I wish some of the old school pulp fantasy writers like Robert. E Howard could have seen some of the stuff in this sphere. This way of interpreting history and mythology really reminds me of him.
Also reading this oddly made me want to read Jane Eyre. This Norse stuff sounds like the exact opposite of the British Christian conception of ideal womanhood.
You should read Jane Eyre then, you'll find some links here that you wouldn't expect. Jane Eyre is haughty and rebellious and obstinate and unyielding, though virtuous, you could even argue her counter-part in the story completes the BPD Alpha Widow complex without ruining Jane's wings.
That sounds interesting. I learned about Jane Eyre from A-Level English Literature module on Wide Sargasso Sea. Its kind of like a hatefic? Its a takedown of Rochester and sympathises with Bertha. Its a powerfully resentful story I think, probably very personal for the author, but maybe of value.
My friend recommended that, it's a feminist subversive version of the story and frankly didn't sound appealing at all. I do not consider Jane Eyre to be anything of the sort.
Great piece. Profound food for thought. Feels to me like the attraction is because Brunhilde is the polar opposite of the ‘blancmange beings’ (male and female) that todays world works so hard to cultivate. A woman with balls. (I like the metaphor of a woman with balls - though I don’t believe that anyone who has testicles, or who ever had testicles, can be a woman). I was listening the other day to psychologist Gabor Mate talking about how the most common regret near the end of life is people having not lived the life they wanted to live, but one others wanted them to live. (I suppose often one that they THOUGHT others wanted them to live). That is the heart of everything. Sadly the values, vision and angst of many young ‘feminists’ today doesn’t come out of their own hearts but out of what political manipulators have told them to think and feel. They think they are Brunhildes but they are not. Perhaps with time.
There is nothing particularly northern European or “white” about the assertive and downright chaotic female archetypes, both positive and negative. Every single thing described here exists in Indian culture, for example, including women voluntarily jumping on the funeral pyres of their husbands or lovers to prove some point. There are “ugra” versions of every Hindu goddess, that represents her chaotic aspects, and they have all always been worshipped in India. In fact, I think you are mischaracterizing the various types of divine female archetypes by calling them all psycho, BPD, bitch-energy or whatever. There is actual substance to the “wild” sounding stories that you have missed out on by lumping it all together.
It’s not widespread as a social practice at all, in fact I don’t think it ever was. British laws actually increased its prevalence because they made the death of widows highly profitable to the rest of the family, which wasn’t the case in traditional Indian law systems. But Sati is still a part of many central Hindu myths, and there are a few key historical events of prominent queens doing it, and so they carry a sort of female heroic legacy through that. There is still worship of that impulse.
I can’t believe people are actually celebrating this baseless garbage… Women are so easy to see through that it’s unreal!
Brunhilde wasn’t a “crazy BPD psycho bitch”… She was a woman with the courage and feistyness of a man. Actual “crazy BPD psycho bitches” are actually extremely neurotic, extremely promiscuous, and extremely socially susceptible to the point where they usually mimic those around them. The exact qualities you attribute to slaves. Choosing death before slavery is not a “crazy BPD psycho bitch” trait.
The author’s connection is apt. The woman’s energy is the same, it is how it is channeled. The “crazy BPD psycho bitch” serves her Alpha with her whole being, her sexuality, her receptiveness, UNTIL she successfully bitches him and comes to resent him for not living up to the image she originally saw.
Managing a relationship is the art of keeping that image strong by being genuinely strong, and unaffected, and it becomes harder with time as they learn your weaknesses and tricks and you give away easy leverage with commitment.
She acquires more belts and moves in your “karate school” under your tutelage and regularly tries to challenge the master. The key is to flip her on her head every time so she knows no matter how much she’s learned, she still can’t beat the master.
Over thought and ludicrous conclusions. Black women in America have basically castrated all black men, hispanic women have murdering cocaine cartel queens, asian women crave men of authority and wealth as much as any others. Human nature is universal and unchanging. The gods are capricious.
