The Anarchonomicon REAL Banned Book List
A Cursory Survey, On the Pursuit of Forbidden Knowledge
Follow me on Twitter: @FromKulak

Ideas are more dangerous than guns. We don’t let our enemies have guns. Why would we let them have ideas?
-Joseph Stalin
Note the full banned book list is the Image File,(save it before I’m cancelled and it disappears forever) what follows is a Cursory Survey:
Link The Full Banned Books List
Link to Twitter Thread
What Is a “Banned Book”?
Regime “Banned Books” have special sections at Indigo and in school libraries. Their controversies occur whenever someone tries to remove them from the mandatory reading list or reshelve them at a higher recommended reading age.
REAL Banned Books are decades out of print with publishers who refuse to rerelease them despite used copies going for hundreds of dollars due to pent-up demand. Many have authors who were assassinated, driven to suicide, or spent decades in prison or exile… and yet others failed to publish in light of the risk, only coming to publication decades if not closer to a century after the fact. The existence of these works is glossed over by more mainstream fans of the author, as search engines, site administrators, Wikipedia editors, and librarians slowly remove and suppress references to the work that they increasingly become impossible to even be aware of.
And of course, many are explicitly, legally, banned, sanctioned, or otherwise restricted or prevented from distribution.
And of course For the rarest, most hated examples… mere possession will result in punishment. Far from the school librarian setting out a display, the right book will get you sent to the deradicalization expert if not expelled… and for an even rarer subset, mere possession can result in years if not decades in prison even in countries all the indexes and US diplomats proudly label “Full Liberal Democracies”.
So you can understand the challenge of assembling a REAL Banned Book List
If the book is truly effectively banned, if the post-totalitarian state has truly effected its disappearance, it will not appear anywhere one might search for a forbidden work, even in mention. It will have merely disappeared… as if it were never written. One would have to find it in the references of some other edgy work and then backtrack, wrestling with search engines, back-edits of wikipedia,, and potentially even the interlibrary service and microfiche to confirm its existence.
Pursue the Holy Grail of a true Banned book too long and one might find oneself on a Ninth Gate style quest into the annals of lost and denounced ideology… Til one day you find yourself digging through European rare bookstores and private libraries, looking for a book rumored to be authored by the devil himself…
Yet, I don’t know about you, but the Siren song of forbidden knowledge is too much to resist. I dug through too many dusty rare book libraries looking for lost or evil works… Just this holiday I found myself digging through a barn only to find a Mint 1980s HardCover of By Way of Deception with its redacted pages (but not all of them) added back in by the publisher in a loose leaf pamphlet just within the cover. I remember digging a copy of James Burnham’s The Machiavellians (now back in print) out of a university book sale for 50 cents, back when there was no ebook, and print editions went for $200 used online.
So ya, I’m already trapped like Johnny Depp in this oldest and most dangerous of obsessions. It is said Odin sacrificed his right eye for forbidden knowledge from the well of the world, and Faust his soul to the devils of the ninth circle.
However, I shall hope that like Pandora, I might fling open the box of mysteries with reckless abandon and that I can maintain that hope untarnished whilst it is other people who suffer the consequences. 😸
So continuing our quest for truly forbidden knowledge, let’s begin this very cursory and incomplete survey of the full Banned book list:
(Also please correct me if I get any of this wrong, This stuff is painfully finicky to research)
The Devil Himself
Did he who made the lamb make thee?
-William Blake
Of course in any discussion of Banned books mustachioed Mephistopheles must be front and center.
Both because all the Nazi books and most German works were quite literally Banned during denazification following WW2. 30,000+ named German books to be confiscated and pulped on sight, more than the Nazis themselves banned.
Clausewitz landmark work of political philosophy On War (1832) was prominently banned as “Militarist”, to be confiscated and pulped on sight (I’ve encountered many gloating quotes that “They won’t be reading Clausewitz anymore” from US officers and censors), along with countless works of German arts and culture… Again 30,000 titles… Little Red Riding Hood Especially came in for destruction because Nazi propaganda had depicted the wolf as a Jew. (many works of German folklore were destroyed)
Between this and the mass destruction of works from allied firebombing, it is estimated something between a Quarter and a Third of the total MASS of German books were destroyed by the Allies, and countless rarer works almost certainly had their last copy destroyed, along with many Printings and editions which might have included unique commentary or rare illustration. How much of German arts and letters was permanently lost we’ll never know.
But then there’s works that were kept banned longer than Little Red Riding Hood.
There’s Mein Kampf the most successful Campaign book of all time (from Prisoner who’d never stood for election to Supreme Leader in 9 years), but most people are unaware Hitler wrote an unpublished Second Book in which he lays out his foreign policy vision and waxes poetic, amongst other things, about his admiration for The American People, as a “young racially selected population”, and his desire to replicate much of their intentional and unintentional virtues and policies…
Only finally released publicly in 1961, it’s an odd one…And one no one in Germany ever got to read before or during the war. So you’re getting a very revealing relief of the man.
Of course, there are countless other books of Hitler. When inquiring about banned books many recommended In His Own Words: The Essential Speeches of Adolf Hitler. (so you can read along when the History Channel doesn’t subtitle him)
Der Untermenche by SS-Hauptamt Shulungsamt is allegedly revelatory not for what it says, but what it doesn’t, allegedly poking holes in lots of soviet propaganda and war narratives of the age, and thus was heavily hunted down in the Soviet and Allied spheres. See also Hitler’s White Russians on Slavic anti-communist collaborators who carried out significant amounts of “anti-partisan” violence. As well as Goebbels’ Communism with the Mask Off and Bolshevism: In Theory and Practice… None of which have I read, but all of which were either out of print for extensive periods or outright banned and targeted for destruction.
Of course, David Irving’s Hitler’s War (purchase directly from the Author; Also follow on twitter @irving_books) is now the most controversial and fast becoming among the hardest books to get on WW2. Depending on who you ask it varies from a libelous book of slanders… to one of the most important books ever written on WW2.
Wikipedia is filled with Criticisms but I was shocked when reading august Sandhurst Military Historian John Keegan’s “The Second World War” He listed the work among his 50 Recommendations saying it “…has been deserted as ‘the autobiography Hitler did not write’ and is certainly amongst the half-dozen most important books on 1939-1945”, which, depending on how you read it, sounds a lot like Top 5 books on World War 2. Keegan was given several attempts to walk it back, across decades of interviews… and always seemed to either double down or circumspect about the morals of history, whilst never saying a word against Irving’s scholarship.
This is a banned book list, not a recommendation list. But if you’re interested Ron Unz has an article defending Irving and Archive has a PDF of the full book. For Criticism, there is of course Deborah Lipstadt and any number of historians who fell on one side or the other (interested in your opinions, this saga fascinates me).
