. So Thames, you are forgiven. Your mind is infected by hate, and unfortunately no longer under your direct control. I understand that and forgive you because your perception is not reality for over 1.4 billion of the worlds population, yet you are entitled to your opinion and certainly we are not a culture that would want to stop you from having your opinion. Even though your intent seems to be to slander a land that is the birthplace of the oldest civilization on the planet, and whose people have given the world its knowledge of math, astronomy, medicine and spirituality.

As I type this from within walking distance of the worlds biggest slums, that despite everything in the video (yes I have watched it) when I peek into a slum, I see kids with hope for a brighter future than their parents had, I see joy in the hearts of the poorest of the poor, I see brilliant minds at work innovating to provide goods and services so they are able to feed their families. In short, I see an ascending India.

India is far from perfect - it is in a transitory phase. We've not had the chance to express ourselves for over 1000 years. So if you want to know what India really means, you have 2 options. Go to Hampi to see our civilazation as it stood 1000 years ago. Or wait for another 50 to see it being resurrected before your very own eyes. Jai hind! 🙏

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LOL- I've been there so please stop with the gaslighting BS maybe?

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Pretty easy to generalize the whole US by the BLM summer of love and San Francisco street shitters too, combined with gore footage of people killed in wars overseas or just homicide stats and videos of cops vs criminals. Or any other country for that matter by highlighting only the worst of what it has.

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Apr 10·edited Apr 10

I've traveled India.

Even with whatever the Leftist Neo-Bolshevik pos are inflicting on San Fran it comes NOWHERE near to what is standard in India for the average person living there (you are CERTAINLY part of the upper-class tiny percent) the filth and garbage everywhere and the terrible living conditions for the average person there are disgusting, not the "homeless" drug addicts like in San Fran, but the vast majority of people.

Sexual assault as outlined is rampant and almost NONE of it gets reported because NOTHING will be done or worse will happen to the woman....

I literally walked outside early one morning and they were pulling bodies off the street and just tossing them into the back of an open truck, a daily occurrence - that happening in San Fran?

There is zero comparison of what is up with India and the USA though I will give you that if Obama, Soros and their Neo-Bolsheviks get their way they will transform as much of the USA as they can into "India-like" because that's their goal, a country of impoverished people ruled by a small "master class" like India is -- up until Obama et al Neo-Bolshevik filth the USA was a paradise compared to most of the world and certainly India. That said many fine people in India - their Government however obviously is beyond words corrupt and has been forever - the full corruption of the USA Government has just become a full on "thing" since Obama and now Biden.

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What part of India have you traveled to, and do you mean to say there is literally nothing else to say about the country beyond what is shown here, an agenda driven curated selection of the worst it has to offer? My comparison with the US wasn't about being dirty or poor - I can for example make the case that it is a crime ridden pesthole and has nothing redeemable just by looking at Chicago or Baltimore or places named MLK Blvd. Or that all Americans are utterly dumb cretins who can't even point out countries on a map or answer simple general knowledge questions even about their own history (there are several Youtube videos featuring this, interviewing random people on the street in various cities).

I'm not offended by the video, it's an obvious troll on the surface but I have to wonder, why this and why now? It's no secret that parts of the country are filthy and dirt poor, mostly thanks to socialist policies since Independence that have only in recent years been somewhat reversed.

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There are good people in India - but the average person lives in squalor. No comparison to the USA b4 the Bush/Obama era that is the Globalist intent to reduce the USA to the level of them. I traveled extensively. "parts of the country" - have you been? 2% "born into it" most all of them live like Royalty and nearly all the rest live in squalor. Go travel it and then come back and "correct" me. Fair?

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Traveled 'extensively' where? Name places. And did you magically teleport into the middle of a slum without going through any of the big cities or airports, or are they also glorified ghettos according to your standards? As for the US - like I said, I'm not comparing both countries on the same metric. Would it be right to characterize the US as the 'worst country in the world' based exclusively on its military adventures this century, or the gun homicide rate in big cities? The biggest cope here is from watching Americans react as your country goes down and circles the drain. India started from there and is only improving.

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मैं भी USA कई बार जा चुका हु तो क्या मुझे समझना चाहिए कि सारे अमरीकावासी फेंटनील लेकर रास्ते पर बिखरे पड़े रहते है?