I suppose what surprises me most is that this surprises you. After all, Brunhilde is expressing *male* values, and a woman exemplifying male values is a great way to shame every man into doing the same. Every man who's ever thought "why can't a woman be more like a man" should be able to relate. As can every son whose mother ever told him to "man up".
So Brunhilde joins the pantheon of women acting umm… problematically for a civilization. Pandora. Eve. Brunhilde. Y’all get this female behavior, documented across cultures and millennia, is why the West rose before suffrage, has been declining since, and why, with late-stage feminism it is circling the drain, right?
Ha, I feel called out. When I got my DNA results back from Ancestry, I joked that "it's like an alt-right nutjob's wet dream"... nothing but Northern European barbarians lol. The furthest *south* it shows my ancestors being from is Germany.
And I am 100% the type of bitch you're describing in this article.
I originally saw the Met telecast of the opera "Siegfried" when I was 4 years old. As a teenager, I came across the VHS tape from that 1990 telecast and my reaction was, "I remember this show, and it was so bizarre that for the last ten years, I literally thought that I dreamed it and it wasn't a real thing."
Teenage me was so into this that I grew up to be a costume designer for operas in NYC, and I also got really into witchcraft. To this day, my second-most automatic way of writing by hand after cursive isn't block printing, it's *runes*. Saying that Wagner's operas were an influence on me is a massive understatement.
One thing I never made the connection with until I read this though is the parallels between Brunhilde's personality and the way men have always found me so "intimidating" that at age 37 I'm unmarried and childfree by choice (because I keep rejecting people and leaving relationships), and I'm having a wildly passionate experience with my business partner for a subversive art project. In pre-lockdown NYC, I was described as both "the Queen of New York" and everyone's favorite brazen harlot who doesn't give a fuck. One time a man spurned me emotionally after we slept together, and I beat the shit out of him in a public park. Not only did I NOT get arrested for this, but people supported my decision. Many people have told me I would make an excellent dominatrix.
When I was younger, I was so out of hand that my mom would warn guys about me (LOL) and my dad was really proud of the fact that I was traveling the world and had no trouble dumping guys who couldn't keep up with me. Over and over, he joked about how I must get it from my Celtic and Viking ancestors. There was no pressure to just settle down with a nice but boring guy... instead there were jokes about how men were afraid of me and also most of them were way less cool than me. When extended family members asked why I wasn't married or even in a serious relationship despite looking really pretty, my parents had trouble explaining politely that I thought most men were losers and was really happy being single and sowing my wild oats in NYC.
After reading this I'm like, "yeah... if I was genetically bred to be like this, that would actually explain a lot." No regrets whatsoever for being the psycho BPD Valkyrie type. I say all the time that my life up to this point has for the most part been better than most people's. It was much, much worse during the lockdowns, but even that lead to a spiritual awakening and rebirth that I wouldn't want to be living without.
I'm not old enough to say for sure, but I would *guess* that my type was the first ones who saw birth control technology and said "GIMME GIMME GIMME." Why the hell wouldn't we?! It's like "perfect, now I can't get baby trapped by a loser when I'm young and stupid." No matter how crazy I got in my teens, 20s, and early 30s, I ALWAYS prioritized NOT having kids. I figured stuff like doing ketamine with a bunch of punks in the Duke of Westminster's empty palace is only funny if you don't have children-- if you have them, it's wrong.
In 2012, when Romney was campaigning with anti-abortion talking points, I went on an unhinged crusade to promote IUDs, and a male friend joked that I was "like a right-winger who thinks the Democrats are coming for their guns, but instead it's 'Republicans are coming for our birth control.'" In my 20s, I described the Mirena IUD as "the patch that's fixing a glitch in female biology". (I guess 2012 me was a little bit of a Transhumanist without realizing it!)
