Feral Aryan Femininity: Blonde Women as Bioweapons
on Valkyrie, Amazons, Camp Followers, Goths, GirlBosses, and EGirls
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If you follow online internet discussion you know the incredulity and scoffing that always meets some woke archeological finding, especially from TradCon circles. And rightly so.
No sooner has a sword been found in an 8th century woman’s burial mound than the Woke archeologists set about claiming that the figure was Trans, or a Woman-King (if in Northern Europe), or one of the Amazons (if around the black sea), a woman warrior, or whatever other points scoring, obviously false, feminist anthropology advances their agenda (the most consistent thing about the Field of Anthropology being how consistently it has SUPPRESSED the research of primitive cultures)
This has lead lots of right wing commentators to create memes of how these women were just loyal wives buried with their husbands swords, spears, or bows, and now for their faithful wish to honor their husband, the degenerates of modern Academia call them men or “non-binary”.
However both reveal an incredible concern with modern politics over historical interpretation.
Whereas the woke historians and anthropologists has a profound desire to play these discoveries up, to ascribe Transness where none is implied by the finding, and especially in the case of Scythian, Armenian, and other Black Sea findings: That these are THE AMAZONS the Matriarchal Warrior society of female fighters who fought just like men and whose existence proves gender is just a construct and modern girls are only held back from girlboss warlordom, and more importantly high military, corporate, and political rank, by sexism, a culture that undermines them and (implicitly) insufficient affirmative action and money for bureaucrats.
On the other hand Social Conservatives aggressively dismiss these findings as mere wives and daughters of Kings, and that these weapons are merely ceremonial symbols of Nobility, and that obviously women did not participate in war, or affairs of violence nor should they now. Expressed with a nigh inarticulate horror.
But whereas Ancient Scythians and Armenians have no existent written record and we have to go off Greek tales which get quite fanciful (notably at various points they positted Amazons cut off a breast to better wield a bow… which shows not only had those commentators never met a warrior women, they didn’t even have Greek women who hunted, and never bothered to test the hypothesis by trying to get one to shoot a bow)… However, When it comes to Germanic, Norse, and Icelandic findings we know exactly who these women were.
They were Valkyrie.
Indeed when we dig deeper into this story we find one of the most interesting and overlooked stories of Indo-European cultural and biological uniqueness, a history of warfare and selective breeding that lasted millenia and is never talked about… The tale of Feral Aryan Femininity.
What is a Valkyrie?

The Valkyrie are traditionally conceived as a genus of magical creature… winged warlike Angelic supernatural humanoids who carry fallen warriors to Valhalla. Heavy Metal Angels.
And yet, the second you start reading any of the Sagas or Eddas it becomes very apparent there’s a much more complex meaning to the word.
Mortal Kings, amidst deep genealogies which suggest they correspond at least somewhat to kings who did live, will have Valkyrie daughters who become involved in the stories of great heroes with their own genealogies, then marry them, then bear human sons who continue the complex genealogy. These in very grounded tales of political feuds and events.
Likewise the wings mythic Valkyrie supposedly possess either don’t feature in many of these stories, or they’re taken on or off, suggesting some type of garment or ceremonial attire.
Rather what is immediately apparent, like most of Norse mythology (arguably even some of the Gods) is that these events are *supposed* to correspond to real history, real genealogies, and real people… Heavily mythologized, and who knows how much accuracy survives… But these Valkyrie, far from being astral sprites, were real women…and their equating with the mythological winged servants of Odin, speaks to an important religious and cultural role they were filling in the ethereal half metaphorical/half magical world of North European paganism.
One more modern analogy might be a Witch: a word that connotes a servant of Satan who devours children and takes flight across the night sky on the one hand, a magical woman of an ancient religion possessed of esoteric and powerful arcane knowledge on the other, and then the goth/punk hippy girl you buy organic foods from at the farmer’s market on the third.
All of them are Witches. Indeed the entire power of the concept of The Witch is the confusion between the 3, and the danger and mystery that goes with it. Children never quite feel that they’re completely safe from the Flying monster women of the wilds with the mall goths out there, and the charm and enticing nature of the tarot girl at the party is given a tinge of mystery by the myths. Every single piece of Witch Media horror film, highschool comedy, or American classic novel gets it entertainment and mystery by playing with this ambiguity, by confusing them and leaving audiences uncertain.
Similarly the catholic Nun in pop culture is often given mystical spiritual properties such as flight, or their demise might result in a demon or ghost (or whatever that horror movie is about). Within the realms of pop-culture the difference between an ordinary nun, a nun with magical spiritual abilities, and an angel is far more permeable and nebulous than Catholic doctrine might have you believe.
I’d posit such a dynamic also plays out with the Valkyrie, that there was a magical spectral figure, the heroic figure of the Sagas, and a genuine real world social role, and that the culture and stories told within it existed to blur those realities.
So then what was a Valkyrie? The original texts and just how culture works seems to demand such a role and blurring. Anyone who’s interacted with women’s culture knows that you can’t, for hundreds of years, have this mysterious and kind of dangerous but also sexy feminine role, and not have clout chasing women try to inhabit that role.
But of course what the tarot girls, mall goths, and farmers market witches are actually doing, if we take a materialist reductionist view, what their “spells” and “fortunes” and “charms” are achieving within the strictly materialist social realm, if we set aside the spiritual/magical objectives… that can be obscure even to the mall goths. How does one go from just the myths to the real social role?
What was a Valkyrie?
This is a question that i think is primevally important to the questions of North European Culture, who White Women are, and who Modern Women are in general… since unless you have a very deep well of ethnic culture, you’re living in a North European Culture.
Beyond this, as much as the records of norse culture are deeply spotty, and by and large generations removed from first hand accounts (with a few exceptions) we do have accounts of this culture, by contrast Scythian or the Steppe Cultures associated with the “Amazons” we often have even less to go off of… so to recreate the cultural roles these cultures might have had, you often have to extrapolate from their surrounding cultures and the pagan North European culture becomes a core data point.
