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"kitsch" is a meaningless word of zero artistic content in art criticism, but is a rosetta stone for the expression of power in culture.
It is used in the Avant Garde by Communists, Gays, Jews, and other members of the ugliness coalition to express their deep ethnic hatred of whites, heterosexuals, the middle-class, and beauty itself.
No purposefully ugly demoralizing meta-ironic work no matter how derivative, or already done, is ever described as kitsch, and no beautiful uplifting sincere work, no matter how technically innovative is ever described as anything but.
The crime of "Kitsch" art is not it's "Naivety", "eccentricity", or "banality" (my god do they like that word, perfect for expressing their hatred of normal people) but Kitsch's capital offense is the fact that they can imagine a heterosexual white morally-upstanding productive member of society enjoying it, or feeling slightly better for it existing, and therefore must tear it down lest it compromise their efforts to demoralize them.
To take a look at allegedly the most egregious forms of Kitsch, Garden Gnomes, and especially the crude ones, are not some bizarre mania of the white yokel rejecting all decency and basic tastes.... They're a 2000+ year old tradition dating back to Garden Satyr statues which were regularly MORE crude depicting Satyrs and household gods with Massive erections, and an inscription threatening to rape any trespassers who would steal fruit from the garden.
Likewise maybe the most despised painting subject of all time "Dogs Playing poker" is a continuation of a folkloric and anthropomorphic tradition dating back through European literature all the way to Aesop's fables, whereby lower-class comedy and romanticism would depict the mythologized members of the lower orders as anthropomorphic animals, Notable aesop's Fables and Ovid's Metamorphosis. The early 1900s depiction of working class men playing cards as there pet dogs is a logical and not at all overreaching continuation on a strong tradition.
And indeed for EVERY SINGLE EXAMPLE offered of Kitsch, we can find innumerable examples of earlier eras where just as aggressively parodical, overdone,or eccentric art was celebrated as an expression of the ethnic character.
What changed was not tastes, or mass production, or the uneducated producing or buying art...
What changed was the rise of the professional academic avante garde and their almost immediate capture by the ethnic, sexual-socio, and class enemies of the productive classes.
Every western ethnicity has had non-aristocratic class that has always produced objects almost the exact same as the ones now derided as kitsch, indeed these traditions have been core to the folklore, mythology, ethnic identity and sense of place of western peoples... It hard to name a part of old europe that did NOT have tales and regional arts depicting some diminutive forest people, anthropomorphic animals, or sexual joke. And it's even harder to think of ones that did not produce intense amounts of idealized folklore, and almost parodically over the top depictions of their folklore.
Just as Americans now make art of bigfoot or other cryptids, Europeans for thousands of years produced sculptures and art of their monsters.
It was only with the rise of the Avant Garde and specifically subsidies for those artists that this magical category of "Kitsch" comes about in which all the folk arts and lower-class aesthetic sensibilities as dismissed not by an aristocracy that feels noblesse oblige, but by ethnic and class enemies who need to discredit and exclude the productive national majority ethnicity from their own institutions, so that they, the capturing ethnicity and interests, might extract the tax dollars and institutional prestige the productive classes themselves generate.
Now you might say "that's cute but do you really care about Garden Gnomes and dogs playing poker that much?"
No but I REALLY care about realistic historical depictions in art, and the national character and mythologization of my people. And the SECOND you let these parasites get in and declare the national majority's folk art is somehow illegitimate or aesthetically bankrupt, something they'd never say about the absolute WORST minority art (No black, jewish, muslim, latino, queer, lesbian, communist, or any other EVER gets accused of kitsch no matter how inept, propagandistic, or downright dumb their art is), the second you give them that power, they use it in every single instance against any work that might moralize, uplift, or express the values of the ethnic majority or middle-class.
This is the reason your architecture is ugly, this is the reason sculptures only depict sexual degeneracy or political corruption, not heroism, this is the reason every approved artwork that isn't a legacy holdover (which their paid activists destroy) exists in some way to actively offend, "challenge", or "discomfort" the productive classes who actually make society run.
When's the last time a museum curator proudly said they're displaying a work to "Challenge" the black community? To "discomfort" the Jews? That offending the queer community is necessary to start a dialogue?
Because the purpose of art is not "contemplation" or "challenging assumptions" it's aesthetic warfare to moralize or demoralize enemy peoples and communicate the dominance hierarchy, either through aesthetic mogging or humiliation.
