Follow me on Twitter: @FromKulak
Libertarianism remains the most important radical ideology in the west.
And unlike the various half-baked nationalisms, actually has the radical steel in it about the violence the regime is committing, and what is justified to defend against it…
This is apparent if only you have the nerve to follow it to its most immediate conclusions, and cast out the "Bleeding heart Libertarians" who will betray their own principles.
Conclusions like:
Public Teachers are child abusers.
IRS agents are extortionists and robbers.
And that the scale of merely the individual teacher's or agent's crimes demands both spend the rest of their lives in prison or work camps.
That the second migrants accept your tax dollars in benefits and "Aid" from the regime that steals from you, that they are no longer innocent little refugees, but accessories after the fact, and beneficiaries in a regime of racketeering and murder, the same way 50 mobsters and their complicit wives can all face RICO charges, or if the court is merciful, merely hold the least culpable of them liable to return all the stolen wealth in full plus penalty.
That the same applies with all the public employees or Net tax recipients who plead "oppression" whilst receiving hundreds of thousands of dollars stolen from the productive people for their benefit, and gladly behave as a client class of looters for the regime. According to libertarian logic they knowingly receive stolen goods (tax dollars) from the regime, are net beneficiaries (their receipt is not an accounting fiction), and by any basic logic are liable to return the amount or be held liable for any they cannot, with only the measured and limited mercy of our hypothetical libertarian revolutionary tribunal standing between them and maximum criminal penalties for any stolen goods they cannot restore in full.
"TAXATION IS THEFT" taken at its most basic logical level (and are libertarians supposed to be nothing if not logical?) demands just as revolutionary, total, and merciless a restructuring of society and destruction of the governing elite and their client classes as "PROPERTY IS THEFT" demanded by its own logic... and mere logical entailment demands it be Carried out with all the spite, ruthlessness, and black-heartedness that only a libertarian could imagined rested in the soul of a communist commissar.
Why is the young right abandoning this most fertile of ideological territory, this incredible revolutionary weapon that's slowly been forged in the past 200+ years? Why is it leaving this heritage of revolution to the "Reason Magazine"s of the world? Why is the young right accepting that the Black Flag and the Gadsden Flag will not fly over their revolution?
Why is it that the one set of aesthetics and ideas that have EVER lead to Americans successfully overthrowing a hostile government is being abandoned by the fiercest critics of the regime?
Why is it the ONE ideology that opposed not only the Income Tax, but The 64 Civil Rights Act, The draft, and The Foreign Wars FROM DAY ONE is being abandoned by the people who hold all those positions?
"Sure," they might say, "Maybe it was based once, but its lame now. It's all butt stuff, and stoners, and weird religious pacifists insisting that even if you have freedom of conscience, association and speech, using that to judge people as obviously worse or better is mean"
And why do you think it is that all of these losers, non-entities, and regime sycophants feel the need to jump on Libertarianism and pour lots of effort into keeping it Fake and Cucked... but are content to let people go be "Based" waving swastikas or crosses whilst talking about Fascism or Theocracy?
Because they're terrified the productive middle-classes and the ethnicities that comprise them will rise up under the banner and rhetoric of an All-American Ultra-Revolutionaryism.
They desecrate the idea of liberty for the same reason they desecrate all your other icons and heroes... because they're terrified at native structure of American Identity and Ideology. They're terrified you will merely behave as your history and your people's ideology demand you do.
They really don't want you thinking of Washington, Jefferson, Patrick Henry, or Lee as people to imitate.
And they really do not want you Waving a banner of liberty, and forcefully stating what those liberties are, what kind of people have them, and what they entitle you to do to the people who attack them.
If "Taxation is Theft" and "the State is violence", as all these "principled libertarians" will tell you... then by their logic: resistance is self-defence. and Revolution mere justice. Just as the founders concluded.
Libertarianism is a Communism level refined and radicalize ideology with all the ruthless implications, identification and classification of enemies, hatred of existing structures, and autistic economic theories... And it comes prepackaged as a brand of American ultra-nationalism even the most traitorous boomercons struggle to call "un-American".
And a Radical strain of it just successfully launched a revolution in Argentina with the backing of lots of radicalized ethnic Germans who settled there in '46.
"But Milei's a Zionist!?"
Who cares. As if Israel policy matters to Argentinians.