Indeed a lot of feminism, girlbossery, and pathologies of modern culture and how women relate to the military, corporations, travelling, male attention, EGirling, and life outside the home seems to be a longing for this lost social role and mode of living. Not the Archetype… the archetype is everywhere. A sexy/violent Valkyrie type figure started creeping into movies in the 70s and 80s and had consumed the box office and videogames by the mid-2000s…. Until the 2010s when women started going insane unable to relate to the archetypes they were supposed to be living up to, and demanding all women in film and video games be as physically and spiritually ugly as they are.
There is this longing for this ritualized social role… this manner in which North European and Steppe women have historical competed for the best men and made themselves desirable… and as anyone can tell you the modern "GirlBoss” and “EGirl” isn’t cutting it.
But isn’t the idea of Warrior Women Dumb?
On the face of it the entire idea of “Warrior Women” is stupid. Beyond physical realities: height, strength, hand-eye coordination, pain tolerance, endurance, weight… which all fall on bell curves, but with rare cross-ethnic exceptions, the physical gulfs between men and women are quite large.
An example very relevant to war, Canadian Olympic Female hockey players… maybe the 10-20 women alive today most built for something resembling ancient and medieval melee warfare… train against boys high school hockey players. Now there isn’t a lot of money in women’s hockey, boys in their late teens are fairly close to peak physical performance, and there are a ton of other things and sports that draw away peak female genetic specimens, but the top 0.01% of women, are just merely competitive with the top 2-5% of men. Even a society that just took the top 1-5% of women for some “warrior” class is just going to be producing middling warriors, equal to maybe the median aging male.
But then there’s the evolutionary reason you wouldn’t: They are your tribes’ best females. These are the ones the men who go and fight are being implicitly, or not so implicitly, compensated with if they return alive. Unlike men, who’s reproduction is limited only by available (willing or unwilling) partners, where a warrior band can assault a rival tribe, lose a double digit percentage of their fighters, and then carry of the rival tribes women… Expanding their own tribe’s future generations and the prestige and earthly joys of the men. Women are the limiting factor of reproduction. If you put your best healthiest women in battle and they get killed, that’s one less peak woman to compensate the men for fighting, that’s 1-5 genetically impressive children who won’t be in the next generation, that’s your tribe’s most valuable genetic stock bled out on some field or forest glade, and for what?
A middling warrior? A young prize girl who might have 4 sons of great martial prowess traded away for one middling spear bearer? A lady champion “Strong as any man” and great on the battlefield, some 1 in 10,000 marvel only the best of a rival tribe could defeat, off the battlefield she would birth a line of kings and noble houses, her hand in marriage might seal an alliance between two great people. On a small battlefield such a girl might slightly alter the balance of power, off the battlefield she might end a war.
From a hard evo-psych perspective the idea you’d put your peak healthiest women on a battlefield is insane irrespective of any physical or psychological limitations they may or may not have… and merely looking at modern day: the prospect of Ukrainian or American girls being sent to the front fills many people with conspiratorial ethnic rage… Only the most hateful enemies of your tribe with do such a thing to the best of your women.
The only reason a people would ever willingly do such a thing to themselves is insane levels of desperation, the type of near genocidal desperation you only see in ancient history, not Ukraine, and at least so far, not even in Gaza.
Were North Europeans and Steppe people that desperate that often?
And yet the Sagas, Greek accounts, Roman accounts, and medieval christian accounts all agree this happened. And many of the Sagas even romanticize it, as an image of the verile peak of their people, not desperation.
To get at this mystery we need to ask what women were doing similarly before and after… Presumably if this were some social role, then the necessary functions of that role did not simply disappear just because the role did. The same way you can notice in christian traditions that don’t have nuns, committed Church Ladies, Schoolteachers, and Nurses are still filling similar roles, and you can find young women doing all the same things (they just aren’t confined to Celibacy like in the catholic tradition)
The Ancient Barbarian Women
The maximum extent of Alexander the Great’s empire extended from Greece, to Egypt, to India… And yet it did not extend a mere 200kms north of his hometown of Pella in Macedonia.
the Eurasian Steppe, Alpine Mountains, and the forests of Northern Europe were unconquered. A feat the Romans didn’t really much surpass:
At the intersections of the Alpine mountains, Germanic Forests, the Eurasian Steppe, and the Northern Ocean routes, all the great empires: Greco-roman, Byzantine, Persian, and Chinese just stopped. The lands of Germany, Poland, The Balkans, Ukraine, The Caucuses, Central Asia, and Mongolia and large swathes of all the countries in between and Beyond resisted the greatest empires of ancient history… not with centralized empires of their own, but with their unconquerable warlike tribalism, honor culture, and ungovernable feuding. They were the Afghanistan and Pakistan of their day… But whereas Islamic tribalism heavily restricts women and locks them out of public life… the records of Germanic Tribal life (which the Romans documented in a few existent texts, notable Tacitus’s Germania) are far stranger.
Women being listened to for council in war, women en masse attending battles in great baggage trains, and screaming invectives and baring their breasts, and threatening to murder their own babes if their men lost, that they would not suffer the shame of slavery.

one of the earliest examples of Germanic, non-mythological, women in war was the Cimbrian war and the uniquely migratory form of warfare practiced by Germanic tribes in which men, women, and children would travel collectively sometimes into the hundreds of thousands when forced out of their homelands by a combination of famine and other tribes. At the final battle of Vercellae 101 bc, when the Roman Consul Marius finally defeated them, the women acted on their threats cutting down those amongst their own men and husbands who fled the front lines before an orgy of self-slaughter saw countless kill their children then themselves.
Here the greatest part and most valiant of the enemies were cut in pieces; for those that fought in the front, that they might not break their ranks, were fast tied to one another, with long chains put through their belts. But as they pursued those that fled to their camp they witnessed a most fearful tragedy; the women, standing in black clothes on their wagons, slew all that fled, some their husbands, some their brethren, others their fathers; and strangling their little children with their own hands, threw them under the wheels and the feet of the cattle, and then killed themselves. They tell of one who hung herself from the end of the pole of a wagon, with her children tied dangling at her heels. The men, for want of trees, tied themselves, some to the horns of the oxen, others by the neck to their legs, that so pricking them on, by the starting and springing of the beasts, they might be torn and trodden to pieces. Yet for all they thus massacred themselves, above sixty thousand were taken prisoners, and those that were slain were said to be twice as many.