Of course, it is entirely possible to compose a banned book list of JUST books about Hitler, Holocaust Revisionism/Denial, books written by Pre-45 Nazis, Neo-Nazis, and Pre-45 Nazis who became Neo-Nazis… See My Revolutionary Life by Leon DeGrelle.
But, I was interested to discover the saga of Ernst Zundel, the first Westerner put on Trial for Holocaust denial in the 80s in my own neighborhood of Canada… as well as how the US and Canada use the immigration system as a backdoor to extradite Euros to jurisdictions where they can be imprisoned for speech.
His Letter from Cell #7 and Hoffman’s The Great Holocaust Trail are on my to-read list now, not for 1940s European history, but what they say about 1980s CANADIAN History.
But ultimately If you’re going to include every book written on WW2 from a dissident perspective, or every holocaust denial book, or every book written before during or immediately after WW2 to be either explicitly banned or slowly disappeared to maintain a narrative… You’re going to be writing a full bibliography of just WW2 stuff, there’s that much.
And As expansive as my full list is….
(Gee wonder why that topic attracts the censors? see: Beatt’s Iron Curtain Over America)
Fortunately, someone already made that more complete list, see the 1981 Revisionist Bibliography Available online Here.

Update: Checkout My recent Addendum in Which I dig through Holocaust Denial/Revisionist literature in more detail
Addendum, Real Banned Books List : The Bizarre Plausibility of Holocaust... "Revisionism"
However, it is easy to forget there is more to ethnic hatred, nationalism, extremism, and forbidden sentiments than just World War 2 and the German Question. (See Kaufman’s Germany Must Perish!, Utley’s High Cost of Revenge, and Brandt’s Germany is Our Problem)
People will write full books of hatred and dark secrets over any little group or county squabble…Not just the group that keeps attacking The WORLD.
Evil Ethnicities: Hatreds and Homelands
I am inclined to believe that this is the land that God gave to Cain.
-Jaques Cartier (describing Canada)
Starting this survey of Ethnic Greviances, silenced libels, and Forbidden Anthropology, I’d be remiss if I didn’t start in my own neck of the woods with Pierre Vallieres’ White Niggers of America: The Precocious Autobiography of a Quebec “Terrorist”. It is shockingly hard to stumble across in English, and one of the books on this list written from prison (Like Mein Kampf and Letter from Cell #7)… by a convicted FLQ Bomber.
(also obviously, it is one of the contenders for” most aggressive” (Ie. Best) title, along with Kurt Saxon’s The Poor Man’s James Bond, Ilana Mercer’s Into the Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons for America From Post Apartheid South Africa, App’s The Six Million Swindle, and Pentecost’s Put ‘Em Down, Take ‘Em Out: Knife Fighting Techniques From Folsom Prison… just because you’re Forbidden, doesn’t mean you can’t sell)
Looking across the Atlantic to the oldest ethnic conflict in the world… no not the Middle East…. Ireland! I was shocked to find how hard it is to track down books that were quite famous within the last few decades. The conflict had always held a mysterious quality… What exactly are they fighting about? How is this playing out in their lives? Yes 400 years of history and all that, but what does that mean TODAY (or rather in the 1970s to 1990s)… There’s seemingly been a concerted little effort to make all the firebrand works laying out the grievances and accusations of oppression and savagery, disappear… to the point where I struggled to find these works even on the Dark Libraries! Bernadette Devlin’s The Price of My Soul, makes the firebrand case for catholic grievance… Was pointed to almost immediately when I asked for Firebrand North Ireland books… And doesn’t even appear in the text of her wikipedia page, relegated to a reference buried at the extreme bottom.
Likewise Ian Paisley, firebrand of Protestant Ulster Loyalists who once threatened he had 20,000 men in his Third Force militia… None of his radical pro-ulster books seem to be in print. His Messages From the Prison Cell appears on my list, but I can’t even tell if that was his most radical work… With Paisley wikipedia takes the opposite tact, Listing everything he ever published phamplet, theological tract, etc. But linking or providing additional info on none.
Notably Devlin and Paisley both enjoyed long political careers and integration into British Upper Society (Paisley sitting in the House of Lords) AFTER the signing of the Good Friday Agreement… So their estates were heavily incentivized to sideline their early firebrand works, not print subsequent editions, and not let them go up online in free PDF versions…
A concession to peace? Or a betrayal of the people and causes that got them to the top of Anglo-Irish Society? Certainly, some angry young people in Belfast would Argue the latter.
As is I’ve included Ian Adamson’s The Identity of Ulster… and another work later on of Irish extremism…
Moving out of the Dismal Isles and the Anglosphere it becomes increasingly difficult to find banned books of Ethnic conflict… Because they’re all in other languages.
Venturing over to the Holy Lands I was always hearing of these works by Radical Zionist Extremists some of which even got their authors arrested, only to struggle to find an image or reference to them… They’re only in Hebrew.
With one exception Rabbi Mier Kahane’s works of revisionist Zionism Uncomfortable Questions for Comfortable Jews and Never Again are natively English along with most of his works. A Member of the Israeli Knesset (Parliament) he advocated laws forbidding sexual relations between Jews and non-Jews… before being kicked out and charged with Terrorism… only to go on to write more before finally being assassinated by an Egyptian National in New York City.
Quite the guy. However not the most extreme! Just the most extreme in English…
I put in WORK tracking down radical Jewish and Zionist thinkers to balance out all the Anti-Semites on the full list… and they’re impossible to find all but whispers of.
So obviously I screenshotted the Articles and the Google translation of the wikipedia page… because Israel is a hot enough issue the whispers can be found in English.
The King’s Torah is a rabbinic text by Rabbi Yitzhak Shapiro and Yosef Elitzur arguing that “Thou shalt not kill” applies only to Jews, and whilst I can’t speak to their Subtleties ( I don’t read Hebrew) comes from a school of thought which argues the Torah and Talmud in practice DEMAND the killing of innocents, including children, if they can be reasonably predicted to pose a threat to Jews… like, if say, they were Palestinian children who might grow up to be angry that you bombed their friends…
This is a minority school of thought, even more Jewish Supremacist schools of Revisionist Zionism and Talmudic interpretation don’t often take it that far… But you can imagine how in a hot ethnic conflict Minority schools such as this might become quite influential.
See also Kingdom of Evil a Phamlet calling for violence and the establishment of Jewish Terror Cells which got its author Moshe Orbach a two-year sentence in Israel.
Or Blessed is the Man, a book praising Baruch Goldstein an Israeli-American Jewish Terrorist who murdered 29 Palestinians in cold blood in the Cave of the Patriarchs massacre, Israel’s equivalent to the Christchurch Mosque Shooting.
Which, speaking of, Christchurch mosque shooter Brenton Tarrant's Manifesto The Great Replacement likewise makes the list, Belonging to a rare club of books whose mere possession will get you arrested in New Zeeland (Convicted of PDF))
For Palestinian and Muslim extremism I recommend Voices of Terror by Walter Laquier which assembles and translates to English numerous manifestos and manuals of groups from Hamas, to Al Queda, to Hezbollah. Also see Al Queada’s English Language Magazine Inspire which I’ve written about previously.