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> 10 minutes in

I laugh then feel sad and pause for a bit

its allot

I find myself suddenly wondering how many iq points you get from having clean water

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The film is horribly racist, and what's worse, it offers abundant video evidence for every deranged, racist statement the AI narrator makes. After nearly losing my lunch, I decided to just trust the narrator's word and listened to most of it. That way you can enjoy the hilarious commentary without seeing something you won't be able to unsee.

Key takeout: we need more trains in India, railway infrastructure is woefully underdeveloped there.

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I've been to India - please stop gaslighting - been thru Central and South America and poverty there - nothing like what is up in India...perhaps work at reform? You got out huh? Ofc

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You're right about the truth devouring the soul of the westerner.

It took a year of living in Africa, and trying to organise a group of them to a minimum level of productivity to make me accept that people are either capable, or they aren't.

Accepting that Africans aren't Germans felt like death. My whole worldview from the west came apart.

There's a reason Africa Addio was heavily censored when it came out.

There's a reason most American's knowledge of Africa ends with the lion king.

Once you know the truth, you can't go along with socialist idealism any more.

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How do you explain Bukele turning El Salvador around in a few years? All he did was lock up the criminal 2%. It is also a low average IQ country. Why is that not replicable in any third world country?

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El Salvador is still a massively underdeveloped horribly poor country.

Its just Now it's murder rates resemble the DC metro area instead of East St Louis.

And notably El Salvador was achieved by attacking the biological side of the problem. It wasn't a moral or cultural reform, Bukele just violently imprisoned the worst 2% of the population.

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El Salvador is an 80% Christian country. Abrahamic religions prescribe norms of hygiene and behaviour that ensure a minimally functioning civilization regardless of how dumb the people are.

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I don't think crime is the primary problem in India. It's a thousands-years old caste system that keeps a large segment of people in a state of horrifying poverty and filth. They know nothing else and so they continue on. But the high caste Indians who look down on them are just as responsible for them as they are for themselves. The only way you fix a society like that is for an entire structural shift to occur on a mass scale. The British tried for hundreds of years to bring them out of the brutal religious and caste hatred that is their culture and were unable. Read Rudyard Kipling if you want to learn how it really was. These days he's been cast out as some kind of unrepentant racist but he simply told the truth, and did so with poetry and beautiful stories. Kipling was a brilliant writer easily on a level with Dickens and Twain, and should be read by any literate person.

But we can leave Indian for the Indians. What I'm concerned with is what's going on here in the west. I think it's clear that obviously inferior cultures and races should be treated with caution and foolish attempts to simply integrate them into our own cultures will continue to erode our own culture.

But that doesn't answer the question of how we deal with the situation we find ourselves with our current underclass. First of all, we need to get rid of this naive and stupid insistence that everyone's the same. Only the most insular and doctrinaire liberal idiot believes this, and we need to crush this stupidity fast and hard.

Only then can there be any logical solutions derived for how to deal with those sub-mental and sub-cultural types who already exist within western society. And the only way I see to deal with it is to lock these people down, re-educate them as much as possible and keep them on what essentially amounts to leashes of one kind or another: they can do menial work and should be given menial jobs and enough money that can be spent on only the thing they really need to live: food (healthy food, not the slop so many choose to eat like McD's etc), housing (separate from the rest of us) and serious IQ-appropriate education and indoctrination into civilized society. In many cases this means removing them from their parents' care who clearly do not raise them well. Better schools only work for kids who have better parents. We can see this in some of the urban charter schools where kids learn decently well because the kids that are violent and wreck the classroom experience for the others are not tolerated and not present. Public schools have become the holding pens for future prison inmates and that's simply not sustainable.

There are solutions to these problems but we have to be honest about the problems first and stop living in this feel-good, shitlib world that has pushed forward all the wrong lessons and ideas and is quickly turning everything to shit.

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On the contrary, the British leveraged and weaponised caste to divide and rule. We know what the original system was. A person was free to switch castes at will and it was related to their line of work. The current caste system was forced upon us by the British for over 200 years and we're now unshackling ourselves off of it.



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That's a nice narrative (and typical of the era) but genetic studies show the Jati system (the real caste system in India - the Varna is overlaid) goes back 4,000 years with very little intermixing.

Perhaps the British tried to bring some order to it in various ways, and spent a lot of time stopping different groups, esp Muslims and Hindus, from massacring each other on the regular, but you just can't believe that the British drastically changed a system that is over 4,000 years old. I've read some of the first-hand history of British colonialism in western India, Pakistan and Afghanistan and the difference in wealth and living conditions (and these were handwritten documents by East India Company employees whose job it was to present as accurate a picture as possible so the company knew what they were dealing with) between the great mass and the elite shocked them horribly. Many were missionaries or held sincere Christian beliefs in the sanctity of all life and couldn't believe what they were seeing.

