follow me on Twitter: @FromKulak
Cry not for gods, scream you no curses past, Or he will unwashed and untended be To the hungering sands then cruely cast. Its said his father fought too valiantly, He struck too many warriors screaming down to dark and stygian hades, where the cries of women’s ancient sorrows still yet sound, As if just newly learned: their son dies. Tend you his body, weep all a mother can, Accept the harder fate, that you might cope And bear the son, of the son, of the man, Who -- the breaker of horses -- slew. There’s hope On farther shores, but he at Troy will keep. Andromache -- not yours to curse, but weep.
BITCOIN: bc1qdhj7637sgcssxgxygjaa3ddljwy8tzg5mzw325
MONERO: 8AhA3g9hbtDcAJE5MPmeQsFwwGsf3H9fq9tC6giQ4a6vKnTXv4J4MivKXrPKDpXyEeNc9mfFejbq84kSWkC8pjuj18rAEij
Follow me on Twitter: @FromKulak