Of course, there is an entire canon of Islamist books and Manifestos that could get one sent to the De-radicalization expert if not to UK Prison.
The Management of Savagery by Abu Bakr Naji is approaching mythical status at this point, its influence is so widespread (and is very hard to google because Max Blumenthal wrote a book criticizing US foreign policy of the same name)
Also in the Muslim world, we have the heavily banned work Milestones by Sayyid Qutb, a revolutionary thinker of the Muslim Brotherhood, who was executed in 1966 for plotting the assassination of Egyptian President Nasser. Probably one of the best exhibits in the history of the Middle East of the rolling undercurrents of dissent and hatred for the dictators in the Muslim world and their collaboration with the west.
Now…I swear to God, I’ve really worked to find verboten texts on a variety of ethnic conflicts, firebrands screaming for blood for everything from Sihk Nationalism to Basque independence, to Malay hatred of the Expat Chinese…I’d love a book by Myanmar’s Buddhists about why they keep ethnically cleansing Rohingya Muslims…
But none of these works are in English and they’re a nightmare to track down, and by the time you do find one that covers the story IN ENGLISH… you find out it’s not, nor has ever been, banned, suppressed, or out of print at all but is just an ordinary solid academic text (which is why it got translated into English).
So fuck it, onto the English language ethnic conflicts and hatreds you care about, you sick fucks.
Ravenous Racists

I’ve always been taken aback by how little Americans know, or read, from the other side of the civil rights era… Indeed trying to come up with this list one could be forgiven for thinking the Pro-Segregation side wrote nothing in defense of Jim Crow, so little comes up when trying to google… You’d be wrong.
One of the most important works of American Historiography William Archibald Dunning’s Reconstruction Political and Economic 1865-1877 (1907) (Archive link) was not just important in terms of laying out the racist/lost cause case for the South and Jim Crow… it was also a major work in laying out the norms and standards of American Academic History (many of which continue to Today… or did, the field’s been in a state of decline since the 2000s)
As Columbia University’s star historian his “Dunning School” students defined the field of American history on basically anything and everything related to the South post-Civil War.
A school of thought that continued until the time of E. Merton Coulter who wrote or edited ~50 books listed in the Library of Congress, and His 1947 work The South During Reconstruction and 1952’s Confederate States of America, which both followed a more or less Dunning tone.
Then Desegregation began.
This period saw the apex of formalized scientific and Academic racism with works like Harvard Professor Carleton Coon’s The Origin of Race (1962) (Archive Link).
At this time the Old Right traditions of pre-WW2 American Isolationism and Anti-Communism were asserting themselves and trying to recover prominence after FDR and the WW2 Dentente with Stalin…
Their works were distributed by networks such as the John Birch Society whose Blue Book by Robert Welch is now a collector’s item.
Networks such as these promoted, published, or distributed countless works (remember there was no internet, subscriber newsletters, and book clubs were the order of the day, including the aforementioned Iron Curtain Over America… Blair Coan’s earlier The Red Web (full book), works by Anti-Feminists, Anti-Communists, Anti-Semites, and Isolationists such as Elisabeth Dilling (she was all four) and her warnings of The Red Network (1934) (Archive Link) and The Plot Against Christianity: The Jewish Religion and its Influence Today (1964), and countless others (there are good lists of John Birch Society books out there).
It’s in this era that the Anti-Communist, Anti-Desegregationist books came out stuff like Carlton Putnam’s Race and Reason (1961) and Race and Reality (1967), Stang’s It’s Very Simple (1965), and a host of others.
However as Desegregation and “Anti-Discrimination” became an, at least politically, irreversible reality, you had a division into what would become the two schools of the American dissident far-right:
White Nationalism With figures works such as American Nazi Party Leader George Lincoln Rockwell’s White Power (1967), his successor William Luther Peirce’s essays collected as Who Are We, Gary Smith’s Land of Zog (1994).
And, on the other hand, loosely defined Paleo-Libertarians who, whilst not explicitly nor necessarily racist, viewed matters of race as major problems and “Anti-Racism” as a stalking horse for communism or other forms of collectivism… Rejecting the various Civil Rights Acts and “Anti-Discrimination” as an attack on free speech and free association… they saw the problem of race being less to do with the groups themselves than the government institutions that force them together: See Murray Rothbard’s Education Free and Compulsory (1971) and Hans Herman Hoppe’s Democracy the God That Failed (2001).
And then some thinkers are functionally entirely beyond this division, such as Ron Unz in The Myth of American Meritocracy or Jared Taylor in White Identity. (an interesting figure in that he’s tried very hard to make racism Multi-ethnic, with appeals to Japanese, Jews, and other “High IQ” races… He also speaks fluent Japanese and wrote a book, Shadow of the Rising Sun, criticizing Japanese business culture)
This is a long list that, interestingly, gets less banned the further back you go and the further forward.
The Further back the more likely they were to get Hagiographied and the further forward the more likely the author took specific precautions to avoid censorship or having their work disappear.
But there’s a middle ground between 1940 and around 1980 when a lot of works like this could just fall through the cracks… The authors had gone through ordinary publishing/distribution and not realized those institutions would quickly become the gatekeepers blocking their dissemination.
Rothbard’s Education Free and Compulsory was out of print 20 years before the Mises Institute restored it (free ebook). And that’s the single most inoffensive of the bunch.
How many historically relevant works from this period are buried or lost?
Silenced Spies
An interesting subset of Banned books are books banned not for their ideological content, but their factual historical content.
The difference between practicing archeology, history, journalism, and espionage is simply how hot the scoop is.
As mentioned I have a Redacted edition of Hoy and Ostrovsky’s By Way of Deception: A Devastating Insider Portrait of the Mossad (1990)… The one and only time a US court Issued an injunction blocking the publishing of a book, at the behest of a FOREIGN Intelligence Service before an appeals court threw it out, this did not however save the Canadian edition, where even after the return of expunged pages one remained missing.
The British had an equivalent scandal with Peter Wright’s Spycatcher (1987) whose court saga is still not fully over with freedom of information requests related to the case being denied 35 years later.
And then there is Operation Dark Heart (2010) whose saga almost certainly occurred due to interagency secrecy, and Lt. Col. Schaffer’s army reviewers (and probably Schaffer himself) not knowing that half the things mentioned were hints at NSA and other illegal intelligence activity… I haven’t dug too deeply, but the Pentagon paid to have all 9,500 printed copies of the book bought up before the release date and destroyed… in an un-paralleled and heroic effort (in exertion if not in motive), which none-the-less proved pointless because several review copies survived and there are entire sagas around the legal cases resulting from subsequent redactions and the giddy analysis these reporters applied to what was redacted, and theorizing why.