-Plutarch, Life of Marius
Valerius Maximus and Florus record that of the 60,000 captured alive out of 200,000-250,000 pre-battle, 300 married women were to be handed over as slaves and concubines as part of the negotiated end… to a one all 300 slaughtered their children and committed suicide in the night.
Likewise During the Boudica rebellion this baggage train tactic with “screeching women” was repeated (suggesting it was the standard means of Germano-Celtic warfare of the age), however here it proved disastrous when the Romans achieved an envelopment and the wagons prevented the Celtic Britons from being able to flee. Massacring the entire force and ending the rebellion.
However do not take this to mean that such tactics did not work, the Romans faced many notable defeats and massacres by the celtic and Germanic tribes and armies with entire legions disappearing on more than one occasion… it’s just we have less exacting record of those since, even thought Germanic and northern runes and writing did exist from at least the 2nd century AD (and probably before), they largely didn’t have papyrus or access to the Roman stationary economy, and would have engraved any elaborate longer texts into wood objects or painted them in their halls if they did (not the kinds of things that survive thousands of years).
The Modern Barbarian Women
Jumping to the other extreme end of time and the Eurasian landmass, we know that Modern Rural women in Mongolia, Kyrgyzstan, and most of the rest of central Asia still practice traditional horse archery amongst remote nomadic tribes. These are many of the most “backwards” and non-westernized parts of the world. Now these regions have gone through the 20th century, sovietization, and de-sovietization… but these are societies where bride-capture marriages still happen with occasional video showing up online, so the fact these regions also have existent traditions of women learning horsemanship, hunting, and arms is extremely interesting… and you can see the intersection of the two.
Kyz Kuu the ancient Central European sport of “Girl Chasing” is practiced from Turkmenistan to Mongolia in which a man and a woman chase on horseback, the man trying to forcibly catch and kiss the woman, whilst the woman tries to beat him off with a whip/riding crop, points being awarded based on whether the kiss is landed or the pursuer is successfully evaded and fended off.
These rituals, and marriage practices more or less unchanged have dominated the steppe for most of recorded history, and beyond that probably all of Nomadic Horse based pre-history.
Bride capture stories dominate in most all Pagan mythologies and nomadic cultures, and bride raiding is an endless feature of tribal, nomadic, and semi-nomadic societies, in North European mythology these are recurring events both amongst mortals and amongst the Gods.
As seen many of the warlike skills we see taught to women in these cultures implicitly or explicitly are taught so as to resist such aggressions from unworthy, unathletic, and unwealthy men (at least traditionally one must own a better horse to capture a steppe woman).
In peak steppe societies, which can still be observed in some parts, where vast flocks of various animals need to be grazed and managed it would not have been uncommon for young women to be even kilometers from their families managing or tracking down wayward sheep, cattle, and other livestock… Being skilled with bows and horse would be invaluable both to protect the animals and one’s self from animals, but also raiding neighbors motivated by hunger or lust.
Interestingly, a lot of these sports and traditional steppe life are enjoying a renaissance of interest right now with the rise of the World Nomad Games, and several European and American teams have started competing as wealthy historical reenactors and horse girls have become aware of it…
Briinnhilde. " I flee for the first time
And am pursued :
Warfather follows close.
He nears, he nears, in fury !
Save this woman !
Sisters, your help ! "
-Richard Wagner, Die Valkyrie
Lastly to try and get a complete picture of what was going on in ancient and dark ages Europe, we have to look at early modern Europe.
The Camp Followers
From the American civil war back into time immemorial the logistical backbone of armies were their camp followers.
This only slowly began to end as Napoleon restricted the number of followers his army could have (almost exclusively restricted to the, now tracked and paid, wives of soldiers) so as to maximize his armies’ speed, and finally meeting most of its end in the first and second world war as almost all logistical requirements were incorporated into the ranks or auxiliaries.
Some people will argue the hordes of private contractors America now employs for every invasion and occupation is the modern version of camp followers… but the contract nature of the endeavors gives the lie to it.
These people, largely women (with some merchants) were a very dynamic part of the army in ways modern contracting corps that outsource to Bangladeshi labourers just aren’t. A Camp Follower might be a laundry person one moment, a food scrounger another, transport person a third, a wife or prostitute, and at the moment of battle an emergency medic, nurse, or even rifleman in the most dire of spots. In pre-industrial warfare such people might be called upon to patch clothes or dig trenches in the same day living very much like soldiers…
And of course they did so, both for their meager earnings, but also for the chance of plunder after a battle.
This wonderful first hand account from the Napoleonic wars highlight just how much plunder could be available to armies on the march. And of course after the battle all of these goods, invariably held very closely on the person of soldiers, would be up for grabs in the vast piles of the dead.

I’ve heard it said that after the battle of Waterloo, General Wellington ordered any one caught scavenging or stealing from the dead shot, and that this was an impotent order, the battlefield was still picked clean by morning.
It is this role of scavenging through the fallen both to help the wounded and thieve from the dead that I feel is vitally important to understand. This is what women in the western and northern world did on the battlefield right up until the US Civil War an ocean away. And since we know Germanic and Steppe women were travelling with the great migratory armies as far back as 100 bc and as far afield as Genghis Khan’s invasions of China, that’s 3 continents and about 2000 years of history. At Least in the “Aryan” world of peoples descended from Northern Europe and the Steppe this is what women in the state of nature do.
And indeed all the symbolism of the Valkyrie backs up such an interpretation. The creature most associated with the Valkyrie is the Raven. Indeed the Mythical flying Valkyrie are often depicted with the black wings of Ravens (in stark contrast to the Angels Christianity would slowly morph them into, with the white wings of doves or swans).
This owes partially to the Valkyrie’s association with Odin “The Daughters of Odin”, but almost certainly more so to their role on the battlefield picking over the dead and wounded.
In the Hrafnsmál “Raven’s Song”, a fragmentary skaldic poem, a wandering Valkyrie, “an aggressive maid” who “Thought herself wise” and did not find men “pleasing”, stumbles on a Raven and speaks with it, who tells her of the deeds and court of Haraldr a Norwegian king, before the whole thing cuts off abruptly.
