Addendum, Real Banned Books List : The Bizarre Plausibility of Holocaust... "Revisionism"
The Strangest, Longest Murder Investigation in History
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This will be the first of several Addendums to My 10,000 word Cursory Survey of the Anarchonomicon Real Banned Book List (save the Image file before it disappears forever)
Remember as with the full survey, this is a survey not of the best sources, but the ones outrageous and controversial enough to make the banned books list, and thus the ones which have been most disappeared from academic discussion, and public consciousness… I have read almost none of these works, rather they’re the ones that jumped out as having been recently inaccessible, banned, or sanctioned in some way shape or form…
Remember the best knowledge (asymmetric knowledge) is to be found amongst forbidden knowledge… But you are still looking for diamonds in a mire.
Don’t Forget to read the List and the Survey!
The Anarchonomicon REAL Banned Book List
So with that warning for women and children out of the way…
The Bizzare Plausibility of “Revisionism”
Working on My banned book list, one of the things I'm taken aback at is the odd plausibility of Holocaust denial and how taken with it so many intellectually competent people were in the 70s and 80s.
Contrary to what you might think: the Holocaust is shockingly hard to prove.
The problem isn’t that even 6 million dead is somehow implausible or not supported, it is that the deaths of the Jews are overdetermined.
About 40 million people died on the eastern front, and around 8 million Germans died, with A massive proportion (perhaps a majority) of the deaths, as with all wars, being due to Disease, Starvation, and Exposure to the elements (loss of the ability to heat/shelter yourself)
The closest analogy might be a vast spaceship that lost all light support systems and 30% of the million+ crew. And then in the midst of that you're contending that actually the prisoners being stored in the hardest hit area we'd expect to lose life support and the ability to provide for themselves... They didn't die as a consequence of the exposure and disaster, but rather, as the entire thing was falling apart and all the systems of governance were failing, there was a concerted highly organized methodical extermination of the prisoners by the parts of the government that were intact...
Which isn’t inherently implausible, a desperate or flailing government might do that out of spite or a vicious expediency… but it’s inherently challenging to prove.
The Polish Government collapsed to Military invasion 3 times in 6 years. When the Germans and Soviets invaded Poland in 39, when the Germans invaded Soviet poland in 1941, and again when the Soviets invaded German held Poland in 44-45. This is not a setting which lends itself to the survival of people, or documents.
You might say "Why does this matter if you kidnap someone and fail to keep them alive that's still murder... a kidnapper would get a murder 1 charge if he just ditched his captive?"
Yes, morally that might be the case, but the problem is all the allies, Israel, and Western governance insist there is a PROFOUND moral difference, the Holocaust cannot be compared to the Soviet Gulags, or Holomodor, or the British internment and starvation or the Boer, or CERTAINLY not to the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Gaza...
See The Six Million Swindle: Blackmailing the German People for Hard Marks with Fabricated Corpses by Austin J. App, or Norman Finkelstein’s The Holocaust Industry for a Jewish critique of how totally the victims of the Holocaust have been politicized and monetized for personal, institutional, and political power and gain)
The Holocaust was Unique! So the narrative goes. It was industrial slaughter. It was not a failure of the systems of life-support via war or negligence, it was the system working as intended! No comparison can be had to the Victims of Stalin, to the Suffering of the Germans under firebombing or occupation, or to the Palestinians.
However that the system working as intended killed millions in industrial horror, is inherently difficult to prove when the system also failed catastrophically killing millions in De-industrializing horror.
It'd be as if you had to prove that between 6am and 10am on September 11th 2001, not only did thousands die from the planes hitting the building, but also there was a mass shooting going on in the upper floors of Trade Center 2 which killed dozens if not hundreds.
How would you prove that!?
There's the German Documentation... but they never wrote down an explicit plan of extermination, or if one existed it has never been found, and the closest we have is the Wannsee conference minute notes which refer only to Deportation. Sure historical consensus is this is code for extermination, but the obvious counter-argument is Deportation just meant Deportation. See: Tall Tales from the German Woods and The Myth of The Wansee Conference by Francis Dupont (archive link)
One could argue that the Germans wanted to detain the Jews, use them for slave labor, and then ship them to Palestine or Madagascar or the Autonomous Jewish Oblast as was their official story. All of which were floated in the 30s before the Holocaust was selected upon at Wansee according to official history, and some of the planning of which was actively encouraged by Zionist organizations. Something anti-Zionist Jews (many of whom wanted to integrate into European society and saw the Zionists as sabotaging them) have been screaming Bloody Murder about for 80 years
See: The Other Side: The Secret Relationship Between Nazism and Zionism By Russel and Cohn, and Zionism During the Holocaust: The Weaponization of Memory in the Service of State and Nation By Tony Greenstein.