There are many books that are more effectively banned or disappeared… but few I can think of where a current Western government put more effort into banning it, so recently, only to create a Streisand Effect.
Of course, the great IRL Spy thrillers of the internet age haven’t involved government spies, but dissidents.
People Criticized me for including The WikiLeaks Files, Jullian Assange’s Cypherpunks, and Edward Snowden’s Permanent Record on earlier lists, since these are works that might well appear on a Barnes and Noble banned books shelf (or would have before 2016 and Assange’s assault on the regime’s rightful queen)
However, I struggle to think of authors who have endured more for publishing than Assange or Snowden… aside from being assassinated for one’s ideas like Rabbi Kahane or George Lincoln Rockwell, there is little example of publishing destroying your life quite like Assange or Snowden.
Snowden lived a full-on cyberthriller to escape dying in a prison cell (and Russia’s decision to shelter him may have been a major factor in the seeds of the current war)… and Assange was not so lucky… baring a presidential pardon one of these election cycles, it’s likely he’ll die in solitary confinement… whether or not he ever sees trial.
Sinister Statesmen
One of the things that’s blown my mind is just how many former heads of state have had their works banned or effectively silenced. I am eternally shocked at it… It doesn’t seem it should be possible! You were the head of a regime! How can a regime censor you!? And yet…
You might think Mein Kampf must have been the major political book by a statesman in terms of efforts to restrict and censor it, I mean It was written by the devil himself! But while that was true enough in 45-48 during denazification… In the Modern West other works are far more effectively restricted, because they’re easier to obscure. Think on how many fewer people have read or even know about Mussolini’s My Autobiography, by the founder of fascism… and you see how quickly lesser Regime leaders can disappear, such that no one will find their works.
Ian Smith’s The Great Betrayal (1997) and Bitter Harvest (as far as I know the latter is just an expanded edition of the first?) recount the fall of Rhodesia and the aftermath as retold by the one and only head of the Rhodesia and politician in the subsequent Zimbabwean Legislature.
Editions of this work now goes for $700 on Amazon, the paperback goes for $130 and it is a scandal that there has not been a reprinting to coincide with the massive young US right-wing interest in the story of Rhodesia as an example of white minority rule, that managed to stay, at least officially, legally race-blind and meritocratic.
Smith, an RAF Veteran of WW2, at least in his language, persona, and thought, was a 19th-century whig, Gentleman of the British Empire, and all-around Anglophile.
Smith and Co. invoked the American Declaration of Independence in the Rhodesian Unilateral Declaration of Independence, whilst also ending his addresses (even the Declaration of Independence) with “God Save the Queen” (Rhodesia retained Elizabeth II as the ceremonial head of state, whether she liked it or not).
This is one of the more bizarre and fascinating stories of the entire Cold War… A little breakaway bastion of the 1890s British Empire, in the 1970s, complete with tactical short shorts and uzis.
And it is only in the last few years if not months there was even a Kindle edition. For decades the work of one of the most controversial heads of state in 20th century was effectively disappeared.
Indeed when I looked for it in the mid 2010s neither the whole of the Toronto public library system, nor the University of Toronto, nor University of York had a copy. For an English English-language head of State.
Sympathetic South African and Rhodesian works feature prominently on the full list because there are just so many, and they are all functionally suppressed in the US (I have seen eye-watering numbers looking just for Images of the covers to include)…
But aside from a few I think are highly relevant to present conflicts (See: The Collapse of Rhodesia: Population Demographics and the Politics of Race by Brownell), I’m not going to dig through them here, just because explaining WHY they are fascinating or important, or functionally banned will take a history and sociology lesson on the inner workings of African and geo-politics. Let Smith’s august English prose introduce you to the story, and then fish about the FULL LIST for ones that catch your eye.
Smith however escaped intact from the death of his regime, many world leaders have not.
Augusto Pinchete’s memoirs, A Journey Through a Life, WERE translated into English. Around the mid-90s however when Spanish and Chilean socialists and the European international courts conspired to undo the peaceful transition to democracy, (and ensure no dictator will ever hold a democracy referendum or peaceably step down again)… Suddenly all of his works started becoming impossible to find. They have been so completely disappeared that I cannot even find a Jpeg of the first volume. They do not exist on Archive, Zlibrary, libgen, or torrent sites.
If you are one of the old right-wing intellectuals who has an English language copy, putting a scan of the works online would earn you a place in Right Wing Heaven.
Also Checkout My Addendum on just how Disappeared this work is… I did more digging and…. Wow!
Likewise, his earlier works from his professorial days Such as Geopolitica or his popular works justifying the Chilean regime, have not been translated as far as I’m aware. So if you have the ability to do so, many shitposters would appreciate it.
Beyond that, it is impossible to find the works of Hermogenes Perez de Arce online, one of the great firebrands defending the regime’s reputation, which is deeply concerning because there’s been a lot of rumbling in Chile of the socialists running the country passing laws to criminalize “denial” of the alleged crimes of Pinochet (this wasn’t a Holocaust, ~3000 people died out of a nation of 10million, in the midst of a civil war)… but if you question that or that 40-100,000 additional innocent people were tortured, or that they deserve reparations… (which… isn’t torturing someone more logistically complex than killing them? That’s a lot of guys nabbing and attending people who allegedly didn’t do anything?) that might be a crime very soon in Chile.
De Arce’s La Verdad Del Jucio A Pinochet is maybe THE primary text of “Pinochet Denial” and is not available in English…
However De Arce’s History of the Chilean Military Revolution 1973-1990, a triumphalist hagiography equating Pinochet’s coup to the American, French, and Russian revolutions in terms of its world-historic birth of a new mode of ideological governance? That HAS been translated and only just got a Kindle edition so you won’t have to pay $80 for it.
It is truly marvelous how books that were written in 2005! can be out of print and selling for over $100 on Amazon, in my lifetime you could have just ordered one hot off the printers…. but that is the case of My Vision by Muammar Gaddafi.
Gaddafi would have made the list anyway since a universal criterion for making the list is having been killed/martyred or otherwise had your life destroyed (or willingly destroyed it) for your ideas… Thus Sun and Steel by Yukio Mishima makes the list.
But this is what happens when you take the censors at their word and genuinely try to start your own bank free of the international order’s needling influence.
Likewise, Saddam Hussein published numerous works Including On Democracy and more interestingly Zabibah and the King the first of 4 works of fiction his government Anonymously published for him while he was ruler.
An Allegorical romance novel about a medieval Iraqi King who falls in love with a poor commoner girl abused and raped by her unloving husband… It was relatively painfully obvious who the secret author was, given it is, apparently, a very on-the-nose metaphor for Saddam’s worldview: He is the King, Iraq’s Sunni people (and maybe all Sunni people?) are the abused girl, and The abusive husband is America and the West more generally.