Now given just that, I pretty much think we know how the story has to progress! Fairytale/legends/Disney 101: If in the first act of a story an isolated maiden girl learns of a rich court and great noblemen… By act three she has to have gone to the court and fallen in love with one of them! Chekhov’s Stud. (and given the Germanic tradition, probably die in some horribly tragically lovesick fashion).
Indeed the entire framing of a girl learning this from a talking animal, particularly a bird, is pure Fairy-tale. How many times have you seen this exact scene: in various versions of Snow-White, Cinderella, Rapunzel, with fish in the Little Mermaid… with dogs in 101 dalmations, A unmarried girls animal companions basically exist to advance the plot of her romantic life.
Indeed the fact the one thing we need to know about her is that she’s found no men pleasing establishes either that she’s a lesbian or that she hasn’t found mister right, (same difference) and which in either case the animal companion exists to set about solving.
So this is deep European lore, maybe one of the earliest stories to follow this format.
But now read the description of the scene:
‘Let sword-bearers [WARRIORS] listen, while I recount feats of weapon-points concerning Haraldr the exceedingly wealthy. I shall recount the words that I heard a white, bright-haired girl [utter] when she spoke with a raven.’
‘The valkyrie thought herself wise; men were not pleasing to the aggressive maid, who understood the voice of the bird. The white-throated and the bright-eyelashed one greeted the skull-picker of Hymir <giant> [RAVEN], which sat on the edge of a cliff.’
‘‘What is the matter with you, ravens? From where have you come with gory beaks at break of day? Flesh hangs from your claws; the stench of carrion comes from your mouths; I think you lodged last night near where you knew corpses were lying.’’
-From the Hrafnsmál
in Diana Whaley (ed.), Poetry from the Kings’ Sagas 1: From Mythical Times to c. 1035. Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages 1.
Is that not a tone shift!
The third thing to be established: After which kingly tale is to unfold, and the main character of the Valkyrie, a chaste unwed girl… Is that the raven is covered in blood and viscera and everything unfolding is in the immediate proximity of the most horrific of violence!
And yet it’s not a shift in tone. This for her is normal.
Indeed she like all Valkyrie is equated with the raven. This gore covered image of the raven.
In another story the Darraðarljóð a man encounters 12 Valkyrie working a great loom, with human entrails instead of threads, severed heads instead of weights, and swords instead of pedals. In the course of the spectacle they’ve weave and prophesize the fate of many different people and kingdoms before dividing up their gruesome fabric and scattering.
This and earlier tales of the Norn were almost certainly the legend which inspired the Weird Sisters of Shakespeare, the word “Weird” itself being derived from the Anglo-Saxon Wyrd a concept tied up with fate, writing, and Odin specifically… it is the same origin as “word”.
But just react to that description. 12 Valkyrie? The pre-Christian version of Angels, and as we’ve established, almost certainly a real social role relatively esteemed women played (women who sometimes married kings)… And they’re depicted in this almost demonic manner. Figures of terror.
So who were the Valkyrie?
Just as Nuns combines all the attributes of Choir Girl, church lady, Nurse, school teacher, monk, etc. (though probably not all at the same time) into a unique religious role embodying catholic ideals…
The Valkyrie would have been a warrior-priestess class, fulfilling the roles we’ve already shown.
They would have acted as camp followers performing logistical maintenance roles within Germanic armies and tribes.
The Mythological Valkyrie of Odin’s halls are almost always depicted as cup bearers and servants to the Warriors who have attained Valhalla, and this was probably reflected in the earthly role of the Valkyrie women, that on campaigns or during travel they’d act in the role of cooks and food servers.
There’s a great deal of stories of Valkyrie travelling alone or in surprisingly small numbers for what are presumably attractive and fertile women in perpetually war-torn, unpoliced, tribal Northern Europe. Part of this is almost certainly them travelling armed, but another part is almost certainly an elaborate code of hospitality. Similar to the pre-city Greece depicted in the Iliad and Odyssey, Northern Europe had elaborate hospitality rules woven into the core of their religion. Refusing hospitality to a stranger was one of the gravest and most dangerous of violations. Just as Zeus and Athena would travel in the guise of beggars and wanderers testing the hospitality warlord like Odysseus or Nestor, so too would Odin travel in disguise as a wanderer testing the hospitality of Northern lords. This was an important cultural expectation for these peoples that a traveler where a merchant, a prince, a warrior, etc. who might get into all kinds of trouble could depend the hospitality of faithful Lords and God fearing men. Indeed one of the recurring stories of these eras is that of people being punished for violating their guests or heroes avenging themselves or seeking out to slay warriors and lords who violating the norm of guest rights, either against them or others.
So it is very likely the Valkyrie “Daughters of Odin” had a special place within these norms, enjoying hospitality in good halls, special spiritual protection, and acting as cupbearers and similar functions wherever they found themselves, and keeping networks of gossip and storytelling to know which lords had better hospitality than others. You can see how this would grease the marriage markets considerably: The lords would gain a constant churn of eligible young women performing various levels of servant work increasing the esteem of his hall; the men and warriors of his court would gain churn of marriageable women versed in the religious and social rights of the appropriate class; and the Valkyrie themselves would have a list of safe places to stay with potential desirable men who might court them, all for ordinary (probably low intensity) servant work.
Indeed you can see female travel influencers and backpackers recreating this lifestyle bouncing between cities and acting as waitresses or other servant jobs to sustain their travels.
This isn’t just a glib comparison, the class function of “influencer” and Valkyrie also overlaps, in that basically any woman who could hack it could seemingly be a Valkyrie… In one story the daughter of a king is a Valkyrie, whilst in another the frustrated daughter of a bondsman (serf) refuses to become a farmer’s wife and takes to the road. It was a role in which women of a variety of social classes could all compete, seemingly without an upper bound on exactly how far they could get by doing so. But, at the risk of significant danger.
And finally they would also have fulfilled the classical Germanic role of “screeching women” acting as reserves, securing flanks, and killing men who fled. There’s also lots Germanic legends and stories that attest to them “tying up” or “binding” armies and preventing their warriors from being able to fight, so this might attest to a skirmisher role within some tribes such as the peltasts flinging Javelins of ancient warfare or the gifted slingers of some Mediterranean islands?