I sincerely hope India is getting away from this system and I wish them the best. No nation is perfect and one could easily argue the US has its own informal caste system. I've worked with many first-gen Indians at various jobs and get on fine with them. That doesn't mean I want my culture diffused by values that directly contravene its ethos. It varies but I've noticed that Indians have a tendency towards obsequiousness that you don't find among the European immigrants that architected this country. We have too much of that already -- our leadership is a cabal of corrupt thieves whose only principle is to protect each other. We don't need more of that. Do you really think the reason so many massive firms are run by Indians in the US now because they're just so much better at it than us? They are selected for obedience to authority, not dynamism and creativity.

They hate Elon Musk because he shows them all what a true innovator and visionary looks like. We used to have a lot of them in the US: Howard Hughes, Andrew Carnegie, Henry Ford, etc. Now we're turning into a version of China and it grates on the people and the culture hard.

In the end the British gave a tremendous amount to India. It wouldn't be close to a modern state without them. The Times of India is probably not the best place to get an accurate history of India's caste system.

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The difference being before the British as an individual you were free to choose a different caste (occupation) if you didn't like the one your dad was training you for. An example, the modern day maratha warrior caste came about as a coming together from various other ones. And anyone was free to join in.

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The genetics data say something vastly different. I'm not saying there was no mixing but it wasn't a free for all the way you describe. You're actually attempting to claim there was basically no caste system at all. Try again.

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There were castes sure. There was no system. The system was imposed by the British in order to weaponize castes and control a population way larger than their own. Please dont try to sugar coat with the British did in India. To be honest they committed genocide on a scale not even seen during the World Wars combined! Its unfortunate those stories haven't been told well, but not to worry, you will hear more of them over the coming decade.

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Apr 8Liked by Kulak

5 mins in and my eyes hurt so much. I can't finish this because of nudity. What i have seen so far is horrifying.

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I trooped through it. Just turn the phone away at times.

My goodness the fact that I can't even argue against the stats mixed with just abundant visual info.

The worst is the consuming poo and pee from cows. Just horrifying beyond belief.

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You had me expecting something horrible but this is just a tasteless 4chan troll op. Anybody who takes it seriously is just embarrassing themselves. It would be hilarious if they borrowed the Hawaii style humor approach and turned it into a series about different countries so that we could laugh about ourselves too.

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LOL - anyone who has been to India knows you are a LIAR - literally they collect bodies off the streets in the early AM...I couldn't believe it and I'd been all thru South and Central America and poverty there - India is in a different class altogether - maybe don't gaslight people you think haven't been there? Just a thought....

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Grow up. You are way too old to be using such childish straw man debating techniques. Yes India has some nasty scenes playing out every day, and so will the West when the dollar is worth it's weight in toilet paper and we can no longer weaponize it to extract wealth from the rest of the world.

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"childish straw man" - I was there -- "weaponize to extract" - the USA and the Catholic Church has funded starving populations, hospitals etc. for many decades throughout the world - You living in the USA? Why?

"some nasty scenes" - LOL- you are so full of it - anyone who travels India will know it's not "some nasty scenes" - the average person lives in squalor while the rich "born into it" top 2% has it all - which ofc you no doubt come from - and yes you're right Obama and the Globalists Neo-Bolsheviks have no desire to "raise up" others but to put all down, not them ofc, on the level of what the average person in India suffers - go blow your smoke at someone who hasn't been traveled thru India - good people? Yes many. Putrid Government as the USA now has - yes.

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I’m guessing someone’s therapist knows a lot about you already

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I' m guessing you are an insecure person who lacks the ability to argue intelligently thus you make comments like this one.

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It’s called having a sense of humor, which is why you missed the whole point of a movie that is supposed to be funny

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I think you're missing the point - it's not meant to be taken seriously. It's called humor.

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Apr 9Liked by Kulak

Aw man! 480x270? C'mon, this is 2024, not 1994!

I am so disappointed in the executive producer right now.

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Apr 9Liked by Kulak

Decided to play on hard mode and watch while eating dinner.

14:30 in, and not particularly impressed with the horror quotient.

Presumably it gets stronger. We shall see.