Again he wrote 4 of these, so if My Fair Lady by way of Mein Kampf is your jam (not a slur Baathism was heavily influenced by early 20th century German philosophy)… you have 4 books crying out to you.
“Ok those are the big enemies of America from the past 30 years. Of course, they’ll be harder to get… but its not like there are all these verboten texts by world leaders floating out there unstudied and unread…”
What about an American President?
Freedom Betrayed, 31st US President Herbert Hoover’s scathing attack on FDR and the Allied handling of WW2 was, for the most part, finished and edited, casting blame for tens of millions of deaths on US and British bad faith and mismanagement of the crisis… then was sat upon out of political concern (Hoover was involved in several large projects and government functions during the 30s, 40s, and 50s after leaving the oval office) until his death in 1964…at which point it just lay buried!
It was only published in a state where people could read it in 2012! An American president’s largely finished Magnum Opus buried for 50 years.
Read the most stridently anti-communist president in US history (and possibly the most humanitarian, his ww1 food aid program (before he was president) saved millions in eastern Europe)... let him tell you EXACTLY what he thought about his arch-rival siding with Joseph Stalin, betraying the people of Poland, selling out the civilian populace of Berlin and Central Europe, and conniving to get America into a war that cost 400,000 American lives...
This is a history of WW2, written by an American President, and its title is FREEDOM BETRAYED.
By contrast 39th President Jimmy Carter’s Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid (2006) has suffered nothing near the disappearance, just a noted withholding of publicity and other things that usually attend an American President publishing a book, as well as petitions, denunciation by Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and noted campaigns by, now known, Israeli state actors to coordinate media criticism of the work.
But, as Trump has learned, if you think there is a level of prestige, success, and power where you can just say as you please… It is not to be found in the Oval Office.
However, another American president, though not a US president, might have been more disappeared.
Jefferson Davis’ thousand page The Rise and Fall of The Confederate Government (archive link Vol 1, Vol 2) is one people are always shocked to learn exists. Likewise his A Short History of the Confederate States of America.
I’ve known Civil War history buffs to spit-take “Wait What!?” it is so rarely cited or talked about.
Every Westerner grows up learning Mein Kampf is this evil book you shouldn’t read and is, we are told, very very poorly written (by people who read YA and NYT AutoBio Fiction no less)… They also grow up being taught the confederacy was an evil regime nearly as bad as Hitler’s…
But it seems we’re carefully directed to the Mad Austrian Painter’s book and NOT directed to the book written by the US regime’s ancient internal enemy, written natively in English, and argued not with obscure pre-war European geopolitical norms, economics, and ethnography, but instead presents a highly plausible reading of America’s own founding documents, history, and values as presented by one of the most celebrated politicians and statesmen of his day.
Out of all the politicians, warriors, and madmen who’ve taken on the US government, this is the man who came closest to taking Washington DC, driving the American President himself to flight, and ending the United States permanently… And he lived to write about it!
And Americans don’t even know he wrote a thing!
And I went to his house! The White House of the Confederacy in Richmond, Virginia, now buried amidst bad neighborhoods, hospitals, and open-air drug dealing (it is something to walk through what 6 generations of Southerners warned of)… I paid the 15$ to take the tour, and in the midst of all that, I saw the Jefferson Davis house remarkably and beautifully preserved and restored (The Daughters of the Confederacy made a big project of it in the 1890s)… At the end of that tour when I went to the museum gift shop in the neighboring hospital, the tour guide carefully locking and closing the shutters behind up…
The extensive Museum gift store did not sell Davis’ books! Lots of works by or on Frederick Douglass and various books on the supposed Enigma of Lincoln…
But NOT the books by the man whose house IS the Museum.
THAT IS CANCELLED! When you go to the author’s house and you can’t buy his book!
What a Mad Lad.

How-To Guides of Horror
Of course, there are painfully obvious classic examples of banned books (written by the most pedestrian idea of a devil) such as Powell’s Anarchist Cookbook.
I hesitated to include it in my list for the first few iterations since it is such a meme. Indeed many have alleged the author and publisher included less-than-accurate instructions for various “Recipes” so as to avoid legal liability, and Powell himself expressed remorse for writing the book, and it is always unadvisable to use a cookbook from a chef who didn’t want the recipes to work.
In the modern world of edgy adolescents, perpetual adolescents, and extremists, the Anarchist Cookbook is looked at with a fair amount of reticence… Do you really, want to be reading the dangerous edgy book that someone like Micheal Moore will tell you is dangerous and edgy?
However, looking closer, the instinctual hipster sneer at the Anarchist Cookbook is not exactly warranted. In numerous cases actual, successful, terrorists have been found in possession of the work… and as recently as 2021 a UK 22-year-old was Sentenced to 2 years in prison for mere POSSESSION of the work. Convicted of PDF.
Despite its meme reputation The Anarchist Cookbook was, is, and remains, one of the most heavily sanctioned works ever published, enjoying 5 decades now of the most extreme censorship and sanction, not just against the writer or the text (which is fairly common) but against the reader.
However, it is not the MOST heavily sanctioned work…

For my first Edition of the “Real Banned Book List”, the world of “Reactive home cooking” was represented by Johann Most’s The Science of Revolutionary Warfare.
An 1883 work written during the socialist anarchist terrors of the age. Published just 2 years after Socialists had assassinated Tsar Alexander II with similarly manufactured homemade explosives.
Unlike Powell, Most was someone who fully expected his readers to make the recipes, use them, and REALLY wanted those bombs to go off.
Of all the books on this list, there are many which it could be argued had a larger body count… but very few it could be argued had a more proximate body count.
This was 1883, this knowledge wasn’t a Google search away back then. You couldn’t just watch ordinance labs or a Royal Society video for children to learn about the science and history of explosives… Alfred Nobel had only invented Dynamite in 1866.
This was cutting-edge, and it worked. This book was the backbone of many socialist terrorist movements right up until the 20s… (when they got a Major Power’s official backing)
And this is one of the few socialist, communist, or left-anarchist works that is not only still banned (because the communists have slowly taken over and unbanned their works)… but will actually get you arrested in the UK or large sections of Europe.
This is one of the rare Left-wing banned books that today’s teachers and government officials do not want you to read, which is fairly special…
However, the MOST banned book I’ve found is the White Resistance Manual, the same concept as the two above…. but also racist, and presumably the more advanced/dangerous (or at least it should be, it’s certainly had longer to correlate all of its forbidden tactics than a book from the 70s, or 1880s).
The White Resistance Manual has the highest sentence I’ve ever seen for mere possession of a work: 13 YEARS!
Former prison officer and gym owner Ashley Podsiad-Sharp was sentenced to more time for PDF, than some migrant rape gangs have received COLLECTIVELY in various cases across Europe.