And of course they would have almost certainly picked over the fallen amongst the enemy for valuables. Tended the wounded, comforted the dying etc.
As before the main thing they’d gain out of such activity would be access to the best warriors, Their attachment to other Valkyrie or their related male warriors to protect their internal position within the group from exploitation, whilst attempting to pick an ideal man to woo, whilst the men would get to see them in action and judge themselves their merits, the Valkyrie demonstrating their own athleticism, hardiness, and faithful bravery.
This is a very unique thing in North European culture that men, especially middle to upper-class aristocratic men, look for Masculine Virtues in their prospective wives. Most traditional cultures Roman, Greek, Persian, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, etc. preclude any such behaviour by their women, or view women engaging in masculine pursuits as a marker of a lower class woman who MUST engage in physicality or labors. As indeed North European cultures did in the heavily French influenced early modern period.
But why were they so unique? Why select women this way? Almost no other cultures do?
Well that gets to the heart of the Matter. The Valkyrie were not just women trying to win at the game of mating. They were not just competing and winning according to the rules of this elaborate game of selective breeding… They were it’s enforcers and executioners.
Selective Breeding and Selective Killing

When you're wounded and left on Afghanistan's plains,
And the women come out to cut up what remains,
Jest roll to your rifle and blow out your brains
An' go to your Gawd like a soldier.
-Kipling, The Young British Soldier
Valkyrie choose the dead. Valkyrie choose the dead. Valkyrie choose the dead.
Indeed the definition of “Valkyrie” is “Chooser of the Slain”.
You read that a lot researching this stuff. Amongst the flying variety this means picking the bravest and carrying off the souls of the fallen to Valhalla… but one can only read enough stories and long genealogies where very real living kings, with very real historical children, marry “Valkyrie”, and they’re still said to “choose the dead” to suspect there’s a double meaning at play.
They killed the wounded. They tended the wounded and nursed them back to health… if they wanted them to live.
But men who crawled about and asked mercy like cowards? Men who shamed themselves? Men who just didn’t quite measure up? Enemies who didn’t do anything impressive to make them want to save them? Men who gave them “The Ick”!?
Well the British discovered in Afghanistan, you don’t want to fall into a foes hands, but you REALLY don’t want to fall into the hands of their women.
The Valkyrie fulfilled many roles in Germanic societies… most immediate was almost certainly Executioner.
Now remember, traditional Germanic/Viking societies did not have law enforcement. Per David Friedman’s research into Sagas era Iceland: Viking and Germanic societies defined “murder” as killing someone else in secret. As long as you announced the deed and claimed responsibility in a timely manner, then it wasn’t a crime against the social fabric but merely a personal matter between you and any of their friends or kin who had a problem with it. Strangers and people unrelated to the affair might esteem you MORE highly for having successfully slain a foe.
Valkyrie weren’t executing thieves and ordinary killers… Those were the Alpha men they were trying to marry.
They were executing everyone else.
The Risala of Ibn Fadlan is one of the few contemporary accounts of viking human sacrifice rituals, from amongst the Rus vikings.
When a viking lord had died his slaves were asked “Who amongst you will die with your lord”, at which one girl volunteered, (several might; but one was required) and once the word “I” was spoken it could not be taken back.
She was then tended to by two other slaves whilst for 9 days she was practically drowned in alcohol and other intoxicants and moved from tent to tent having sex with all the warriors of the tribe, before finally being hoisted upwards multiple times reciting 3 phrases that she saw her mother and father, her dead kindred, and her lord awaiting her… Before entering the burial hut having sex with six more men, and being killed by a woman named the “Angel of Death” all whilst drums and other rituals occurred outside to prevent any of the other slaves from hearing her scream (lest they be less likely to volunteer next time), with a horse ( functionally mandatory) and other animals (optional) being sacrificed according to the lords wealth and other goods loaded on the pyre.
Holy hell! You read the account and a million questions come flooding in… its so alien and strange. She volunteered!?
Robert Eggers’ The Northman recreated this scene (minus the sex) rather admirably:
like the rest of that film i find it rather flawed and missing much of the social mystery and allure, and sex, of the era (his Northman never drinks, wins no fame/glory, and spends most of the film in indignant slavery as part of an elaborate scheme instead of challenging outright; only to have a pseudo-christian change of heart and renounce revenge. He’d be the villain in any other viking story) but this scene capture well just how Alien and powerful this world is.
But why? Why are they like this?
Unless we want to get really metaphysical, the point of human sacrifice rituals, (and most rituals) the reason they’re selected for and survive in a culture isn’t the effect they have on the dead, but on the living. Tribes which fail to live up to it may be cursed by the gods or their ancestors… But the reason we know they were cursed is actual bad things happened to them, if a costly ritual can be forsaken at no cost the tribes who forsake it will win out against those who don’t, so when you see an OBSCENELY costly sacrifice ritual, requiring valuable slaves, animals, ceremonial boats, and other goods. And when it is occurring so often as every time a nobleman dies…something REALLY important has to be happening or otherwise the tribes who practiced the ritual would just be out competed.
Great confluences of tribes preparing for war often sacrifice ALL their cattle in great appeals for victory. This not only appeases the Gods, it also binds every tribe to either win, or face starvation (you can’t agree to a separate peace after that, your tribe needs to be part of the conquering coalition). Pretty much all sacrifice rituals follow similar logic destroy wealth to control the motives of the participants, assign and control status, and by extension who does and does not get to breed and pass on their genetics.
The most prolific human sacrificers were the Aztecs. A supremely polygamous society, Warriors would have half a dozen wives, lords dozens, high lords and kings hundreds. So what do you do with all the extra men? The aztecs would declare war on on their subject peoples every year and the dominant Aztec men would hunt down down, (re)enslave them, and drag them back for elaborate sacrifice rituals, in some regions more than one a day. The aztecs were a landed elite in a secure region primed for the sloth and decadence that comes with empire. Instead for nearly 100 years (and who knows how long for any predecessor civilization, they systematically selected for the most violent, blood thirsty, and capable men. The contours of the former Aztec (and closely related maya) society still regularly producing “Murder capital of the world” cities, even as they’ve developed to a level of wealth significantly above much poorer countries, so selected are those men for the constant conflict of their sexual politics (and now drug politics).
