Israel just couldn't help themselves.
They killed multiple Iranian generals IN A CONSULATE violating all international law, and In response Iran basically did a weapons test killing ZERO, even issuing statements that they’d be launching their attack 72 hours in advance so all their drones would be shot down, and issuing a statement after that they considered that to be a proportionate response under international law and the matter to be settled.
And yet Israel responds by striking 7 cities.
So Israel starts WW3. They have a death wish.
It’s The Curse of the 8th decade...
Why do Jewish states fall? It's in their nature.
You can read my deep dive on the the geostrategics of Israel after Oct 7th in my piece on the region, almost all of my predicitons there have played out, Hamas has not been defeated militarily and Israel is now in a two front war in Gaza against Hamas and in the North against Hezbollah in Lebanon. (where they’ve been exchanging artillery fire displacing hundreds of thousands of Israelis with no end in sight)
And They just couldn’t help themselves adding a 3rd and forth front to this losing war.. At every point they’ve chosen not only to retaliate and escalate, but to do so 3 steps up the escalation ladder.
Going ALL-IN every round is a poker strategy that gets lots of players to fold and makes money for a few rounds… until eventually someone calls your bluff and suddenly your all in on a pair of 8s.
Israel cannot survive unless Iran is destroyed now. There’s basically no scenario where the tit for tat won’t escalate into an unending front of infinite Iranian resources in Lebanon, Gaza, and/or the Golan Heights,as well as constant back and forth air and rocket fire.
And Iran can't be destroyed unless the US implements a draft of millions of Americans which would start a civil war and end the US.
A full scale US invasion would not topple Iran with the current US military (its a million+ soldier job) and standoff fire and airpower from the Persian Gulf would ends in hundreds if not thousands of dead Americans under Iranian rocket fire… Hell their Hypersonic missiles currently exceed US missiles in capability and any Aircraft carrier in the region would be in serious risk of being sunk.
Meanwhile in Israel Iran’s immediate response will be thousands of Missiles and the back and forth will bring Hezbollah's 120,000 rockets into play.
At that point the recurring risk destroys Israel's economic viability. the high tech industries they need to maintain themselves cannot function in a constant high risk uninvestable warzone, Israel would bankrupt in 5-10 years if they tried, and they'd have to negotiate a "Democratic Transition" like South Africa or Rhodesia.
The only way the Israeli state can survive now is if a massive regional war occurs and they can use millions of American conscripts against Iran, Lebanon and Syria, and any other powers that might be drawn in...
Even the use of nukes would just guarantee the death of non-proliferation as every regional power would rush nukes, notably Iran is at a threshold level where they can have a nuke in weeks to months and all their infrastructure for doing so is hardened redundant, and distributed to survive any opening salvo. But Turkey and Saudi would also rush nukes if Israel used nukes on a non-nuclear state, hell Russia or Pakistan might GIVE them nukes if Israel used a device on a non-nuclear state.
And after using a nuke all conventional forces in the region would be basically hell bent of seeing Israel fall... A hypothetical Hamas international brigade might get millions of volunteers after that.
So after this move, basically the only thing that can save them from a death spiral is a major US invasion, which the US would lose militarily without a draft...
Such A draft that would cause a violent revolution/civil war in the US... A civil war that would quickly become ww3 as Chinese and Russian Assets egged on the US collapse and the US military tried to reply in kind.
Of course the US government could always just cut Israel off and refuse to take part in their suicidal war, it could say enough is enough and side with Russia and China on issuing an UN security council ultimatum to Israel... Except israel has nukes, and epstein blackmail, and who knows what else, and has implied many MANY times the Samson option doesn't just apply to its Muslim enemies, but to Europe and America if they ever try to abandon it... Multiple arms-length Israeli figures have even implied they'd nuke London, Paris, Moscow, and Berlin if they ever felt they were falling and the west had abandoned them...
This is probably WW3 Friends. stock up now. End of the age.
This is Netanyahu revealing that he genuinely does believe Rabbi Schneerson’s prophesy that he’ll be the last Israeli Prime Minister before the Messiah, and that he’s willing to escalate all the way to avoid being removed from office on his corruption charges and let that dream die.
This is Napoleon defending Paris right next to his childhood school levels apocalyptic. French Marshalls having to teach teenage conscripts how to use their rifles in the midst of battle type stuff.
By 2030 we'll see scenes in Tel Aviv reminiscent of Berlin '45. Hell by 2030 there’s good odds we’ll see those scenes in Washington DC.
This who the leadership of Israel is right now, this is the mentality and psychology of nuclear armed leadership:
Oh ya, and they’re going to sacrifice the Red Heifers and start the end of the world prophesies as soon as Monday….

The next prophesy after the red Heifer sacrifice is the destruction of the Al-Aqsa Mosque, the third holiest site in islam (and the one Oct 7th’s “Operation Al-Aqsa Flood” was named for) bet that if the sacrifice happens radical Jewish arsonists will destroy the mosque (with tacit Israeli state backing)'
EDIT: Or…. did Netanyahu just commit career suicide!?
I’d discounted the possibility entirely because Israel’s entire regional strategy depends on maintaining EXTREME disproportionate power balances… Like viciously aggressive small dogs, their entire regional strategy depends on the threat of disproportionate response to cow tons of regional enemies into a state of fear…
But if Netenyahu just broke the cardinal rule of all Israeli foreign policy for 7 decades, to FAKE a large scale attack!? For domestic political points?
That’s vastly worse than if they’d just played off Iran’s salvo against them as insignificant and a “If that Makes you feel better” response to the embassy bombing.
Netenyahu’s government might implode instead of explode if that’s the case… basically They’d have to genocide Rafa and probably go into Lebanon after that to save face… and even then Netanyahu might not survive politically.
Probably same result, can’t imagine that much instability not blowing up in people’s faces… but there’s a slight possibilty Zelensky could steal the momentum and try to turn ukraine into a wider war (the only way Zelensky would survive) before Netanyahu can turn Gaza into a wider war (the only way Netanyahu survives politically)
Slightly sensationalistic but I agree overall. The reason Israel attacked the consulate was to test the waters and see how America would react—basically to see if they could count on their support. America revealed that they were not at all comfortable with escalating, and basically told Israel that they would be on their own if they went down this path.
At the same time, the Americans had to negotiate an Iranian response that would maintain the Iranian domestic credibility without causing Israel to overreact too dramatically. And this is exactly what happened. Iranian military officials met with the CIA to determine the magnitude of their response, with the parameter being no civilian casualties.
Contrary to neocon propaganda, Iran is actually a very cautious state and it desperately wants to avoid an all out war too, so they were content to not go full TKD on Israel.
After the Iranian response, the ball was back in Israel’s court, and the Americans were hoping that they wouldn’t respond. But they did, and even though it seems like actual damage was minimal, now Iran will be forced to respond in turn.
So basically Israel kicked off a game of chicken in a bid to get the U.S. to step up its involvement in the Middle East, but it backfired and now both Israel and Iran will both be stuck escalating while neither of them really want too. But, their credibility will be at stake if one of them decides not to respond. This could become a very awkward situation where Israel and Iran just fire missiles at each other once a week that don’t really have a military effect but just to keep up appearances. But Israel is clearly the more erratic actor in this case, so if anyone will escalate, it will be Israel, and if anyone backs down, it will be Iran.
One final note, Israel doesn’t really have the capability to nuke the U.S., so if you’re American you’ll probably be fine if they unleash the Samson Option.
How long is Israel expected to tolerate a regime constantly stirring up terror organizations with the express purpose of the genocide of the Israeli people? Iran fucked around, now they find out.