So there might be fewer of us in the future if this *gestures at the type of woman this article is describing* is genetic and not environmental. It might be something where people are influenced socially and it keeps going, might be a genetic thing that dies out a bit (there is the far-right theory of population replacement). My guess is that it's probably both, though. There's things that switch genes on and off, things are more complicated than just all nature vs all nurture. My guess is that Millennial women who had a bit of that genetic predisposition could go way harder on this kind of thing because of the technology and culture of the early 21st century.
When I read my great-grandma's diaries from the 1910s, I could tell that she actually wanted to be a Wall Street banker but couldn't because of discrimination against women. Even back then, she didn't get married until age 37 and still had "masculine" traits. Given the life choices Millennials can make, it's unlikely that she would have put family before a career if she lived in my time period (roughly 100 years later). There's DEFINITELY a genetic trait here on both sides of my family. But stuff like being able to go to an orgy in NYC with zero consequences when something like settling down with a nice but boring guy in my hometown would have held me back from having the career I wanted and crushed my soul when I was younger definitely takes this up to 11.
The only reason I ever got interested in more traditional femininity and monogamy is because it overlapped a bit with the anti-lockdown subculture, but at the end of the day, it wasn't for me. I dabbled with monogamous dating for about two years and hated it; I will never try that again intentionally. My polyamorous partner thinks this is absolutely hilarious because it flips the mainstream narratives about female sexuality on their head.
Plus, being anti-lockdown is really more of a dominant, alpha trait if you think about it. There was a time when I said that "having brunch with strangers in 2020 feels edgier than going to an orgy in the late 2010s," and "showing my face in 2021 is 100x edgier than showing my tits at the Mermaid Parade in 2016." (I knew because I'd done all those things lol). Those decisions weren't meek, submissive things to do whether I was siding with the 2010s left (orgy, tits out) or the 2020s right (normal social interaction, face out).
For my partner though, this stuff isn't intimidating... it's HOT. He's extremely alpha himself and polyamorous though.
well, i am of the ancestry, but i find parent hood to be super fun. I am the Mother Hood. It is kinds awesome to have a couple of men around as ballsy as you. if you raise them that way, they will be.
Hell yeah! I just had a fun role reversal today... I reacted to my (male) business partner saying he might have kids by going, "Wouldn't that be a huge distraction from the project we're working on right now and take you out of commission for years? Guess I'm signing up for college classes to learn the skills you've been bringing to this."
Sorry....I was half joking really. Because I came across your comment here via your 'liking' of one of mine (about TMI) on Mary Harrington's. I also put another comment on this Anarchromicon post which I think you would find interesting.
Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned; nor hell a fury like a woman scorned.
So true. I had two grandmothers who were extremely uncompromising and vengeful, even. I don't think they would have jumped on any funeral pyres, though.
Some thoughts on the topic of 'boyfriend stabbing': I got essentially the same image search results as you did for 'woman stabs boyfriend' - but I also did image searches for 'woman shoots boyfriend', 'woman poisons boyfriend', and 'woman kills boyfriend'. Interestingly, the results for the latter three were more diverse, with hispanic, asian, indian, and indecipherably mixed women all making an appearance. More interestingly, the white women who did appear were on average older and strikingly less attractive than the boyfriend stabbers - it was the first thing I noticed. What mean?
I can see a shooting being in self defense. And a firearm has the advantage of being equally effective for a 40 kilo Indian lady as for an 80 kilo Brunhilde. Same with poison, they want the man dead, but it’s premeditated. Possibly an escape from an intolerable situation.
Grabbing a blade and aerating a typically larger and stronger male require rage and aggression.
dude i have many sisters. this is so true. fiery redheads, willfull as hell. it may be an overabundace of life energy. I am told, exciting. better to have a warrior woman on your side when it counts than a simpering ninny. They will do things, that you would not believe. if i were to write them, no one would buy it. I will keep them to myself. do not want people to be fore warned, now do we?
Thank you, but I pass, even without taking into account the fact that such selection leads you to the ideas of feminism, which in turn lead to widespread disorder (modern Valkyries sleep with more than just Siegfried) and a drop in the birth rate of your population to the level of Germany and Ukraine . This is not success.