Tribes of northern Europe seem to have had the opposite selection effect, instead of a hegemonic imperial state, they had endless warfare. Ranging from the truly massive migratory caravan armies and peoples of hundreds of thousands during the late roman republic and again during the fall of Rome… down to the early medieval period where celebrated battles might be a mere 10-50 men. And the system of human sacrifice they set up was likewise the opposite.
They sacrificed slaves and seemingly disproportionately women. Part of this presumably evened out with the men lost to warfare (i’ve seen estimates of homicide rates of 200-300 per 100,000, on a par with El Salvador at the height of the drug war, and high enough to give you a double digit percent chance of being murdered over the course of a lifespan).
But why try to even out women and men? Why not just be polygamous like the Aztecs? Because women are prizes worth stealing.
If a tribe saw a great loss of men, and then the surviving men simply inherited the women both free and slave…they’d quickly become prey to larger groups of men enticed by the abundance of women on offer.
Rene Girard recounts stories of subject tribes throughout the modern middle-east that would have elaborate sacrifice rituals annually at which they’d sacrifice their most beautiful elegible girl to wed their God, and by doing so make the village vastly less enticing to raiders and their occupiers over time, as well as slowly select for less attractive women who will not attract violent attention (I’ll leave it to you to speculate which modern people are descended from these ugly women)
Notice, obviously, how such practices are directly against the interests of the poor gorgeous sacrificial girls… who not only must die for their village’s safety, but looking at their own genetic self-interest, would 100% be better served getting carried off by some warlord chad, than either by marrying whoever is top of the food chain in their little village, or giving their life so their relatives can continue a dysgenic slide into provincial irrelevancy… She could very well be a prime girl who might bare a line of nobles for some gifted warrior. Given the tribe is presumably all at least cousin to her maybe it makes mathematical sense for her to die so the various 25%, 12%, 6%, and 3% scattered about might have better odds… but for a really prime healthy girl, the kind that be chosen to marry a god lest she attract a Chad, surrounded by her sickly relatives… if she were purely rational reproductive maximizer she’d be strongly conflicted.
Much better is if you can train your women to kill themselves should members of a rival tribe arrive to take them away. Then you get to enjoy the flower of your people and deny her to your hated enemies. After a few failed attempts to capture slaves the rivalled tribe might give up, your women would gain a reputation of not submitting, and the raids would be written off as fruitless… or at least less fruitful to the extent you could get your women to comply.
Of course is the conflict in the young women, if it’s on her to kill herself at the last possible moment, she might decide not to. What is worse: death or the bed of a warlord Chad? What choice would you make as a horny attractive 18 year old girl? Certainly the tribes with the ugly women didn’t trust them to make the “right” choice in the moment of crisis… Thus the festival sacrifices.
However many tribes did succeed in creating such a woman. Of course we’ve already seen one dramatic example with the Teutonic women at Vercellae, but this was a recurring thing across thousands of years. Xenophon in the Anabasis recounts raiding the Taochi in Anatolia, only for their women to cast themselves and their children from a cliff as the Greeks defeated the last male defenders. And you can find eerily similar accounts right up 1945 when mass suicides occurred in Germany amongst not just Nazi officials and party members, but amongst their women, lovers, and children. Over 7000 suicides were recorded in Berlin, and various ballpark estimates of 100 to 150 thousand in all of 1945., and this without any explicit religious commandment (indeed the Christian faith traditionally forbids suicide)
This is strange! Remember the Aztecs with their eternally warring conquering polygamists? The genetic record shows that at various points almost all people went through a Aztec-esque phase around the advent of agriculture. There are periods where the average number of male ancestors drops to 1 for every 17 female ancestors. Not only did this select men to be vastly more warlike and cooperative for the purposes of waging war (this was winner take all) it selected women to be vastly more submissive and optimized to sexual slavery.
To this day if you start reading accounts of sexual assault or women kidnapped and raped, you will be shocked at how many report orgasming, or even that it was the most powerful orgasm of their life. Women with rare exception experience involuntary arousal at basically any sexual stimuli, researchers observing men’s arousal responses could basically guess whether a man was was straight or gay, what races he found attractive, even particular fetishes based off sexual response to visual stimuli. Women would have a physiological response to anything. Monkeys mating produced a physiological response. Of course this makes sense when all of humanity was selected for hundreds if not thousands of years in environments where women would not choose their mate, and failure to arouse could result injury, whilst failure to comply would result in death. Stockholm Syndrome is an almost entirely female phenomenon. Likewise women express interests in the submissive side of BDSM at rates vastly higher than males.
Indeed much of the popularity of horror media amongst women and the popularity of “scary movies” as date night fare owes much to this aphrodisiac effect of fear
So how were these tribes able to consistently produce women who’d resist slavery to the last? How were the Teutons, later Germanic tribes, Vikings, Anatolians, and probably dozens of other peoples (notably Japan had elaborate cultural practices around male and female suicide I do not understand the significance and selection effect of)… how were they able to produce women who’d not only kill themselves and their children before accepting slavery, but also cut down their own men for cowardice?
Well we’ve already seen how. Ibn Fadlan told us how. Germanic and Viking men bred with the slaves they captured (why capture slaves otherwise) but at nearly every warriors death they were sacrificing women.
Ibn Fadlan says the Sacrificial Girl VOLUNTEERED to die with her lord? Why would she do that?
There are a few reasons such a slave girl might volunteer:
She may have genuinely fallen in love with her captor (Stockholm Syndrome).
She may find the ritual process, 9 days of drinking and fornicating with all the free men of the tribe, genuinely tempting, having seen what other girls did when they were sacrificed (there have been minor celebrities recreate the experience as a birthday celebration).
She may have friends or family members who are also slaves. Who if she were not the sacrifice would be sacrificed in her stead.
She may prefer the prospect of a quick and hedonistic death to whatever hardship (natural or social) she might face in the tribe, or indeed may have been threatened with if she did not volunteer.
