Great article. So good it's pushed me to a hitherto undreamt of point where I feel I actually have to pay you something. Looking forward to the mini essays on the contributors.
After how you described the waggish tone of the introductory article, I thought it might not be as dominated by politicians and their affairs as it seems to be, but I'm probably underappreciating how diverse politicians and their affairs could actually be back then.
My thrift store (or charity shops as we call them in ireland, ) would never stock anything like that. Though the manager told me they get 3000 books a day! Trying to persuade her to let me in every day for a quick look before everything goes in the wood chipper...
A friend randomly sent me this blog (the dirt bikes post) and I subscribed immediately. I don't know how to say it, but it really is unique, in a good way.
If you can find it, you’d probably like ‘Classical Rhetoric for the Modern Student’, an older style how-two textbook with plenty of speeches as examples. Also Thucydides relates how only Alcibiades could have roused the Athenians on one occasion; with speech.
This is the best thing I've read since I don't know when. Thanks.
Libraries destroying old books and periodicals is one of the most upsetting tragedies of our time. I try not to think about it too much.
Lovely find, this volume of oratory. What are the odds. Congratulations.
Looking forward.
Fantastic job on this, I couldn’t stop reading it. Well done!
Great article. So good it's pushed me to a hitherto undreamt of point where I feel I actually have to pay you something. Looking forward to the mini essays on the contributors.
After how you described the waggish tone of the introductory article, I thought it might not be as dominated by politicians and their affairs as it seems to be, but I'm probably underappreciating how diverse politicians and their affairs could actually be back then.
My thrift store (or charity shops as we call them in ireland, ) would never stock anything like that. Though the manager told me they get 3000 books a day! Trying to persuade her to let me in every day for a quick look before everything goes in the wood chipper...
A friend randomly sent me this blog (the dirt bikes post) and I subscribed immediately. I don't know how to say it, but it really is unique, in a good way.
If you can find it, you’d probably like ‘Classical Rhetoric for the Modern Student’, an older style how-two textbook with plenty of speeches as examples. Also Thucydides relates how only Alcibiades could have roused the Athenians on one occasion; with speech.
Beautifully written, excellent article - thank you so much!
What a well crafted excellent post.
Indeed, and good eye.