I think we don't have to choose between slavery and death: sexual dimorphism saves us. Afghan men have honor and courage, while Afghan women are submissive and feminine. Men prone to cowardice and treachery on the battlefield were more likely to lose, be enslaved (deprived of their reproductive abilities), or killed. On the other hand, for enslaved women the opposite was true: the presence and survival of children ensured obedience. This also applies to Europeans to some extent (don't forget about cold winter factor, which indicates the high dependence of a woman and her children on a man)
Just came across this fascinating - if slightly scary - essay. The scary men don't want the scary women and the 'nice' women don't want the 'nice' men....is the Wagnerian Western tragedy here....(as in my 'Less Desired' piece: https://grahamcunningham.substack.com/p/the-less-desired).
You don't mention Tristan & Isolde?....a better opera than The Ring in my view.
Sorry if you covered this in your other essay as I've only just discovered your Substack but I wonder if you could reframe the story of Clytemnestra and Agamemnon in this light?
The version we get today mostly comes from the POV of Aeschylus, whose plays were often subversions of the "mainstream" Archaic Greek view of his time. One might argue that in the original telling, King Agamemnon's unnatural sacrifice of their daughter to kick off a global conflict throws the entire world order out of whack and it's up to Spartan-princess-and-Mycenaean-queen Clytemnestra to restore it with her uncompromising fury, a worthy mate, and a righteous murder.
And she would have gotten away with it too were it not for her ungrateful kids from the previous marriage! Never saw the parallels between Orestes and Amleth(Hamlet) until I read this article. Well done!
I will now use this to justify my attraction to “toxic” women
A litttle bit of crazy isn’t a bad thing!
I wish some of the old school pulp fantasy writers like Robert. E Howard could have seen some of the stuff in this sphere. This way of interpreting history and mythology really reminds me of him.
Also reading this oddly made me want to read Jane Eyre. This Norse stuff sounds like the exact opposite of the British Christian conception of ideal womanhood.
You should read Jane Eyre then, you'll find some links here that you wouldn't expect. Jane Eyre is haughty and rebellious and obstinate and unyielding, though virtuous, you could even argue her counter-part in the story completes the BPD Alpha Widow complex without ruining Jane's wings.
That sounds interesting. I learned about Jane Eyre from A-Level English Literature module on Wide Sargasso Sea. Its kind of like a hatefic? Its a takedown of Rochester and sympathises with Bertha. Its a powerfully resentful story I think, probably very personal for the author, but maybe of value.
My friend recommended that, it's a feminist subversive version of the story and frankly didn't sound appealing at all. I do not consider Jane Eyre to be anything of the sort.
Great piece. Profound food for thought. Feels to me like the attraction is because Brunhilde is the polar opposite of the ‘blancmange beings’ (male and female) that todays world works so hard to cultivate. A woman with balls. (I like the metaphor of a woman with balls - though I don’t believe that anyone who has testicles, or who ever had testicles, can be a woman). I was listening the other day to psychologist Gabor Mate talking about how the most common regret near the end of life is people having not lived the life they wanted to live, but one others wanted them to live. (I suppose often one that they THOUGHT others wanted them to live). That is the heart of everything. Sadly the values, vision and angst of many young ‘feminists’ today doesn’t come out of their own hearts but out of what political manipulators have told them to think and feel. They think they are Brunhildes but they are not. Perhaps with time.
There is nothing particularly northern European or “white” about the assertive and downright chaotic female archetypes, both positive and negative. Every single thing described here exists in Indian culture, for example, including women voluntarily jumping on the funeral pyres of their husbands or lovers to prove some point. There are “ugra” versions of every Hindu goddess, that represents her chaotic aspects, and they have all always been worshipped in India. In fact, I think you are mischaracterizing the various types of divine female archetypes by calling them all psycho, BPD, bitch-energy or whatever. There is actual substance to the “wild” sounding stories that you have missed out on by lumping it all together.