An entirely appropriate response to Neo-Nazi hate? Overzealous but not inappropriate? An exemplare of Euro-unfreedom and racial subjugation that might demand White Resistance?
Read it yourself and be the judge. Or rather don’t… If you’re in the UK or any of the other Countries that convict for reading.
Schoolboys across the UK have been convicted of this. And the UK doesn’t mess around with this stuff, convicting for owning really tertiary manuals, such as PM 8—94 How To Start and Train a Milita Unit by Maj. George Westmoreland (archive link full text, only read don’t download in UK) or The IRA Handbook (again full text readable online at archive) (ya this is the other Irish work on the list)
both of which people have been convicted of merely having the PDF in the UK.
However, I mostly tried to avoid tracking down every little guerilla warfare manual from the 60s, 70s, and 80s… mostly because I wanted to avoid redundancy, but also because a lot of them are out of date or actively suck compared to stuff put out recently so instead I included Fry The Brain: The Art of Guerilla Sniping (available at Amazon, and Archive) which is just better in every way (better thought out, more comprehensive, more historically immersed) than most Guerilla Warfare books and is really at the cutting edge of modern irregular warfare. John West is a mad genius, who’s summarized all the technical innovations of those that came before… look forward to my review.
Sure I can’t point to a conviction for it… But read 20 pages and you’ll feel that sentencing enhancement hanging over you next time you visit Europe. And I certainly would not download it in the UK.
Note also lots of this material is covered in other banned books that cover it in narrative form.
The Turner Diaries by Andrew Macdonald (Pen-Name of the aforementioned William Luther Peirce) and John Ross’s Unintended Consequences were both incredibly impactful works both on the American Far-Right and Second Amendment community… but also on American history… notably Oklahoma City Bomber Timothy Mcveigh was inspired by the Turner Diaries, and later said that if he had read Unintended Consequences first, he’d have not bombed at all… but carried out a guerilla assassination campaign… Referring to the two as his “Old and New Testament”.
Both are heavily restricted internationally, but honestly, their reputations, and that of Turner Diaries in particular owe more to their ideological content than their “How To” content…
Macdonald (Peirce) really innovated by putting his terrorist manual in the form of a novel in which the ideological, aesthetic, emotional, and methodological ingredients of a violent extremist are all laid out in a way that’s readily accessible… It’s allegedly not the best writing (though again consider the critics, Pierce was a university professor of Physics, vastly more educated than most who’d disparage him) but allegedly these young extremists become obsessed with it, and you can see why, it’s doing what it might take 4-5 non-fiction books to do.
Of all the ones on this list Turner Diaries or His prequel Hunter might be the two I’d feel most nervous about slipping onto a school or little lending library “Banned books” shelf as a prank…
Like Hitler’s in-person speeches, it’s alleged to cast a spell and mesmerize people…
Fortunately however, all three of them are up on Archive.
But this is where various laws around “Works that might be useful to terrorists” go from tyrannical to absurd.
The American regime will exert all kinds of pressure against “Democratic backsliding” in countries like Hungary for anti-imigration sentiment or homophobia in “allied” countries… no matter how much majoritarian democratic support those sentiments might have (“Democratic Backsliding” is when a foreign country is disagreeable to the US Democratic Party)
But of course, no US Diplomat has ever intervened over books, even American books, being banned in foreign countries, or interceded to block a pottentially decades long sentence for reading or merely possessing an American book… even when the country in question is dependent on US trade or security protections.
Gay Marriage and Open Borders are core to being a democracy the US Government can respect… Free speech and the First Amendment are not.
And apparently, this applies even to BOOKS THE US GOVERNMENT ITSELF PUBLISHED!
FM 5-31 Department of the Army Feild Manual: Boobytraps
(Archive Link)
TM 31-210 Department of the Army Feild Manual: Improvized Munitions Handbook
(Archive Link)
Kill or Get Killed by Lieutenant Colonel Rex Applegate
(Archive Link)
All of these were published BY THE US GOVERNMENT! And yet America’s closest allies: The United Kingdom, New Zealand, Australia, Austria… Either explicitly or defacto ban them (Seriously New Zealand officially lists them as banned)
So that is how expansive the US International order’s censorship regime is… It censors works published by the US government!
Final Segment: Foul Fucking
'Tis not that I am weary grown
Of being yours, and yours alone:
But with what Face can I incline,
To damn you to be only mine?
You, whom some kinder Pow'r did fashion,
By Merit, and by Inclination,
The Joy at least of a whole Nation.
-John Wilmot, Upon Leaving His Mistress (1647-80)
Of course, the largest expanse of banned works that have ever been banned in any era are pornographic works. And Remain so.
If I were to include every work from Australia, Canada, New Zealand, or some European country which was barred from import on Obscenity grounds…. the Entire banned book list would be a Bibliography of gay erotica from the 70s and Japanese Hentai and Doujinshis from the 2000s and 2010s.
No Game No Life Is banned In New Zealand on obscenity grounds, the oddities of Japanese sexual norms are so threatening to the Kiwis.
The problem is this is supposed to be a list of forbidden Ideas, not forbidden and inappropriate jollies (or Lolis as the case may be)…
But aside from a few famous Works like Shido L.’s Metamorphosis or Fan No Hitori’s DropOut there aren’t really any Hentai or Doujinshi’s of significant philosophical, cultural, historical, or Literary merit…
And DropOut only gets mentioned because it’s the Japanese version of Handmaid’s Tale and it’s fun to dunk on Atwood and her fake banned book by bringing up the (literarily superior) actually (kind of) banned porno that resembles it.
Metamorphosis however is a goddamned piece of art, eminently relevant, horrfying, and deserves its spot as perhaps the most famous doujinshi today… which is why it is not on the official list because anything with that many youtube videos isn’t banned or disappeared… it’s popular (rightly so). (allegedly Canadian customs even released the paper version after withholding if for months)

However, that does not mean there aren’t real banned books on sex with significant philosophical, cultural, historical, or Literary merit.
The most famous work of pornography which aspired to Literary and Philosophical/Political significance is the Marquis de Sade’s Justine, or The Misfortunes of Virtue (1791), a sadistic work about a young girl (age 12) cast into the wild of Early modern France and, refusing her sister’s entreaties that she join her in working a brothel, trusts her fate to her naive decency, virtue, and pre-Dickensian inner moral light… which leads her to being raped, abused, tortured, and regularly threatened with death, which only the immorality of her companions save her from.
It is STILL a shocking work, analogous to Voltaire’s Candide but even more resolved to follow through to its logical conclusion… After over a decade of struggling to live morally and getting tied in lots of philosophical and sexual knots… Justine it killed by an Amoral Thunderbolt out of the blue.
Various thinkers have read the work as a metaphor for the French Revolution (was the thunderbolt Napoleon and Justine the revolution?), the Enlightenment as a whole, or merely a work on atheism and the Machiavelian logic it implies.