Now think of the girl who would NEVER volunteer. One who despised her captor even after years together. One who finds the prospect of such a sexual submission and humiliation disgusting. One who would sooner send her friends and family to die than endure such an insult to her dignity. One who would endure any hardship or suffering, and take any punishment, just so long as she might preserve her dignity. Who’d fight tooth and nail against such an assault on her person.
These are all HORRIBLE traits to have in a slave. This entire process indeed is selecting for the absolute most disobedient, frigid, spiteful, prudish, unsubmissive, unfeminine girl possible. They were destroying the quality of these girls for slaves… but they were selecting for girls who’d be ideal to hold a spear in the rear and run through her own father if he retreated and tried to leave her.
They were breeding and culling out female masochism, submission, and Stockholm Syndrome. Trying to create a perfect Germanic women who would always choose death over dishonor. And by the accounts of Amazons from Homer , or Xenophon’s Taochi in the Anabasis, or tales of the Boudica rebellion in Britain, this selection effect has been created more than once in the people affected by the Indo-Aryan migrations, possibly as far as Japan given their history of extreme selection via ritual suicide.
Now you might wonder: why did the Viking and Germanic men put up with this? A ritual, to be carried out every time one of them died? In which the GOOD slave girls were executed and they were left with fewer girls of increasingly shrewish and prudish demeanors? Why did they suffer their harem of chattel women to be slowly reduced to the frigid stuck-up ancestors of the modern protestant school-marm?
Cui bono? Who did Ibn Fadlan identify as leading the execution? “The Angel of Death”… Except the Rus Vikings didn’t believe in Abrahamic Angels of Yahweh… They believed in the Valkyrie of Odin. Ibn Fadlan identified the woman leading a the procession as a “Crone” attended by her daughters, he also seems to think they were slaves? Which might denote some cultural misunderstanding, since at least the daughters would have been unmarried women filling out camp follower roles (cooking, cleaning, cup bearing, etc.).
What he probably didn’t realise is they were the ones BENEFITING from the execution. The men would have probably prefered to inherit a choice submissive slave girl. Sure they get to all sleep with her for 9 days… But then that’s it. On the whole 9 days of non-stop debauchery is way less sex (and infinite less procreation) than if one of them had just inherited her. Sure the men who wouldn’t have inherited her get to enjoy her for like half a day each… so they’re getting something they wouldn’t have. But on average they’d be much better off if they could wait and maybe inherit a whole girl FOR LIFE at some point. Even if they’d attend 20 of these funerals in a lifetime, that’s one month of sex/no procreation, instead of probably 1-2 whole girls.
The Valkyrie executing the girl? They’re taking out a romantic rival and reifying their dominance over matters of life and death, sex and killing. And they get to do this every time a warrior dies. Notably it was the “angel”’s daughters guiding the slave girl to the knife, and the crone herself wielding it. The crone’s daughters marriage prospects just got way better with that killing, and the crone’s future grandchildren will have far fewer rivals for their father’s resources.
Many historians of the Roman empire have long suspected their collapse owed much to all the slaves they imported. That the founding stock of the Roman Empire slowly came to resemble the people they’d enslaved rather than the hard men who’d fought the wars and done the enslaving.
Well the Germanics, and again, probably dozens of different northern and Steppe people, produced the opposite effect. Across thousands of years of killing, dieing, raiding, enslaving, submission, and suicide… They produced the opposite effect.
People so supremely unyieldingly prideful that, whereas Asiatic and Semitic peoples will submit to having entire tribes live in slavery, these blonde mothers will slaughter their brothers, fathers, and husbands for cowards and bash the brains out of their children sooner than be unfree.
I hope you can see the twisted irony that the Abrahamic religions which has captured European culture Identifies the most evil of sins as “Pride”, except of course (according to all flags outside the churches) when it is “pride” in the sexual submission of a man to sodomy and acting as a masochistic woman. THAT you’re allowed to take pride in.
Of course, no free aristocratic culture has ever thought this way. For them Pride was a virtue, indeed it is the supreme virtue from which all other aristocratic virtues originate: the will to be noble and free.

In Conclusion: Blonde Women are Bioweapons
(And some brunettes, I presume, are good people)
So ya, Basically we just need all the hot competent women to ritualistically slaughter the HR blob
(the Blob of institutions… Though some of the people in those institutions are blobs themselves)
But more seriously…
I think this is why sexual politics in the modern west is so Schizophrenic.
The culture of the modern west Simultaneously presumes women are these proud, supremely competent, Kween, Girlboss, Amazons, Warriors, unconquerable… And then also that they’re eternally set upon victims and the slightest sexism or insult from a man will make them wilt up into “70 cents on the dollar” and a “pink collar” ghetto of “women’s work”. Somehow simultaneously just as capable and jut as good, and yet also in desperate need of “empowerment” and crippled by “imposter syndrome”.
And of course it’s all immediately understandable as soon as you realize we’re talking about vastly different women from vastly different populations, selected in the exact opposite manners.
Notably almost all the first wave feminists were WASPs with names like Stone, Brown, Willard, and Woolf…
Whilst all the second wave feminists were Ellis Islanders with names like Friedan, Ginsburg, and Steinem. Hell a huge part of second wave feminism was the explicit inclusion of the descendants of slaves. With figures like Audre Lorde and Toni Morrison making entire careers and winning awards and academic prestige by lionizing women’s suffering and submission to other races and tribes.
If the very idea of western womanhood seems schizophrenic, somehow eternally liberated and oppressed, empowered and victimized, sexually liberated and sexually violated… The source of this schizophrenic feedback loop is almost certainly that “woman” is several entirely separate things across peoples and cultures, and the Egalitarian American/Progressive blank slatist delusion that all people are the same, keeps us in the schizophrenic state of pretending that vast numbers of Mediterranean, Asiatic, Hispanic, and African women in the US are somehow capable of filling the roles of early 20th century Auxiliaries and military roles at anything resembling what the North European mind imagines would be a natural ratio, and that 4’10” Latina drill instructors aren’t a total farce and betrayal of institutional and cultural decay.
By contrast Russians, Germans and now Ukrainians have employed women in combat roles in real wars of survival as situations got desperate… and they all saw tens of thousands of them die horribly as a result, because that’s what happens in war.