Just read Will Durant's "Our Oriental Heritage" and he writes about suttee quite a bit. Didn't know how widespread it was.
It’s not widespread as a social practice at all, in fact I don’t think it ever was. British laws actually increased its prevalence because they made the death of widows highly profitable to the rest of the family, which wasn’t the case in traditional Indian law systems. But Sati is still a part of many central Hindu myths, and there are a few key historical events of prominent queens doing it, and so they carry a sort of female heroic legacy through that. There is still worship of that impulse.
I can’t believe people are actually celebrating this baseless garbage… Women are so easy to see through that it’s unreal!
Brunhilde wasn’t a “crazy BPD psycho bitch”… She was a woman with the courage and feistyness of a man. Actual “crazy BPD psycho bitches” are actually extremely neurotic, extremely promiscuous, and extremely socially susceptible to the point where they usually mimic those around them. The exact qualities you attribute to slaves. Choosing death before slavery is not a “crazy BPD psycho bitch” trait.
I wonder how many of the commenters are themselves crazy BPD bitches.
The author’s connection is apt. The woman’s energy is the same, it is how it is channeled. The “crazy BPD psycho bitch” serves her Alpha with her whole being, her sexuality, her receptiveness, UNTIL she successfully bitches him and comes to resent him for not living up to the image she originally saw.
Managing a relationship is the art of keeping that image strong by being genuinely strong, and unaffected, and it becomes harder with time as they learn your weaknesses and tricks and you give away easy leverage with commitment.
She acquires more belts and moves in your “karate school” under your tutelage and regularly tries to challenge the master. The key is to flip her on her head every time so she knows no matter how much she’s learned, she still can’t beat the master.
Over thought and ludicrous conclusions. Black women in America have basically castrated all black men, hispanic women have murdering cocaine cartel queens, asian women crave men of authority and wealth as much as any others. Human nature is universal and unchanging. The gods are capricious.
I suppose what surprises me most is that this surprises you. After all, Brunhilde is expressing *male* values, and a woman exemplifying male values is a great way to shame every man into doing the same. Every man who's ever thought "why can't a woman be more like a man" should be able to relate. As can every son whose mother ever told him to "man up".
So Brunhilde joins the pantheon of women acting umm… problematically for a civilization. Pandora. Eve. Brunhilde. Y’all get this female behavior, documented across cultures and millennia, is why the West rose before suffrage, has been declining since, and why, with late-stage feminism it is circling the drain, right?
Ha, I feel called out. When I got my DNA results back from Ancestry, I joked that "it's like an alt-right nutjob's wet dream"... nothing but Northern European barbarians lol. The furthest *south* it shows my ancestors being from is Germany.
And I am 100% the type of bitch you're describing in this article.
I originally saw the Met telecast of the opera "Siegfried" when I was 4 years old. As a teenager, I came across the VHS tape from that 1990 telecast and my reaction was, "I remember this show, and it was so bizarre that for the last ten years, I literally thought that I dreamed it and it wasn't a real thing."
Teenage me was so into this that I grew up to be a costume designer for operas in NYC, and I also got really into witchcraft. To this day, my second-most automatic way of writing by hand after cursive isn't block printing, it's *runes*. Saying that Wagner's operas were an influence on me is a massive understatement.
One thing I never made the connection with until I read this though is the parallels between Brunhilde's personality and the way men have always found me so "intimidating" that at age 37 I'm unmarried and childfree by choice (because I keep rejecting people and leaving relationships), and I'm having a wildly passionate experience with my business partner for a subversive art project. In pre-lockdown NYC, I was described as both "the Queen of New York" and everyone's favorite brazen harlot who doesn't give a fuck. One time a man spurned me emotionally after we slept together, and I beat the shit out of him in a public park. Not only did I NOT get arrested for this, but people supported my decision. Many people have told me I would make an excellent dominatrix.