Moderates scoff, for over 200 years its been banned in various countries, but many smitten left-wing thinkers, and more than a few enraged social conservatives, (See another entry on this list Libido Dominandi: Sexual Liberation and Political Control by E Michael Jones) insist that is one of the most important works of all time, reveals the very nature of modernity, and that you cannot understand the present age without it.
However, it is not the most shocking.
There were several other surprisingly old works I found buried in lists of books that have genuinely suffered legal banning within living memory.
John Cleland’s 1748 Fanny Hill, Or Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure (Guttenberg link) is remarkable in that it was the subject of a US Obscenity trial Memoirs v. Massachusetts… In 1966! More than 200 years after its first publication!
Likewise, the 1810 Victorian erotica Venus School Mistress edited by George Cannon, was banned in New Zealand IN 1985! (see the New Zealand banned books page (Which is Incomplete, it doesn’t mention Tarrant’s The Great Replacement).
However the oldest erotic work on the Banned book list, the oldest entry in General, is the Poet Ovid’s Ars Amatoria: The Art of Love (2 ad) (Guttenberg Link) which was seized by Canadian and US Customs into the 20th century, and I can almost guarantee you is still banned in some country or other… It is now enjoying Its 3rd millennia of Ban Evasion. (bonus points if you can find a copy with opposing English and Latin verse).
Of course, the big change in the nature of banned erotic books was in the 1960s and 70s.
My Secret Garden (1973) Nancy Friday’s expose on women’s sexual fantasies gathered via letter and interview was shocking and banned internationally when it appeared for offending morals… And today it comes under fire relatively often, because a good percentage of those sexual fantasies… were rape fantasies.
Likewise, F. Roger Devlin’s Sexual Utopia in Power (2005) is regularly attacked for it’s Evolutionary psychological approach to exploring contemporary sexuality, popularizing ideas like female Hypergamy and many of the “Red Pills” that are still relatively arcane problems to discuss today.
“I believe the author is evil.”— Tyler Cowan
The uncomfortable world of Evopsych is prominent on the list:
Martin Daly and Margo Wilson’s Homicide (1988) lays out a comprehensive evopsych explanation for so much of the seemingly irrational spousal homicide that occurs in the world.
Whilst Ranty Thorton’s A Natural History of Rape: Biological Bases of Sexual Coercion (2000) does the same thing with sexual violence in general.
This goes beyond the Sexual realm with Kevin Macdonald’s A People that Shall Dwell Alone (1994), Separation and Its Discontents (1998), and The Culture of Critique (1998) arguing that Jewish cultural separatism, anti-semitism, and Jewish Prominence in 20th century intellectual movements can be explained by a collective cultural evolutionary strategy and its implications.
However, you don’t read the SEX section of a banned book list for interesting ideas… You want to be shocked!
The 1974 Autobiographical Inside Linda Lovelace (the actress from Deep Throat) was I think the first major porn actress biopic (there are dozens now) and it was uniquely scandalous with the book seemingly working to SELL the idea of being a porn actress to impressionable readers, insisting how liberated and freer than other women she was… Naturally it was banned in several countries. This made it sensational and she wrote a second book The Intimate Diaries of Linda Lovelace (1974).
However, the real scandal comes when you read The Third Book…According to 1980’s Ordeal, Linda didn’t write the first 2 autobiographies! they were written by her abusive husband (who was heavily praised in the first two, go figure) and, in fact, she was systematically raped, abused, and coerced into doing porn, becoming a staunch anti-porn activist, and, now remarried, writing a forth book Out of Bondage (1987) with the help of … infamous man-hating feminists Andrea Dworkin and Catherine MacKinnon and Gloria Steinem!? Who had helped her with the third book that changed the tone so radically? And people who knew them at the time insisted she was a pathological liar and sex super-freak?
It’s one of the great scandals, there was a film Lovelace Staring Amanda Seyfried that apparently captures the scandal well but maybe came out a decade too late.
So if you read all 4 There’s the questionL which set of books are the honest one’s and which are the ghost-written cash-ins? Are they all tortured distortion? Who knows!?
Then of course there’s Nabarkov’s Lolita (1955)… Which yes, is a Barnes and Noble “Banned book” but 1) It is actually banned in several countries and 2) It will still make you squirm, its the story of a man sexually abusing an underaged girl told in 1st person, it has been on my to-read list forever, ever since Christopher Hitchen’s praised its black humor in an essay I read years ago, but I’ve yet to get around to it.
The Jeremy Irons and Kubrick films are interesting in that they take completely different tones, Kubrick emphasizing the pathetic humor of the characters, Adrian Lyne the perverse tragedy… but its a piece of literary history, which I list mostly as groundwork to get to the real masterpiece:
The Incest Diary by Anonymous (2017)… Remember how I said the people who criticize Hitler’s writing style are not to be taken seriously, because they’re modern literary critics and are the types of people who will earnestly read and praise New York Times Review of Book style Autobiographical Fiction… Ie. The worst literary genre that has ever existed, seemingly custom-made for a world where publishers, reviewers, English departments, and a disturbing number of actual readers, do not care about the merits of a work, only that the author have the right attribute to be writing it (and not venture into territory that might make them uncomfortable)…
The Incent Diary is that genre turned on its head, you don’t want any venturing into any territory that might compromise the victim identity of the author? No tangents, philosophizing, or relating to other texts or events that might render things problematic, orientalist, heteronormative, or any number of the other things the trained retard-harpies can grab ahold of to win themselves some of the scarce status none of them deserve but all of them covet?
OK. Make a book that’s just the victimization! just the incest. All the Incest! All the time. Every page, no tangents, no characterization, no ventures off into her other interests, the location, the family’s individual characters… names, era, Is this all happening in the Gold Rush era Yukon? The Nassau Pirate Republic? The second Alpha Centauri Imerium?
That’s unimportant. That’s not related to the incest. You fuckers wanted a book about wallowing navel-gazing neurotic victimhood… And goddamnit, for your sins, you’re going to get it.
An entire genre built to avoid making over-sensitive neurotic women uncomfortable… And this girl found a way to make it entirely, for 144 pages, about the harrowing soul-crushing moment a rape victim notices her arousal, except she’s 13 and the rapist is her dad.
It is Lolita with the perspective reversed and even more messed up
As with all Auto-Fic there’s a question as to “authenticity”, is it really your story to tell? Aren’t you appropriating the narrative of a poor victimized people? Can a half-Japanese American really tell the story of a full-Japanese internee? Who are you to write about the struggles of African Americans? Why doesn’t your story focus enough of your African American characters?