However the multi-culti west now is in the bizzare scenario of somehow needing to see women on the battlefield to reify its own schizophrenic ideas of equality… Yet cannot stand women dying, largely even in fiction (the mooks and bad guys girlboss action heroes kill by the 100s are female maybe 5% of the time) due to the same schizophrenic ideas.
By contrast early 20th century Europe, “unequal” Europe, was far more comfortable depicting, and romanticizing, the true consequences that hit women on battlefields, in tragic operas, film, books, etc.
Western Progressive womanhood is in the same position as the Western Progressive idea of liberty. Caught between the old north European noble ideal, in which one’s freedom and fortune can only exist in the context of one’s willingness to fight, kill, and die before accepting dishonor or slavery. And the Progressive multi-culti farce of “positive liberty” in which freedom is defined by having a master (the state) who provides well for you, delivers FDR’s “Freedom from want” and “freedom from fear”, and eternally apologizes and coos to the poor “oppressed” be they Jew, Black, or sodomite, that they were ever in bondage, or ever heard the mean words of the “oppressor”.
Somehow being strong and independent is to be lionized (selectively, as long as you’re neurotic about it) even as being a “victim”, “marginalized”, or “traumatized” is afforded high moral status instead of the shame, contempt, and hatred that weakness, lack of glory, and lack of will have traditionally commanded.
Nowhere do we see this schizophrenic confusion more plain than with “The EGirl” a term which someow applies to influencers who critique culture and politics, solo-sail the pacific, motorcycle the Himalayas, snowmobile the arctic, things i think we should be celebrating young women to achieve; embodying the adventuring western spirit, and seems like a decent enough way to improve their prospects of finding a high status husband… and “EGirl” is also a term that applies to the women of Onlyfans and Pornhub.
it’s “empowering” you see.
Of course the REAL empowered and commanding woman, the “kween” who quite literally “Slays”, the cruel, ruthless, prideful, commanding blonde who recognizes her true enemies not in “oppressor” high status white males, but in lesser women and men, who according to the sagas at several points rose to be leaders and sole queens of tribes?
These figures terrify them. Their smiles provoke in lesser hindbrains a jolt of adrenaline at how close the sacrificial knife might be. These are the villains of their stories whether they be set in a fantastical alternate middle ages or the modern American high school.

Now we do not know the intricacies of North European and viking sexual politics before the Christian conversion. It almost certainly varied significantly tribe to tribe and region to region… But the fact they were so violently selecting for women who’d refuse any sexual submission to a lesser man, and the recurring lionization of women who’d die rather than so submit through to the 18th, 19th, and 20th century; seems to tell a lot about exactly who western woman is supposed to be, and how incompatible that is with the second and third wave feminist conception of “empowerment”.
Which the cleverer or more intuitive amongst young women are figuring out quite quickly in the ruin of their peers.
But this is who western woman is, or atleast who she is supposed to be: Proud, noble, dignified, competent, austere, frigid, cruel, shockingly violent, and foremostly beautiful and free. And this is who they were bred to be across thousands of years, before Abrahamism and then Egalitarianism tried to equate submission with liberty.
But if you stare closely enough at the edges of Western culture, you can see her creeping back into the world.
Edit: Relevant fact i just discovered. Fully 50% of female CEOs are blonde.

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Follow me on Twitter: @FromKulak
Loving the article! Thank you! Have you read the story of Adela in Codex Oera Linda? Here is an excerpt of the story of this seven foot tall Frisian woman:
> The gang would quickly have taken them, but Adela came.
> At the burg, she had learned to handle all weapons. Seven feet tall she was, and her staff was equally long.
> Three times she swung it over her head and, each time it came down, another attacker bit into the grass.
> Helpers came rounding the corner of the lane, and the raiders were slain or captured.
> But too late. An arrow had hit her in the chest.
> Treacherous magus! It’s head had been dipped in poison, and this is what killed her.
> 13d. Ode to Adela
> Ode to the burgmaid
> Yes, comrade from afar. Thousands have come and yet more are on their way. Why? They come to honor Adela’s wisdom.
> Assuredly, she is the chief among us, for she was always foremost. O wall — what could they
> Her shirt is of linen, her tunic of wool, which she spun and wove herself.
> What could they add [096] to highten her beauty? Not pearls, for her teeth were whiter. Not gold, for her hair shone brighter.
> Not jewels, for though her eyes were soft as a lamb’s, they were so brilliant that one scarcely dared hold their gaze.
> But what do I prattle about beauty? Frya herself could not have been more lovely.
> Yes, comrade. Frya, who had seven gifts of beauty, of which her daughters received but one each, or at most three. But, even were she hideous, Adela would have been dear to us all the same
> Was she heroic? Hark, comrade. Adela was our reeve’s only child, seven feet tall she was.
> Even greater than her stature was her wisdom, and her courage was like both combined.
> See! There once was a peat fire, and three children had climbed onto a gravestone to escape it. A fell wind blew. They screamed and their mothers were desperate.
> Then came Adela, calling out: “Why do you stand and wince? Try to help them and Wralda shall give you strength!”
> She hurried to the thicket, grabbed some alder trunks [097] to build a bridge. Then the others came to help and the children were saved.
> The children return here every year with flowers.
> Once, three Phoenician sailors were about and tried to harass them. But Adela heard their crying
and came.
> She knocked the molesters unconscious and, to force them to admit how unworthy they were, she
tied them to a distaff.
> Their foreign masters came to look for them and became furious when they saw how they had been humiliated.
> But we told them what had happened. And what did they do then? They bowed before Adela and
kissed the fringe of her tunic.
> But come, distant comrade! The forest birds flee from the many visitors. Come so you may learn of
her wisdom!
> Nearby the gravestone mentioned in the ode, my mother’s remains were buried. And on her
gravestone, these words were written:
> “Pass by not too hastily, for here lies Adela.”
I immediately thought of the correlation with modern day cheerleaders performing ritual chants on the sidelines of football games, trying to demoralize the enemy team, exhorting their team to win and shaming them for losing. Very Indo-European. Nothing new under the Sun.