There are the confessions... The problem is many of the prosecutors at Nuremberg were Stalin's prosecutors from the 1930s show trials and accusations of torture followed most of the confessions from day one. See: Nuremberg: the Last Battle by David Irving , and Several works from the 1981 Revisionist Bibliography by Keith Stimely (IHR Link)
This is why when you get the big holocaust denial trials in the 80s, 90s, and 2000s (See: Bungled: “Denying the Holocaust” by Germar Rudolf (Archive Link), The Great Holocaust Trial by Micheal Hoffman, and Did Six Million Really Die? Reports from the Evidence of the Canadian False News” Trial of Ernst Zundel by Barbara Kulaszka (Archive link)) The debate suddenly descended into architectural analysis of buildings to see if they could have functioned as gas chambers and sampling for trace amounts of poison... (See: The Leuchter Reports, and The Chemistry of Auschwitz by Rudolf)
Why would it come to that if you have millions of bodies?
Because there were 10s of millions of bodies in WW2 on the eastern front! many of which died violently, many of disease, many of starvation!
And photos of starved people or piles of dead bodies proved nothing, you could take similar photos of hungry people in American or Soviet internment camps, or the survivors of the Seige of Leningrad or any number of massacres carried by the Germans or the Soviets.
The Eastern Front was a place where documented orders to execute 1000 prisoners complete with photos of the executions and classified documents reporting their success, happened almost weekly, to everyone, and doesn't prove a grand conspiracy to exterminate an entire ethnicity any more than the Soviet Katyn Massacre of 22,000 Polish Political prisoners (After their joint invasion of Poland with Germany) proves the Soviets planned to exterminate the Polish race.
A mass execution of 22,000 didn't prove any unique genocidal animus on the Eastern Front, that's how BAD things were on the Eastern Front.
Such executions were happening so often, being committed by the Russians, Germans, and various ethnic militia collaborators that it'd be hard to say which Eastern European ethnicity didn't suffer a genocide if mere mass shootings or death from starvation were proof.
So you go into this trying to prove that these particular bodies were special, they tell a uniquely horrifying story of premeditated extermination... that this was different...
And having millions of starving people and bodies, who obviously died horribly, in prison camps, with obvious signs of starvation and long-suffering, in mass graves... doesn't necessarily prove anything.
What people and bodies looked like inside the camps was what a lot of people and bodies OUTSIDE the camp looked like.
To get a reference for how bad things were, up til 1949 expulsions against Ethnic Germans living in Eastern Europe were still ongoing with the modern German government estimating some 2 million ethnic Germans died (most of whom weren't even German citizens when the war began, as if you ethnically cleansed Americans for the crimes of the British Empire).
(See: Crimes and Mercies: The Fate of German Civilians Under Allied Occupation, 1944-1950 by James Bacque, a controversial work alleging 5.7 million ethnic Germans were killed by artificial allied starvation and ethnic cleansing post-war… which pays special attention to dissident Western leaders struggle to Aleivate the seemingly purposeful starvation of the Germans lead by former president Herbert Hoover and Canadian Prime Minister William Lion Mackenzie King)
You can see where in the bizarro world of the Eastern Front, the possibility that there wasn't some grand plan, the Jews just got to that point via a mix of war, negligence, and starvation makes a perversely plausible amount of sense.
And you can see why that suddenly becomes a really tempting thing to argue when The Americans, The Soviets, and The Israelis are all justifying their own abuses and excesses by pointing to some 4-6 million out of 70-85 million who died and saying the equivalent of "NO. because these people died uniquely horribly our regimes are forever 100% legitimate, and no resistance to us can ever be tolerated."
The liveliness and potency of the debate in the 70s and 80s was the shocking bit. And of course, now it is criminalized explicitly or defacto in most of the West.
Obviously, I’m not convinced… But whereas before I thought it was Analogous to flat-Eartherism and looked upon the Censorship of “Holocaust denial” as a pointless abuse meant to act as the thin edge of the wedge for censorship: Pick a group that is obviously dumb and bad faith, then start establishing precedents and systems you can use to silence more meaningful dissent later…
Now my curiosity has been piqued and I’m starting to wonder if the regime’s ravenous defense of this most sacred of secular martyrdoms might not conceal a story far more shameful and complicated than America, Israel, or The EU would like to admit.
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As a Jew sho has visited Auschwitz and read a lot of history from the period, I am naturally inclined to think historians have basically gotten the story right. However, I'm also naturally skeptical and even moreso after the massive psyops of recent years. Therefore, I'm willing to consider this article on its merits.
I think you're point regarding the possible confusion over the absolute numbers of Jewish deaths may be reasonable. There was no doubt room for confusion regarding Eastern European Jews who may have perished along with many others from the war itself. Nonetheless, there is no doubt that a massive extermination effort in the concentration camp occurred and that many of those Jews were transported from France, Germany and other Western and Central European countries. Earlier policy discussions among the Nazis regarding relocation of the Jews from Europe were given up when they realized they wouldn't have the resources (especially shipping) to do so, and especially as the war started to turn against them.
If the number that died from factory style extermination was less, what difference would that make in our understanding of a situation where an advanced Western country with prior liberal(traditional sense) democratic norms decides to use the state apparatus to purposefully commit genocide/ethnic cleansing? Would 3 million deaths instead of 6 million be insufficient to evaluate what happened and why? Or to try to prevent it in the future?
When I read that the death toll for auschwitz had been officially reduced from 4 million to max 2 million, I wondered how the number of Jews killed in the holocaust did not go down to 4 million also.