When I was younger, I was so out of hand that my mom would warn guys about me (LOL) and my dad was really proud of the fact that I was traveling the world and had no trouble dumping guys who couldn't keep up with me. Over and over, he joked about how I must get it from my Celtic and Viking ancestors. There was no pressure to just settle down with a nice but boring guy... instead there were jokes about how men were afraid of me and also most of them were way less cool than me. When extended family members asked why I wasn't married or even in a serious relationship despite looking really pretty, my parents had trouble explaining politely that I thought most men were losers and was really happy being single and sowing my wild oats in NYC.
After reading this I'm like, "yeah... if I was genetically bred to be like this, that would actually explain a lot." No regrets whatsoever for being the psycho BPD Valkyrie type. I say all the time that my life up to this point has for the most part been better than most people's. It was much, much worse during the lockdowns, but even that lead to a spiritual awakening and rebirth that I wouldn't want to be living without.
So women like you only reproduced in the past? Your story kinda both confirms and discredits the theory of the article.
I'm not old enough to say for sure, but I would *guess* that my type was the first ones who saw birth control technology and said "GIMME GIMME GIMME." Why the hell wouldn't we?! It's like "perfect, now I can't get baby trapped by a loser when I'm young and stupid." No matter how crazy I got in my teens, 20s, and early 30s, I ALWAYS prioritized NOT having kids. I figured stuff like doing ketamine with a bunch of punks in the Duke of Westminster's empty palace is only funny if you don't have children-- if you have them, it's wrong.
In 2012, when Romney was campaigning with anti-abortion talking points, I went on an unhinged crusade to promote IUDs, and a male friend joked that I was "like a right-winger who thinks the Democrats are coming for their guns, but instead it's 'Republicans are coming for our birth control.'" In my 20s, I described the Mirena IUD as "the patch that's fixing a glitch in female biology". (I guess 2012 me was a little bit of a Transhumanist without realizing it!)
So there might be fewer of us in the future if this *gestures at the type of woman this article is describing* is genetic and not environmental. It might be something where people are influenced socially and it keeps going, might be a genetic thing that dies out a bit (there is the far-right theory of population replacement). My guess is that it's probably both, though. There's things that switch genes on and off, things are more complicated than just all nature vs all nurture. My guess is that Millennial women who had a bit of that genetic predisposition could go way harder on this kind of thing because of the technology and culture of the early 21st century.
When I read my great-grandma's diaries from the 1910s, I could tell that she actually wanted to be a Wall Street banker but couldn't because of discrimination against women. Even back then, she didn't get married until age 37 and still had "masculine" traits. Given the life choices Millennials can make, it's unlikely that she would have put family before a career if she lived in my time period (roughly 100 years later). There's DEFINITELY a genetic trait here on both sides of my family. But stuff like being able to go to an orgy in NYC with zero consequences when something like settling down with a nice but boring guy in my hometown would have held me back from having the career I wanted and crushed my soul when I was younger definitely takes this up to 11.
The only reason I ever got interested in more traditional femininity and monogamy is because it overlapped a bit with the anti-lockdown subculture, but at the end of the day, it wasn't for me. I dabbled with monogamous dating for about two years and hated it; I will never try that again intentionally. My polyamorous partner thinks this is absolutely hilarious because it flips the mainstream narratives about female sexuality on their head.
Plus, being anti-lockdown is really more of a dominant, alpha trait if you think about it. There was a time when I said that "having brunch with strangers in 2020 feels edgier than going to an orgy in the late 2010s," and "showing my face in 2021 is 100x edgier than showing my tits at the Mermaid Parade in 2016." (I knew because I'd done all those things lol). Those decisions weren't meek, submissive things to do whether I was siding with the 2010s left (orgy, tits out) or the 2020s right (normal social interaction, face out).
For my partner though, this stuff isn't intimidating... it's HOT. He's extremely alpha himself and polyamorous though.
I think you kind of missed the point. Valkyries aren't promiscuous. They wait for the one and die if they can't have him.
well, i am of the ancestry, but i find parent hood to be super fun. I am the Mother Hood. It is kinds awesome to have a couple of men around as ballsy as you. if you raise them that way, they will be.
