Follow me on Twitter: @FromKulak

Currently I’m Reading Christopher CaldWell’s “The Age of Entitlement” and it’s extraordinary. I will almost certainly write a full review of it, and I have several longer works nearly complete that should be out within the week, but in the meantime I wanted to share some amazing exerts and some thoughts
The work covers “America since the 60s” and it’s main goal is to basically diagnose why “Social Justice” and “Diversity” have come to be the dominant means of regime control and just how it’s amassed such an extraordinary amount of institutional power and legal sacrosanctness, such that actual constitutional rights are routinely violated in the name of “diversity” or “Anti-Discrimination”… Despite there being shockingly few laws on the books actually mandating any of these things, and indeed there having been dozens of laws specifically outlawing things like affirmative action at the state and federal level.
How did Ivy league educated Lawyers and Bureaucrats turn some very vague, and not especially constitutional laws from the 1960s, seemingly passed by many of the congressmen of the time as a feel good bill they expected to do nothing… and instead turn them into a basis of permeant post-political Bureaucratic control?
This book has really helped me fit a lot of pieces together in my worldview of just what the hell happened and is happening in the US… I started trying to explain it to a twitter follower, and well an Essay came out:
I don't think you can understand modern politics unless you understand that as much as the left and institutional bureaucracy is rushing to rig every institution and system in their favour... they're fundamentally doing it out of fear.
The narratives around WW2 as the struggle against hatred and prejudice really only came about in the 1960s and really post 60s. The narrative that got America into the war was closer to the absurd nationalist prejudice that animated Europe in ww1 & ww2, that it was a war against the eternal German and their evil scheme do dominate... THE WORLD.
The idea it was for the Jews or oppressed minorities in Eastern Europe was almost entirely an artifact of 60s culture wars. No member of the greatest generation thought they were fighting for gays, gypsies, and people who rejected Christ.
When American leftists call someone a "fascist" it has nothing to do with WW2 or obscure european "third way" economic theories that are indistinguishable from progressivism (No one can tell you the difference between Mussolini's and FDR's economic policy... Ie. the supposed difference between the "Free" and Totalitarian systems)...
Rather leftists are accusing you of rejecting the 1960s, or of believing that civil rights went too far. Do you see why they think America is fundamentally fascist country?
They rejected it when they gave Nixon the biggest political landslide in US history in 1972, and they rejected it again when they Elected Ronald Reagan...
American's voted in sweeping majorities to undo the 1960s and strip the Harvard educated Legal/Bureaucratic elite of every ounce of power they'd usurped via tortured interpretations of the 64 civil rights act... and so of course Nixon was the subject of a coup d'etat! "Deep Throat" the Watergate informant was an FBI Associate Director. The people who actually did the Wiretapping were FBI and CIA agents... this is all public record... and yet the only thing that's unknown is if Nixon actually knew the wiretapping was going on Ie. The one faction that lost political power instead of gaining it was the one that had a sweeping democratic mandate and might have been innocent in the literal sense of the word "Lacking knowledge".
Reagan of course took the opposite tact and appeased the legal/bureaucratic machine: instead of ending affirmative action "With the stroke of a pen" as he promised, and ss any president could do given there has never been a single law passed mandating it and it is entirely Executive branch agency made """Regulation""" that can be undone via executive order at any time.
Instead the republican party has continued to defend the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion machinery, and the Harvard educated bureaucrats and lawyers it empowers... seemingly for corrupt motives and their career opportunities (how better to extract out-of-office opportunities than by putting all employment under the control of the Washington bureaucracy?)
But this is why Progressives and Regime Conservatives are so terrified of the "Latent Fascism" in the American people... Their entire empire could be ripped down at a seconds notice if the people just simultaneously demanded it and had a political movement willing to do it.
Even with a whole host of bureaucratic shinanigans they couldn't get the equal rights amendment to pass.
One violent vibe shift and the post-64 political order could be overturned. Hell the 64 civil rights act is an ordinary law. Any supreme court or congress could undo it in part or in it’s entirety at any point.
This is why ideological control is so tantamount to the political left... Unlike the constitutionalist right, which no matter how far institutions venture or how weak they become, can always bounce back because the constitution is still there (Hell the absolutist reading of the second amendment was completely dead before Huey P. Newton and the black panthers revived it, and within 20 years that reading was adopted by the radical wing of the NRA) the Social Justice left has really won basically nothing permanent... Their entire existence in predicated on an increasingly unstable system of post politics and corrupt institutional "consensus"...
The second a political rage or a unified call to arms rallies the same American majorities that made Nixon and Reagan happen, but behind a Post-Trump radical core who want's to overturn DC and set the swamp on fire if it won't be drained... Basically nothing would stop it.
This is why you get such increasingly hysterical cries of Fascist, and Meant cries.
They do genuinely look on the unwashed flyover masses as a threat equal to or greater than the Germans in ww2... Because they are, at least to the regime.
They've built the most imposing surveillance state ever exist, complete with one of the most complete systems of literal cradle to grave ideological control (everything said to you by an institutional authority, from pre-school to a nursing home, is controlled by the federal government and it’s anti-discrimination regulations) ... and yet almost none of this is backed up by anything except executive branch "Guidances" and judges willing to treat them as if they were law... for seemingly no reason.
prominent legal figure Robert Bork spoke against these developments... that's why his supreme court nomination was torpedoed...
And yet all of these depend on all 3 branches working in tandem to prop up this fiction that this was somehow law, that this is somehow a reasonable interpretation of a few lines from the rare laws that were passed, and that even if they were, this is somehow constitutional...
If a President wrote an executive order, or a congress passed a bill massively restricting the 64 civil rights act or subsequent acts, or a supreme court ruled all these anti-discriminations rulings violated freedom of association and private property rights (something actually protected by the constitution)... then the entire Diversity Bureaucratic Complex would be thrown into chaos... And it’s never had any public support to survive such a chaos.
Basically the entire US regime is an ideological system that can only survive by preventing Americans from noticing. A knitted hydra trying to hide it’s loose threads.
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Follow me on Twitter: @FromKulak
Please don’t correct your grammar. I believe it act as a deterrent against midwits. If the argument is good, legible, why do you give a shit? Hallmark sign of people who think they’re smart.
This is a online free blog being written by a purported catgirl. Some of you need to get ahold of yourselves 😉
It seems a little odd to claim no difference between Mussolini’s economic policy and Roosevelt’s, and jump from there to asserting no difference between the “systems” of 1930s America and European fascism. Let’s say you’re right about the economics -- I don’t know, really, and it doesn’t really matter -- there is more to a system than an economic policy, as the tenants of countless unmarked graves across Europe could tell you. To your point about people’s sense of what they were fighting for, maybe it was different for Americans, but I’d refer you to eg Evelyn Waugh’s Sword Of Honour Trilogy, or Tolkein’s letters to his son at the front, for a sense of the highly exalted, idealistic, non-nationalistic motives that animated at least some British. Very much a sense of totalitarianism (not Germany) as a monstrous behemoth that had to be stopped. Still not as simple as “protecting minorities,” I’d agree; but your framing of it as anti-German bigotry seems simplistic too.