But the most ardent American Critics of Israel are Libertarian. See Scott Horton, Scott Ritter, Andrew Napolitano (all of whom are excellent follows to track What's happening in Gaza)
This is the beauty of it! Because it is Ideological and Economic, you can attach whatever nationalist/trans-nationalist identarian project you have to whatever Libertarian sub-ideology you like, and it'll be coherent, and possibly even practicable, the same way Vietnamese-Leninism and Peruvian-Maoism are things that happened.
Pallestinian-Agorism, Argentinian-AnarchoCapitalism, Amerikaner-Hopeanism, European-Reactionary
You can just merge all the reactionary continental thinkers you like with whatever identarian project you have, and then use the most extreme and vicious libertarian critique of the State to attack not just the regime but the individual people who comprise it...
And the public will 100% go along with it because you will be right... and, atleast in America, you will be appealing to the ideological roots of the nation.
All it "Costs" is your willingness to ideologically commit to the idea that the Income Tax is Tyranny (you do have to commit to the Anti-Taxation bit), and that the 64 Civil Rights act a rape of the rights of man (what are you a Reason Mag loser?)...
Which... Does anyone on the radical right have a problem with those 2 points?
Most other things you might be concerned about can be tackled/justified on libertarian grounds with little effort:
-Immigration restriction (collective property defense: a country, like heaven, is a gated community)
-Opposition to America's Poisoned food (a form of Fraud)
-Prostitution (Problem of feminists criminalizing shaming as "harassment"/ and public decency enforcement)
-Opioids/homelessness (failure to enforce minor property crimes as ruthlessly as they could be, ruthlessly crack down on property violation, shoplifting, trespass on Store owned sidewalks)
-Fentanyl Trading (conspiracy to commit fraud/poisoning)
There's basically a way to achieve most any right wing social policy objectives with a little finessing and dancing about technicalities.
But for that marginal headache... you gain The Mandate of Liberty! You get one of the most expansive ideologies, one of the most ruthless and revolutionary critiques of the regime, a set of deep American brands, and an ethos that the middle-class and populists from Canadian Truckers to Dutch Farmers to Argentine consumers, all will rally around, and feel the need to pay lip-service to if not fervently endorse...
Do you see why they fight so hard to keep the Aesthetics of this expansive ideology so fake and Ghey?
Do you see why half-Measure or downright collaborationist "Right Socialists" and "Catholic Integralists" feel threatened by this ideology?
This is the one of the most powerful ideological weapons the right has. There is a reason half the good critiques of South Africa or the Diversity state come from self-declared paleolibertarians, and it is the same reason Ron Paul could call the War on Terror and 2008 immediately... This is the major repository of the American Old Right's (as opposed to the Buckleyite progressives) collected wisdom.
This is the Cauldron of ideas that produced all the prominent “Far Right” voices you respect. Scratch any of the knowledgeable ones like Ron Unz or Steve Sailer or Patrick Buchannan and a wealth of Austrian economics and Murray Rothbard references pours out.
You need this!
This is the sword of your ancestors.
This is what dominated in the Lochner Era before the communists and progressives destroyed civilization; and the anti-egalitarian, property maximalist ideology you find in radical books at the Mises institute is the sharpened refined and perfected tool it has become in the hands of 100 years of angry nerds.
Freedom, Property, and the illegitimacy of bureaucracy must be at the core of your ideology... or you cannot rally your friends, nor suitably hate your enemy.
And if none of THAT persuades you, think about this… A populist rebellion can happen at any second. No one was predicting the recent upset in Argentina or Trump’s 2016 win a mere two years before they happened…
You need to be able to interface with Austrian libertarianism, and know who the major figures are, and where their blind spots are… because they are the only people of any significant intelligence or number who’ve been specifically thinking about these government departments and how they’re fucking people, and who have been doing that thinking and hating and writing autistic economic analyses for 20 years… everyone else either didn’t care, or parlayed their knowledge into a job working for those departments or the incestuous industries they regulate.
If you can’t hire Ron Paul guys to go into these departments and gut them whilst identifying and attacking your enemies, then you wind up doing what Trump had to do and hiring Neocons like John Bolton or leaving the progressives in place.
Follow me on Twitter: @FromKulak
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Follow me on Twitter: @FromKulak
This may be one of your most important Substacks yet. Keep doing God’s work.
Hands down one of your best articles yet. It's time the dissident right let's go of LARPing like it's 1930's Europe and adopt tactics that will actually WIN.