This is why "Kitsch" is such a valuable weapon... None of the people currently in control of the art world are capable of producing beauty do to their personal moral decay... If they couldn't attack and discredit true beauty and equate it with lower-class folk-art (which they'd be celebrating if literally anyone else produced it), they'd lose the aesthetic highground immediately.
Edit Continued:
The real poison however is how the accusation exerts social pressure on the audience to reject any of their own opinion or cultural enjoyment of a work lest they be perceived as "naive".
"Kitsch" is defined as work that can only be enjoyed by the uneducated or aesthetically naive... Those with bad tastes. Ergo to defend any work accused of Kitsch is to declare oneself unsophisticated and of poor taste, likewise to object to any of the sophisticated works of anti-kitsch cult of ugliness is likewise to betray one's bad taste.
Of course you look back after the accusation and you will see flaws, slight oddities, the work will look ever so slightly different, your eye will go from trying to enjoy it and understand the creator like a normal viewer of a work, to trying to justify NOT enjoying it lest you prove yourself in poor taste, or incur social sanction.
And I cannot emphasize enough all of the feelings you're having are purposeful and intentional on the part of the accuser. They want you to experience that doubt at your own enjoyment and identification, and are purposefully trying to destroy your enjoyment of art you identify with by attacking not the merit of the art, but your identity itself. It would be juvenile and childish, that only "real" fans of x are allowed in the clubhouse...were it not so calculatedly poisonous and destructive.
Sure the work of a non-conforming outsider might be truly sublime and unsupressably successful and then the corrupt curator must simply seethe that some outsider to the network is getting money and prestige that they should control. But with time they’ll be able to co-op and corrupt that rare flower of their enemy culture, get it taken over and controlled by their own people, change it’s themes and characters, put themselves at the center of it… but most importantly ensure that it cannot be replicated or expanded upon to challenge their hegemony, whilst they slowly smother whatever subcultures, institutions, and movements could produce such a challenge to their monopoly
Of course anyone who's worked in any academic field can tell you that these cults of the ugly and obviously wrong are legion in prestige institutions specifically because it allows talentless bureaucrats and the connected to lock out innate talent or skill. See Psychology, Anthropology and every other social or biological science and humanity subject... The most important findings, discoveries, events, across dozens of fields have been suppressed via the same mechanism and the associated threats to institutional prestige and career advancement. Indeed the wrongness of the official doctrine acted as an excellent screening tool, anyone too dignified or committed to quality or the truth was picked off and soon they started self-selecting out.
ANYONE can study fashion, work a needle and thread, and produce beautiful garments from cloth. It takes a sophisticated auteur like the king's royal tailor to weave the discordant web of fashion itself into the fine garments he wears, of course it is a "challenging" outfit, a "discomforting" gown, only the truly educated connoisseur can see how he is not naked.
And were it just a king going about naked this might even be excusable, but of course it's not... It's the naked attempt via social pressure to force innate talent and interests out of these fields and destroy their products so as to protect the rents of the crooked bureaucrats.
Whereas anyone can be a bureaucratic favourite or advisor, to be the top artist traditionally you have to actually be technically talented and commanding of the subject, just as the king's royal tailor usually has to be able to sew... but if you poison the very idea tailoring, if you "challenge" the idea of art regularly enough, soon the entire field can be a private domain for whatever sexual or ethnic minority takes ahold of the gossip networks of the institution... Destroy the standards and the only standard is social pull. Enshrine mediocrity and you've not only raised the shrine but you can still collect the revenue as it dries up.
And the solution to this fraud and wilful destruction is everywhere and always the same... the king's royal tailor must lose his head.
Fraud is a criminal offense, and should be tried as such.
These are your tax dollars these people are siphoning off into endless departments, art grants, and money laundering, and you should hate them and want them jailed as surely as any thief.
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Follow me on Twitter: @FromKulak
I am in complete agreement. "No purposefully ugly demoralizing meta-ironic work no matter how derivative, or already done, is ever described as kitsch, and no beautiful uplifting sincere work, no matter how technically innovative is ever described as anything but."
Entertaining subject matter selection, to be sure.
Garden gnomes and cocks as scene-setting for a discussion of dreadful rainbow BLM "art", and its adherents' semi-conscious attempts to devalue Western civ's fruits.
My only takeaway from all this is: We should all start snootily describing neo-modern artistic faggotry as 'kitschy', in a bemusedly patronizing way. Nothing would devalue/defang attempted transgressive "art" production faster than being tarred with that benighted label.
Thank you for the insight!