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Apr 9Liked by Kulak

Ha ha ha! Ah yes. The trash dumping scene... *headshake*

1.4B people doing that, but remember, it's the plastic straw in your beverage that's destroying the planet.

That is a country in desperate need of a good garbage collection system and some seriously industrial exhaust recirculating incinerators. Get the fire hot enough and there's no smoke. Not that I expect any such thing, of course.

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Apr 9Liked by Kulak

Gods, it must be mind-bendingly simple to get away with murder there.

"Sure I'm walking down the street with a corpse over my shoulder, officer! I'm just taking my dead friend down to the river for a burial!"

Man, I might need the *lime* flavored seltzer to get through this...

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Apr 9Liked by Kulak

I take it back. *Ginger* Lime Seltzer.

That shit with the trains was hilarious, I must say.

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Bro you're the first to take the I:TWCOE challenge.

Sould start a trend

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Yeah, a buddy of mine and I are going to watch it again this weekend, I think.

I think the visuals don't bother me as much as being present would, by a large factor. Like, it's obviously disgusting watching idiots bathe in very liquid cow shit, but it's only a fraction of what it would be if I was there in person, because of the concern that they might touch me afterwards.

The stuff with the cow piss just makes me shake my head and think that religion makes people do some incredibly retarded stuff.

And to be fair, I'm trying to figure out how to make a film that would be equally offensive towards my own culture, and I'm just not sure I could do it. For the most part, Americans know not to eat manure. On the flip side, I don't actually know how common such things are even in India, still. Maybe it's just some really small subcult that eats poop or washes their face and hair in urine.

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I was dying laughing all the way through the trains bit. That and the closer were the highlights of the whole thing.

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Apr 19·edited Apr 19

I have to admit that I simply found significant portions of it completely baffling. Like the scene with the guy sucking the dog's cock. It would simply *never, ever* occur to me to do such a thing. So, like, I'm left just shaking my head and exclaiming, "But WHY?!?!"

Likewise, bathing in feces, eating feces, building with feces, etc, etc, etc.

But the trains were godsdamned *hilarious*.

"Silent and nearly invisible, impossible to predict, they stalk their prey."

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I still can't get over how damaging the internet has been to India's reputation. Were I Modi, I'd commit the entire budget towards snipping the undersea internet cables, and cutting off the world's window inward.

As late as the 90's, it was still viewed as a spiritual, culturally-enlightened place. Inspiration for the Peacekeepers, the Vell-os, and quite a few niche cults in America. Then they got on Instagram and started asking renaissance paintings to show their bobs and vagene.

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Come on. It's not biology that creates poverty and devastation, it's culture and religion. Animism teaches that we are on a cycle of death and rebirth so there is no motivation to do things under a linear time constraint like in Christian/Western culture. Second, the caste system does the very thing you advocate-- treating other humans as less than, which creates extreme poverty in some and weath in others. Lastly, India is incredibly corrupt and that corruption destroys societies. Who are the wealthiest people in the US? Indian-Americans. They thrive in a western culture that provides stability, opportunity, and has a base of Judeo-Christian morality.

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Apr 8·edited Apr 9Author

There is no white country as devastated as Sub-Saharan africa, even the soviet union ruled by godless communism, managed to go tospace and reform into functional countries...

Meanwhile there are NO Sub-Saharan african countries that are as developed as the worst of europe, even the ones that have been Christian for centuries.

We tested extremes of ideology... The furthest you can drive Germans apart is west vs east germany, and the furthest you can drive koreans apart is north vs. south korea... And thats with a totalitarian state ENFORCING an atheistic anti-productive ideology under threat of death.

It's not beliefs and cultures that account for the difference between first and third world.

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> even the soviet union ruled by godless communism, managed to go tospace

India also has a functioning space program.

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Nothing in here is incompatible with the Christian worldview.

We know man is degenerate scum, with no floor at the bottom of the slippery slope. Slavery to/worship of demons sure as hell doesn’t improve man’s conditions.

Also, we have literal evidence that IQ is genetically AND environmentally influenced, because the original “dumb Polacks” were 70 IQ peasants when they immigrated to America, and their descendants are all 20-40 points higher. Grab up a bunch of baby pajeets out of the trash pile and raise them in sanitary conditions and with a proper culture, you’ll vastly improve their stats. Heck, the studies cited here say speciation can occur in 30 generations! One or two generations of clean living, perhaps with some other genetic stock seeded in, and you could take the lowliest pajeet baby into a high caste Indian doctor type

Anyway, Christ is King

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