Follow me on Twitter: @FromKulak
Thankyous and Announcements
skip down to the Links below if you don’t care
First of all Thankyou to all my readers who’s stuck with this slow burn launch to Anarchonomicon. This has been a really inconsistent six months, with some months having multiple 8-10 page works and others having literally nothing, and you’ve been wonderful readers in spite of that. I never had to wonder if people got bored or had forgotten who I was, and even when I’d come back after a month of inactivity with a post, not of some ultra long deep dive… but a poem! I’ve seen maybe 1 unsubscribe in all that time. That’s a really incredible reader loyalty.
Speaking of subscribers, I am pleased, and more than a little shocked, to Announce I have just crossed the 200 subscriber mark ( a huge amount for those of you new to Substack, each Substack subscription is worth 10-20 Twitter or YouTube follows/subscribes…getting a fresh email out of people is a large barrier). And a shocking number of those have chosen to become paid subscribers, despite me not pay-walling anything, and posting so inconsistently… they just enjoyed the content and believed in the project that much.
This is really REALLY encouraging. I’ve been dealing with medical issues the past year since my motorcycle accident, and having that to show for it is incredibly uplifting instead of having just spent the past year between home and surgery. By the time I finally get back on a bike and finish my cross-continental camping trip, it’s possible I might be able to sustain… or at-least subsidize, my lean lifestyle with this blog.
Note: I haven’t spoken too much about my motorcycle camping and stuff, I’m known mostly for my political, geostrategic, and literary commentary, and lifestyle commentary always seemed weird and awkward to me. But if you’re interested please comment with any questions you might have, I’ll try to answer them as best I can, if I get enough interest or an angle comes to me I’ll probably write a longer post.
Going Forward
Speaking of Posts. It’s my intention to put out a whole lot more of them and have a regular schedule going forward. My goal is to put out 1 post a week with some semi-regular bonus posts mixed in there. That’s my promise to you guys… And I have some great stuff planned.
The Antagonist Tech Tree project, my multi-part speculative dive into the guerilla technology and tactics I think will define the 21st century, is going to continue, and I have part 2: Arsenal of the Damned, damned near complete. Part 3 The Doomsday Protest also has a lot of preliminary work done on it.
So yes, I am getting Serial… there will be a consistent series of work coming out and I hope you’ll all be tuning in for it.
But most excitingly, I will finally…FINALLY be getting into the main subject matter of this project.
Anarchonomicon is a combination of Anarchy from the Greek Anarchia “Without Leaders, Lawlessness” and “Nomicon” from the Greek Nomos, “A body of law governing human behaviour”… or rather in the form Nomicon “A codex or book cataloguing the laws”.
So, taking the translation literally The Anarchonomicon is “A book or codex cataloguing the laws governing human behaviour, when there are no laws or leaders”… if this sounds paradoxical or Nonsensical to you, then clearly you are not a student of Hobbes.
Hobbes Identifies The laws of natural self-interested necessity that govern when there are no political or legal institutions: Natural Laws (not to be confused with moral axioms, these far more game-theoretical than ethical)… Hobbes identifies this as the basis and foundation of all subsequent political science. Hobbes’ Leviathan was the major text I worked on in my philosophy major, and I will definitely be producing a review of the work soon and ultimately lay the ground work for one of my major philosophical projects: Merging Hobbesian and Libertarian theory.
Libertarians usually dismiss Hobbes as an authoritarian and statist… given so much of Libertarianism is a rejection of naïve social contract theory, it makes sense they’d so vehemently oppose the man who coined the term… but this, and most popular readings, greatly misunderstands Hobbes. Hobbes was widely criticized in his day as justifying rebellion and granting the individual vastly TOO MUCH liberty relative to the sovereign and worse: the right to judge what that liberty entails. John Bramhall, a contemporary accused Hobbes of writing “A Rebel’s Catechism”. And indeed I agree his arguments justify a majority of rebellions in human history.
This Rebel’s Catechism belongs in the core readings of the Libertarian movement, both for its foundational basis to political science as well as the liberal tradition, and its taking seriously the question of when rebellion is necessitated, and whether individuals can ever truly surrender their sovereignty.
Continuing Philosophically:
I am a Libertarian Anarchist/Anarcho-capitalist, and I’m a rabid partisan of my rather peculiar school of political thought within the wider weird school that is libertarianism, and I intend to be a firebrand for it here… The works of Spooner, Mises, Rothbard…and yes, Rand, are almost certainly going to be given commentaries…
Thus my blog is the Anarchonomicon… because I aim for it commentate on anarchy.