Hell yeah! I just had a fun role reversal today... I reacted to my (male) business partner saying he might have kids by going, "Wouldn't that be a huge distraction from the project we're working on right now and take you out of commission for years? Guess I'm signing up for college classes to learn the skills you've been bringing to this."
With your surname "Cole" I hardly believe that
Interesting....but a little too much info perhaps?
No such thing as TMI. This is basically what Livejournal was in 2005 lol.
Sorry....I was half joking really. Because I came across your comment here via your 'liking' of one of mine (about TMI) on Mary Harrington's. I also put another comment on this Anarchromicon post which I think you would find interesting.
Hell hath no fury as a woman scorned ..
Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned; nor hell a fury like a woman scorned.
So true. I had two grandmothers who were extremely uncompromising and vengeful, even. I don't think they would have jumped on any funeral pyres, though.
Some thoughts on the topic of 'boyfriend stabbing': I got essentially the same image search results as you did for 'woman stabs boyfriend' - but I also did image searches for 'woman shoots boyfriend', 'woman poisons boyfriend', and 'woman kills boyfriend'. Interestingly, the results for the latter three were more diverse, with hispanic, asian, indian, and indecipherably mixed women all making an appearance. More interestingly, the white women who did appear were on average older and strikingly less attractive than the boyfriend stabbers - it was the first thing I noticed. What mean?
I can see a shooting being in self defense. And a firearm has the advantage of being equally effective for a 40 kilo Indian lady as for an 80 kilo Brunhilde. Same with poison, they want the man dead, but it’s premeditated. Possibly an escape from an intolerable situation.
Grabbing a blade and aerating a typically larger and stronger male require rage and aggression.
Internet searches for crime statistics need to be taken with a grain of salt these days. It may well be skewed to show more white offenders.
dude i have many sisters. this is so true. fiery redheads, willfull as hell. it may be an overabundace of life energy. I am told, exciting. better to have a warrior woman on your side when it counts than a simpering ninny. They will do things, that you would not believe. if i were to write them, no one would buy it. I will keep them to myself. do not want people to be fore warned, now do we?
Thank you, but I pass, even without taking into account the fact that such selection leads you to the ideas of feminism, which in turn lead to widespread disorder (modern Valkyries sleep with more than just Siegfried) and a drop in the birth rate of your population to the level of Germany and Ukraine . This is not success.
I think we don't have to choose between slavery and death: sexual dimorphism saves us. Afghan men have honor and courage, while Afghan women are submissive and feminine. Men prone to cowardice and treachery on the battlefield were more likely to lose, be enslaved (deprived of their reproductive abilities), or killed. On the other hand, for enslaved women the opposite was true: the presence and survival of children ensured obedience. This also applies to Europeans to some extent (don't forget about cold winter factor, which indicates the high dependence of a woman and her children on a man)
Just came across this fascinating - if slightly scary - essay. The scary men don't want the scary women and the 'nice' women don't want the 'nice' men....is the Wagnerian Western tragedy here....(as in my 'Less Desired' piece: https://grahamcunningham.substack.com/p/the-less-desired).
You don't mention Tristan & Isolde?....a better opera than The Ring in my view.
Sorry if you covered this in your other essay as I've only just discovered your Substack but I wonder if you could reframe the story of Clytemnestra and Agamemnon in this light?
The version we get today mostly comes from the POV of Aeschylus, whose plays were often subversions of the "mainstream" Archaic Greek view of his time. One might argue that in the original telling, King Agamemnon's unnatural sacrifice of their daughter to kick off a global conflict throws the entire world order out of whack and it's up to Spartan-princess-and-Mycenaean-queen Clytemnestra to restore it with her uncompromising fury, a worthy mate, and a righteous murder.
And she would have gotten away with it too were it not for her ungrateful kids from the previous marriage! Never saw the parallels between Orestes and Amleth(Hamlet) until I read this article. Well done!
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