As with all woke virtue games, the real objection is that you’re doing anything at all and therefore there is less space in the institutional spoils economy for the other professional victims. Very few of these “Literary fiction” books make any money on the market, in fact, they fucking hate you if yours does, the game is to mine the prestige of publishing these neurotic non-novels so that after enough time you become THE Asian American Lesbian Muslim Convert writer in the Coneticut area, and thus inevitably HAVE to be hired tenure track at one of a dozen universities’ English departments, once they’ve destroyed the lives of enough white men who can read Old English, Archaic French, Gaelic, and Norse Runes…
This is why I really hope the work itself is actually fake. Not because I don’t want her to believe she suffered the incest, Fuck her. (but then her dad already did)
But rather I hope it’s fake because that would mean some young woman walked into their house of fake grievances and self-pity, and beat these fucking leeches on Belles-lettres and the literary tradition at their own game.
The prose is shockingly gorgeous at points, and it has a wonderful craftsmanship to it that seems too gilded at points for a true recounting, and then too shockingly real (and in accord with Evo-psych) to be faked…
Bleating sensitive feminists went around to various libraries and bookstores trying to get the work removed from shelves (like for entire city library systems) insisting it was fake and that no real woman would ever say X or Y and it must have been an evil perverse predatory man making them think forbidden squicky thoughts, and that it’s going to create hordes of child rapists (as if men read auto-fic) THAT’s how good the prose is.
Uniquely on this list, this work got me to flinch and look away at points. i didn’t think I still had that instinct.
Congratulations to the author and/or sorry that happened to you.
In Conclusion: Expand the List and a Musing
There are a million more books I could talk about. I don’t think I’ve covered 10% of the Books on the full list.
I will invariably be writing more about a ton of them as I get around to reading them…
If there’s one Genre I regret isn’t mentioned it is any of the works BY pedophiles. I’m cursorily aware that in the 60s and 70s, there was a genre of philosophical texts by French Pedos and NAMBLA types justifying and theorizing their desire to hurt children… and that some of this writing was influential on the socialist and Queer left… but I have no idea what that’d be or where I’d look, and honestly that’s not the type of thing I want to search, for the obvious reasons that I neither want to look for that stuff nor wind up with that in particular in my browsing history…
Likewise, there’s a world of Gay extremism and Anti-Gay extremism (comprising heterosexual homophobes and Ex-Gays) which I’ve glanced at when a friend linked it to me, but neither of which has peaked my interest or gotten recommended by people better at discerning this stuff than I am.
Remember my criteria for anything sexual was that it had to be Literarily important, historically important, or philsophically inclined… In addition to being banned or suppressed at some level.
“Banned” is the expansive criteria every porno, and erotic novel has been banned at some point… It’s the importance or intellectual challenge that is the hard criteria to meet with sexual stuff… And I’m not inclined to wade through gay or pedo erotica to find it. Just don’t care to.
Thus why My sex segment suddenly becomes very literary and less about dangerous radicals and criminals… I know literature, I studied Early modern Liturature…
So if any of you have… I hesitate to use the word “Recommendations”… knowledge of these rumored and verboten sexual extremist titles from back in the day… They might make some future editions of the list.
So what have we learnt after all of this?
10,000 words going through all the forbidden knowledge of the world and what did we find?
What makes a work “Forbidden Knowledge”?
What is the unified nature of the forbidden?
Well… there isn’t one.
There are works by religious extremists on the list, and works by staunch atheists; works by radical militarists, and others by religious pacifists and hippies; works By Fascists and works by Communists; works by sexual degenerates and works by arch prudes; Works by anti-semites and works by radical zionists; works by prisoners and works by the US Army; works by American Presidents and works by America’s Enemies.
However, with the possible exception of Inside Linda Lovelace and The Incest Diary (in which case excellent fiction)… almost all the authors fucking meant it.
There’s a Great quote in can no longer attribute “I may not be right, but I’m not lying”. These people embody that ethos… They’re committed. Where other people hedge and hesitate, these people go for it…
This is the immediate thing you notice if you look into any of the holocaust denial stuff… Do you think Ernst Zundel went to prison and then destroyed his life over a juvenile prank like the suits against him alleged? Do you think David Irving blew up one of the most prominent careers in Academic history to massage something he didn’t believe and knew wasn’t supported into the Hitler story? And then do you think they kept it up 30 years out of commitment to the bit?
My personal life is a postscript to my novels, it consists of one sentence: ‘And I mean it’
-Ayn Rand
These figures embody that autistic commitment to their ideas to a fault.
Go into any bookstore in the world and you will find thousands of books that were phoned in, are 250 pages trying to cover 25 of content, exist only to spout truism so the author can say they wrote a book…
For most books that are written, it is not clear if a single soul will ever actually read them, or if the author even cares…
Businessmen and politicians putting out books so that their network can purchase them and display them for a vaguely appropriate amount of time before disappearing them onto a distant shelf or into a box, and then all agree that increases the prestige and institutional expertise of the author… same with NYT literary fiction…
Banned books are the opposite. The only Campaign book was Mein Kampf and that was written from prison.
By contrast All three American presidents Hoover, Carter, and Davis… Wrote their books decades AFTER they’d left office. Likewise the spies wrote their books AFTER they’d left their careers.
It is only after we’ve lost everything that we’re free to do anything.
-Chuck Palaniuk, Fight Club
The tell-all is not a tool for ladder climbing but rather something done after one has fallen off (one wonders what might have happened if Linda Lovelace had lived to write a 5th book in 2000s or 2010s).
These authors might write from folly or madness but they write from the soul…
The pieces of government documentation everyone is keen to read, are the ones that were produced when they tasked mid-ranked officers to come up with the best way for outgunned individuals to resist a government.
None of these people were hedging or holding back to be more agreeable…
There is a profound honesty outside the Overton window.
Me? I always tell the truth. Even when I lie.
This is why I’m fascinated with these works… There’s a vividness to them that fleetingly faint in everything else. A bright immediateness to them that one might only find in the Greatest of films, the most art-house films… or Horror films.
Perhaps the only difference between me and other people was that I've always demanded more from the sunset; more spectacular colors when the sun hit the horizon.
-Nymphomaniacs (Dir. Lars Von Trier, 2013)
Also checkout my Addendums deep diving individual aspects of the world of banned books:
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I'm 100% with knowing which books are banned (not fake banned books that are sold in target). You've done us a favor in collecting many into one place.
IMO, its worth considering that a book is banned bc it is considered dangerous- which means it has rhetorical power against the banning establishment. This means that there are not banned books that are just as subversive but might lack the rhetorical power . And there are banned books that have the power, but are complete bullshit. (Looking at the contradictory books here should be enough to make it clear that being banned has nothing to do with being true.)
So the forbidden knowledge might be forbidden lies. What are your thoughts on this? You mentioned only that the authors were true believers in their message (I think there's also miscalculation on reception and times a'changing involved.) But that's hardly a reason to make it true.
<< Anarchists had assassinated Tsar Nicholas II with similarly manufactured homemade explosives
1) It wasn't anarchists (it was communitarian socialists)
2) It wasn't Nicholas II (it was Alexander II)