And Finally…Obviously…Controversially:
Anarchonomicon is a portmanteau of two books…Lovecraft’s Mythical Necronomicon, written by the mad arab Abdul Alhazred, a fount of forbidden blackened lore to terrible to comprehend, and The Anarchist Cookbook that storied fount of what was supposed to be real life forbidden knowledge so terrible it threatened the social fabric…but in reality was incorrect instructions and juvenile pranks…
Well the idea of forbidden knowledge dangerous enough to threaten the social fabric is my kinda jam. As we all know any sufficiently advance technology is indistinguishable from magic, but the inverse is also true and any sufficiently well conceived magic is indistinguishable from speculative technology. It has been a contention of mine for some time that truly dangerous knowledge, the kind that can remake the social fabric or disrupt the order of an era must be achievable. That the first to discover, to forge, these ideas… these realities of what is possible, will unalterably mark them with the ideas and patterns of their creator/finder… that even as others use them they will invisibly and inevitably be drawn to the serving the ends of that first master or mistress. Only one Lord of the Ring.
What would have happened if the Anarchist Cookbook had been all it was hyped to be? what if some mysterious copy finding its way into a school library, finding the attention of some lost eyes, finding the mind behind them… what if that truly could alter the history of an entire town, an entire county, an entire state?
It is oft debated what drives the wheel of history… the deeds of Great Men, or the impersonal historical forces of technology and material reality… well what are the material realities without the technology? That Arabia was oil rich meant nothing during the crusades, but as soon as the technology is derived the story changes… And what is technology but the ideas of great men?
Knowledge is power only in so far as it is asymmetric… if both you and your rival know a fact it grants no advantage to either of you. Thus the general disappointment that the information age has not greatly altered power relations. But hidden knowledge? Forbidden knowledge? The darkened lore even those guarding its secrets have forgotten? That knowledge could alter the balance of the world. That information could matter beyond trivia.
I’m not here to repeat any Juvenile Highschool experiments… if you want to learn about explosives or Thermite I’ll direct you to Wikipedia or YouTube. Rather that idea of a text that would be truly dangerous, of a work that would truly matter, of a text that could truly alter the dynamics of power, that would be everything a censor would rightly fear… that idea inspires me. I hope I live up to it.\
So yes, weekly posts are coming. Maybe a few bonus posts thrown in. Might try pay-walling a few things if it looks necessary to make this sustainable or if there’s anything I want to keep from the eyes of general consumption. But my instinct is to keep as much free as possible… like all writers I enjoy the idea of being read.
oh and also at some point I’ll explain what’s up with the catgirls.
The Links
My content
First for those of you unfamiliar I’m a regular contributor to two podcasts.
The Bailey Podcast Hosted by Yassine Meskhout (Twitter). A philosophical, cultural, and autistic deep dive podcast. Here’s the most recent episode:
👯♀️, or Women with Bunny Ears if you’re a philistine who doesn’t speak emoji… It is a project of my two friends Flashy and Jason. Here is possibly the most surreal episode:
My twitter account has been taking off. My follower count has more than doubled in the past 14 days from 800 to over 1800, and it looks like it could continue at that pace for a bit. This is entirely owing to my recent Foray into “longform” twitter threads…which somehow are getting 10s or even hundreds of thousands of views (the bar for content is that low).
My most successful thread is this one on China’s economic instability:

My next most successful thread is this one on Jan 6th:

And dearest to my heart is this one, just a good old fashioned half-shitpost Close Reading:

From Around the Web
don't EVER let a brahmin-privileged turmeric monster lecture you about POC, colonialism, cultural appropriation, or representation. remind them that when the lord indra arrived on the ganges in his chariot to slaughter 6 million dasyu aboriginals, the first word he said was 'namaste'
Such is the Wisdom of HAKAN ROTMWRT one of the most bizarre and esoteric Twitter racists to ever grace the web, before being unceremoniously banned by some twitter admin who I imagine played the main character in a Lovecraftian nightmare all her own.
I can already hear the one normie who accidentally subscribed to me asking in indignation if I endorse his racial views by linking him here… and I’m very deeply flattered you think I have the historical, biological, and archeological expertise to offer the slightest opinion on him. Tell you what, you summarize his beliefs and present them to me, and then maybe I’ll know if I endorse them or not.
But seriously one of the great internet artifacts I’ve encountered. If you told me It was a rogue AI raised entirely on Darwin, phrenology, and the entire corpus of 19th to mid-twentieth century archeological research that would be very explanatory.
Imagine if you would, one of the most impressive filmic achievements ever produced. Something that is never going to be repeated in human history… and then imagine they gave the director an even bigger budget and told him to do it again but LARGER.
Such is the Majesty of Soviet Director Sergei Bondarchuk’s 10 hour Academy award winning epic adaptation of War and Peace, and his even larger budget, vastly more accessible, English film Waterloo… staring Rod Steiger and Christopher Plumber. A film that had 15,000 red army conscripts assigned to learn Napoleonic drill for months on end, so that they could play extras. Every battle formation, every charge, every bayonet glint in the distance… Its all real!
And both War and Peace and Waterloo are up FOR FREE in their entirety on YouTube.
There’s going to be a war in Montana proclaims this excellent mood piece that could be about just about anywhere.
This intense cultural bifurcation, the importing of the culture war into the signs at restaurants, front lawns, church windows… I’ve seen it in Michigan, I’ve seen it in rural Canadian towns, I’ve seen it in rust belt towns in Illinois and Kansas…I’ve seen it in every major city I’ve been to… The erasure of place and the specificity of local community, first under the weight of finance and rootless Bourgeoise sensibility… then under the escalating culture war inevitably created by that.
This piece helped me notice a lot of dynamics I’d sensed but were always on the edge of perception. Highly recommend.
The Law that Ate the Constitution is a wonderful book review and a perfect introduction to perhaps the most important insight into American politics Libertarian and Dissident right types scream about, but is a nightmare to explain.
The rights of the US Constitution and Anti-discrimination law, the “Second constitution” of the 64 civil rights act and subsequent case law… are utterly incompatible. And worse both are totalizing, such that not a single issue, not a single policy, not a single application of law will not inevitably lead them into existential conflict.
All are individually equal before the law… and yet the regulatory state mandates an almost apartheid tier discrimination against categories of people in every institution in the form of affirmative action (ask an Asian student applying to schools). The constitution grants freedom of speech, and yet the legal state will bankrupt your employer if they fail to punish your speech. The government cannot violate your private property, and yet it surrendered the second you try to engage in commerce if you try to exclude anyone the government thinks you shouldn’t.
You have freedom of conscience, and yet discrimination is inevitably so vague (after-all you can’t just let the racists come up with excuses or pretexts) that in order to restrict it one need come up with an entire legal apparatus for applying liability to thought crimes (or at least to employers for not proactively punishing thought crimes).
The founding freedoms are utterly incompatible with the post ‘64 case law and objectives, and one constitutional order must inevitably destroy the other… And I will think less of either side if they suffer themselves to lose.
There’s a lot of surprising and shocking old school reporting in RollingStone’s The Fort Brag Murders (Archive)… Hard drug abuse, institutional decay, cultural decay, personal decay, and murder at the height of US special operations…
But one of the things that really shocked me is… Green Berets and Delta Force are regularly being arrested for smuggling Cocaine and other hard drugs? As a non-sanctioned side hustle?
And they’re getting caught!?!
What does it say about the training, discipline, and OPSEC the army puts into these supposedly best of the best… that the second they try to apply their skills in the real world… they get defeated by Customs and Border Patrol? Like there’s a lot of darkness and moral horror in the piece… a lot of institutional failure…
But damn… there are nerds working for the cartels who are better at tradecraft and tactical espionage operations than US tier 1 special forces?
That’s a revelation.

Nora Vincent died via “Voluntary Assisted Suicide” July 6th 2022 in Basil, Switzerland (Age 53)… she had no terminal disease, and choose death, seemingly as a consequence of her lifelong work.
The prominent Lesbian and writer not only spent 18 months living disguised as a man for her book Self Made Man developing depression as result… but also faked madness to be admitted as an inpatient at 3 psychiatric hospitals for her book Voluntary Madness… and wrote novels, notably Adeline about the the final part of Virginia Wolfe’s life before her suicide.
She was a “TERF” in her theory about lesbianism as it relates to trans identity… but never really leaned into the culture war angle.
This piece is a good enough relation of her story .
Donald Trump the Man of his Generation.
There’s so much Trump derangement syndrome out there, and so much Anti-anti- trump sentiment that can go to equally deranged levels of apologia and worship… that its genuinely refreshing when you find the rare soul who can manage to hate him for a sane reason.
Usually this role is played by right libertarians… who can simultaneously say the deep state is framing Trump, but that Trump absolutely 100% literally deserves the gallows, not for any betrayal of the American Empire, but for administering its warcrimes, and for not issuing a day one executive order barring US service men from participating in any assistance of the Saudi blockade, and war of genocide against the Yemeni population.
Well Larry Littlefield similarly rejects Trump for a sane reason… not for breaking DC norms, but continuing and further enabling the intergenerational wealth transfer and plunder of the Future that DC exists to enable.
As always the proper response to Trump derangement is to point out he’s exactly an 80s democrat… and that is also the most damning critique of Trump.
The man is the embodiment of boomer debt fueled plunder and ruin.
Those are the links for this installment.
Please comment with your links questions, or anything you want to shill. If you think my links suck send me ones you think are better.